Cannot group datapoints by cluster - python

I have a datalists where each datapoint has 5 features and a cluster assigned to each point.
You can see the beginning of it here, last column is the cluster number:
[[4.01682810e-01 2.14628527e-02 2.99529665e-02 2.79935965e-01 9.21441137e-01 9.00000000e+00]
[9.32087200e-03 3.38196129e-01 8.49571569e-01 3.69402590e-01 1.92096835e-01 1.20000000e+01]
[7.51465196e-01 4.45955645e-01 3.37174838e-01 3.65047097e-01 5.81725084e-01 1.00000000e+00]
I want to create a list of lists of datapoints of the same cluster, so I wrote the following function and tried to execute it:
def returnArrayOfClusters(data, clusterNumbers):
# create an empty column
column = []
# create an empty list we want to output
listOfClusters = []
# fill it with a column for each cluster
for i in clusterNumbers:
## fill the columns with points according to their cluster
for datapoint in data:
cluster = int(datapoint[5])
return listOfClusters
listOfClusters = returnArrayOfClusters(data_labeled_unfinished, range(0,14))
What I get is an unordered list of datapoints of this format (the end of the list), and as you can see all the points in the column are of different clusters (they have different last value):
array([ 0.81802695, 0.45533606, 0.33799001, 0.26154893, 0.64155249,
13. ]), array([0.12995366, 0.45586338, 0.85833814, 0.32153188, 0.28736836,
1. ]), array([0.06230581, 0.47400143, 0.78671841, 0.3162376 , 0.04819034,
9. ]), array([0.15291747, 0.54247295, 0.54407916, 0.87888682, 0.46639597,
8. ]), array([ 0.21578994, 0.178303 , 0.80642112, 0.39853499, 0.27832876,
10. ]), array([0.27426491, 0.32986967, 0.49411613, 0.50818875, 0.2336591 ,
5. ])]
Maybe it is a very stupid mistake, but I just cannot spot the error.
What I expect to see, however, is to be all the points in the list to be of the same cluster (i.e. in the output have the same value of the 6th item)

Hopefully I got you correct, you can split your data using a list comprehension, for example:
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import numpy as np
X = np.random.normal(0,1,(100,5))
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=8, random_state=0).fit(X)
data = np.concatenate((X,kmeans.labels_.reshape(-1,1)),axis=1)
[data[data[:,5]==i,] for i in np.unique(data[:,5])]
in your case:
[data_labeled_unfinished[data_labeled_unfinished[:,5]==i,] for i in np.unique(data_labeled_unfinished[:,5])]


How to combine h5 data numpy arrays based on date in filename?

