I have followed this emnist tutorial to create an image classification experiment (7 classes) with the aim of training a classifier on 3 silos of data with the TFF framework.
Before training begins, I convert the model to a tf keras model using tff.learning.assign_weights_to_keras_model(model,state.model) to evaluate on my validation set. Regardless of the label, the model only predicts one class. This is to be expected as no training of the model has occurred yet. However, I repeat this step after each federated averaging round and the problem persists. All validation images are predicted to one class. I also save the tf keras model weights after each round and make predictions on the test set - no changes.
Some of the steps I have taken to check the source of the issue:
Checked if the tf keras model weights are updating when the FL model is converted after each round - they are updating.
Ensured that the buffer size is greater than the training dataset size for each client.
Compared the predictions to the class distribution in the training datasets. There is a class imbalance but the one class that the model predicts is not necessarily the majority class. Also, it is not always the same class. For the most part, it predicts only class 0.
Increased the number of rounds to 5 and epochs per round to 10. This is computationally very intensive as it is quite a large model being trained with approx 1500 images per client.
Investigated the TensorBoard logs from each training attempt. The training loss is decreasing as the round progresses.
Tried a much simpler model - basic CNN with 2 conv layers. This allowed me to greatly increase the number of epochs and rounds. When evaluating this model on the test set, it predicted 4 different classes but the performance remains very bad. This would indicate that I just would need to increase the number of rounds and epochs for my original model to increase the variation in predictions. This is difficult due the large training time that would be a result.
Model details:
The model uses the XceptionNet as the base model with the weights unfrozen. This performs well on the classification task when all the training images are pooled into a global dataset. Our aim is to hopefully achieve a comparable performance with FL.
base_model = Xception(include_top=False,
x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()( x )
predictions = Dense( num_classes, activation='softmax' )( x )
model = Model( base_model.input, outputs=predictions )
Here is my training code:
def fit(self):
"""Train FL model"""
# self.load_data()
summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(
federated_averaging = self._construct_iterative_process()
state = federated_averaging.initialize()
tfkeras_model = self._convert_to_tfkeras_model( state )
print( np.argmax( tfkeras_model.predict( self.val_data ), axis=-1 ) )
val_loss, val_acc = tfkeras_model.evaluate( self.val_data, steps=100 )
with summary_writer.as_default():
for round_num in tqdm( range( 1, self.num_rounds ), ascii=True, desc="FedAvg Rounds" ):
print( "Beginning fed avg round..." )
# Round of federated averaging
state, metrics = federated_averaging.next(
print( "Fed avg round complete" )
# Saving logs
for name, value in metrics._asdict().items():
print( "round {:2d}, metrics={}".format( round_num, metrics ) )
# tfkeras_model = self._convert_to_tfkeras_model(
# state
# )
val_metrics = {}
val_metrics["val_loss"], val_metrics["val_acc"] = tfkeras_model.evaluate(
for name, metric in val_metrics.items():
def _checkpoint_tfkeras_model(self,
# Obtaining model dir path
model_dir = os.path.join(
# Creating directory
model_path = os.path.join(
# Saving model
def _convert_to_tfkeras_model(self, state):
"""Converts global TFF modle of TF keras model
Takes the weights of the global model
and pushes them back into a standard
Keras model
state: The state of the FL server
containing the model and
optimization state
(model); TF Keras model
model = self._load_tf_keras_model()
return model
def _load_tf_keras_model(self):
"""Loads tf keras models
KeyError: A model name was not defined
(model): TF keras model object
model = create_models(
input_shape=[self.img_h, self.img_w, 3],
return model
def _define_model(self):
"""Model creation function"""
model = self._load_tf_keras_model()
tff_model = tff.learning.from_keras_model(
# Using self.metrics throws an error
metrics=[tf.keras.metrics.CategoricalAccuracy()] )
return tff_model
def _construct_iterative_process(self):
"""Constructing federated averaging process"""
iterative_process = tff.learning.build_federated_averaging_process(
client_optimizer_fn=lambda: tf.keras.optimizers.SGD( learning_rate=0.02 ),
server_optimizer_fn=lambda: tf.keras.optimizers.SGD( learning_rate=1.0 ) )
return iterative_process
Increased the number of rounds to 5 ...
Running only a few rounds of federated learning sounds insufficient. One of the earliest Federated Averaging papers (McMahan 2016) required running for hundreds of rounds when the MNIST data had non-iid splits. More recently (Reddi 2020) required thousands of rounds for CIFAR-100. One thing to note is that each "round" is one "step" of the global model. That step may be larger with more client epochs, but these are averaged and diverging clients may reduce the magnitude of the global step.
I also save the tf keras model weights after each round and make predictions on the test set - no changes.
This can be concerning. It will be easier to debug if you could share the code used in the FL training loop.
Note sure this is an answer, but more a liked observation.
I've been trying to characterize the learning process (accuracy and loss) on the Federated Learning for Image Classification notebook tutorial with TFF.
I'm seeing major improvements in speed of convergence by modifying the epoch hyperparameter. Changing epochs from 5, 10, 20 etc. But I'm also seeing major increase in training accuracy. I suspect overfitting is occurring, though then I evaluate on the test set accuracy is still high.
Wondering what is going on. ?
My understanding is that the epoch param controls the # of forward/back prop on each client per round of training. Is this correct ? So ie 10 rounds of training on 10 clients with 10 epochs would be 10 Epochs X 10 Clients X 10 rounds. Realise a lager range of clients is needed etc but I was expecting to see poorer accuracy on the test set.
What can I do to see whats going on. Could I use the evaluation check with something like learning curves to to see if overfitting is occurring ?
test_metrics = evaluation(state.model, federated_test_data) Only appears to give a single data point, how can I get the individual test accuracy for each test example validated?
Appreciate any thoughts you may have on the matter, Colin . . .
I'm trying to prune a base model that consists of several layers on top of a VGG network. It also contains a user-defined layer named instance_normalization. For pruning to be successful, I've defined the get_prunable_weights function of this layer as follows:
### defined for model pruning
def get_prunable_weights(self):
return self.weights
I used the following function to obtain a to-be-pruned model structure using a base model named model:
def define_prune_model(self, model, img_shape, epochs, batch_size, validation_split=0.1):
num_images = img_shape[0] * (1 - validation_split)
end_step = np.ceil(num_images / batch_size).astype(np.int32) * epochs
# Define model for pruning.
pruning_params = {
'pruning_schedule': tfmot.sparsity.keras.PolynomialDecay(initial_sparsity=0.5,
model_for_pruning = prune_low_magnitude(model, **pruning_params)
return model_for_pruning
Then, I wrote the following function to perform training on this pruning model:
def train_prune_model(self, model_for_pruning, train_images, train_labels,
epochs, batch_size, validation_split=0.1):
callbacks = [
model_for_pruning.fit(train_images, train_labels,
batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, validation_split=validation_split,
return model_for_pruning
However, when training, I found out that the training and validation losses were all nan, and the final model prediction output was totally zero. However, the base model that passed to define_prune_model has successfully trained and predicted correctly.
How can I solve this? Thank you in advance.
It is difficult to pinpoint the issue without more informations. In particular, can you please give more detail (preferably as code) about your custom instance_normalization layer ?
Assuming that the code is fine: Since you mentioned that the model trains correctly without pruning, could it be that those pruning parameters are too harsh ? After all, those options set 50% of the weights to zero right from the first learning step.
Here is what I would try:
Experiment with a lower level of sparsity (especially initial_sparsity).
Start to apply pruning later during the training (begin_step argument of the pruning schedule). Some even prefer to train the model once without applying pruning at all. Then re-train again with prune_low_magnitude().
Only prune at some steps, giving time for the model to recover between prunings (frequency argument).
Finally should it still fail, the usual cures when encountering nan losses: reduce the learning rate, use regularization or gradient clipping, ...
I'm confused about how to implement tfa's SWA optimizer. There are two points here:
When you look at the documentation it points you to [this] model averaging tutorial. That tutorial uses tfa.callbacks.AverageModelCheckpoint, which allows you to
Assign the moving average weights to the model, and save them.
(or) Keep the old non-averaged weights, but the saved model uses the average weights.
Having a distinct ModelCheckpoint that allows you to save moving average weights (rather than the current weights) makes sense. However - it seems like SWA should be managing the weight averaging. That makes me want to set update_weights=False.
Is this correct? The tutorial uses update_weights=True.
There is a note about SWA not updating the BN layers in the documentation. Following the suggestion here I did this,
# original training
# updating weights from final run
# batch-norm-hack: lr=0 as suggested https://stackoverflow.com/a/64376062/607528
before saving my model.
Is this correct?
The easiest way to deal with the batch norm is the following:
First, loop through all layers in your model and reset the moving mean and moving variance in the batch norm layers (in my example I assume the batch norm layers end with "bn"):
for l in model.layers:
if l.name.split('_')[-1] == 'bn': # e.g. conv1_bn
After that run your model for one epoch and set training to true to update the moving average and variance:
count = 0
for x,_ in dataset_train:
_ = model(x, training = True)
count += 1
if count > steps_per_epoch:
There are two ways of doing this, the first one is you manually update the weights before saving, like this example from the documentation.
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_addons as tfa
model = tf.Sequential([...])
opt = tfa.optimizers.SWA(
tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(lr=2.0), 100, 10)
model.compile(opt, ...)
model.fit(x, y, ...)
# Update the weights to their mean before saving
The second option is to update the weight through AverageModelCheckpoint if you set update_weights = True. As the collab notebook example shows
avg_callback = tfa.callbacks.AverageModelCheckpoint(filepath=checkpoint_dir,
#Build Model
model = create_model(moving_avg_sgd)
#Train the network
model.fit(fmnist_train_ds, epochs=5, callbacks=[avg_callback])
Notice that AverageModelCheckpoint also calls assign_average_vars before saving the model, from source code:
def _save_model(self, epoch, logs):
optimizer = self._get_optimizer()
assert isinstance(optimizer, AveragedOptimizerWrapper)
if self.update_weights:
return super()._save_model(epoch, logs)
I'm training a neural network (doesn't matter which one) on CIFAR-10 dataset. I'm using Federated Learning:
I have 10 models, each model having access to its own part of the dataset. At every time step, each model makes a step using its own data, and then the global model is an average of the model (this version is based on this, but I tried a lot of options):
def server_aggregate(server_model, client_models):
global_dict = server_model.state_dict()
for k in global_dict.keys():
global_dict[k] = torch.stack([client_models[i].state_dict()[k].float() for i in range(len(client_models))], 0).mean(0)
for model in client_models:
To be specific, each machine only has access to a data corresponding to a single class. I.e. machine 0 has only samples corresponding to class 0, etc. I'm doing it the following way:
def split_into_classes(full_ds, batch_size, num_classes=10):
class2indices = [[] for _ in range(num_classes)]
for i, y in enumerate(full_ds.targets):
datasets = [torch.utils.data.Subset(full_ds, indices) for indices in class2indices]
return [DataLoader(ds, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True) for ds in datasets]
Problem. During training, I can see that my federated training loss decreases. However, I never see my test loss/accuracy improve (acc is always around 10%).
Moreover, when I check accuracy on train/test datasets:
For the federated dataset, the accuracy improves.
For the testing dataset, the accuracy doesn't improve.
(Most surprising) for the training dataset, the accuracy doesn't improve. Note that this dataset is essentially the same as federated dataset, but not split into classes. The checking code is the following:
def epoch_summary(model, fed_loaders, true_train_loader, test_loader, frac):
with torch.no_grad():
train_len = 0
train_loss, train_acc = 0, 0
for train_loader in fed_loaders:
cur_loss, cur_acc, cur_len = true_results(model, train_loader, frac)
train_loss += cur_len * cur_loss
train_acc += cur_len * cur_acc
train_len += cur_len
train_loss /= train_len
train_acc /= train_len
true_train_loss, true_train_acc, true_train_len = true_results(model, true_train_loader, frac)
test_loss, test_acc, test_len = true_results(model, test_loader, frac)
print("TrainLoss: {:.4f} TrainAcc: {:.2f} TrueLoss: {:.4f} TrueAcc: {:.2f} TestLoss: {:.4f} TestAcc: {:.2f}".format(
train_loss, train_acc, true_train_loss, true_train_acc, test_loss, test_acc
), flush=True)
The full code can be found here. Things which don't seem to matter:
Model. I got the same problem for Resnet models and for some other models.
How I aggregate the models. I tried using state_dict or directly manipulate model.parameters(), no effect.
How I learn the models. I tried using optim.SGD or directly update param.data -= learning_rate * param.grad, no effect.
Computational graph. I've tried adding .detach().clone() and with torch.no_grad() into all possible places, no effect.
So I'm suspecting that the problem is somehow with the federated data itself (especially given strange accuracy results). What can be a problem?
10% on CIFAR-10 is basically random - your model outputs labels at random and gets 10%.
I think the problem lies in your "federated training" strategy: you cannot expect your sub-models to learn anything meaningful when all they see is a single label. This is why training data is shuffled.
Think of it: if each of your sub models learns all weights to be zero apart from the bias vector of the last classification layer that has 1 in the entry corresponding to the class this sub-model sees - the training of each sub model is perfect (it gets it right for all training samples it sees), but the averaged model is meaningless.
I have a question regarding the evaluation of an LSTM Model. I have trained an LSTM Model and stored it with model.save(...). Now I want load_model and evaluate it on the validation set datasets. Since neural networks are stochastic, I run it several times and compute the mean and the variance of the different metrics I am interested in.
