How to upload python modules on Heroku - python

I have Django app, which I deployed on Heroku.
All the modules were deployed whith requirements.txt and everything is ok
But I also have several classes which are made as modules in separate .py files. On local machine these modules are in ...\Python\Python38-32\Lib\site-packages\modules\ folder
Now I need to upload these modules to Heroku. But I don't know how to do it. Is there any file manager program for windows, which allows to connect to heroku server and upload these /modules/ folder to the site-packages directory?
I've tried to find such a program, but couldn't find anything

Deploy the app
In this step you will deploy the app to Heroku.
Create an app on Heroku, which prepares Heroku to receive your source code:
$ heroku create
When you create an app, a git remote (called heroku) is also created and associated with your local git repository.
Heroku generates a random name (in this case serene-caverns-82714) for your app, or you can pass a parameter to specify your own app name.
Now deploy your code:
$ git push heroku master
The application is now deployed. Ensure that at least one instance of the app is running:
$ heroku ps:scale web=1
Now visit the app at the URL generated by its app name. As a handy shortcut, you can open the website as follows:
$ heroku open


Deploying Flask app on Heroku with local dependencies

I created a Flask app that I would like to deploy on Heroku (or similar platform). The process I've followed in the past is to creating a 'requirements.txt' file with the packages from my venv and Heroku installs them in the virtual server. The issue I am having is that I have changed some of the code in the Flask library to get the app to work like I want. Is there some way to load local packages? Should I remove it from my venv/lib folder and add it to my main folder?
You can use git for that.
Please check this link.
You would have to out the local library in the git repo and then update your requirements.txt file

How to upload and deploy django cookiecutter project, with docker, to heroku?

I am developing an app with django cookiecutter (with docker and heroku setup) and have come so far as to deploying it. This is my first ever project, so no prior experience with django, docker or heroku. I've read up on it at cookiecutter docs, heroku and a little on the docker website but I still don't how to deploy.
I have downloaded the heroki cli , have set up app on heroku with my own domain and a postgres db and I am planning on getting hobby tier to get the automated certificate. All environment variables are set in the .env file and are set in the heroku config vars in my app at heoku. So everything should be alright as far as code and settings. I am also using git as version control.
Am I supposed to upload the whole project (code, settings, docker files etc) to heroku with git or by some other means? I saw there was an option to deploy the project with docker deploys aswell at herokus website. What option is the correct one?
I was thinking initially that I would just upload the project through git and run docker-compose -f production.yml up (in the heroku bash)... or something like that and that. I dont know, please help.
If some info is missing or is unclear I will try edit it as best as I can.
It is better to deploy the project to Heroku using git.
$ heroku login
$ heroku create your_custom_app_name
$ git add --a
$ git commit -m "My custom app deployment to heroku"
$ git push heroku master
and then once it is deployed.
$ heroku python migrate

How to import a 3rd party Python library into Bluemix?

My Python app needs to run but I'm unable to figure out how to get it up to bluemix. I see no options using cf push. I tried to "import web" and added some additional code to my app without success.
When I push my Python app to bluemix without it fails (naturally) since it does not have what it needs to run.
I'm sure I'm just missing an import mechanism. Any help?
I recommend that you try out this starter template on GitHub. It is enabled with a deploy to Bluemix button that automatically creates a python runtime and postgress database with Django installed.
The project includes the requirements.txt file to ensure you have the right dependencies and also the .settings file to read the database user id and password from VCAP Services. It also leverages Declared services in the manifest file to create a database service for you.
Here is a YouTube Tutorial on how to deploy Python app on Bluemix
The cause for this problem was that I was not correctly telling my Python app the needed configuration information when I pushed it out to Bluemix.
What I ended up having to do was add a requirements.txt file and a Procfile file into the root directory of my Python application, to draw that connection between my Python app and the needed libraries/packages.
In the requirements.txt file I specified the library packages needed by my Python app. These are the file contents:
where is the version of the library that will be downloaded, and wsgiref==0.1.2 is the version of the web server gateway interface that is needed by the version of I am using.
My Procfile contains the following information:
web: python .py $PORT
where myappname is the name of my Python app, and $PORT is the port number that my Python app uses to receive requests.
I found out too that $PORT is optional because when I did not specify $PORT my app ran with the port number under the VCAP_APP_PORT environment variable for my app.
From there it was just a matter of pushing my app out to Bluemix again only this time it ran fine.
just use pip freeze
pip freeze > requirements.txt
add the requirements.txt to your project
when deployed it will automaticly install the dependency

How to restart my Heroku Django app at the command line?

I deleted my app from Heroku web and now I want to recreate again but it says that it keeps the old name. I want to do:
heroku create globalnewstt
but it says:
No such app as peaceful-taiga-6373
(The last name and I deleted that repo from Heroku web)
How can I solve this problem?
You have your old Heroku app in your .git/config file. To fix this, run the command:
$ git remote rm heroku
Then, create your app fresh using heroku create =)

How can I check out a github repo from Heroku?

I would like to be able to log the number of words in certain files in a Github repo whenever there is a new push to the repo. I have set up a hook on Github to hit a Django Heroku app url after each push, but I don't know how to run a git pull in python from a Django app running on Heroku. Is it possible to write to the local file system in Heroku?
Check out github repo from Heroku?
from the command line you can pull from heroku easily: git pull heroku master
have set up a hook on Github to hit a Django Heroku app url after each push, but I don't know how to run a git pull in python from a Django app running on Heroku?
Is it a different heroku App (from the one that was deployed) that will be doing the pull?
Yes? then you are going to have issues. Because the pull app needs permission (heroku login) to pull... and it wont have it. Also, b/c of the ephemeral filesystem, even if you login (via heroku run bash or the like) to it, the pull app will eventually lose its logged in session (see why below)
No? then don't pull. just use the os filesystem libraries to look into the application directory...
Is it even possible to write to the local file system in Heroku?
Yes and No. You can write to the local filesystem, but its going to get nuked. See:
Also, with the EFS, each dyno is going to have a different EFS - so each web process is in a way sandboxed.