I have hundreds of .h5 files with dates in their filename (e.g ...20221017...). For each file, I have extracted some parameters into a numpy array of the format
[[param_1a, param_2a...param_5a],
[param_1x, param_2x,...param_5x]]
which represents data of interest. I want to group the data by month, so instead of having (e.g) 30 arrays for one month, I have 1 array which represents the average of the 30 arrays. How can I do this?
This is the code I have so far, filename represents a txt file of file names.
def combine_months(filename):
fin = open(filename, 'r')
next_name = fin.readline()
while (next_name != ""):
year = next_name[6:10]
month = next_name[11:13]
date = month+'\\'+year
#not sure where to go from here
An example of what I hope to achieve is that say array_1, array_2, array_3 are numpy arrays representing data from different h5 files with the same month in the date of their filename.
array_1 = [[ 1 4 10]
[ 2 5 11]
[3 6 12]]
array_2 = [[ 1 2 5]
[ 2 2 3]
[ 3 6 12]]
array_3 = [[ 2 4 10]
[ 3 2 3]
[ 4 6 12]]
I want the result to look like:
2022_04_data = [[1,3,7.5]
[2, 2, 6.5]
Note that the first number of each row represents an ID, so I need to group those data together based on the first number as well.
Ok, here is the beginning of an answer. (I suspect you may have more questions as you work thru the details.)
There are several ways to get the filenames. You could put them in a file, but it's easier (and better IMHO) to use the glob.iglob() function. There are 2 examples below that show how to: 1) open each file, 2) read the data from the data dataset into an array, and 3) append the array to a list. The first example has the file names in a list. The second uses the glob.iglob() function to get the filenames. (You could also use glob.glob() to create a list of names.)
Method 1: read filenames from list
import h5py
arr_list = []
for h5file in ['20221001.h5', '20221002.h5', '20221003.h5']:
with h5py.File(h5file,'r') as h5f:
arr = h5f['data'][()]
Method 2: use glob.iglob() to get files using wildcard names
import h5py
from glob import iglob
arr_list = []
for h5file in iglob('202210*.h5'):
with h5py.File(h5file,'r') as h5f:
print(h5f.keys()) # to get the dataset names from the keys
arr = h5f['data'][()]
After you have read the datasets into arrays, you iterate over the list, do your calculations and create a new array from the results. Code below shows how to get the shape and dtype.
for arr in arr_list:
# do something with the data based on column 0 value
print(arr.shape, arr.dtype)
Code below shows a way to sum rows with matching column 0 values. Without more details it's hard to show exactly how to do this. It reads all column 0 values into a sorted list, then uses to size count and sum arrays, then as a index to the proper row.
# first create a list from column 0 values, then sort
row_value_list = []
for arr in arr_list:
col_vals = arr[:,0]
for val in col_vals:
if val not in row_value_list:
# Sort list of column IDs
# get length index list to create cnt and sum arrays
a0 = len(row_value_list)
# get shape and dtype from 1st array, assume constant for all
a1 = arr_list[0].shape[1]
dt = arr_list[0].dtype
arr_cnt = np.zeros(shape=(a0,a1),dtype=dt)
arr_cnt[:,0] = row_value_list
arr_sum = np.zeros(shape=(a0,a1),dtype=dt)
arr_sum[:,0] = row_value_list
for arr in arr_list:
for row in arr:
idx = row_value_list.index(row[0])
arr_cnt[idx,1:] += 1
arr_sum[idx,1:] += row[1:]
print('Count Array\n',arr_cnt)
print('Sum Array\n',arr_sum)
arr_ave = arr_sum/arr_cnt
arr_ave[:,0] = row_value_list
print('Average Array\n',arr_ave)
Here is an alternate way to create row_value_list from a set. It's simpler because sets don't retain duplicate values, so you don't have to check for existing values when adding them to row_value_set.
# first create a set from column 0 values, then create a sorted list
row_value_set = set()
for arr in arr_list:
col_vals = set(arr[:,0])
row_value_set = row_value_set.union(col_vals)
row_value_list = sorted(row_value_set)
This is a new, updated answer that addresses the comment/request about calculating the median. (It also calculates the mean, and can be easily extended to calculate other statistics from the masked array.)
As noted in my comment on Nov 4 2022, "starting from my first answer quickly got complicated and hard to follow". This process is similar but different from the first answer. It uses glob to get a list of filenames (instead of iglob). Instead of loading the H5 datasets into a list of arrays, it loads all of the data into a single array (data is "stacked" on the 0-axis.). I don't think this increases the memory footprint. However, memory could be a problem if you load a lot of very large datasets for analysis.
Summary of the procedure:
Use glob.glob() to load filenames to a list based on a wildcard
Allocate an array to hold all the data (arr_all) based on the # of
files and size of 1 dataset.
Loop thru all H5 files, loading data to arr_all
Create a sorted list of unique group IDs (column 0 values)
Allocate arrays to hold mean/median (arr_mean and arr_median) based on the # of unique row IDs and # of columns in arr_all.
Loop over values in ID list, then:
a. Create masked array (mask) where column 0 value = loop value
b. Broadcast mask to match arr_all shape then apply to create ma_arr_all
c. Loop over columns of ma_arr_all, compress to get unmasked values, then calculate mean and median and save.
Code below:
import h5py
from glob import glob
import numpy as np
# use glob.glob() to get list of files using wildcard names
file_list = glob('202210*.h5')
with h5py.File(file_list[0],'r') as h5f:
a0, a1 = h5f['data'].shape
# allocate array to hold values from all datasets
arr_all = np.zeros(shape=(len(file_list)*a0,a1), dtype=h5f['data'].dtype)
start, stop = 0, a0
for i, h5file in enumerate(file_list):
with h5py.File(h5file,'r') as h5f:
arr_all[start:stop,:] = h5f['data'][()]
start += a0
stop += a0
# Create a set from column 0 values, and use to create a sorted list
row_value_list = sorted(set(arr_all[:,0]))
arr_mean = np.zeros(shape=(len(row_value_list),arr_all.shape[1]))
arr_median = np.zeros(shape=(len(row_value_list),arr_all.shape[1]))
col_0 = arr_all[:,0:1]
for i, row_val in enumerate(row_value_list):
row_mask = np.where(col_0==row_val, False, True ) # True mask value ignores data.
all_mask= np.broadcast_to(row_mask, arr_all.shape)
ma_arr_all =, mask=all_mask)
for j in range(ma_arr_all.shape[1]):
masked_col = ma_arr_all[:,j:j+1].compressed()
arr_mean[i:i+1,j:j+1] = np.mean(masked_col)
arr_median[i:i+1,j:j+1] = np.median(masked_col)
print('Mean values:\n',arr_mean)
print('Median values:\n',arr_median)
Added Nov 22, 2022:
Method above uses np.broadcast_to() introduced in NumPy 1.10. Here is an alternate method for prior versions. (Replaces the entire for i, row_val loop.) It should be more memory efficient. I haven't profiled to verify, but arrays all_mask and ma_arr_all are not created.
for i, row_val in enumerate(row_value_list):
row_mask = np.where(col_0==row_val, False, True ) # True mask value ignores data.
for j in range(arr_all.shape[1]):
masked_col =[:,j:j+1], mask=row_mask).compressed()
arr_mean[i:i+1,j:j+1] = np.mean(masked_col)
arr_median[i:i+1,j:j+1] = np.median(masked_col)
I ran with values provided by OP. Output is provided below and is the same for both methods:
Mean values:
[[ 1. 3. 7.5 ]
[ 2. 3.66666667 8. ]
[ 3. 4.66666667 9. ]
[ 4. 6. 12. ]]
Median values:
[[ 1. 3. 7.5]
[ 2. 4. 10. ]
[ 3. 6. 12. ]
[ 4. 6. 12. ]]

