python:numpy array slicing of 1D array - python

I initialise an array as a=numpy.array([1,2,3]).
on running the statement print(a[0,:]), it shows an error. Does this slicing method only work for 2d arrays?

Just replace "a[0,:]" with "a[0:]".
import numpy as np
a = np.array([1, 2, 3])

You could solve this issue with
a = a[np.newaxis, :]
before printing, making it to a 1 x 3 array instead of having shape (3,). Obviously this only makes sense, if you need your printing statement for other multidimensional arrays also and want to make it work in a generalized way.


how to convert list of different shape of arrays to numpy array in Python

I have a different shape of 3D matrices. Such as:
Matrix shape = [5,10,2048]
Matrix shape = [5,6,2048]
Matrix shape = [5,1,2048]
and so on....
I would like to put them into big matrix, but I am normally getting a shape error (since they have different shape) when I am trying to use numpy.asarray(list_of_matrix) function.
What would be your recommendation to handle such a case?
My implementation was like the following:
matrices = []
result_matrix = numpy.asarray(matrices)
and having shape error!!
I am willing to have a result matrix that is 4D.
Thank you.
I'm not entirely certain if this would work for you, but it looks as though your matrices only disagree along the 1st axis, so why not concatenate them:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> c=np.zeros((5,10,2048))
>>> d=np.zeros((5,6,2048))
>>> e=np.zeros((5,1,2048))
>>> f=np.concatenate((c,d,e),axis=1)
>>> f.shape
(5, 17, 2048)
Now, you'd have to keep track of which indices of the 1st axis corresponds to which matrices, but maybe this could work for you?

How to reshape numpy array of numpy arrays? [duplicate]

I'm trying to turn a list of 2d numpy arrays into a 2d numpy array. For example,
dat_list = []
for i in range(10):
dat_list.append(np.zeros([5, 10]))
What I would like to get out of this list is an array that is (50, 10). However, when I try the following, I get a (10,5,10) array.
output = np.array(dat_list)
you want to stack them:
Above accepted answer is correct for 2D arrays as you requested. For 3D input arrays though, vstack() will give you a surprising outcome. For those, use stack(<list of 3D arrays>, 0).
for details. You can use append, but will want to specify the axis on which to append.
dat_list.append(np.zeros([5, 10]),axis=0)

Matlab-Python translation error

Matlab Code:
AP(queryIdx) = diff([0;recall]')*prec
My python code:
AP[queryIdx] =[[0]], recall), axis=0).transpose()),prec)
Variables:(Checked and am quite sure they are equivalent in python and in Matlab)
Recall: 1000x1 np array*
prec: 1000x1 np array
* prints out as [[.],.....,[.]]
Matlab: .1011
Python: 0.05263158
Only cause I can think of outside of the code is that python uses more
precision, but I doubt that would make such a large difference)
*Edit There was a problem with my prec variable. The above code worked
That code looks a bit messy. Try replacing it with this:
AP[queryIdx] =[0, recall.ravel()])), prec.ravel())
In your post, you mentioned that you have a 1000 x 1 array for both recall and prec. This to me is interpreted as a 2D array with a singleton dimension: the second dimension. As such, you'd need to convert this back to a 1D array using ravel.
Now, np.hstack horizontally stacks 1D arrays together and so this will append a 0 at the front, then apply the diff operator, and the perform the dot product with prec.
One common gotcha that MATLAB coders have with numpy is the representation of 1D arrays in numpy. There is no such thing as the transpose of a 1D array. All numpy 1D arrays are row vectors. If you explicitly want to make the 1D array a column vector, you need to include an additional dimension and make the second dimension 1, then transpose it. Something like this:
r = v[:][None].T
In any case, let's verify the results:
>> recall = (1:1000).';
>> prec = (1000:-1:1).';
>> diff([0; recall].')*prec
ans =
Python (IPython)
In [1]: import numpy as np
In [2]: recall = np.arange(1,1001)
In [3]: prec = np.arange(1000,0,-1)
In [4]:[0, recall.ravel()])), prec.ravel())
Out[4]: 500500

