Django: 3.0.5
Python: 3.7.3
I am rather new to Django's framework and I have been trying to create a custom user model so that the default username is an email. However, I cannot seem to create a superuser. I keep getting this error after calling py createsuperuser:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 21, in <module>
File "", line 17, in main
File "C:\Users\User\Dev\tryDjango\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\", line 401, in execute_from_command_line
File "C:\Users\User\Dev\tryDjango\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\", line 395, in execute
File "C:\Users\User\Dev\tryDjango\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\", line 320, in run_from_argv
parser = self.create_parser(argv[0], argv[1])
File "C:\Users\User\Dev\tryDjango\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\", line 294, in create_parser
File "C:\Users\User\Dev\tryDjango\lib\site-packages\django\contrib\auth\management\commands\", line 55, in add_arguments
field = self.UserModel._meta.get_field(field_name)
File "C:\Users\User\Dev\tryDjango\lib\site-packages\django\db\models\", line 583, in get_field
raise FieldDoesNotExist("%s has no field named '%s'" % (self.object_name, field_name))
django.core.exceptions.FieldDoesNotExist: User has no field named ''
Below is the codes for my custom user model, I have also placed AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'accounts.User' in my
class UserManager(BaseUserManager):
def create_user(self, email, password=None):
if not email:
raise ValueError("Users must have an Email address")
if not password:
raise ValueError("Users must have a Password")
user = self.model(
return user
def create_staffuser(self, email, password=None):
user = self.create_user(
user.staff = True
return user
def create_superuser(self, email, password=None):
user = self.create_user(
user.staff = True
user.admin = True
return user
class User(AbstractBaseUser):
email = models.EmailField(max_length=255, unique=True)
# full_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=False)
active = models.BooleanField(default=True)
staff = models.BooleanField(default=False)
admin = models.BooleanField(default=False)
timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
objects = UserManager()
def get_full_name(self):
def get_short_name(self):
# The user is identified by their email address
def __str__(self):
def has_perm(self, perm, obj=None):
return True
def has_module_perms(self, app_label):
return True
def is_staff(self):
return self.staff
def is_admin(self):
return self.admin
def is_active(self):
Appreciate any help! Oh and can anyone explain to me why do I need to write these codes under the User class? I don't see why I'd need it and I also don't see why is there a need for a Getter #property. Sorry if these are stupid questions.
def get_full_name(self):
def get_short_name(self):
# The user is identified by their email address
def __str__(self):
def has_perm(self, perm, obj=None):
return True
def has_module_perms(self, app_label):
return True
def is_staff(self):
return self.staff
def is_admin(self):
return self.admin
def is_active(self):
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
from pip._vendor.six import text_type
import re
from codecs import register_error, xmlcharrefreplace_errors
from .constants import voidElements, booleanAttributes, spaceCharacters
from .constants import rcdataElements, entities, xmlEntities
from . import treewalkers, _utils
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
_quoteAttributeSpecChars = "".join(spaceCharacters) + "\"'=<>`"
_quoteAttributeSpec = re.compile("[" + _quoteAttributeSpecChars + "]")
_quoteAttributeLegacy = re.compile("[" + _quoteAttributeSpecChars +
_encode_entity_map = {}
_is_ucs4 = len("\U0010FFFF") == 1
for k, v in list(entities.items()):
# skip multi-character entities
if ((_is_ucs4 and len(v) > 1) or
(not _is_ucs4 and len(v) > 2)):
if v != "&":
if len(v) == 2:
v = _utils.surrogatePairToCodepoint(v)
v = ord(v)
if v not in _encode_entity_map or k.islower():
# prefer < over < and similarly for &, >, etc.
_encode_entity_map[v] = k
def htmlentityreplace_errors(exc):
if isinstance(exc, (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeTranslateError)):
res = []
codepoints = []
skip = False
for i, c in enumerate(exc.object[exc.start:exc.end]):
if skip:
skip = False
index = i + exc.start
if _utils.isSurrogatePair(exc.object[index:min([exc.end, index + 2])]):
codepoint = _utils.surrogatePairToCodepoint(exc.object[index:index + 2])
skip = True
codepoint = ord(c)
for cp in codepoints:
e = _encode_entity_map.get(cp)
if e:
if not e.endswith(";"):
res.append("&#x%s;" % (hex(cp)[2:]))
return ("".join(res), exc.end)
return xmlcharrefreplace_errors(exc)
register_error("htmlentityreplace", htmlentityreplace_errors)
def serialize(input, tree="etree", encoding=None, **serializer_opts):
"""Serializes the input token stream using the specified treewalker
:arg input: the token stream to serialize
:arg tree: the treewalker to use
:arg encoding: the encoding to use
:arg serializer_opts: any options to pass to the
:py:class:`html5lib.serializer.HTMLSerializer` that gets created
:returns: the tree serialized as a string
>>> from html5lib.html5parser import parse
>>> from html5lib.serializer import serialize
>>> token_stream = parse('<html><body><p>Hi!</p></body></html>')
>>> serialize(token_stream, omit_optional_tags=False)