Running T Test - Statistical Significant

If I want to calculate the statistically significant difference between the different species when looking at the occurrence of the virus, I tried:
data = {'WNV Present': ["negative","negative","positive","negative","positive","positive","negative","negative","negative" ],
'Species': ["Myotis","Myotis","Hoary","Myotis","Myotis","Keens","Myotis","Keens","Keens"]}
my_data = pd.DataFrame(data)
# binarized the WNV Present Column
my_data["WNV Present"] = np.where(my_data["WNV Present"] == "positive", 1, 0)
# Binarize the Species Column
dum_col3 = pd.get_dummies(my_data["Species"])
dummy_df5 = my_data.join(dum_col2)
dummy_df5.drop(["Species"], axis=1, inplace=True)
#running t test
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind
set1 = dummy_df5[dummy_df5['WNV Present']==1]
set2 = dummy_df5[dummy_df5['Myotis']==1]
stats.ttest_ind(set1, set2)
My results:
Ttest_indResult(statistic=array([ 3. , 1.36930639, 1.36930639, -2.73861279]), pvalue=array([0.0240082 , 0.21994382, 0.21994382, 0.03379779]))
Why am I receiving various P value results? I tried running this again without binarizing the Species column but that also doesnt tell me if there is a significant difference between species.

Can't scale a splitted list of values

I got one database, whose values are like the following 253x3
array([[ 75.15000153, 73.79750061, 74.05999756],
[ 75.14499664, 74.125 , 74.28749847],
I'd like to know which row is the 80% row. So: 202nd row, in my case
lenght80 = round(len(database) * .8)
I need to splice the database in two: one which contain the first 80% rows: eg. from 0-202 row
percent80_data = database[0:lenght80]
Now, I need to scale the first 80% values:
scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0,1))
scaled_percent80_data = scaler.fit_transform(percent80_data)
The result is what I'm expecting:
array([[0.22292997, 0.26680884, 0.21149309, 0.24325282, 0.15966378]
Later, I need to create another variable, which contain the remaining 20%+60 previous values of the database training, (202-60) til 253 row
percent20_data = database[lenght80-60:,:]
Now, I need to scale again the values
scaled_percent20_data = scaler.fit_transform(percent20_data)
and it results in:
array([[8.02431749e-03, 5.65810805e-03, 0.00000000e+00, 3.58560027e-02,
Which is quite different from the first scaling, isn't it?
Why is that?
Thanks a lot

Python - Kmeans - Add the centroids as a new column

Assume I have the following dataframe. How can I create a new column "new_col" containing the centroids? I can only create the column with the labs, not with the centroids.
Here is my code.
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
numbers = pd.DataFrame(list(range(1,1000)), columns = ['num'])
kmean_model = KMeans(n_clusters=5)[['num']])
array([[699. ],
[297. ],
[ 99. ]])
numbers['new_col'] = kmean_model.predict(numbers[['num']])
It is simple. Just use .labels_ as follows.
numbers['new_col'] = kmean_model.labels_
Edit. Sorry my mistake.
Make dictionary whose key is label and value is centers, and replace the new_col using the dictionary. See the following.
label_center_dict = {k:v for k, v in zip(kmean_model.labels_, kmean_model.cluster_centers_)}
numbers['new_col'] = kmean_model.labels_
numbers['new_col'].replace(label_center_dict, inplace = True)

Why does pd.as_matrix() change the values and the number of decimal places from the original data frame?

I have a dataframe that consists of two decimal values and an Id:
When I apply the as matrix function on the x and y values it yields an array that looks like this:
coords = df.as_matrix(columns=['x', 'y'])
array([[ 0.0703843 , 0.170845 ],
[ 0.07022078, 0.17150128],
[ 0.07208886, 0.17159163],
[ 0.07162819, 0.17044404],
[ 0.06951432, 0.17096308],
[ 0.07104143, 0.17040137]])
This immediately seemed strange since the length of the decimal place were inconsistent but I just assumed pandas was doing some shortening for display purposes
But then when I tried to retrieve the IDs - I could only get one or zero matchs when they should all match:
ids = []
for coord in coords:
_id = df.loc[df['x'] == coord[0]]['id'][1]
What I am trying to understand is why the pd.as_matrix function extracts a value from the data frame that cannot be referenced again, and if so how do retrieve the ids from the data frame.
Any help here would be appreciated.
Bellow is an subset of the data frame in CSV:
The issue is with the df.loc function on geo-dataframes.
Once I exported it to a csv, then re read the dataframe in using normal pandas it seemed to work just fine.
Just letting who finds this know.