Now I am shocked that after the first run all consecutive runs have the same performance on every metric. I don't think that is right, but I don't know where the error occurs.
So my question is:
what is my mistake in setting up the validation of my model?
and how can I fix that?
Here are the code snippets that should explain what I am doing:
Compile and fit the Model
def compile_and_fit( hparams,
model_path ):
window = WindowGenerator( input_width= hparams[HP_WINDOW_SIZE],
label_width=hparams[HP_WINDOW_SIZE], shift=1,
label_columns=['q_MARI'], batch_size = hparams[HP_BATCH_SIZE])
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.LSTM(hparams[HP_NUM_UNITS], return_sequences=True, name="LSTM_1"),
tf.keras.layers.Dropout(hparams[HP_DROPOUT], name="Dropout_1"),
tf.keras.layers.LSTM(hparams[HP_NUM_UNITS], return_sequences=True, name="LSTM_2"),
learning_rate = hparams[HP_LEARNING_RATE]
history = model.fit(window.train,
callbacks= get_callbacks(model_path))
_, a,_,_,_,_ = model.evaluate(window.val)
return a, model, history
Train and safe it
a, model, history = compile_and_fit( hparams = hparams, MAX_EPOCHS = MAX_EPOCHS, model_path = run_path)
Load and evaluate it
model = tf.keras.models.load_model(os.path.join(hparam_path, model_name),
custom_objects={"max_error": max_error, "median_absolute_error": median_absolute_error, "rev_metric": rev_metric, "nse_metric": nse_metric})
model.compile(loss=tf.losses.MeanSquaredError(), optimizer="adam", metrics=get_metrics())
metric_values = np.empty(shape = (nr_runs, len(metrics)), dtype=float)
for j in range(nr_runs):
window = WindowGenerator(input_width= hparam_vals[i], label_width=hparam_vals[i], shift=1,
metric_values[j]= np.array(model.evaluate(window.val))
means = metric_values.mean(axis=0)
varis = metric_values.var(axis=0)
print(f'means: {means}, varis: {varis}')
The results I am getting
For setting up the Training I follow those two guides:
LSTM is not stochastic. Evaluation results should be the same for the same data.
There are two steps, when you train the model, randomness will influence the model you trained. However, after that, you saved the model, the prediction result would be same if you use the same model.
My question is about the practical implementation of "Domain Adaptation" into a functional model in keras with tensorflow backend.
Description of the problem:
I have a collection of particle collision samples which consist of n variables. One half of them is simulated data with certain class labels (e.g "W-Boson"). The other half is real collision data which is not labeled. The key idea now is to setup a keras model, which has two outputs. One for classifying the class of a sample and one for classifying the domain, so wether it is simulated or real data. The thing is that the model shall be trained so that the domain classifier performs very poor. This is achieved by flipping the sign of the incoming gradient from the domain end of the network during training. This technique is called "Domain Adaptation". The model is expected to be trained to find domain-invariant features, or in other words, to perform the same on simulated and real collision data.
The framework I am working with has an existin functional keras model, which I wanted to expand with said domain classifier. This is a prototype I came up with:
# common layers
inputs = keras.Input(shape=(n_variables, ))
X = layers.Dense(units=50, activation="relu")(inputs)
# domain end
flip_layer = flipGradientTF.GradientReversal(hp_lambda=0.3)(X)
X_domain = layers.Dense(units=50, activation="relu")(flip_layer)
domain_out = layers.Dense(units=2, activation="softmax", name="domain_out")(X_domain)
# class end
X_class = layers.Dense(units=50, activation="relu")(X)
class_out = layers.Dense(units=n_classes, activation="softmax", name="class_out")(X_class)
The code for flipGradientTF is taken from https://github.com/michetonu/gradient_reversal_keras_tf
And further on for compiling and training the model:
model = keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=[class_out, domain_out])
model.compile(optimizer="adam", loss=loss_function, metrics="accuracy")
# train model
x = train_data,
y = [train_class_labels, train_domain_labels],
batch_size = 200,
epochs = 200,
sample_weight = {"class_out": class_weights, "domain_out": None}
For train_data I am passing the dataframe which consists of the data from both domains. As I have tried to use either "categorical_crossentropy" or "sparse_categorical_crossentropy" as the loss_function, train_class_labels and train_domain_labels where either in the one-hot representation or in the integer representation. My biggest issue is figuring out what to use for the class labels of the unlabeled data and this led to a gut feeling that I am on the wrong track here.
So in a nutshell:
Is this implementation strategy legit and assuming it is, what should I do about the class labels for the unlabeled data? And if it is not legit, what would be a better way of attacking this problem?
Any help would be much appreciated :)