# XXX: Should we cache this?
walker = treewalkers.getTreeWalker(tree)
s = HTMLSerializer(**serializer_opts)
return s.render(walker(input), encoding)
class HTMLSerializer(object):
# attribute quoting options
quote_attr_values = "legacy" # be secure by default
quote_char = '"'
use_best_quote_char = True
# tag syntax options
omit_optional_tags = True
minimize_boolean_attributes = True
use_trailing_solidus = False
space_before_trailing_solidus = True
# escaping options
escape_lt_in_attrs = False
escape_rcdata = False
resolve_entities = True
# miscellaneous options
alphabetical_attributes = False
inject_meta_charset = True
strip_whitespace = False
sanitize = False
options = ("quote_attr_values", "quote_char", "use_best_quote_char",
"omit_optional_tags", "minimize_boolean_attributes",
"use_trailing_solidus", "space_before_trailing_solidus",
"escape_lt_in_attrs", "escape_rcdata", "resolve_entities",
"alphabetical_attributes", "inject_meta_charset",
"strip_whitespace", "sanitize")
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Initialize HTMLSerializer
:arg inject_meta_charset: Whether or not to inject the meta charset.
Defaults to ``True``.
:arg quote_attr_values: Whether to quote attribute values that don't
require quoting per legacy browser behavior (``"legacy"``), when
required by the standard (``"spec"``), or always (``"always"``).
Defaults to ``"legacy"``.
:arg quote_char: Use given quote character for attribute quoting.
Defaults to ``"`` which will use double quotes unless attribute
value contains a double quote, in which case single quotes are
:arg escape_lt_in_attrs: Whether or not to escape ``<`` in attribute
Defaults to ``False``.
:arg escape_rcdata: Whether to escape characters that need to be
escaped within normal elements within rcdata elements such as
Defaults to ``False``.
:arg resolve_entities: Whether to resolve named character entities that
appear in the source tree. The XML predefined entities < >
& " ' are unaffected by this setting.
Defaults to ``True``.
:arg strip_whitespace: Whether to remove semantically meaningless
whitespace. (This compresses all whitespace to a single space
except within ``pre``.)
Defaults to ``False``.
:arg minimize_boolean_attributes: Shortens boolean attributes to give
just the attribute value, for example::
<input disabled="disabled">
<input disabled>
Defaults to ``True``.
:arg use_trailing_solidus: Includes a close-tag slash at the end of the
start tag of void elements (empty elements whose end tag is
forbidden). E.g. ``<hr/>``.
Defaults to ``False``.
:arg space_before_trailing_solidus: Places a space immediately before
the closing slash in a tag using a trailing solidus. E.g.
``<hr />``. Requires ``use_trailing_solidus=True``.
Defaults to ``True``.
:arg sanitize: Strip all unsafe or unknown constructs from output.
See :py:class:`html5lib.filters.sanitizer.Filter`.
Defaults to ``False``.
:arg omit_optional_tags: Omit start/end tags that are optional.
Defaults to ``True``.
:arg alphabetical_attributes: Reorder attributes to be in alphabetical order.