Multiple Element Indexing in multi-dimensional array

I have a 3d Numpy array and would like to take the mean over one axis considering certain elements from the other two dimensions.
This is an example code depicting my problem:
import numpy as np
myarray = np.random.random((5,10,30))
yy = [1,2,3,4]
xx = [20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29]
mymean = [ np.mean(myarray[t,yy,xx]) for t in np.arange(5) ]
However, this results in:
ValueError: shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape
Why does an indexing like e.g. myarray[:,[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]] work, but not my code above?
This is how you fancy-index over more than one dimension:
>>> np.mean(myarray[np.arange(5)[:, None, None], np.array(yy)[:, None], xx],
axis=(-1, -2))
array([ 0.49482768, 0.53013301, 0.4485054 , 0.49516017, 0.47034123])
When you use fancy indexing, i.e. a list or array as an index, over more than one dimension, numpy broadcasts those arrays to a common shape, and uses them to index the array. You need to add those extra dimensions of length 1 at the end of the first indexing arrays, for the broadcast to work properly. Here are the rules of the game.
Since you use consecutive elements you can use a slice:
import numpy as np
myarray = np.random.random((5,10,30))
yy = slice(1,5)
xx = slice(20, 30)
mymean = [np.mean(myarray[t, yy, xx]) for t in np.arange(5)]
To answer your question about why it doesn't work: when you use lists/arrays as indices, Numpy uses a different set of indexing semantics than it does if you use slices. You can see the full story in the documentation and, as that page says, it "can be somewhat mind-boggling".
If you want to do it for nonconsecutive elements, you must grok that complex indexing mechanism.

How to assign a 1D numpy array to 2D numpy array?

Consider the following simple example:
X = numpy.zeros([10, 4]) # 2D array
x = numpy.arange(0,10) # 1D array
X[:,0] = x # WORKS
X[:,0:1] = x # returns ERROR:
# ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (10) into shape (10,1)
X[:,0:1] = (x.reshape(-1, 1)) # WORKS
Can someone explain why numpy has vectors of shape (N,) rather than (N,1) ?
What is the best way to do the casting from 1D array into 2D array?
Why do I need this?
Because I have a code which inserts result x into a 2D array X and the size of x changes from time to time so I have X[:, idx1:idx2] = x which works if x is 2D too but not if x is 1D.
Do you really need to be able to handle both 1D and 2D inputs with the same function? If you know the input is going to be 1D, use
X[:, i] = x
If you know the input is going to be 2D, use
X[:, start:end] = x
If you don't know the input dimensions, I recommend switching between one line or the other with an if, though there might be some indexing trick I'm not aware of that would handle both identically.
Your x has shape (N,) rather than shape (N, 1) (or (1, N)) because numpy isn't built for just matrix math. ndarrays are n-dimensional; they support efficient, consistent vectorized operations for any non-negative number of dimensions (including 0). While this may occasionally make matrix operations a bit less concise (especially in the case of dot for matrix multiplication), it produces more generally applicable code for when your data is naturally 1-dimensional or 3-, 4-, or n-dimensional.
I think you have the answer already included in your question. Numpy allows the arrays be of any dimensionality (while afaik Matlab prefers two dimensions where possible), so you need to be correct with this (and always distinguish between (n,) and (n,1)). By giving one number as one of the indices (like 0 in 3rd row), you reduce the dimensionality by one. By giving a range as one of the indices (like 0:1 in 4th row), you don't reduce the dimensionality.
Line 3 makes perfect sense for me and I would assign to the 2-D array this way.
Here are two tricks that make the code a little shorter.
X = numpy.zeros([10, 4]) # 2D array
x = numpy.arange(0,10) # 1D array
X.T[:1, :] = x
X[:, 2:3] = x[:, None]
