I am new to numpy and I want to solve the equation A * x = x, where A is a matrix and x is a vector.
Searching for the vector x, if it exists.
I found the np.linalg.solve()-function , but didn't got it to work as intended.
The issue here is not so much a problem with numpy as with your understanding of the linear algebra involved. The question you are asking can be rephrased as:
A # x = x
A # x = I # x
(A - I) # x = 0
This is a specific formulation of the the general eigenvector problem, with the stipulation that the eigenvalue is 1.
Numpy solves this problem with the function np.linalg.eig:
w, v = np.linalg.eig(A)
You need to check if any of the values are 1 (there could be more than one):
mask = np.isclose(w, 1)
if mask.any():
for vec in v[:, mask].T:
The elements of v are unit vectors. Keep in mind that any scalar multiple of such a vector is also a solution.
For issues with non-invertible matrices, you may want to use scipy.linalg.svd instead:
v, w, _ = svd(A)
The rest of the procedure will be the same.
Currently I am trying to calculate least squares with 2 numpy arrays (X, Y) with n arrays with some same number of values in each. My output that I want is 2 numpy arrays that contain the slope and intercept respectively. Right now I have the following inefficient code:
M = []
C = []
for i in range(len(X)):
x = X[i]
y = Y[i]
A = np.vstack([x, np.ones(len(x))]).T
m, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y, rcond=None)[0]
return np.array(M), np.array(C)
Since this code relies on a couple conversions and a for loop I think there has to be a more efficient way to solve this problem, but I can't think of one that doesn't rely on the for loop and casts. I need to keep the order of M and C maintained as well.
Actually it should not be that bad, numpy is highly optimized for this kind on stuff (stacking matrices, casting...).
You cannot avoid the for-loop since np.linalg.lstsq does not support so-called "batch-processing", but it is possible to avoid memory allocation. I don't know if it will really improve anything:
M, C = [], []
for i, x, y in enumerate(zip(X, Y)):
if not i:
A = np.stack((x.T, np.ones(len(x))), axis=-1)
A[:, :-1] = x.T
m, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y, rcond=None)[0]
return np.array(M), np.array(C)
After thinking twice about it, there is a way to do it by "emulating" batch processing, by reformulating your problem as a block diagonal sparse problem:
import scipy.linalg
A = scipy.linalg.block_diag(*[
np.stack((x.T, np.ones(len(x))), axis=-1) for x in X])
Y = np.concatenate(Y)
M, C = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y, rcond=None)[0]
Then, doing the inverse of block_diag for M you should be able to recover what you want. C should be fine already.
I haven't tried it myself but I think it would lead to a speedup thanks to efficient matrix algebra. You could probably even further improve efficiency by using spicy space lsqr solver in this case. Good luck with that !
I have a scipy.sparse.csr matrix X which is n x p. For each row in X I would like to compute the intersection of the non zero element indices with each row in X and store them in a new tensor or maybe even a dictionary. For example, X is:
X = [
[0., 1.5, 4.7],
[4., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 2.6]
I would like the output to be
intersect =
[[1,2], [], [2]],
[[], [0], []],
[[2], [], [2]]
intersect[i,j] is an ndarray representing the intersection of the indices of nonzero elements of ith and jth rows of X i.e X[i], X[j].
Currently the way I am doing this is by looping and I would like to vectorize this as it would be much faster and the computations are done in parallel.
# current code
n = X.shape[0]
intersection_dict = {}
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
indices = np.intersect1d(X[i].indices, X[j].indices)
intersection_dict[(i,j)] = indices
My n is pretty large so looping over n^2 is very poor. I am just having trouble figuring out a way to vectorize this operation. Does anybody have any ideas on how to tackle this?
It was made apparent that I should explain the problem I am trying to solve, so here it is.
I am solving an optimization problem and have an equation
W = X diag(theta) X'. I want to find W in a quick manner as I update the entries of theta till convergence. Further I am updating parameters using pytorch where sparse operations are not as extensive as in scipy.
X : n x p sparse data matrix (n documents, p features)
theta : p x 1 parameter vector I want to learn and will be updating
X' : p x n transpose of sparse data matrix
note p >> n
I had in mind two methods of solving this quickly
Cache sparse outer product of (see More efficient matrix multiplication with diagonal matrix)
W_ij = X_i * theta * X_j (element wise product of row i of X, theta, and row j of X. And since X_i, X_j are sparse I was thinking if I take the intersection of the nonzero indices then I can do a simple dense elementwise product (sparse element wise product not supported in pytorch) of X_i[intersection indices] * theta[intersection indices] X_j[intersection indices]
I want to vectorize as much of this computation as possible rather than loop as my n is typically in the thousands and p is 11 million.
