Currently I have a function (shown below) that makes a GET request from an API that I made myself
def get_vehicles(self):
result = ""
response = requests.get(result)
data = response.content
data_dict = json.loads(data)
return data_dict
The data I got is in this format. Which is a list of dictionary
data_dict = [{'colour': 'Black', 'cost': 10, 'latitude': -37.806152, 'longitude': 144.95787, 'rentalStatus': 'True', 'seats': 4, 'user': None, 'vehicleBrand': 'Toyota', 'vehicleID': 1, 'vehicleModel': 'Altis'}, {'colour': 'White', 'cost': 15, 'latitude': -37.803913, 'longitude': 144.964859, 'rentalStatus': 'False', 'seats': 4, 'user': {'firstname': 'Test', 'imageName': None, 'password': 'password', 'surname': 'Ing', 'userID': 15, 'username': 'Testing'}, 'vehicleBrand': 'Honda', 'vehicleID': 3, 'vehicleModel': 'Civic'}]
Is it possible to convert it to just a dictionary? Example:
data_dict = {'colour': 'Black', 'cost': 10, 'latitude': -37.806152, 'longitude': 144.95787, 'rentalStatus': 'True', 'seats': 4, 'user': None, 'vehicleBrand': 'Toyota', 'vehicleID': 1, 'vehicleModel': 'Altis'}, {'colour': 'White', 'cost': 15, 'latitude': -37.803913, 'longitude': 144.964859, 'rentalStatus': 'False', 'seats': 4, 'user': {'firstname': 'Test', 'imageName': None, 'password': 'password', 'surname': 'Ing', 'userID': 15, 'username': 'Testing'}, 'vehicleBrand': 'Honda', 'vehicleID': 3, 'vehicleModel': 'Civic'}
No, the second result is a tuple, not a dict.
data_dict = {'colour': 'Black', 'cost': 10, 'latitude': -37.806152, 'longitude': 144.95787, 'rentalStatus': 'True', 'seats': 4, 'user': None, 'vehicleBrand': 'Toyota', 'vehicleID': 1, 'vehicleModel': 'Altis'}, {'colour': 'White', 'cost': 15, 'latitude': -37.803913, 'longitude': 144.964859, 'rentalStatus': 'False', 'seats': 4, 'user': {'firstname': 'Test', 'imageName': None, 'password': 'password', 'surname': 'Ing', 'userID': 15, 'username': 'Testing'}, 'vehicleBrand': 'Honda', 'vehicleID': 3, 'vehicleModel': 'Civic'}
# <class 'tuple'>
It is the same as:
data_dict = ({'colour': 'Black', 'cost': 10, 'latitude': -37.806152, 'longitude': 144.95787, 'rentalStatus': 'True', 'seats': 4, 'user': None, 'vehicleBrand': 'Toyota', 'vehicleID': 1, 'vehicleModel': 'Altis'}, {'colour': 'White', 'cost': 15, 'latitude': -37.803913, 'longitude': 144.964859, 'rentalStatus': 'False', 'seats': 4, 'user': {'firstname': 'Test', 'imageName': None, 'password': 'password', 'surname': 'Ing', 'userID': 15, 'username': 'Testing'}, 'vehicleBrand': 'Honda', 'vehicleID': 3, 'vehicleModel': 'Civic'})
That's why it is a tuple.
If you only want to merge them in a dict,it seems to be impossible because dict couldn't have the same keys.But you could merge the value as a list,like:
d = {key: list(value) for key, value in zip(data_dict[0].keys(), zip(data_dict[0].values(), data_dict[1].values()))}
Result(Make sure they has the same length):
'colour': ['Black', 'White'],
'cost': [10, 15],
'latitude': [-37.806152, -37.803913],
'longitude': [144.95787, 144.964859],
'rentalStatus': ['True', 'False'],
'seats': [4, 4],
'user': [None, {
'firstname': 'Test',
'imageName': None,
'password': 'password',
'surname': 'Ing',
'userID': 15,
'username': 'Testing'
'vehicleBrand': ['Toyota', 'Honda'],
'vehicleID': [1, 3],
'vehicleModel': ['Altis', 'Civic']
This a list of dictionaries.
Therefore you can access them using the array syntax: data_dict[0] for the first element for example.
I'm using the code below to pull in multiple json files into 1 using pagination. When I try to create a spark dataframe I get the error '
java.lang.ArrayStoreException: java.util.HashMap' during Below the code block I've provided output from printing the 'issues' data set (minus proprietary info). I've done a bit of research and can't figure out what I can try to make this work. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!
import requests
import json
limit = 2
startat = 0
issues = []
for page_num in range(2):
startat = page_num*50
url = f"https://URL/rest/api/2/search?jql=TEST&startAt={startat}&maxResults={limit}"
req = requests.get(url, headers={'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'})
data = req.json()
jsonDF =
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Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete.', 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Epic', 'subtask': False, 'hierarchyLevel': 1}}}, 'timespent': None, 'project': {'self': '', 'id': '10001', 'key': 'TS', 'name': 'Project', 'projectTypeKey': 'software', 'simplified': False, 'avatarUrls': {'48x48': '', '24x24': '', '16x16': '', '32x32': ''}}, 'customfield_10033': None, 'fixVersions': [], 'aggregatetimespent': None, 'customfield_10034': [], 'customfield_10035': None, 'resolution': None, 'customfield_10036': None, 'customfield_10037': None, 'customfield_10027': None, 'customfield_10028': None, 'customfield_10029': None, 'resolutiondate': None, 'workratio': -1, 'watches': {'self': '', 'watchCount': 1, 'isWatching': True}, 'lastViewed': '2022-12-08T10:06:57.022-0800', 'created': '2022-11-29T07:05:16.501-0800', 'customfield_10020': None, 'customfield_10021': None, 'customfield_10022': None, 'priority': {'self': '', 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Medium', 'id': '3'}, 'customfield_10023': None, 'customfield_10024': None, 'customfield_10025': None, 'customfield_10026': None, 'labels': [], 'customfield_10016': None, 'customfield_10017': None, 'customfield_10018': {'hasEpicLinkFieldDependency': False, 'showField': False, 'nonEditableReason': {'reason': 'EPIC_LINK_SHOULD_BE_USED', 'message': 'To set an epic as the parent, use the epic link instead'}}, 'customfield_10019': '0|i008a3:', 'timeestimate': None, 'aggregatetimeoriginalestimate': None, 'versions': [], 'issuelinks': [], 'assignee': None, 'updated': '2022-11-29T07:05:20.759-0800', 'status': {'self': '', 'description': '', 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Backlog', 'id': '10003', 'statusCategory': {'self': '', 'id': 2, 'key': 'new', 'colorName': 'blue-gray', 'name': 'To Do'}}, 'components': [], 'timeoriginalestimate': None, 'description': 'Data owner completes template (understand scope of migration efforts)', 'customfield_10010': None, 'customfield_10014': 'TS-1380', 'customfield_10015': None, 'customfield_10005': None, 'customfield_10006': None, 'customfield_10007': None, 'security': None, 'customfield_10008': None, 'customfield_10009': None, 'aggregatetimeestimate': None, 'summary': 'Template', 'creator': {'self': '', 'accountId': '5d669f4bf81f2c0d99ee9e38', 'emailAddress': '', 'avatarUrls': {'48x48': '', '24x24': '', '16x16': '', '32x32': ''}, 'displayName': 'Joe Test', 'active': True, 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'accountType': 'atlassian'}, 