Defaults to ``False``.
unexpected_args = frozenset(kwargs) - frozenset(self.options)
if len(unexpected_args) > 0:
raise TypeError("__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % next(iter(unexpected_args)))
if 'quote_char' in kwargs:
self.use_best_quote_char = False
for attr in self.options:
setattr(self, attr, kwargs.get(attr, getattr(self, attr)))
self.errors = []
self.strict = False
def encode(self, string):
assert(isinstance(string, text_type))
if self.encoding:
return string.encode(self.encoding, "htmlentityreplace")
return string
def encodeStrict(self, string):
assert(isinstance(string, text_type))
if self.encoding:
return string.encode(self.encoding, "strict")
return string
def serialize(self, treewalker, encoding=None):
# pylint:disable=too-many-nested-blocks
self.encoding = encoding
in_cdata = False
self.errors = []
if encoding and self.inject_meta_charset:
from .filters.inject_meta_charset import Filter
treewalker = Filter(treewalker, encoding)
# Alphabetical attributes is here under the assumption that none of
# the later filters add or change order of attributes; it needs to be
# before the sanitizer so escaped elements come out correctly
if self.alphabetical_attributes:
from .filters.alphabeticalattributes import Filter
treewalker = Filter(treewalker)
# WhitespaceFilter should be used before OptionalTagFilter
# for maximum efficiently of this latter filter
if self.strip_whitespace:
from .filters.whitespace import Filter
treewalker = Filter(treewalker)
if self.sanitize:
from .filters.sanitizer import Filter
treewalker = Filter(treewalker)
if self.omit_optional_tags:
from .filters.optionaltags import Filter
treewalker = Filter(treewalker)
for token in treewalker:
type = token["type"]
if type == "Doctype":
doctype = "<!DOCTYPE %s" % token["name"]
if token["publicId"]:
doctype += ' PUBLIC "%s"' % token["publicId"]
elif token["systemId"]:
doctype += " SYSTEM"
if token["systemId"]:
if token["systemId"].find('"') >= 0:
if token["systemId"].find("'") >= 0:
self.serializeError("System identifer contains both single and double quote characters")
quote_char = "'"
quote_char = '"'
doctype += " %s%s%s" % (quote_char, token["systemId"], quote_char)
doctype += ">"
yield self.encodeStrict(doctype)
elif type in ("Characters", "SpaceCharacters"):
if type == "SpaceCharacters" or in_cdata:
if in_cdata and token["data"].find("</") >= 0:
self.serializeError("Unexpected </ in CDATA")
yield self.encode(token["data"])
yield self.encode(escape(token["data"]))
elif type in ("StartTag", "EmptyTag"):
name = token["name"]
yield self.encodeStrict("<%s" % name)
if name in rcdataElements and not self.escape_rcdata:
in_cdata = True
elif in_cdata:
self.serializeError("Unexpected child element of a CDATA element")
for (_, attr_name), attr_value in token["data"].items():
# TODO: Add namespace support here
k = attr_name
v = attr_value
yield self.encodeStrict(' ')
yield self.encodeStrict(k)
if not self.minimize_boolean_attributes or \
(k not in booleanAttributes.get(name, tuple()) and
k not in booleanAttributes.get("", tuple())):
yield self.encodeStrict("=")
if self.quote_attr_values == "always" or len(v) == 0:
quote_attr = True
elif self.quote_attr_values == "spec":
quote_attr = is not None
elif self.quote_attr_values == "legacy":
quote_attr = is not None
raise ValueError("quote_attr_values must be one of: "
"'always', 'spec', or 'legacy'")
v = v.replace("&", "&")
if self.escape_lt_in_attrs:
v = v.replace("<", "<")
if quote_attr:
quote_char = self.quote_char
if self.use_best_quote_char:
if "'" in v and '"' not in v:
quote_char = '"'
elif '"' in v and "'" not in v:
quote_char = "'"
if quote_char == "'":
v = v.replace("'", "'")
v = v.replace('"', """)
yield self.encodeStrict(quote_char)
yield self.encode(v)
yield self.encodeStrict(quote_char)
yield self.encode(v)
if name in voidElements and self.use_trailing_solidus:
if self.space_before_trailing_solidus:
yield self.encodeStrict(" /")
yield self.encodeStrict("/")
yield self.encode(">")
elif type == "EndTag":
name = token["name"]
if name in rcdataElements:
in_cdata = False
elif in_cdata:
self.serializeError("Unexpected child element of a CDATA element")
yield self.encodeStrict("</%s>" % name)
elif type == "Comment":
data = token["data"]
if data.find("--") >= 0:
self.serializeError("Comment contains --")
yield self.encodeStrict("<!--%s-->" % token["data"])
elif type == "Entity":
name = token["name"]
key = name + ";"
if key not in entities:
self.serializeError("Entity %s not recognized" % name)
if self.resolve_entities and key not in xmlEntities:
data = entities[key]
data = "&%s;" % name
yield self.encodeStrict(data)
def render(self, treewalker, encoding=None):
"""Serializes the stream from the treewalker into a string
:arg treewalker: the treewalker to serialize
:arg encoding: the string encoding to use
:returns: the serialized tree
>>> from html5lib import parse, getTreeWalker
>>> from html5lib.serializer import HTMLSerializer
>>> token_stream = parse('<html><body>Hi!</body></html>')
>>> walker = getTreeWalker('etree')
>>> serializer = HTMLSerializer(omit_optional_tags=False)
>>> serializer.render(walker(token_stream))
if encoding:
return b"".join(list(self.serialize(treewalker, encoding)))
return "".join(list(self.serialize(treewalker)))
def serializeError(self, data="XXX ERROR MESSAGE NEEDED"):
# XXX The idea is to make data mandatory.
if self.strict:
raise SerializeError
class SerializeError(Exception):
"""Error in serialized tree"""
You don't need to write this code under your model ! Can you show your and your please
I'm porting some code from IronPython to CPython (3.8) + Python.NET and I have a custom class that's broken in an odd way: it gives me an AttributeError even though the member is present in __dict__. This class derives from uuid.UUID to add support to BLE short UUIDs:
import uuid
class UUID(uuid.UUID):
"""Represents a more general version of the uuid.UUID, so we can have both
regular and short UUIDs.
def __init__(self, hex=None, bytes=None, is_short=False, **kwargs):
super(UUID, self).__init__(hex=hex, bytes=bytes, **kwargs)
self.__dict__['is_short'] = False
except ValueError as val_ex:
if hex is None or len(hex) != 4:
raise val_ex
# Remove braces GUIDs
hex_digits = hex.strip('{}').replace('-', '')
# remove RFC 4122 URN's 'urn:uuid:deadbeef-1234-fedc-5678-deadbeefaaaa'
hex_digits = hex_digits.replace('uuid:', '').replace('urn:', '')
if len(hex_digits) != 4:
raise ValueError('badly formed hexadecimal UUID string')
self.__dict__['int'] = int(hex, 16)
self.__dict__['is_short'] = True
if is_short is True:
self.__dict__['is_short'] = True
def __str__(self):
if self.is_short:
hex = '%04x' %
return '%s' % (hex[:4])
return super(UUID, self).__str__()
And I'm using it like so:
class Test_UUID(unittest.TestCase):
def test_create(self):
x = pybletestlibrary.UUID("1800")
The above code yields:
{'int': 6144, 'is_short': True}
ERROR: test_create (__main__.Test_UUID)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test\", line 27, in test_create
File "", line 66, in __str__
hex = '%04x' %
AttributeError: int
Ran 1 test in 0.003s
FAILED (errors=1)
I can't use setattr() because uuid.UUID is immutable. I don't understand why the AttributeError as int is present in __dict__. Any suggestions?
Here's what I mean:
import uuid
class UUID(uuid.UUID):
"""Represents a more general version of the uuid.UUID, so we can have both
regular and short UUIDs.
def __init__(self, hex=None, bytes=None, is_short=False, **kwargs):
self.is_short = False
if len(hex) == 4:
self.is_short = True
hex = "0000"+hex+"-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
super(UUID, self).__init__(hex=hex, bytes=bytes, **kwargs)
def __str__(self):
val = super(UUID, self).__str__()
if self.is_short:
return val[4:8]
return val
You might have to override some of the other attributes, too.
I need help in writing a function (python preferably) to identify if a file is /etc/passwd or etc/shadow. So far I have tried using print(pw.getpwall()) but this reads the file from the os env. I need a library that takes input and can tell if a file is passwd/shadow file or not
passwd and shadow file format differs.
You can write a short function or class. First iteration would be:
Find root user, almost 100% true that root is the first entry
Check 2nd, 6th and 7th column (separator is : sign)
If 2nd is x and 6th is /root and 7th is /bin/*sh then it is a password file almost in 100%
If 2nd is a salt and hash (format: $salt$hash) and 6th is a number and 7th is empy then it is a shadow file almost in 100%
Naturally there could be problems:
Linux is configured not to use shadow file. In this case pasword file 2nd column contains the password
Linux is configured not to use salt (I guess is it possible or not)
Please check manuals: man 5 passwd and man 5 shadow
EDIT, 2020-04-24:
Here is the my corrected
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
# path conversion handlers
def __nullpathconv(path):
return path
def __unixpathconv(path):
return path
# decide what field separator we can try to use - Unix standard, with
# the platform's path separator as an option. No special field conversion
# handler is required when using the platform's path separator as field
# separator, but are required for the home directory and shell fields when
# using the standard Unix (":") field separator.
__field_sep = {':': __unixpathconv}
if os.pathsep:
if os.pathsep != ':':
__field_sep[os.pathsep] = __nullpathconv
# helper routine to identify which separator character is in use
def __get_field_sep(record):
fs = None
for c in list(__field_sep.keys()):
# there should be 6 delimiter characters (for 7 fields)
if record.count(c) == 6:
fs = c
if fs:
return fs
raise KeyError
# class to match the new record field name accessors.
# the resulting object is intended to behave like a read-only tuple,
# with each member also accessible by a field name.
class Passwd:
def __init__(self, name, passwd, uid, gid, gecos, dir, shell):
self.__dict__['pw_name'] = name
self.__dict__['pw_passwd'] = passwd
self.__dict__['pw_uid'] = uid
self.__dict__['pw_gid'] = gid
self.__dict__['pw_gecos'] = gecos
self.__dict__['pw_dir'] = dir
self.__dict__['pw_shell'] = shell
self.__dict__['_record'] = (self.pw_name, self.pw_passwd,
self.pw_uid, self.pw_gid,
self.pw_gecos, self.pw_dir,
def __len__(self):
return 7
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._record[key]
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
raise AttributeError('attribute read-only: %s' % name)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self._record)
def __cmp__(self, other):
this = str(self._record)
if this == other:
return 0
elif this < other:
return -1
return 1
# read the whole file, parsing each entry into tuple form
# with dictionaries to speed recall by UID or passwd name
def __read_passwd_file():
if passwd_file:
passwd = open(passwd_file, 'r')
raise KeyError
uidx = {}
namx = {}
sep = None
while 1:
entry = passwd.readline().strip()
if len(entry) > 6:
if sep is None:
sep = __get_field_sep(entry)
fields = entry.split(sep)
for i in (2, 3):
fields[i] = int(fields[i])
for i in (5, 6):
fields[i] = __field_sep[sep](fields[i])
record = Passwd(*fields)
if fields[2] not in uidx:
uidx[fields[2]] = record
if fields[0] not in namx:
namx[fields[0]] = record
elif len(entry) > 0:
pass # skip empty or malformed records
if len(uidx) == 0:
raise KeyError
return (uidx, namx)
# return the passwd database entry by UID
def getpwuid(uid):
u, n = __read_passwd_file()
return u[uid]
# return the passwd database entry by passwd name
def getpwnam(name):
u, n = __read_passwd_file()
return n[name]
# return all the passwd database entries
def getpwall():
u, n = __read_passwd_file()
return list(n.values())
# test harness
if __name__ == '__main__':
We have migrated our Django project code base from Python 2.7 to 3.6 and suddenly what used to work stopped. Specifically, this:
map(functools.partial(self._assocUser, user=user), persistedGroupIds)
needed to be replaced with:
for group_id in persistedGroupIds:
self._assocUser(group_id, user)
and this:
persistedGroupIds = map(functools.partial(self._persistGroup, grp_mappings=attrAll.entitlements), saml_authorization_attributes)
needed to go to:
persistedGroupIds = []
for idp_group_name in saml_authorization_attributes:
persistedGroupIds.append(self._persistGroup(idp_group_name, attrAll.entitlements))
before the old functionality reappeared. Python 3's functools don't seem to work.
Here's the full listing of the code that works fine under Python 2:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
import functools
from mappings import SAMLAttributesConfig
from django.conf import settings
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SAMLServiceProviderBackend(object):
empty_entitlements_message="IdP supplied incorrect authorization entitlements. Please contact their support."
def _assocUser(self, group_id, user):
group = Group.objects.get(id=group_id)
return None
def _persistGroup(self,idp_group_name, grp_mappings):
group_name = grp_mappings[idp_group_name]
group = Group.objects.get(name=group_name)
except Group.DoesNotExist:
group = Group(name=group_name)
def _extract_grp_entitlements(self,saml_authentication_attributes,groups):
result = []
input_length = len(saml_authentication_attributes[groups])
if input_length == 0:
raise RuntimeError(self.empty_entitlements_message)
if input_length == 1:
result = [t.strip() for t in saml_authentication_attributes[groups][0].split(',')]
elif input_length:
result = saml_authentication_attributes[groups]
return result
# return [t.strip() for t in saml_authentication_attributes[groups][0].split(',')] \
# if len(saml_authentication_attributes[groups]) == 1\
# else saml_authentication_attributes[groups]
def authenticate(self, saml_authentication=None):
if not saml_authentication: # Using another authentication method
return None
attrAll = SAMLAttributesConfig(mappings_file_name=settings.AUTH_MAPPINGS_FILE).get_config()
groups = attrAll.entitlements.containerName
if saml_authentication.is_authenticated():
saml_authentication_attributes = saml_authentication.get_attributes()
saml_authorization_attributes = self._extract_grp_entitlements(saml_authentication_attributes,groups)
persistedGroupIds = map(functools.partial(self._persistGroup, grp_mappings=attrAll.entitlements), saml_authorization_attributes)
user = User.objects.get(username=saml_authentication.get_nameid())
except User.DoesNotExist:
user = User(username=saml_authentication.get_nameid())
user.first_name = saml_authentication_attributes['samlNameId'][0]
except KeyError:
setattr(user, "first_name", saml_authentication_attributes[attrAll.subject.first_name][0])
except KeyError:
#user.last_name = attributes['Last name'][0]
map(functools.partial(self._assocUser, user=user), persistedGroupIds)
return user
return None
def get_user(self, user_id):
return User.objects.get(pk=user_id)
except User.DoesNotExist:
return None
The above code no longer works under Python 3 environment and only starts working to something like this, with a functools.partial() calls spelled out in a for loop:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
import functools
from .mappings import SAMLAttributesConfig
from django.conf import settings
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SAMLServiceProviderBackend(object):
empty_entitlements_message="IdP supplied incorrect authorization entitlements. Please contact their support."
def _assocUser(self, group_id, user):
group = Group.objects.get(id=group_id)
return None
def _persistGroup(self,idp_group_name, grp_mappings):
group_name = grp_mappings[idp_group_name]
group = Group.objects.get(name=group_name)
except Group.DoesNotExist:
group = Group(name=group_name)
def _extract_grp_entitlements(self,saml_authentication_attributes,groups):
result = []
input_length = len(saml_authentication_attributes[groups])
if input_length == 0:
raise RuntimeError(self.empty_entitlements_message)
if input_length == 1:
result = [t.strip() for t in saml_authentication_attributes[groups][0].split(',')]
elif input_length:
result = saml_authentication_attributes[groups]
return result
# return [t.strip() for t in saml_authentication_attributes[groups][0].split(',')] \
# if len(saml_authentication_attributes[groups]) == 1\
# else saml_authentication_attributes[groups]
def authenticate(self, saml_authentication=None):
if not saml_authentication: # Using another authentication method
return None
attrAll = SAMLAttributesConfig(mappings_file_name=settings.AUTH_MAPPINGS_FILE).get_config()
groups = attrAll.entitlements.containerName
if saml_authentication.is_authenticated():
saml_authentication_attributes = saml_authentication.get_attributes()
saml_authorization_attributes = self._extract_grp_entitlements(saml_authentication_attributes,groups)
persistedGroupIds = map(functools.partial(self._persistGroup, grp_mappings=attrAll.entitlements), saml_authorization_attributes)
user = User.objects.get(username=saml_authentication.get_nameid())
except User.DoesNotExist:
user = User(username=saml_authentication.get_nameid())
user.first_name = saml_authentication_attributes['samlNameId'][0]
except KeyError:
setattr(user, "first_name", saml_authentication_attributes[attrAll.subject.first_name][0])
except KeyError:
#user.last_name = attributes['Last name'][0]
for group_id in persistedGroupIds:
self._assocUser(user = user, group_id = group_id)
# map(functools.partial(self._assocUser, user=user), persistedGroupIds)
return user
return None
def get_user(self, user_id):
return User.objects.get(pk=user_id)
except User.DoesNotExist:
return None
What can be wrong?
I'm using PyDev plugin in Eclipse. Here's how my Python interpreter is configured there:
Here's Eclipse's .pydevproject file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?eclipse-pydev version="1.0"?><pydev_project>
<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_INTERPRETER">venv3.6</pydev_property>
<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_VERSION">python interpreter</pydev_property>
<pydev_variables_property name="org.python.pydev.PROJECT_VARIABLE_SUBSTITUTION">
<pydev_pathproperty name="org.python.pydev.PROJECT_SOURCE_PATH">
<pydev_pathproperty name="org.python.pydev.PROJECT_EXTERNAL_SOURCE_PATH">
In Python 3, the map function returns an iterator instead of a list.