I am attempting method 2 over method 1 do to the lack of sparse support in Pytorch. Mainly when updating the entries of theta I would not like to do sparse-dense or sparse-sparse operations. I want to do dense-dense operations.
The optimization you're looking at requires storing p different n x n matrices. If you do want to try it, I'd probably use all the functionality built into sparse matrices in scipy's C extensions.
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
arr = sparse.random(100,10000, format="csr", density=0.01)
xxt = arr # arr.T
p_comps = [arr[:, i] # arr.T[i, :] for i in range(arr.shape[1])]
def calc_weights(xxt, thetas, p_comps):
xxt = xxt.copy()
xxt.data = np.zeros(xxt.data.shape, dtype=xxt.dtype)
for i, t in enumerate(thetas):
xxt += (p_comps[i] * t)
return xxt
W = calc_weights(xxt, np.ones(10000), p_comps)
>>>(xxt.A == W.A).all()
It's really unlikely that this is going to work well implemented in python. You may have better luck doing this in C, or writing something with nested loops that operates on elements and is amenable to getting JIT compiled with numba.
One first easy solution is to notice that the output matrix is symmetrical:
n = X.shape[0]
intersection_dict = {}
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i,n): #note the edit here
indices = np.intersect1d(X[i].indices, X[j].indices)
intersection_dict[(i,j)] = indices
This will reduce by a bit less than 2X your computation
let K(x, z) be (x_transpose*z + p_constant)**2.
I want to compute the n*n matrix K, where K_ij = k(X_i, X_j)
X is a n by d matrix, and X_i is the transpose of the ith row of X.
Does anyone know of a quick way to compute this? I'm using python.
Wait a second, is K just XX^T?
import numpy as np
def K(x,z, p_constant=1.0):
return (np.dot(x.T,z)+p_constant)**2
np.fromfunction(np.vectorize(lambda i,j: K(x[i],x[:,j])), x.shape, dtype=x.dtype)
I had some trouble with np.fromfunction's misleading documentation.
Yes, the answer on question "How to compute linear kernel matrix" is
np.dot(X , np.transpose(X).
I found some examples online showing how to find the null space of a regular matrix in Python, but I couldn't find any examples for a sparse matrix (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix).
By null space I mean x such that M·x = 0, where '·' is matrix multiplication. Does anybody know how to do this?
Furthermore, in my case I know that the null space will consist of a single vector. Can this information be used to improve the efficiency of the method?
This isn't a complete answer yet, but hopefully it will be a starting point towards one. You should be able to compute the null space using a variant on the SVD-based approach shown for dense matrices in this question:
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg
def rand_rank_k(n, k, **kwargs):
"generate a random (n, n) sparse matrix of rank <= k"
a = sparse.rand(n, k, **kwargs)
b = sparse.rand(k, n, **kwargs)
return a.dot(b)
# I couldn't think of a simple way to generate a random sparse matrix with known
# rank, so I'm currently using a dense matrix for proof of concept
n = 100
M = rand_rank_k(n, n - 1, density=1)
# # this seems like it ought to work, but it doesn't
# u, s, vh = sparse.linalg.svds(M, k=1, which='SM')
# this works OK, but obviously converting your matrix to dense and computing all
# of the singular values/vectors is probably not feasible for large sparse matrices
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(M.todense(), full_matrices=False)
tol = np.finfo(M.dtype).eps * M.nnz
null_space = vh.compress(s <= tol, axis=0).conj().T
# (100, 1)
print(np.allclose(M.dot(null_space), 0))
# True
If you know that x is a single row vector then in principle you would only need to compute the smallest singular value/vector of M. It ought to be possible to do this using scipy.sparse.linalg.svds, i.e.:
u, s, vh = sparse.linalg.svds(M, k=1, which='SM')
null_space = vh.conj().ravel()
Unfortunately, scipy's svds seems to be badly behaved when finding small singular values of singular or near-singular matrices and usually either returns NaNs or throws an ArpackNoConvergence error.
I'm not currently aware of an alternative implementation of truncated SVD with Python bindings that will work on sparse matrices and can selectively find the smallest singular values - perhaps someone else knows of one?
As a side note, the second approach seems to work reasonably well using MATLAB or Octave's svds function:
>> M = rand(100, 99) * rand(99, 100);
% svds converges much more reliably if you set sigma to something small but nonzero
>> [U, S, V] = svds(M, 1, 1E-9);
>> max(abs(M * V))
ans = 1.5293e-10
I have been trying to find a solution to the same problem. Using Scipy's svds function provides unreliable results for small singular values. Therefore i have been using QR decomposition instead. The sparseqr https://github.com/yig/PySPQR provides a wrapper for Matlabs SuiteSparseQR method, and works reasonably well. Using this the null space can be calculated as:
from sparseqr import qr
Q, _, _,r = qr( M.transpose() )
N = Q.tocsr()[:,r:]
What's the easiest way to get the DFT matrix for 2-d DFT in python? I could not find such function in numpy.fft. Thanks!
