Expression in regular expression python - python

I would like to make a regular expression for formatting a text, in which there can't be a { character except if it's coming with a backslash \ behind. The problem is that a backslash can escape itself, so I don't want to match \\{ for example, but I do want \\\{. So I want only an odd number of backslashs before a {. I can't just take it in a group and lookup the number of backslashs there are after like this:
s = r"a wei\\\{rd thing\\\\\{"
matchs = re.finditer(r"([^\{]|(\\+)\{)+", s)
for match in matchs:
if len( / 2 == len( // 2: # check if it's even
Because the group 2 can be used more than one time, so I can access only to the last one (in this case, \\\\\)
It would be really nice if we could just do something like "([^\{]|(\\+)(?if len(\2) / 2 == len(\2) // 2)\{)+" as regular expression, but, as far as I know, that is impossible.
How can I do then ???

This matches an odd number of backslashes followed by a brace:
(?<!\\) - Not preceded by a backslash, to accommodate the next bit
This is called "negative lookbehind"
(\\\\)* - Zero or more pairs of backslashes
(\\\{) - A backslash then a brace
Try it on RegExr
This was partly inspired by Vadim Baratashvili's answer

I think you can use this as solution:
We can check that between the last character that is not a backslash there are 0 or more pairs of backslashes and then goes {if part of the text matches the pattern, then we can replace it with the first group $1 (a character that is not a slash plus 0 or more pairs of slashes), so we will find and replace not escaped { .
If we want to find escaped { we ca use this expression:
([^\\](\\\\){0,})(\\\{) - second group of match is \{


Extracting two strings from between two characters. Why doesn't my regex match and how can I improve it?

I'm learning about regular expressions and I to want extract a string from a text that has the following characteristic:
It always begins with the letter C, in either lowercase or
uppercase, which is then followed by a number of hexadecimal
characters (meaning it can contain the letters A to F and numbers
from 1 to 9, with no zeros included).
After those hexadecimal
characters comes a letter P, also either in lowercase or uppercase
And then some more hexadecimal characters (again, excluding 0).
Meaning I want to capture the strings that come in between the letters C and P as well as the string that comes after the letter P and concatenate them into a single string, while discarding the letters C and P
Examples of valid strings would be:
For the above examples what I want would be to extract the following, in the same order:
45AF2 # Original string: c45AFP2
AF # Original string: CAPF
56B26 # Original string: c56Bp26
A6C22AAA # Original string: CA6C22pAAA
Examples of invalid strings would be:
BCA6C22pAAA # It doesn't begin with C
c56Bp # There aren't any characters after P
c45AF0P2 # Contains a zero
I'm using python and I want a regex to extract the two strings that come both in between the characters C and P as well as after P
So far I've come up with this:
A breakdown would be:
(?<=\A[cC]) Positive lookbehind assertion. Asserts that what comes before the regex parser’s current position must match [cC] and that [cC] must be at the beginning of the string
[a-fA-F1-9]* Matches a single character in the list between zero and unlimited times
(?<=[pP]) Positive lookbehind assertion. Asserts that what comes before the regex parser’s current position must match [pP]
[a-fA-F1-9]* Matches a single character in the list between zero and unlimited times
But with the above regex I can't match any of the strings!
When I insert a | in between (?<=[cC])[a-fA-F1-9]* and (?<=[pP])[a-fA-F1-9]* it works.
Meaning the below regex works:
I know that | means that it should match at most one of the specified regex expressions. But it's non greedy and it returns the first match that it finds. The remaining expressions aren’t tested, right?
But using | means the string BCA6C22pAAA is a partial match to AAA since it comes after P, even though the first assertion isn't true, since it doesn't begin with a C.
That shouldn't be the case. I want it to only match if all conditions explained in the beginning are true.
Could someone explain to me why my first attempt doesn't produces the result I want? Also, how can I improve my regex?
I still need it to:
Not be a match if the string contains the number 0
Only be a match if ALL conditions are met
Thank you
To match both groups before and after P or p
(?<=^[Cc]) - Positive Lookbehind. Must match a case insensitive C or c at the start of the line
[1-9a-fA-F]+ - Matches hexadecimal characters one or more times
(?=[Pp] - Positive Lookahead for case insensitive p or P
([1-9a-fA-F]+$) - Cature group for one or more hexadecimal characters following the pP
View Demo
Your main problem is you're using a look behind (?<=[pP]) for something ahead, which will never work: You need a look ahead (?=...).
Also, the final quantifier should be + not * because you require at least one trailing character after the p.
The final mistake is that you're not capturing anything, you're only matching, so put what you want to capture inside brackets, which also means you can remove all look arounds.
If you use the case insensitive flag, it makes the regex much smaller and easier to read.
A working regex that captures the 2 hex parts in groups 1 and 2 is:
See live demo.
Unless you need to use \A, prefer ^ (start of input) over \A (start of all input in multi line scenario) because ^ easier to read and \A won't match every line, which is what many situations and tools expect. I've used ^.

How to match and replace this pattern in Python RE?

s = "[abc]abx[abc]b"
s = re.sub("\[([^\]]*)\]a", "ABC", s)
In the string, s, I want to match 'abc' when it's enclosed in [], and followed by a 'a'. So in that string, the first [abc] will be replaced, and the second won't.
I wrote the pattern above, it matches:
match anything starting with a '[', followed by any number of characters which is not ']', then followed by the character 'a'.
However, in the replacement, I want the string to be like:
[ABC]abx[abc]b . // NOT ABCbx[abc]b
Namely, I don't want the whole matched pattern to be replaced, but only anything with the bracket []. How to achieve that? will return the content in []. But how to take advantage of this in re.sub?
Why not simply include [ and ] in the substitution?
s = re.sub("\[([^\]]*)\]a", "[ABC]a", s)
There exist more than 1 method, one of them is exploting groups.
import re
s = "[abc]abx[abc]b"
out = re.sub('(\[)([^\]]*)(\]a)', r'\1ABC\3', s)
Note that there are 3 groups (enclosed in brackets) in first argument of re.sub, then I refer to 1st and 3rd (note indexing starts at 1) so they remain unchanged, instead of 2nd group I put ABC. Second argument of re.sub is raw string, so I do not need to escape \.
This regex uses lookarounds for the prefix/suffix assertions, so that the match text itself is only "abc":
So that's:
(?<=\[) - positive look-behind, asserting that a literal [ is directly before the start of the match
[^]]* - any number of non-] characters (the actual match)
(?=\]a) - positive look-ahead, asserting that the text ]a directly follows the match text.

How to group inside "or" matching in a regex?

I have two kinds of documents to parse:
1545994641 INFO: ...
I want to extract the timestamp 1545994641 from each of them.
So, I decided to write a regex to match both cases:
In the 1st kind of document, it matches the timestamp and groups it, using the first expression in the "or" above (\d{10}\s):
>>> regex = re.compile("(\d{10}\s|\"\d{10}\")")
>>> msg="1545994641 INFO: ..."
'1545994641 '
(So far so good.)
However, in the 2nd kind, using the second expression in the "or" (\"\d{10}\") it matches the timestamp and quotation marks, grouping them. But I just want the timestamp, not the "":
>>> regex = re.compile("(\d{10}\s|\"\d{10}\")")
>>> msg='{"deliveryDate":"1545994641","error"..."}'
What I tried:
I decided to use a non-capturing group for the quotation marks:
but it doesn't work as the outer group catches them.
I also removed the outer group, but the result is the same.
Unwanted ways to solve:
I can surpass this by creating a group for each expression in the or,
but I just want it to output a single group (to abstract the code
from the regex).
I could also use a 2nd step of regex to capture the timestamp from
the group that has the quotation marks, but again that would break
the code abstraction.
I could omit the "" in the regex but that would match a timestamp in the middle of the message , as I want it to be objective to capture the timestamp as a value of a key or in the beginning of the document, followed by a space.
Is there a way I can match both cases above but, in the case it matches the second case, return only the timestamp? Or is it impossible?
As noticed by #Amit Bhardwaj, the first case also returns a space after the timestamp. It's another problem (I didn't figure out) with the same solution, probably!
You may use lookarounds if your code can only access the whole match:
See the regex demo.
In Python, declare it as
rx = r'^\d{10}(?=\s)|(?<=")\d{10}(?=")'
Pattern details
^ - string start
\d{10} - ten digits
(?=\s) - a positive lookahead that requires a whitespace char immediately to the right of the current location
| - or
(?<=") - a " char
\d{10} - ten digits
(?=") - a positive lookahead that requires a double quotation mark immediately to the right of the current location.
You could use lookarounds, but I think this solution is simpler, if you can just get the group:
Considering if there is a first " there must be a ", try this:
To also remove the trailing space in the end, use a lookahead too:

Regex to check if it is exactly one single word

I am basically trying to match string pattern(wildcard match)
Please carefully look at this -
*(star) - means exactly one word .
This is not a regex is a convention.
So,if there patterns like -
*.key - '.key.' is preceded by exactly one word(word containing no dots)
*.key.* - '.key.' is preceded and succeeded by exactly one word having no dots
key.* - '.key' preceeds exactly one word .
"door.key" matches "*.key"
"brown.door.key" doesn't match "*.key".
"brown.key.door" matches "*.key.*"
but "brown.iron.key.door" doesn't match "*.key.*"
So, when I encounter a '*' in pattern, I have replace it with a regex so that it means it is exactly one word.(a-zA-z0-9_).Can anyone please help me do this in python?
To convert your pattern to a regexp, you first need to make sure each character is interpreted literally and not as a special character. We can do that by inserting a \ in front of any re special character. Those characters can be obtained through sre_parse.SPECIAL_CHARS.
Since you have a special meaning for *, we do not want to escape that one but instead replace it by \w+.
import sre_parse
def convert_to_regexp(pattern):
special_characters = set(sre_parse.SPECIAL_CHARS)
safe_pattern = ''.join(['\\' + c if c in special_characters else c for c in pattern ])
return safe_pattern.replace('*', '\\w+')
import re
pattern = '*.key'
r_pattern = convert_to_regexp(pattern) # '\\w+\\.key'
re.match(r_pattern, 'door.key') # Match
re.match(r_pattern, 'brown.door.key') # None
And here is an example with escaped special characters
pattern = '*.(key)'
r_pattern = convert_to_regexp(pattern) # '\\w+\\.\\(key\\)'
re.match(r_pattern, 'door.(key)') # Match
re.match(r_pattern, 'brown.door.(key)') # None
If you intend looking for the output pattern with or re.findall, you might want to wrap the re pattern between \b boundary characters.
The conversion rules you are looking for go like this:
* is a word, thus: \w+
. is a literal dot: \.
key is and stays a literal string
plus, your samples indicate you are going to match whole strings, which in turn means your pattern should match from the ^ beginning to the $ end of the string.
Therefore, *.key becomes ^\w+\.key$, *.key.* becomes ^\w+\.key\.\w+$, and so forth..
Online Demo: play with it!
^ means a string that starts with the given set of characters in a regular expression.
$ means a string that ends with the given set of characters in a regular expression.
\s means a whitespace character.
\S means a non-whitespace character.
+ means 1 or more characters matching given condition.
Now, you want to match just a single word meaning a string of characters that start and end with non-spaced string. So, the required regular expression is:
You could do it with a combination of "any characters that aren't period" and the start/end anchors.
*.key would be ^[^.]*\.key, and *.key.* would be ^[^.]*\.key\.[^.]*$
EDIT: As tripleee said, [^.]*, which matches "any number of characters that aren't periods," would allow whitespace characters (which of course aren't periods), so using \w+, "any number of 'word characters'" like the other answers is better.

Referencing previous group possible within the same regex?

I am trying to perform a regex in Python. I want to match on a file path that does not have a domain extension and additionally, I only want to get those file paths that have 20 characters max after the last '\' of the file path. For example, given the data:
I would want to match on 'target', and not the other two lines. It should be noted that in my current situation, using the re module or python operations is not an option, as this regex is fed into the program (which uses re.match() ), so I have do to this within a regex string.
I have two regexes:
^([^.]+)$ will match the the last 2 lines
([^\\]{,20}$) will match 'cmd.exe' and 'target'
How can I combine these two into one regex? I tried backreferencing (?P=, etc), but couldn't get it to work. Is this even possible?
How about \\([^\\.]{1,20})(?:$|\n)? It seems to work for me.
\\ is escaped literal backslash.
( start of capture group.
[^\\.] match anything except literal backslash or literal dot character
{1,20} match class 1-20 times, as many times as possible (greedy).
) end the capture group.
(?: starts a non-capturing group
$ match the end of the string.
| is the 'or' operator for this group
\n matches a line-feed or newline character (ASCII 10)
) end of non-capturing group
To create this, I used which is a very good resource in my opinion because it explains every part of the regex and neatly shows the captured groups in real time.
>>> s = r"""c:\users\docs\cmd.exe
... c:\users\docs\files\ewyrkfdisadfasdfaffsfdasfsafsdf
... c:\users\docs\files\target""".split('\n')
>>> [re.match(r'.*\\([^.]{,20})$', x) for x in s]
[None, None, <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x7f6ad9631558>]
>>> [re.findall(r'.*\\([^.]{,20})$', x) for x in s]
[[], [], ['target']]
This means:
.*\\ - grab everything up to and including the last \
([^.]{,20}) - make sure there are no . in the remaining upto 20 characters
$ - end of line
The () around the middle group indicate that it should be the group returned as the match