'subtasks': [{'id': '11442', 'key': 'TS-1402', 'self': '', 'fields': {'summary': 'Complete Template with table/views required (in) and produced (out)', 'status': {'self': '', 'description': '', 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Backlog', 'id': '10003', 'statusCategory': {'self': '', 'id': 2, 'key': 'new', 'colorName': 'blue-gray', 'name': 'To Do'}}, 'priority': {'self': '', 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Medium', 'id': '3'}, 'issuetype': {'self': '', 'id': '10006', 'description': "A small piece of work that's part of a larger task.", 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Sub-task', 'subtask': True, 'avatarId': 10316, 'hierarchyLevel': -1}}}], 'reporter': {'self': '', 'accountId': '5d669f4bf81f2c0d99ee9e38', 'emailAddress': '', 'avatarUrls': {'48x48': '', '24x24': '', '16x16': '', '32x32': ''}, 'displayName': 'Joe Test', 'active': True, 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'accountType': 'atlassian'}, 'aggregateprogress': {'progress': 0, 'total': 0}, 'customfield_10001': None, 'customfield_10002': None, 'customfield_10003': None, 'customfield_10004': None, 'customfield_10038': None, 'environment': None, 'duedate': None, 'progress': {'progress': 0, 'total': 0}, 'votes': {'self': '', 'votes': 0, 'hasVoted': False}}}, {'expand': 'operations,versionedRepresentations,editmeta,changelog,customfield_10010.requestTypePractice,renderedFields', 'id': '11438', 'self': '', 'key': 'TS-1398', 'fields': {'statuscategorychangedate': '2022-11-29T07:05:09.126-0800', 'issuetype': {'self': '', 'id': '10004', 'description': 'Functionality or a feature expressed as a user goal.', 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Story', 'subtask': False, 'avatarId': 10315, 'hierarchyLevel': 0}, 'parent': {'id': '11420', 'key': 'TS-1380', 'self': '', 'fields': {'summary': 'Clone30 - Migration Epics', 'status': {'self': '', 'description': '', 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Backlog', 'id': '10003', 'statusCategory': {'self': '', 'id': 2, 'key': 'new', 'colorName': 'blue-gray', 'name': 'To Do'}}, 'priority': {'self': '', 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Medium', 'id': '3'}, 'issuetype': {'self': '', 'id': '10000', 'description': 'A big user story that needs to be broken down. Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete.', 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Epic', 'subtask': False, 'hierarchyLevel': 1}}}, 'timespent': None, 'project': {'self': '', 'id': '10001', 'key': 'TS', 'name': 'Project', 'projectTypeKey': 'software', 'simplified': False, 'avatarUrls': {'48x48': '', '24x24': '', '16x16': '', '32x32': ''}}, 'fixVersions': [], 'customfield_10033': None, 'customfield_10034': [], 'aggregatetimespent': None, 'customfield_10035': None, 'resolution': None, 'customfield_10036': None, 'customfield_10037': None, 'customfield_10027': None, 'customfield_10028': None, 'customfield_10029': None, 'resolutiondate': None, 'workratio': -1, 'lastViewed': None, 'watches': {'self': '', 'watchCount': 1, 'isWatching': True}, 'created': '2022-11-29T07:05:08.312-0800', 'customfield_10020': None, 'customfield_10021': None, 'customfield_10022': None, 'customfield_10023': None, 'priority': {'self': '', 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Medium', 'id': '3'}, 'customfield_10024': None, 'customfield_10025': None, 'customfield_10026': None, 'labels': [], 'customfield_10016': None, 'customfield_10017': None, 'customfield_10018': {'hasEpicLinkFieldDependency': False, 'showField': False, 'nonEditableReason': {'reason': 'EPIC_LINK_SHOULD_BE_USED', 'message': 'To set an epic as the parent, use the epic link instead'}}, 'customfield_10019': '0|i008ae:y', 'timeestimate': None, 'aggregatetimeoriginalestimate': None, 'versions': [], 'issuelinks': [], 'assignee': None, 'updated': '2022-11-29T07:05:22.417-0800', 'status': {'self': '', 'description': '', 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Backlog', 'id': '10003', 'statusCategory': {'self': '', 'id': 2, 'key': 'new', 'colorName': 'blue-gray', 'name': 'To Do'}}, 'components': [], 'timeoriginalestimate': None, 'description': 'Creating reports/reporting cubes; need to find out reports used', 'customfield_10010': None, 'customfield_10014': 'TS-1380', 'customfield_10015': None, 'customfield_10005': None, 'customfield_10006': None, 'security': None, 'customfield_10007': None, 'customfield_10008': None, 'customfield_10009': None, 'aggregatetimeestimate': None, 'summary': '\xa0create reports/cubes', 'creator': {'self': '', 'accountId': '5d669f4bf81f2c0d99ee9e38', 'emailAddress': '', 'avatarUrls': {'48x48': '', '24x24': '', '16x16': '', '32x32': ''}, 'displayName': 'Joe Test', 'active': True, 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'accountType': 'atlassian'}, 'subtasks': [{'id': '11439', 'key': 'TS-1399', 'self': '', 'fields': {'summary': 'Confirm: any reporting cubes required using this data are created and in production?', 'status': {'self': '', 'description': '', 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Backlog', 'id': '10003', 'statusCategory': {'self': '', 'id': 2, 'key': 'new', 'colorName': 'blue-gray', 'name': 'To Do'}}, 'priority': {'self': '', 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Medium', 'id': '3'}, 'issuetype': {'self': '', 'id': '10006', 'description': "A small piece of work that's part of a larger task.", 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Sub-task', 'subtask': True, 'avatarId': 10316, 'hierarchyLevel': -1}}}, {'id': '11440', 'key': 'TS-1400', 'self': '', 'fields': {'summary': 'Confirm: any structured reports using this data are created and in production?', 'status': {'self': '', 'description': '', 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Backlog', 'id': '10003', 'statusCategory': {'self': '', 'id': 2, 'key': 'new', 'colorName': 'blue-gray', 'name': 'To Do'}}, 'priority': {'self': '', 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Medium', 'id': '3'}, 'issuetype': {'self': '', 'id': '10006', 'description': "A small piece of work that's part of a larger task.", 'iconUrl': '', 'name': 'Sub-task', 'subtask': True, 'avatarId': 10316, 'hierarchyLevel': -1}}}], 'reporter': {'self': '', 'accountId': '5d669f4bf81f2c0d99ee9e38', 'emailAddress': '', 'avatarUrls': {'48x48': '', '24x24': '', '16x16': '', '32x32': ''}, 'displayName': 'Joe Test', 'active': True, 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'accountType': 'atlassian'}, 'aggregateprogress': {'progress': 0, 'total': 0}, 'customfield_10001': None, 'customfield_10002': None, 'customfield_10003': None, 'customfield_10004': None, 'customfield_10038': None, 'environment': None, 'duedate': None, 'progress': {'progress': 0, 'total': 0}, 'votes': {'self': '', 'votes': 0, 'hasVoted': False}}}]
This question already has answers here:
How can I convert JSON to CSV?
(26 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am trying to write my JSON output to CSV, but I'm not sure how to separate my values into individual columns
This is my current code
with open('dict.csv', 'w') as csv_file:
writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
for key, value in response.json().items():
This is the csv file I am getting:
current csv file
This is the desired csv file/output I want to get:
desired output
This is an example of my JSON Output
[{'id': '123', 'custom_id': '12', 'company': 28, 'company_name': 'Sunshine'}, {'id': '224', 'custom_id': '14', 'company': 38, 'company_name': 'Flowers'},
{'id': '888', 'custom_id': '10', 'company': 99, 'company_name': 'Fields'}]
how about this JSON format? (a more complicated one)
[{'id': '777', 'custom_id': '000112', 'company': 28, 'company_name':
'Weddings Inc', 'delivery_address': '25 olive park terrace, 61234', 'delivery_timeslot': {'lower': '2019-12-06T10:00:00Z', 'upper': '2019-12-06T13:00:00Z', 'bounds': '[)'}, 'sender_name': 'Joline', 'sender_email': '', 'sender_contact': '91234567', 'removed': None, 'recipient_name': 'Joline', 'recipient_contact': '91866655', 'notes': '', 'items': [{'id': 21668, 'name': 'Loose hair flowers', 'quantity': 1, 'metadata': {}, 'removed': None}, {'id': 21667, 'name': "Groom's Boutonniere", 'quantity': 1, 'metadata': {}, 'removed': None}, {'id': 21666, 'name': 'Bridal Bouquet', 'quantity': 1, 'metadata': {}, 'removed': None}], 'latitude': '1.1234550920764211111', 'longitude': '103.864352476201000000', 'created': '2019-08-15T05:40:30.385467Z', 'updated': '2019-08-15T05:41:27.930110Z', 'status': 'pending', 'verbose_status': 'Pending', 'logs': [{'id': 56363, 'order': '50c402', 'order_custom_id': '000112', 'order_delivery_address': '25 olive park terrace, 61234', 'order_delivery_timeslot': {'lower': '2019-12-06T10:00:00Z', 'upper': '2019-12-06T13:00:00Z', 'bounds': '[)'}, 'message': 'Order was created.', 'failure_reason': None, 'success_code': None, 'success_description': None, 'created': '2019-08-15T05:40:30.431790Z', 'removed': None}, {'id': 56364, 'order': '50c402d8-7c76-45b5-b883-e2fb887a507e', 'order_custom_id': 'INV-000112', 'order_delivery_address': '25 olive park terrace, 61234', 'order_delivery_timeslot': {'lower': '2019-12-06T10:00:00Z', 'upper': '2019-12-06T13:00:00Z', 'bounds': '[)'}, 'message': 'Order is pending.', 'failure_reason': None, 'success_code': None, 'success_description': None, 'created': '2019-08-15T05:40:30.433139Z', 'removed': None}], 'reschedule_requests': [], 'signature': None},
{'id': '241', 'custom_id': '000123', 'company': 22, 'company_name': 'Pearl Pte Ltd', 'delivery_address': '90 Merchant Road, Hotel Royal, 223344', 'delivery_timeslot': {'lower': '2019-11-29T10:00:00Z', 'upper': '2019-11-29T13:00:00Z', 'bounds': '[)'}, 'sender_name': 'Vera Smith', 'sender_email': '', 'sender_contact': '81234567', 'removed': None, 'recipient_name': 'Vera Smith', 'recipient_contact': '81234561', 'notes': '', 'items': [{'id': 22975, 'name': 'Custom wrapped bouquet', 'quantity': 2, 'metadata': {}, 'removed': None}, {'id': 22974, 'name': "Parents' boutonniere x 3", 'quantity': 1, 'metadata': {}, 'removed': None}, {'id': 22973, 'name': "Groom's boutonniere", 'quantity': 1, 'metadata': {}, 'removed': None}, {'id': 22972, 'name': 'Loose hair flowers', 'quantity': 1, 'metadata': {}, 'removed': None}, {'id': 22971, 'name': 'Bridal Bouquet', 'quantity': 1, 'metadata': {}, 'removed': None}], 'latitude': '1.28821802835873000000', 'longitude': '103.84569230314800000000', 'created': '2019-08-30T03:20:17.477528Z', 'updated': '2019-08-30T03:29:25.307856Z', 'status': 'pending', 'verbose_status': 'Pending', 'logs': [{'id': 59847, 'order': '24117085-9104-4442-841b-4a734f801d39', 'order_custom_id': 'INV-000123', 'order_delivery_address': '90 Merchant Road, Hotel Royal, 223344', 'order_delivery_timeslot': {'lower': '2019-11-29T10:00:00Z', 'upper': '2019-11-29T13:00:00Z', 'bounds': '[)'}, 'message': 'Order was created.', 'failure_reason': None, 'success_code': None, 'success_description': None, 'created': '2019-08-30T03:20:17.511250Z', 'removed': None}, {'id': 59848, 'order': '24117085-9104-4442-841b-4a734f801d39', 'order_custom_id': 'INV-000123', 'order_delivery_address': '90 Merchant Road, Hotel Royal, 223344', 'order_delivery_timeslot': {'lower': '2019-11-29T10:00:00Z', 'upper': '2019-11-29T13:00:00Z', 'bounds': '[)'}, 'message': 'Order is pending.', 'failure_reason': None, 'success_code': None, 'success_description': None, 'created': '2019-08-30T03:20:17.513132Z', 'removed': None}], 'reschedule_requests': [], 'signature': None}]
Use pandas library:
df.to_csv() - Write object to a comma-separated values (csv) file.
import pandas as pd
data = [{'id': '123', 'custom_id': '12', 'company': 28, 'company_name': 'Sunshine'},
{'id': '224', 'custom_id': '14', 'company': 38, 'company_name': 'Flowers'},
{'id': '888', 'custom_id': '10', 'company': 99, 'company_name': 'Fields'}]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
import csv
csv_file = 'my_file.csv'
csv_columns = ['id', 'custom_id', 'company', 'company_name']
dict_data = [{'id': '123', 'custom_id': '12', 'company': 28, 'company_name': 'Sunshine'}, {'id': '224', 'custom_id': '14', 'company': 38, 'company_name': 'Flowers'}, {'id': '888', 'custom_id': '10', 'company': 99, 'company_name': 'Fields'}]
with open(csv_file, 'w') as csvfile:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=csv_columns)
for data in dict_data:
except IOError:
print("I/O error")
Given your response data in json format
response = [{'id': '123', 'custom_id': '12', 'company': 28, 'company_name': 'Sunshine'},
{'id': '224', 'custom_id': '14', 'company': 38, 'company_name': 'Flowers'},
{'id': '888', 'custom_id': '10', 'company': 99, 'company_name': 'Fields'}]
You can convert it to a list of lists using
header = [response[0].keys()]
data = [row.values() for row in response]
csv_list = header + data
And then save it to csv using
with open('dict.csv', "w") as f:
for row in csv_list:
f.write("%s\n" % ','.join(str(col) for col in row))
This should yield your desired output
I am looking to sort a list of dictionary based on a key which is in the format \d+:\d+
The list of dictionary should have the expected key(age)
lst = [
[{'id': 'SOMEDATA_31_30', 'age': '31:30', 'values':0, 'hasdata': False, 'name': u'SOMEDATA'}]
[{'id': 'SOMEDATA1_32_29', 'age': '32:29', 'values':1, 'hasdata': False, 'name': u'SOMEDATA1'}]
[{'id': 'SOMEDATA2_22_20', 'age': '22:20', 'values':3, 'hasdata': False, 'name': u'SOMEDATA2'},{'id': 'SOMEDATA2_28_27', 'age': '28:27', 'values':4, 'hasdata': False, 'name': u'SOMEDATA2'}]
So when I pass the whole(lst) to compare(function?!) then it should give me a list of dict ordered in desc order based on the age.
lst = [
{'id': 'SOMEDATA1_32_29', 'age': '32:29', 'values':1, 'hasdata': False, 'name': u'SOMEDATA1'}
{'id': 'SOMEDATA_31_30', 'age': '31:30', 'values':0, 'hasdata': False, 'name': u'SOMEDATA'}
{'id': 'SOMEDATA2_28_27', 'age': '28:27', 'values':4, 'hasdata': False, 'name': u'SOMEDATA2'}
{'id': 'SOMEDATA2_22_20', 'age': '22:20', 'values':3, 'hasdata': False, 'name': u'SOMEDATA2'}
How should we do this ? Thanks for your time.
You can use sorted().
lst = [
{'id': 'SOMEDATA_31_30', 'age': '31:30', 'values':0, 'hasdata': False, 'name': u'SOMEDATA'},
{'id': 'SOMEDATA1_32_29', 'age': '32:29', 'values':1, 'hasdata': False, 'name': u'SOMEDATA1'},
{'id': 'SOMEDATA2_22_20', 'age': '22:20', 'values':3, 'hasdata': False, 'name': u'SOMEDATA2'},
{'id': 'SOMEDATA2_28_27', 'age': '28:27', 'values':4, 'hasdata': False, 'name': u'SOMEDATA2'},
newlist = sorted([x[0] for x in lst], key=lambda k: k['age'], reverse=True)
[{'age': '32:29', 'hasdata': False, 'id': 'SOMEDATA1_32_29','name': 'SOMEDATA1', 'values': 1},
{'age': '31:30','hasdata': False, 'id': 'SOMEDATA_31_30','name': 'SOMEDATA', 'values': 0},
{'age': '28:27', 'hasdata': False, 'id': 'SOMEDATA2_28_27','name':'SOMEDATA2','values': 4},
{'age': '22:20', 'hasdata': False, 'id': 'SOMEDATA2_22_20','name': 'SOMEDATA2','values': 3}]
Using the key and reverse argument of python built-in function sorted():
lst = [
{'id': 'SOMEDATA_31_30', 'age': '31:30', 'values':0, 'hasdata': False, 'name': u'SOMEDATA'},
{'id': 'SOMEDATA1_32_29', 'age': '32:29', 'values':1, 'hasdata': False, 'name': u'SOMEDATA1'},
{'id': 'SOMEDATA2_22_20', 'age': '22:20', 'values':3, 'hasdata': False, 'name': u'SOMEDATA2'},
{'id': 'SOMEDATA2_28_27', 'age': '28:27', 'values':4, 'hasdata': False, 'name': u'SOMEDATA2'},
import re
from pprint import pprint
pprint( sorted(lst, reverse=True, key=lambda v: [(int(i[0]), int(i[1])) for i in re.findall(r'(\d+):(\d+)', v['age'])]), width=120 )
This prints:
[{'age': '32:29', 'hasdata': False, 'id': 'SOMEDATA1_32_29', 'name': 'SOMEDATA1', 'values': 1},
{'age': '31:30', 'hasdata': False, 'id': 'SOMEDATA_31_30', 'name': 'SOMEDATA', 'values': 0},
{'age': '28:27', 'hasdata': False, 'id': 'SOMEDATA2_28_27', 'name': 'SOMEDATA2', 'values': 4},
{'age': '22:20', 'hasdata': False, 'id': 'SOMEDATA2_22_20', 'name': 'SOMEDATA2', 'values': 3}]
Using NumPy you can try this:
ages = [i['age'] for i in lst]
print (np.array(lst)[np.argsort(ages)[::-1]])
[ {'id': 'SOMEDATA1_32_29', 'age': '32:29', 'values': 1, 'hasdata': False, 'name': 'SOMEDATA1'}
{'id': 'SOMEDATA_31_30', 'age': '31:30', 'values': 0, 'hasdata': False, 'name': 'SOMEDATA'}
{'id': 'SOMEDATA2_28_27', 'age': '28:27', 'values': 4, 'hasdata': False, 'name': 'SOMEDATA2'}
{'id': 'SOMEDATA2_22_20', 'age': '22:20', 'values': 3, 'hasdata': False, 'name': 'SOMEDATA2'}]
Lets assume I've got a following python list(this is only example):
my_list = [{'user': 'Joe', 'score': 14},
{'user': 'Foo', 'score': 12},
{'user': 'May', 'score': 12},
{'user': 'Kat', 'score': 12},
{'user': 'Doe', 'score': 13}]
I need to sort this list in ascending order by score and descending order by a username.
Expected sort result:
my_list = [{'user': 'May', 'score': 12},
{'user': 'Kat', 'score': 12},
{'user': 'Foo', 'score': 12},
{'user': 'Doe', 'score': 13},
{'user': 'Joe', 'score': 14}]
So, I could do something like this if I want everything to be in ascending order:
my_list.sort(key=lambda x: (x['score'], x['user']))
For integers it is easy to solve this problem just adding - in front of it:
my_list.sort(key=lambda x: (-x['score'], x['user']))
Unfortunately, strings can not be negative :-|
I need a generic solution that doesn't involve 'reverse=True'. Lambda function is dynamically generated based on a user config.
Your current solution will work fine if you set the reverse parameter of list.sort to True:
>>> my_list = [{'user': 'Joe', 'score': 14},
... {'user': 'Foo', 'score': 12},
... {'user': 'May', 'score': 12},
... {'user': 'Kat', 'score': 12},
... {'user': 'Doe', 'score': 13}]
>>> my_list.sort(key=lambda x: (-x['score'], x['user']), reverse=True)
>>> pprint(my_list) # pprint makes the nice output
[{'score': 12, 'user': 'May'},
{'score': 12, 'user': 'Kat'},
{'score': 12, 'user': 'Foo'},
{'score': 13, 'user': 'Doe'},
{'score': 14, 'user': 'Joe'}]
This will sort the list in reverse order.
Since the names and scores have two different sort orders, you will need to use two separate sorts to achieve your desired output:
>>> my_list = [{'user': 'Joe', 'score': 14},
... {'user': 'Foo', 'score': 12},
... {'user': 'May', 'score': 12},
... {'user': 'Kat', 'score': 12},
... {'user': 'Doe', 'score': 13}]
>>> my_list.sort(key=lambda x: x['user'], reverse=True)
>>> my_list.sort(key=lambda x: x['score'])
>>> pprint(my_list)
[{'score': 12, 'user': 'May'},
{'score': 12, 'user': 'Kat'},
{'score': 12, 'user': 'Foo'},
{'score': 13, 'user': 'Doe'},
{'score': 14, 'user': 'Joe'}]
The ord of a string can be negative:
my_list.sort(key=lambda x: (x["score"],[-ord(x) for x in x["user"]])))
In [50]: my_list.sort(key=lambda x: (x["score"],[-ord(x) for x in x["user"]]))
In [51]: my_list
[{'score': 12, 'user': 'May'},
{'score': 12, 'user': 'Kat'},
{'score': 12, 'user': 'Foo'},
{'score': 13, 'user': 'Doe'},
{'score': 14, 'user': 'Joe'}]
you need to add the reverse=True keyword for descending order.
>>> my_list.sort(key=lambda x: (-x['score'], x['user']),reverse=True)
>>> my_list
[{'score': 12, 'user': 'May'}, {'score': 12, 'user': 'Kat'}, {'score': 12, 'user': 'Foo'}, {'score': 13, 'user': 'Doe'}, {'score': 14, 'user': 'Joe'}]
Suppose I have the following data in Python 3.3:
my_array =
[{'man_id': 1, '_id': ObjectId('1234566'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 11},
{'man_id': 1, '_id': ObjectId('1234577'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 12}],
[{'man_id': 2, '_id': ObjectId('1234588'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 11},
{'man_id': 2, '_id': ObjectId('3243'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 7},
{'man_id': 2, '_id': ObjectId('54'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 99},
{'man_id': 2, '_id': ObjectId('9879878'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 135}],
[{'man_id': 13, '_id': ObjectId('111'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 1},
{'man_id': 13, '_id': ObjectId('222'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 2},
{'man_id': 13, '_id': ObjectId('3333'), 'type': 'worker', 'value': 9}]
There are 3 arrays. How do I find an element in each array with minimal value?
[min(arr, key=lambda s:s['value']) for arr in my_array]
Maybe something like that is acc for you:
for arr in my_array:
minVal = min([row['value'] for row in arr])
print [row for row in arr if row['value'] == minVal]