I am trying to solve a lot of linear equations as fast as possible. To find out the fastest way I benchmarked NumPy and PyTorch, each on the CPU and on my GeForce 1080 GPU (using Numba for NumPy). The results really confused me.
This is the code I used with Python 3.8:
import timeit
import torch
import numpy
from numba import njit
def solve_numpy_cpu(dim: int = 5):
a = numpy.random.rand(dim, dim)
b = numpy.random.rand(dim)
for _ in range(1000):
numpy.linalg.solve(a, b)
def solve_numpy_njit_a(dim: int = 5):
njit(solve_numpy_cpu, dim=dim)
def solve_numpy_njit_b(dim: int = 5):
a = numpy.random.rand(dim, dim)
b = numpy.random.rand(dim)
for _ in range(1000):
numpy.linalg.solve(a, b)
def solve_torch_cpu(dim: int = 5):
a = torch.rand(dim, dim)
b = torch.rand(dim, 1)
for _ in range(1000):
torch.solve(b, a)
def solve_torch_gpu(dim: int = 5):
def main():
for f in (solve_numpy_cpu, solve_torch_cpu, solve_torch_gpu, solve_numpy_njit_a, solve_numpy_njit_b):
time = timeit.timeit(f, number=1)
print(f"{f.__name__:<20s}: {time:f}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
And these are the results:
solve_numpy_cpu : 0.007275
solve_torch_cpu : 0.012244
solve_torch_gpu : 5.239126
solve_numpy_njit_a : 0.000158
solve_numpy_njit_b : 1.273660
The slowest is CUDA accelerated PyTorch. I verified that PyTorch is using my GPU with
import torch
'GeForce GTX 1080'
I can get behind that, on the CPU, PyTorch is slower than NumPy. What I cannot understand is why PyTorch on the GPU is so much slower. Not that important but actually even more confusing is that Numba's njit decorator makes performance orders of magnitude slower, until you don't use the # decorator syntax anymore.
Is it my setup? Occasionally I get a weird message about the windows page / swap file not being big enough. In case I've taken a completely obscure path to solving linear equations on the GPU, I'd be happy to be directed into another direction.
So, I focussed on Numba and changed my benchmarking a bit. As suggested by #max9111 I rewrote the functions to receive input and produce output because, in the end, that's what anyone would want to use them for. Now, I also perform a first compile run for the Numba accelerated function so the subsequent timing is fairer. Finally, I checked the performance against matrix size and plotted the results.
TL/DR: Up to matrix sizes of 500x500, Numba acceleration doesn't really make a difference for numpy.linalg.solve.
Here is the code:
import time
from typing import Tuple
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot
from numba import jit
def solve_numpy_njit(a: numpy.ndarray, b: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray:
parameters = numpy.linalg.solve(a, b)
return parameters
def solve_numpy(a: numpy.ndarray, b: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray:
parameters = numpy.linalg.solve(a, b)
return parameters
def get_data(dim: int) -> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:
a = numpy.random.random((dim, dim))
b = numpy.random.random(dim)
return a, b
def main():
a, b = get_data(10)
# compile numba function
p = solve_numpy_njit(a, b)
matrix_size = [(x + 1) * 10 for x in range(50)]
non_accelerated = []
accelerated = []
results = non_accelerated, accelerated
for j, each_matrix_size in enumerate(matrix_size):
for m, f in enumerate((solve_numpy, solve_numpy_njit)):
average_time = -1.
for k in range(5):
time_start = time.time()
for i in range(100):
a, b = get_data(each_matrix_size)
p = f(a, b)
d_t = time.time() - time_start
print(f"{each_matrix_size:d} {f.__name__:<30s}: {d_t:f}")
average_time = (average_time * k + d_t) / (k + 1)
pyplot.plot(matrix_size, non_accelerated, label="not numba")
pyplot.plot(matrix_size, accelerated, label="numba")
if __name__ == "__main__":
And these are the results (runtime against matrix edge length):
Edit 2
Seeing that Numba doesn't make much of a difference in my case, I came back to benchmarking PyTorch. And indeed, it appears to be roughly 4x faster than Numpy without even using a CUDA device.
Here is the code I used:
import time
from typing import Tuple
import numpy
import torch
from matplotlib import pyplot
def solve_numpy(a: numpy.ndarray, b: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray:
parameters = numpy.linalg.solve(a, b)
return parameters
def get_data(dim: int) -> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:
a = numpy.random.random((dim, dim))
b = numpy.random.random(dim)
return a, b
def get_data_torch(dim: int) -> Tuple[torch.tensor, torch.tensor]:
a = torch.rand(dim, dim)
b = torch.rand(dim, 1)
return a, b
def solve_torch(a: torch.tensor, b: torch.tensor) -> torch.tensor:
parameters, _ = torch.solve(b, a)
return parameters
def experiment_numpy(matrix_size: int, repetitions: int = 100):
for i in range(repetitions):
a, b = get_data(matrix_size)
p = solve_numpy(a, b)
def experiment_pytorch(matrix_size: int, repetitions: int = 100):
for i in range(repetitions):
a, b = get_data_torch(matrix_size)
p = solve_torch(a, b)
def main():
matrix_size = [x for x in range(5, 505, 5)]
experiments = experiment_numpy, experiment_pytorch
results = tuple([] for _ in experiments)
for i, each_experiment in enumerate(experiments):
for j, each_matrix_size in enumerate(matrix_size):
time_start = time.time()
each_experiment(each_matrix_size, repetitions=100)
d_t = time.time() - time_start
print(f"{each_matrix_size:d} {each_experiment.__name__:<30s}: {d_t:f}")
for each_experiment, each_result in zip(experiments, results):
pyplot.plot(matrix_size, each_result, label=each_experiment.__name__)
if __name__ == "__main__":
And here's the result (runtime against matrix edge length):
So for now, I'll be sticking with torch.solve. However, the original question remains:
How can I exploit my GPU to solve linear equations even faster?
I want to add a decorator to the function which requires 7 arguments such as:
n = 1000000
greyscales = np.floor(np.random.uniform(0, 255, n).astype(np.float32))
weights = np.random.normal(.5, .1, n).astype(np.float32)
#vectorize('float32(float32)', target = 'cuda')
def normalize(greyscales):
return greyscales / 255
#vectorize('float32(float32,float32)', target = 'cuda')
def weigh(values, weights):
return values * weights
#vectorize('float32(float32)', target = 'cuda')
def activate(values):
a = exp(values)
b = exp(-values)
return (a - b) / (a + b)
And the function itself looks like this:
#vectorize('float32(int,float32,float32,float32,float32,float32,float32)', target='cuda')
def create_hidden_layer(n, greyscales, weights, exp, normalize, weigh, activate):
normalized = normalize(greyscales)
weighted = weigh(normalized, weights)
activated = activate(weighted)
return activated
I got stuck with choosing signatures for #vectorize, especially don't know how to define n and exp. Maybe someone could help me?
As Rutger Kassies has also said, there does not seem to be a good reason why the create_hidden_layer function has to take the other functions as an input. So you can simply remove that part to make it work,also you should note a couple of other things:
numba can infer which types a function accepts/outputs, so specifying them is not mandatory.
"EXP" whatever that means, just use the numpy library exp function, which already has very good performance.
This version of the code should work: (I have removed the cuda part to make it work on my machine):
import numpy as np
from numba import vectorize
n = 1000000
greyscales = np.floor(np.random.uniform(0, 255, n).astype(np.float32))
weights = np.random.normal(.5, .1, n).astype(np.float32)
def normalize(greyscales):
return greyscales / 255
def weigh(values, weights):
return values * weights
def activate(values):
a = np.exp(values)
b = np.exp(-values)
return (a - b) / (a + b)
def create_hidden_layer(n, greyscales, weights):
normalized = normalize(greyscales)
weighted = weigh(normalized, weights)
activated = activate(weighted)
return activated
create_hidden_layer(n, greyscales, weights)
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import solve_triangular as triSolve
#O(n) per iteration, so overall O(nN), good for large SPD/SDD matrices
def GS_iter(A, b, N):
m = len(A)
L = np.tril(A)
P = L-A
x = np.zeros(m)
for k in range(N):
x = triSolve(L,b+P#x, True)
return x
A = np.array([[10,2,3,1],[1,10,0,1],[0.2,1,10,2],[0.1,3,3,10]])
b = np.array([1,2,1,0])
x = GS_iter(A,b,50000)
ans = A#x-b
Above is my Gauss-Seidel method in Python. For some reason it is not converging even after 50000 iterations to the solution even when the matrix A is strict diagonal dominant. Below is the same implementation in MATLAB which works:
function x = gSeidel(A,B,N)
[n,~] = size(A);
L = tril(A);
P = L-A; %P = -U
x = zeros(n,1); %x_0
for k = 1:N
x = L\(B+P*x);
What mistakes did I make? I think it is in TriSolve method since if I replaced it with regular LU solver such as (np.linalg.solve) it works. Why doesn't triangular solve behave as intended here?
the lower argument is the fourth
replace your line by x = triSolve(L,b+P#x, lower=True)
I am trying to further speed up some code written in python, compiled using Numba. When looking at the assembly generated by numba, I noticed double-precision operations being generated, which I felt was odd since the inputs and outputs are all supposed to be float32.
I declare the variable/array types as float32 outside of the jitted loop and pass them into the function. Strangely, I find that after running my tests, the variable "scalarout" is converted to python float, which is actually a 64 bit value.
My code:
from scipy import ndimage, misc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy.fft
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import numba
# numba.config.DUMP_ASSEMBLY = 1
from numba import float32
from numba import jit, njit, prange
from numba import cuda
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
# import llvmlite.binding as llvm
# llvm.set_option('', '--debug-only=loop-vectorize')
#njit(fastmath=True, parallel=False)
def mydot(a, b, xlen, ylen, scalarout):
scalarout = (np.float32)(0.0)
for y in prange(ylen):
for x in prange(xlen):
scalarout += a[y, x] * b[y, x]
return scalarout
# ======================================== TESTS ========================================
xlen = 100000
ylen = 16
a = np.random.rand(ylen, xlen).astype(np.float32)
b = np.random.rand(ylen, xlen).astype(np.float32)
print("a type = ", type(a[1,1]))
scalarout = (np.float32)(0.0)
print("scalarout type, before execution = ", type(scalarout))
time = 100.0
for n in range(iters):
start = timer()
scalarout = mydot(a, b, xlen, ylen, scalarout)
end = timer()
if(end-start < time):
time = end-start
print("Numba njit function time, in us = %16.10f" % ((end-start)*10**6))
print("function output = %f" % scalarout)
print("scalarout type, after execution = ", type(scalarout))
This is more of an extended comment than an answer. If you change the scalarout to be a float32 array of length 1 and modify that, your output is float32.
#njit(fastmath=True, parallel=False)
def mydot(a, b, xlen, ylen):
scalarout = np.array([0.0], dtype=np.float32)
for y in prange(ylen):
for x in prange(xlen):
scalarout[0] += a[y, x] * b[y, x]
return scalarout
If you change return scalarout to return scalarout[0], then the output is again a python float.
In your original code for mydot, the result is a python float even if you write return np.float32(scalarout).
So while evaluating possibilities to speed up Python code i came across this Stack Overflow post: Comparing Python, Numpy, Numba and C++ for matrix multiplication
I was quite impressed with numba's performance and implemented some of our function in numba. Unfortunately the speedup was only there for very small matrices and for large matrices the code became very slow compared to the previous scipy sparse implementation. I thought this made sense but nevertheless i repeated the test in the original post (code below).
When using a 1000 x 1000 matrix, according to that post even the python implementation should take roughly 0,01 s. Here's my results though:
python : 769.6387 seconds
numpy : 0.0660 seconds
numba : 3.0779 seconds
scipy : 0.0030 seconds
What am i doing wrong to get such different results than the original post? I copied the functions and did not change anything. I tried both Python 3.5.1 (64 bit) and Python 2.7.10 (32 bit), a colleague tried the same code with the same results. This is the result for a 100x100 matrix:
python : 0.6916 seconds
numpy : 0.0035 seconds
numba : 0.0015 seconds
scipy : 0.0035 seconds
Did i make some obvious mistakes?
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import scipy.sparse
import time
class benchmark(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __enter__(self):
self.start = time.time()
def __exit__(self, ty, val, tb):
end = time.time()
print("%s : %0.4f seconds" % (self.name, end-self.start))
return False
def dot_py(A, B):
m, n = A.shape
p = B.shape[1]
C = np.zeros((m, p))
for i in range(0, m):
for j in range(0, p):
for k in range(0, n):
C[i, j] += A[i, k] * B[k, j]
return C
def dot_np(A, B):
C = np.dot(A,B)
return C
def dot_scipy(A, B):
C = A * B
return C
dot_nb = nb.jit(nb.float64[:,:](nb.float64[:,:], nb.float64[:,:]), nopython=True)(dot_py)
dim_x = 1000
dim_y = 1000
a = scipy.sparse.rand(dim_x, dim_y, density=0.01)
b = scipy.sparse.rand(dim_x, dim_y, density=0.01)
a_full = a.toarray()
b_full = b.toarray()
print("starting test")
with benchmark("python"):
dot_py(a_full, b_full)
with benchmark("numpy"):
dot_np(a_full, b_full)
with benchmark("numba"):
dot_nb(a_full, b_full)
with benchmark("scipy"):
dot_scipy(a, b)
print("finishing test")
for anyone seeing this at a later time. this is the results i got when using sparse nxn matrices (1% of elements are nonzero).
In the linked stackoverflow question where you got the code from, m = n = 3 and p is variable, whereas you are using m = n = 1000, which is going to make a huge difference in the timings.
I am trying to set up a 3D loop with the assignment
C(i,j,k) = A(i,j,k) + B(i,j,k)
using Python on my GPU. This is my GPU:
The sources I'm looking at / comparing with are:
It's possible that I've imported more modules than necessary. This is my code:
import numpy as np
import numbapro
import numba
import math
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from numbapro import cuda
from numba import *
def myAdd(a, b):
return a+b
myAdd_gpu = cuda.jit(restype=f8, argtypes=[f8, f8], device=True)(myAdd)
#cuda.jit(argtypes=[float32[:,:,:], float32[:,:,:], float32[:,:,:]])
def myAdd_kernel(a, b, c):
tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
ty = cuda.threadIdx.y
tz = cuda.threadIdx.z
bx = cuda.blockIdx.x
by = cuda.blockIdx.y
bz = cuda.blockIdx.z
bw = cuda.blockDim.x
bh = cuda.blockDim.y
bd = cuda.blockDim.z
i = tx + bx * bw
j = ty + by * bh
k = tz + bz * bd
if i >= c.shape[0]:
if j >= c.shape[1]:
if k >= c.shape[2]:
for i in xrange(0,c.shape[0]):
for j in xrange(0,c.shape[1]):
for k in xrange(0,c.shape[2]):
# c[i,j,k] = a[i,j,k] + b[i,j,k]
c[i,j,k] = myAdd_gpu(a[i,j,k],b[i,j,k])
def main():
my_gpu = numba.cuda.get_current_device()
print "Running on GPU:", my_gpu.name
cores_per_capability = {1: 8,2: 32,3: 192,}
cc = my_gpu.compute_capability
print "Compute capability: ", "%d.%d" % cc, "(Numba requires >= 2.0)"
majorcc = cc[0]
print "Number of streaming multiprocessor:", my_gpu.MULTIPROCESSOR_COUNT
cores_per_multiprocessor = cores_per_capability[majorcc]
print "Number of cores per mutliprocessor:", cores_per_multiprocessor
total_cores = cores_per_multiprocessor * my_gpu.MULTIPROCESSOR_COUNT
print "Number of cores on GPU:", total_cores
N = 100
thread_ct = my_gpu.WARP_SIZE
block_ct = int(math.ceil(float(N) / thread_ct))
print "Threads per block:", thread_ct
print "Block per grid:", block_ct
a = np.ones((N,N,N), dtype = np.float32)
b = np.ones((N,N,N), dtype = np.float32)
c = np.zeros((N,N,N), dtype = np.float32)
start = timer()
cg = cuda.to_device(c)
myAdd_kernel[block_ct, thread_ct](a,b,cg)
dt = timer() - start
print "Wall clock time with GPU in %f s" % dt
print 'c[:3,:,:] = ' + str(c[:3,1,1])
print 'c[-3:,:,:] = ' + str(c[-3:,1,1])
if __name__ == '__main__':
My result from running this is the following:
Running on GPU: GeForce GT 520
Compute capability: 2.1 (Numba requires >= 2.0)
Number of streaming multiprocessor: 1
Number of cores per mutliprocessor: 32
Number of cores on GPU: 32
Threads per block: 32
Block per grid: 4
Wall clock time with GPU in 1.104860 s
c[:3,:,:] = [ 2. 2. 2.]
c[-3:,:,:] = [ 2. 2. 2.]
When I run the examples in the sources, I see significant speedup. I don't think my example is running properly since the wall clock time is much longer than I would expect. I've modeled this mostly from the "even bigger speedups with cuda python" section in the first example link.
I believe I've indexed correctly and safely. Maybe the problem is with my blockdim? or griddim? Or maybe I'm using the wrong types for my GPU. I think I read that they must be a certain type. I'm very new to this so the problem very well could be trivial!
Any and all help is greatly appreciated!
You are creating your indexes correctly but then you're ignoring them.
Running the nested loop
for i in xrange(0,c.shape[0]):
for j in xrange(0,c.shape[1]):
for k in xrange(0,c.shape[2]):
is forcing all your threads to loop through all values in all dimensions, which is not what you want. You want each thread to compute one value in a block and then move on.
I think something like this should work better...
i = tx + bx * bw
while i < c.shape[0]:
j = ty+by*bh
while j < c.shape[1]:
k = tz + bz * bd
while k < c.shape[2]:
c[i,j,k] = myAdd_gpu(a[i,j,k],b[i,j,k])
Try to compile and run it. Also make sure to validate it, as I have not.
I don't see you using imshow, or show, so there is no need to import those.
It doesn't appear as though you use your import of math (I didn't see any calls of math.some_function.
Your imports from numba and numbapro seem repetitive. Your "from numba import cuda" overrides your "from numbapro import cuda", since it is subsequent to it. Your calls to cuda use the cuda in numba not numbapro. When you call "from numba import *", you import everything from numba, not just cuda, which seems to be the only thing you use. Also, (I believe) import numba.cuda is equivalent to from numba import cuda. Why not eliminate all your imports from numba and numbapro with a single "from numba import cuda".