The easiest and most likely the fastest method would be using fft from SciPy.
import scipy as sp
def dftmtx(N):
return sp.fft(sp.eye(N))
If you know even faster way (might be more complicated) I'd appreciate your input.
Just to make it more relevant to the main question - you can also do it with numpy:
import numpy as np
dftmtx = np.fft.fft(np.eye(N))
When I had benchmarked both of them I have an impression scipy one was marginally faster but I
have not done it thoroughly and it was sometime ago so don't take my word for it.
Here's pretty good source on FFT implementations in python:
It's rather from speed perspective, but in this case we can actually see that sometimes it comes with simplicity too.
I don't think this is built in. However, direct calculation is straightforward:
import numpy as np
def DFT_matrix(N):
i, j = np.meshgrid(np.arange(N), np.arange(N))
omega = np.exp( - 2 * pi * 1J / N )
W = np.power( omega, i * j ) / sqrt(N)
return W
EDIT For a 2D FFT matrix, you can use the following:
x = np.zeros(N, N) # x is any input data with those dimensions
W = DFT_matrix(N)
dft_of_x = W.dot(x).dot(W)
As of scipy 0.14 there is a built-in scipy.linalg.dft:
Example with 16 point DFT matrix:
>>> import scipy.linalg
>>> import numpy as np
>>> m = scipy.linalg.dft(16)
Validate unitary property, note matrix is unscaled thus 16*np.eye(16):
>>> np.allclose(np.abs(np.dot( m.conj().T, m )), 16*np.eye(16))
For 2D DFT matrix, it's just a issue of tensor product, or specially, Kronecker Product in this case, as we are dealing with matrix algebra.
>>> m2 = np.kron(m, m) # 256x256 matrix, flattened from (16,16,16,16) tensor
Now we can give it a tiled visualization, it's done by rearranging each row into a square block
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> m2tiled = m2.reshape((16,)*4).transpose(0,2,1,3).reshape((256,256))
>>> plt.subplot(121)
>>> plt.imshow(np.real(m2tiled), cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest')
>>> plt.subplot(122)
>>> plt.imshow(np.imag(m2tiled), cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest')
>>> plt.show()
Result (real and imag part separately):
As you can see they are 2D DFT basis functions
Link to documentation
#Alex| is basically correct, I add here the version I used for 2-d DFT:
def DFT_matrix_2d(N):
i, j = np.meshgrid(np.arange(N), np.arange(N))
A=np.multiply.outer(i.flatten(), i.flatten())
B=np.multiply.outer(j.flatten(), j.flatten())
omega = np.exp(-2*np.pi*1J/N)
W = np.power(omega, A+B)/N
return W
Lambda functions work too:
dftmtx = lambda N: np.fft.fft(np.eye(N))
You can call it by using dftmtx(N). Example:
In [62]: dftmtx(2)
array([[ 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j],
[ 1.+0.j, -1.+0.j]])
If you wish to compute the 2D DFT as a single matrix operation, it is necessary to unravel the matrix X on which you wish to compute the DFT into a vector, as each output of the DFT has a sum over every index in the input, and a single square matrix multiplication does not have this ability. Taking care to be sure we are handling the indices correctly, I find the following works:
M = 16
N = 16
X = np.random.random((M,N)) + 1j*np.random.random((M,N))
Y = np.fft.fft2(X)
W = np.zeros((M*N,M*N),dtype=np.complex)
hold = []
for m in range(M):
for n in range(N):
for j in range(M*N):
for i in range(M*N):
k,l = hold[j]
m,n = hold[i]
W[j,i] = np.exp(-2*np.pi*1j*(m*k/M + n*l/N))
If you wish to change the normalization to orthogonal, you can divide by 1/sqrt(MN) or if you wish to have the inverse transformation, just change the sign in the exponent.
This might be a little late, but there is a better alternative for creating the DFT matrix, that performs faster, using NumPy's vander
also, this implementation does not use loops (explicitly)
def dft_matrix(signal):
N = signal.shape[0] # num of samples
w = np.exp((-2 * np.pi * 1j) / N) # remove the '-' for inverse fourier
r = np.arange(N)
w_matrix = np.vander(w ** r, increasing=True) # faster than meshgrid
return w_matrix
if I'm not mistaken, the main improvement is that this method generates the elements of the power from the (already calculated) previous elements
you can read about vander in the documentation: