Follow up question: GEKKO optimization in matrix form - python

this is a follow up question to the one I posted earlier:
GEKKO - optimization in matrix form
I need to add one more constraint that tracks "inventory" ("Inv"), which tracks the sum(q[i,:] - q[:,i]). "Inv" will be a 4X1 column vector. I tried the following:
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
q = m.Array(m.Var,(4,4),lb=0,ub=10)
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
if j<=i:
q[i,j].upper=0 # set upper bound = 0
def profit(q):
profit = np.sum(q.flatten() * pmx.flatten())
return profit
for i in range(4):
m.Equation(I[i] = I[i-1] + (np.sum(q[i,:]) - np.sum(q[:,i]))) # New Line 1a inventory
Inv[i] = Inv[i-1] + (np.sum(q[i,:]) - np.sum(q[:,i])) # New Line 1b inventory. Keep either 1a or 1b
m.Equation(Inv[i] <= 15) # New Line 2 inventory constraint
m.Equation(Inv[4] = 0) # New Line 3 ending inventory should be equal to starting inventory
qr = np.array([[q[i,j].value[0] for j in range(4)] for i in range(4)])
Ir = np.array([Inv[i].value[0] for i in range(4)]) #New Line 4
Errors :
1a. Adding New Line 1a: "keyword can't be an expression"
1b. Replacing New Line 1a with 1b: no issues (but, I'm not sure if GEKKO will keep track of I or not.Also, I need to define "I", the way "q" was done...not sure how). Replacing = comment out 1a, then run the code with 1b.
New Line 2: Error = "object of type 'int' has no len()"; but type(I) shows as ndarray. (Kept New Lines 1a and 1b, and then added New Line 2)
New Line 3:Error = "keyword can't be an expression" (Kept Line 32and then added Line 3)
New Line 4: Error "'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'value'" [removed Lines 3 and 4. This makes sense as if I can't capture "Inv" in the model, then it won't have the value attribute)
1. Am I defining inventory correctly?
If yes, can it be done in the current model specification, or will it need an entirely different formulation? If so, could you please guide on what that would be?
Of the various videos posted on the GEKKO website, is there a specific one I should look at for more information? I was thinking the DO video, but I don't believe this is quite a dynamic optimization problem (as I'm not trying to optimize the best path)....
Thanks again for all your help,
----UPDATE 5/10
Also tried:
Inv = m.SV()
for i in range(4):
#m.Equation(I[i] = I[i-1] + (np.sum(q[i,:]) - np.sum(q[:,i])))
m.Equation(m.Inv.dt() == m.Inv + (np.sum(q[i,:]) - np.sum(q[:,i])))
#I[i] = I[i-1] + (np.sum(q[i,:]) - np.sum(q[:,i])
m.Equation(m.Inv <= 15)
#m.Equation(I[4] = 0)
New Error: 'GEKKO' object has no attribute 'Inv'

One way to do this is to start with zero inventory with Inv[0]=0 and then track the inventory amount with gekko variables Inv[1:4]. A couple tips on building the model:
Use double equal signs for equality constraints
You can define a temporary variable such as I = Inv[2]+Inv[3] but it won't be a gekko variable
You may also want to look at Intermediate variables for those that are explicitly calculated. This can speed up the calculation.
I recommend this tutorial in the Dynamic Optimization course
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
from gekko import GEKKO
p= np.array([4, 5, 6.65, 12]) #p = prices
pmx = np.triu(p - p[:, np.newaxis]) #pmx = price matrix, upper triangular
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
q = m.Array(m.Var,(4,4),lb=0,ub=10)
# only upper triangular can change
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
if j<=i:
q[i,j].upper=0 # set upper bound = 0
def profit(q):
profit = np.sum(q.flatten() * pmx.flatten())
return profit
Inv = m.Array(m.Var,5,lb=0,ub=15)
Inv[0].upper = 0 # start with 0 inventory
for i in range(4):
# track inventory
m.Equation(Inv[i+1]==Inv[i] + (m.sum(q[i,:])-m.sum(q[:,i])))
m.Equation(Inv[4] == 0) # Use double == sign, not needed in loop
# convert to matrix form
qr = np.array([[q[i,j].value[0] for j in range(4)] for i in range(4)])
for i in range(4):
rs = qr[i,:].sum()
print('Row sum ' + str(i) + ' = ' + str(rs))
cs = qr[:,i].sum()
print('Col sum ' + str(i) + ' = ' + str(cs))
Ir = np.array([Inv[i].value[0] for i in range(4)])


issue with converting rate equation to python code

I am trying to convert these rate equations to python code, I have made I lot of research but can't seem to get any clear path to follow to achieve this, please any help will be appreciated
This is a newly updated code....i wrote using the quide from Tom10.....please what do you think?
import numpy as np
# import numpy as sum # not necessary, just for convenience, and replaces the builtin
# set N_core value
N_CORE = 0
# set the initial conditions appropriately (you need to set these correctly)
N = np.ones(8)
r = np.ones((8, 8))
dN = np.zeros(8) # the value here is not important for your equations
# set constant for equation 1
R_P1abs37 = 20
F_P1 = 20
R_P1abs47 = 40
W_3317 = 1.0
# set constant for equation 2
W_6142 = 90
W_5362 = 80
# Set you constants appropriately for equation 3
R_P2abs35 = 30
F_P2 = 40
R_L2se34 = 50
F_L2 = 90
# equation 4 constants
W_2214 = 20
#equation 5 constants
R_P1abs13 = 30
R_L2se32 = 20
F_L1 = 10
# equation 1 formular
dN[7] =sum(r[7,:]*N[7]) + (R_P1abs37*F_P1) + (R_P1abs47*F_P1) + (W_3317*N[3]**2)
# equation 2 formular
dN[6] = (r[7,6]*N[7]) - sum(r[6,:]*N[6]) - (W_6142*N[6]*N[1]) + (W_5362*N[5]*N[3])
#equation 3 formular
dN[5] = sum(r[:,5]*N) - sum(r[5,:]*N[5]) + R_P2abs35*F_P2 - R_L2se34*F_L2 - W_5362*N[5]*N[3]
# equation 4 formular
dN[4] = sum(r[:,4]*N) - sum(r[4,:]*N[4]) - (R_P1abs47*F_P1) + (R_L2se34*F_L2) + (W_2214*N[2]**2)+ (W_6142*N[6]*N[1])
#equation 5 formular
dN[3] = sum(r[:,3]*N) - sum(r[3,:]*N[3]) + (R_P1abs13*F_P1) - (R_P1abs37*F_P1) - (R_P2abs35*F_P2)
-(R_L2se32*F_L1) - ((2*W_3317)*N[3]**2) - (W_5362*N[5]*N[3])
#equation 6 formular
dN[2] = sum(r[:,2]*N) - (r[2,1]*N[2]) + (R_L2se32*F_L1) - ((2*W_2214)*N[2]**2) + (W_6142*N[6]*N[1])+(W_5362*N[5]*N[3])
#equation 7 formular
dN[1] = sum(r[:,1] * N) - (R_P1abs13*F_P1) + (W_2214*N[2]**2) + (W_3317+N[3]**2) - (W_6142+N[6]*N[1])
#equation for N CORE
N_CORE = sum(dN)
Here is list of relevant issues based on your question and comments:
Usually if the summation is over i, then everything without an i subscript is constant for that sum. (Mathematically these constant terms can just be brought out of the sum; so the first equation is a bit odd where the N_7 could be moved out of the sum but I think they're keeping it in to show the symmetry with the other equations which all have an r*N term).
The capitol sigma symbol (Σ) means you need to do a sum, which you can do in a loop, but both Python list and numpy have a sum function. Numpy has the additional advantage that multiplication is interpreted as multiplication of the individual elements, making the expression easier. So for a[0]*[b0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2] and numpy arrays is simply sum(a*b) and for Python lists it's sum([a[i]*b[i] for in range(len(a))]
Therefore using numpy, the setup and your third equation would look like:
import numpy as np
import numpy.sum as sum # not necessary, just for convenience, and replaces the builtin
# set the initial conditions appropriately (you need to set these correctly)
N = np.ones(7, dtype=np.float)
# r seems to be a coupling matrix, and should be set according to your system
r = np.ones((7, 7), dtype = np.float)
# the values for dN are not important for your equations because dN only appears on the left side of the equations, so we just make a place to store the results
dN = np.zeros(7, dtype=np.float)
# Set you constants appropriate.y
R_P2abs35 = 1.0
F_P2 = 1.0
R_L2se34 = 1.0
F_L2 = 1.0
W_5362 = 1.0
dN[5] = sum(r[:,5]*N) - sum(r[5,:]*N[5]) + R_P2abs35*F_P2 - R_L2se34*F_L2 - W_5362*N[5]*N[3]
Note that although the expressions in the sums look similar, the first is essentially a dot product between two vectors and the second is a scalar times a vector so N[5] could be taken out of the sum (but I left it there to match the equation).
Final note: I see you're new to S.O. so I thought it would be helpful if I answered this question for you. In the future, please show some attempt at the code -- it really helps a lot.

Python - faster alternative to 'for' loops

I am trying to construct a binomial lattice model in Python. The idea is that there are multiple binomial lattices and based on the value in particular lattice, a series of operations are performed in other lattices.
These operations are similar to 'option pricing model' ( Reference to Black Scholes models) in a way that calculations start at the last column of the lattice and those are iterated to previous column one step at a time.
For example,
If I have a binomial lattice with n columns,
1. I calculate the values in nth column for a single or multiple lattices.
2. Based on these values, I update the values in (n-1)th column in same or other binomial lattices
3. This process continues until I reach the first column.
So in short, I cannot process the calculations for all of the lattice simultaneously as value in each column depends on the values in next column and so on.
From coding perspective,
I have written a function that does the calculations for a particular column in a lattice and outputs the numbers that are used as input for next column in the process.
def column_calc(StockPrices_col, ConvertProb_col, y_col, ContinuationValue_col, ConversionValue_col, coupon_dates_index, convert_dates_index ,
call_dates_index, put_dates_index, ConvertProb_col_new, ContinuationValue_col_new, y_col_new,tau, r, cs, dt,call_trigger,
for k in range(1, n+1-tau):
ConvertProb_col_new[n-k] = 0.5*(ConvertProb_col[n-1-k] + ConvertProb_col[n-k])
y_col_new[n-k] = ConvertProb_col_new[n-k]*r + (1- ConvertProb_col_new[n-k]) *(r + cs)
# Calculate the holding value
ContinuationValue_col_new[n-k] = 0.5*(ContinuationValue_col[n-1-k]/(1+y_col[n-1-k]*dt) + ContinuationValue_col[n-k]/(1+y_col[n-k]*dt))
# Coupon payment date
if np.isin(n-1-tau, coupon_dates_index) == True:
ContinuationValue_col_new[n-k] = ContinuationValue_col_new[n-k] + Principal*(1/2*c);
# check put/call schedule
callflag = (np.isin(n-1-tau, call_dates_index)) & (StockPrices_col[n-k] >= call_trigger)
putflag = np.isin(n-1-tau, put_dates_index)
convertflag = np.isin(n-1-tau, convert_dates_index)
# if t is in call date
if (np.isin(n-1-tau, call_dates_index) == True) & (StockPrices_col[n-k] >= call_trigger):
node_val = max([putPrice * putflag, ConversionValue_col[n-k] * convertflag, min(callPrice, ContinuationValue_col_new[n-k])] )
# if t is not call date
node_val = max([putPrice * putflag, ConversionValue_col[n-k] * convertflag, ContinuationValue_col_new[n-k]] )
# 1. if Conversion happens
if node_val == ConversionValue_col[n-k]*convertflag:
ContinuationValue_col_new[n-k] = node_val
ConvertProb_col_new[n-k] = 1
# 2. if put happens
elif node_val == putPrice*putflag:
ContinuationValue_col_new[n-k] = node_val
ConvertProb_col_new[n-k] = 0
# 3. if call happens
elif node_val == callPrice*callflag:
ContinuationValue_col_new[n-k] = node_val
ConvertProb_col_new[n-k] = 0
ContinuationValue_col_new[n-k] = node_val
return ConvertProb_col_new, ContinuationValue_col_new, y_col_new
I am calling this function for every column in the lattice through a for loop.
So essentially I am running a nested for loop for all the calculations.
My issue is - This is very slow.
The function doesn't take much time. but the second iteration where I am calling the function through the for loop is very time consuming ( avg. times the function will be iterated in below for loop is close to 1000 or 1500 ) It takes almost 2.5 minutes to run the complete model which is very slow from standard modeling standpoint.
As mentioned above, most of the time is taken by the nested for loop shown below:
temp_mat = np.empty((n,3))*(np.nan)
temp_mat[:,0] = ConvertProb[:, n-1]
temp_mat[:,1] = ContinuationValue[:, n-1]
temp_mat[:,2] = y[:, n-1]
ConvertProb_col_new = np.empty((n,1))*(np.nan)
ContinuationValue_col_new = np.empty((n,1))*(np.nan)
y_col_new = np.empty((n,1))*(np.nan)
for tau in range(1,n):
ConvertProb_col = temp_mat[:,0]
ContinuationValue_col = temp_mat[:,1]
y_col = temp_mat[:,2]
ConversionValue_col = ConversionValue[:, n-tau-1]
StockPrices_col = StockPrices[:, n-tau-1]
out = column_calc(StockPrices_col, ConvertProb_col, y_col, ContinuationValue_col, ConversionValue_col, coupon_dates_index, convert_dates_index ,call_dates_index, put_dates_index, ConvertProb_col_new, ContinuationValue_col_new, y_col_new, tau, r, cs, dt,call_trigger,putPrice,callPrice)
temp_mat[:,0] = out[0].reshape(np.shape(out[0])[0],)
temp_mat[:,1] = out[1].reshape(np.shape(out[1])[0],)
temp_mat[:,2] = out[2].reshape(np.shape(out[2])[0],)
#Final value
Is there any way I can reduce the time consumed in nested for loop? or is there any alternative that I can use instead of nested for loop.
Please let me know. Thanks a lot !!!

For loop Python- from Matlab

I am starting to code up in Python and I come from a Matlab background. I have a problem with a for loop that I am trying to do.
So this is my for loop from Matlab,
ix = indoor(1);
idx = indoor(2)-indoor(1);
%Initialize X apply I.C
X = [ix;idx];
for k=(1:1:287)
X(:,k+1) = Abest*X(:,k) + Bbest*outdoor(k+1) + B1best* (cbest4/cbest1);
In this code Abest is a 2x2 matrix, Bbest is a 2x1 matrix, outdoor is a 288x1 vector, B1best is a 2x1 matrix. The matricies are found from a function using the matrix expodential command. c4 and c1 are terms defined before, constants.
In Python I have been able to get the matrix exponential command to work in my function but I can't get that for loop to work.
Xo = np.array([[ix],[idx]])
num1 = range(0,276)
for k in num1:
Xo[:,k+1] = Ae*Xo[:,k] + Be*outdoor[k+1] + Be1*(c4/c1)
Again Ae,Be,Be1 are matrices of the same size just like the Matlab ones. Same thing for the outdoor vector.
I have tried everything I can think of to make it work... The only thing that worked for me was,
Xo = np.zeros(())
#Initial COnditions
ix = np.array(indoor[0])
idx = np.array(indoor[1]-indoor[0])
Xo = np.array([[ix],[idx]])
#Range for the for loop
num1 = range(0,1)
for k in num1:
Xo = Ae*Xo[k] + Be*outdoor[k+1] + Be1*(c4/c1)
Now, this thing will work but only give me two points. If I change the range I get an error. I'm assuming this code works because my original Xo is just two states so k goes through those two states but that's not what I want.
If anyone could help me out that would be very helpful! If I'm making some code error, it's honestly because I'm not understanding the 'For loop' in python to well when it comes to data analysis and having it loop through the rows and increment the columns. Thank you for your time.
Upon Request here is my full code:
import as sc
import math as m
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
from scipy.linalg import expm, sinm, cosm
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel('datatemp.xlsx')
outdoor = np.array(df[['Outdoor']])
indoor = np.array(df[['Indoor']])
###########################. FUNCTION DEFINE. #################################################
#Progress bar
def progress(count, total, status=''):
percents = round(100.0 * count / float(total), 1)
sys.stdout.write(' %s%s ...%s\r' % ( percents, '%', status))
#Define Matrix for Model
def Matrixbuild(c1,c2,c3):
A = np.array([[0,1],[-c3/c1,-c2/c1]])
B = np.array([[0],[1/c1]])
B1 = np.array([[1],[0]])
C = np.zeros((2,2))
D = np.zeros((2,2))
F = np.array([[0,1,0,1],[-c3/c1,-c2/c1,1/c1,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]])
R = np.array(expm(F))
Ae = np.array([[R.item(0),R.item(1)],[R.item(4),R.item(5)]])
Be = np.array([[R.item(2)],[R.item(6)]])
Be1 = np.array([[R.item(3)],[R.item(7)]])
return Ae,Be,Be1;
###########################. Data. #################################################
# outdoor = np.array([5.8115,4.394,5.094,5.1123,5.1224])
# indoor = np.array([15.595,15.2429,15.0867,14.9982,14.8993])
###########################. Model Define. #################################################
Xo = np.zeros((2,288))
ix = np.array(indoor[0])
idx = np.array(indoor[1])
err_min = m.inf
c1spam = np.linspace(0.05,0.001,30)
c2spam = np.linspace(6.2,6.5,30)
c3spam = np.linspace(7.1,7.45,30)
totalspam = len(c1spam)*len(c2spam)*len(c3spam)
ind = 0
for c1 in c1spam:
for c2 in c2spam:
for c3 in c3spam:
c4 = 1.1
#MatrixBuild Function
result = Matrixbuild(c1,c2,c3)
Ae,Be,Be1 = result
Xo = np.array([ix,idx])
Datarange = range(0,len(outdoor)-1,1)
for k in Datarange:
Xo[:,k+1] = np.matmul(Ae,Xo[:,k]) + np.matmul(Be,outdoor[k+1]) + Be1*(c4/c1)
ind = ind + 1
err = np.linalg.norm(Xo[0,range(0,287)]-indoor.T)
if err<err_min:
err_min = err
cbest = np.array([[c1],[c2],[c3],[c4]])
# print(X)
# print(err)
# print(cbest)
###########################. Model with Cbest Values. #################################################
c1 = cbest[0]
c2 = cbest[1]
c3 = cbest[2]
result2 = Matrixbuild(c1,c2,c3)
AeBest,BeBest,Be1Best = result2
Xo = np.array([ix,idx])
Datarange = np.arange(0,len(outdoor)-1)
for k in Datarange:
Xo[:,k+1] = np.matmul(AeBestb,Xo[:,k]) + np.matmul(BeBest,outdoor[k+1]) + Be1Best*(c4/c1)
err = np.linalg.norm(Xo[0,range(0,287)]-indoor.T)
###########################. Plots. #################################################
time = np.linspace(1,2,2)
And again my error occurs in the line with the for loop of
for k in Datarange:
Xo[:,k+1] = np.matmul(Ae,Xo[k]) + np.matmul(Be,outdoor[k+1]) + Be1*(c4/c1)
I was trying to use np.matmul for matrix multiplication but even without it, it wasn't working.
If there are any other questions about my code please ask. Essentially I'm trying to find the best c1,c2,c3 coefficients that fit my data which is indoor temperature by using a basic second order constant coefficient model.
Have you tried with Xo[:,k+1] instead of Xo(:,k+1)? Python uses [] for slicing and indexing.
Xo = np.array([[ix],[idx]])
This creates a 1x1 array with 1 value: (ix, idx). I think you're looking for something like Xo = np.zeros((ix, idx)), which will give you an ixxidx array initialized to zeros. If you don't need the zeros you can use Xo = np.empty((ix, idx)).
See the docs on array creation.
So by reading into how python works a little more and allocation for arrays/matrices, I was able to find out how to do it. I needed to first allocate my 'Xo' value and then input the initial conditions in order for the For loop to work.
Xo = np.zeros((2,num2))
Xo = np.asmatrix(Xo)
Xo[0,0] = ix
Xo[1,0] = idx
Also for the 'for loop', I called the range some value like this,
num1 = range(0,4)
num2 = len(num1) + 1
This helped in order to calculate the total dimension of 'Xo', by calling it 'num2'. It was also defined like that because my 'For loop' went (k+1), this the dimension would grow larger, ex:
for k in num1:
Xo[:,k+1] = Ae*Xo[:,k] + Be*outdoor[k+1] + Be1*(c4/c1)
But there it is! I figured it by comparing Matlab printouts to Python printouts and just trying to debug one line at a time. Now I have the same exact value print out in both goods, so it is time to start using the python code!

Structuring a list of objects in python for vectorization: Can a list of structures(objects) be vectorized, or are explicit arrays required

Energy calculations in molecular simulation are inherently full of "for" loops. Traditionally coordinates for each atom/molecule were stored in arrays. arrays are fairly straightforward to vectorize, but structures are nice to code with. Treating molecules as individual objects, each with their own coordinates, and other properties, is very convenient and much clearer as far as book-keeping goes.
I am using Python version 3.6
My problem is that I cannot figure out how to vectorize calculations when I am using an array of objects... it seems that a for loop cannot be avoided. Is it necessary for me to use arrays in order to take advantage of numpy and vectorize my code?
Here is a python example which utilizes arrays (line 121 of the code), and shows a fast (numpy) and slow ( 'normal') python energy calculation.
The calculation is much faster using the numpy accelerated method because it is vectorized.
How would I vectorize an energy calculation if I was not using arrays, but an array of objects, each with their own coordinates? This seems to necessitate using the slower for loop.
Here is a simple example code with a working slow version of the for loop, and an attempted vectorization that doesn't work:
import numpy as np
import time
class Mol:
num = 0
def __init__(self, r):
Mol.num += 1
self.r = np.empty((3),dtype=np.float_)
self.r[0] = r[0]
self.r[1] = r[1]
self.r[2] = r[2]
""" Alot more useful things go in here in practice"""
# #
# Main Program #
# #
L = 5.0 # Length of simulation box (arbitrary)
r_cut_box_sq = L/2 # arbitrary cutoff - required
nmol = 1000 # number of molecules
part = 1 # arbitrary molecule to interact with rest of molecules
""" make 1000 molecules (1 atom per molecule), give random coordinates """
for i in range(nmol):
r = np.random.rand(3) * L
mol_list.append( Mol( r ) )
energy = 0.0
start = time.time()
# #
# Slow but functioning loop #
# #
for i in range(nmol):
if i == part:
rij = mol_list[part].r - mol_list[i].r
rij = rij - np.rint(rij/L)*L # apply periodic boundary conditions
rij_sq = np.sum(rij**2) # Squared separations
in_range = rij_sq < r_cut_box_sq
sr2 = np.where ( in_range, 1.0 / rij_sq, 0.0 )
sr6 = sr2 ** 3
sr12 = sr6 ** 2
energy += sr12 - sr6
end = time.time()
print('slow: ', end-start)
print('energy: ', energy)
start = time.time()
# #
# Failed vectorization attempt #
# #
""" The next line is my problem, how do I vectorize this so I can avoid the for loop all together?
Leads to error AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'r' """
""" I also must add in that part cannot interact with itself in mol_list"""
rij = mol_list[part].r - mol_list[:].r
rij = rij - np.rint(rij/L)*L # apply periodic boundary conditions
rij_sq = np.sum(rij**2)
in_range = rij_sq < r_cut_box_sq
sr2 = np.where ( in_range, 1.0 / rij_sq, 0.0 )
sr6 = sr2 ** 3
sr12 = sr6 ** 2
energy = sr12 - sr6
energy = sum(energy)
end = time.time()
print('faster??: ', end-start)
print('energy: ', energy)
Would any possible solutions be affected if inside the energy calculation, it was necessary to loop over each atom in each molecule where their is now more than 1 atom per molecule, and not all molecules have the same number of atoms, thus having a double for loop for molecule-molecule interactions rather than the simple pair-pair interactions currently employed.
Making use of the itertools library might be the way forward here. Suppose you wrap the energy calculation of a pair of molecules in a function:
def calc_pairwise_energy((mol_a,mol_b)):
# function takes a 2 item tuple of molecules
# energy calculating code here
return pairwise_energy
Then you can use itertools.combinations to get all the pairs of molecules and python's built in list comprehensions (the code inside [ ] on the last line below):
from itertools import combinations
pairs = combinations(mol_list,2)
energy = sum( [calc_pairwise_energy(pair) for pair in pairs] )
I've come back to this answer as I realised I hadn't properly answered your question. With what I've already posted the pairwise energy calculation function looked like this (I've made a few optimisations to your code):
def calc_pairwise_energy(molecules):
rij = molecules[0].r - molecules[1].r
rij = rij - np.rint(rij/L)*L
rij_sq = np.sum(rij**2) # Squared separations
if rij_sq < r_cut_box_sq:
return (rij_sq ** -6) - (rij_sq ** - 3)
return 0.0
Whereas a vectorised implementation that does all the pairwise calculations in a single call might look like this:
def calc_all_energies(molecules):
energy = 0
for i in range(len(molecules)-1):
mol_a = molecules[i]
other_mols = molecules[i+1:]
coords = np.array([mol.r for mol in other_mols])
rijs = coords - mol_a.r
# np.apply_along_axis replaced as per #hpaulj's comment (see below)
#rijs = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: x - np.rint(x/L)*L,0,rijs)
rijs = rijs - np.rint(rijs/L)*L
rijs_sq = np.sum(rijs**2,axis=1)
rijs_in_range= rijs_sq[rijs_sq < r_cut_box_sq]
energy += sum(rijs_in_range ** -6 - rijs_in_range ** -3)
return energy
This is much faster but there is still plenty to optimise here.
If you want to calculate energies with coordinates as inputs, I'm assuming you're looking for pair-wise distances. For this, you should look into the SciPy library. Specifically, I would look at scipy.spatial.distance.pdist. The documentation can be found here.

using jacobi method to solve laplace equation PYTHON

I am fairly new to python and am trying to recreate the electric potential in a metal box using the laplace equation and the jacobi method. I have written a code that seems to work initially, however I am getting the error: IndexError: index 8 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 7 and can not figure out why. any help would be awesome!
from visual import*
from visual.graph import*
import numpy as np
lenx = leny = 7
delta = 2
vtop = [-1,-.67,-.33,.00,.33,.67,1]
vbottom = [-1,-.67,-.33,.00,.33,.67,1]
vleft = -1
vright = 1
vguess= 0
x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,lenx), np.arange(0,leny))
v = np.empty((lenx,leny))
v[(leny-1):,:] = vtop
v [:1,:] = vbottom
v[:,(lenx-1):] = vright
v[:,:1] = vleft
maxit = 500
for iteration in range (0,maxit):
for i in range(1,lenx):
for j in range(1,leny-1):
v[i,j] = .25*(v[i+i][j] + v[i-1][j] + v[i][j+1] + v[i][j-1])
print v
Just from a quick glance at your code it seems as though the indexing error is happening at this part and can be changed accordingly:
# you had v[i+i][j] instead if v[i+1][j]
v[i,j] = .25*(v[i+1][j] + v[i-1][j] + v[i][j+1] + v[i][j-1])
You simply added and extra i to your indexing which would have definitely been out of range