This means that if you call map on a collection, the effects of the call are not materialised until you iterate over the resulting iterator.
Consider this class:
>>> class C:
... def __init__(self, x):
... self.x = x
... def double(self):
... self.x *= 2
... def __repr__(self):
... return '<C:{}>'.format(self.x)
Let's make a list of instances:
>>> cs = [C(x) for x in range(1, 4)]
>>> cs
[<C:1>, <C:2>, <C:3>]
Now use map to call each instance's double method:
>>> res = map(C.double, cs)
Note the result is not a list:
>>> res
<map object at 0x7ff276350470>
And the instances have not changed:
>>> cs
[<C:1>, <C:2>, <C:3>]
if we call next on the iterator, the instances are updated in turn.
>>> next(res)
>>> cs
[<C:2>, <C:2>, <C:3>]
>>> next(res)
>>> cs
[<C:2>, <C:4>, <C:3>]
>>> next(res)
>>> cs
[<C:2>, <C:4>, <C:6>]
In the code samples that you have provided, the result of calling map is not assigned to a variable, so map is being used for its side effects rather than its output. In Python 3 the correct way to do this is to loop over the iterable and call the function on each element:
>>> for c in cs:
As the linked doc puts it:
Particularly tricky is map() invoked for the side effects of the function; the correct transformation is to use a regular for loop (since creating a list would just be wasteful).
I have numerous regular expressions, such as:
quantity_validation = re.compile("""^-?[0-9]+$""", re.I)
I use these regex in functions like:
def validate_quantity(self, value):
if value != self.context.quantity:
# while not self.quantity_validation.match(value):
# return 0, "Value is not a number"
if not self.quantity_validation.match(value):
return 0, "Value is not a number"
return 1, ""
and the validation method:
#view_config(name="validate", renderer='json')
def validate(self, full={}):
def do_validation(field, value):
message = ""
valid = 1
if getattr(self, 'validate_%s' % field, False):
valid, message = getattr(self, 'validate_%s' % field)(value)
out = dict(message=message, valid=valid, value=value)
return out
if not full:
field = self.request.params.get('field')
if not field:
return "INVALID"
return do_validation(field, self.request.params.get('value'))
return dict(((field, do_validation(field, value)) for field, value in full.items()))
On the HTML form I have a modal with a quantity field on which I do ajax validation(I use jqBootstrapValidation to validate my forms)
The regex validation works fine until I type a + then the validation stop working until I refresh the page.
Why does the validation stop working?
Is it perhaps a bug in jqBootstrapValidation?
or is it a bug in the re module?
You are not encoding your URLs/inputs correctly. The '+' gets parsed into a ' ' when you pass it via the parameter string. Try '%2B' instead which should be decoded into a '+' through the form library.
This question already has answers here:
How to make a class JSON serializable
(41 answers)
Closed 6 months ago.
class gpagelet:
Holds 1) the pagelet xpath, which is a string
2) the list of pagelet shingles, list
def __init__(self, parent):
if not isinstance( parent, gwebpage):
raise Exception("Parent must be an instance of gwebpage")
self.parent = parent # This must be a gwebpage instance
self.xpath = None # String
self.visibleShingles = [] # list of tuples
self.invisibleShingles = [] # list of tuples
self.urls = [] # list of string
class gwebpage:
Holds all the datastructure after the results have been parsed
holds: 1) lists of gpagelets
2) loc, string, location of the file that represents it
def __init__(self, url):
self.url = url # Str
self.netloc = False # Str
self.gpagelets = [] # gpagelets instance
self.page_key = "" # str
Is there a way for me to make my class json serializable? The thing that I am worried is the recursive reference.
Write your own encoder and decoder, which can be very simple like return __dict__
e.g. here is a encoder to dump totally recursive tree structure, you can enhance it or use as it is for your own purpose
import json
class Tree(object):
def __init__(self, name, childTrees=None): = name
if childTrees is None:
childTrees = []
self.childTrees = childTrees
class MyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if not isinstance(obj, Tree):
return super(MyEncoder, self).default(obj)
return obj.__dict__
c1 = Tree("c1")
c2 = Tree("c2")
t = Tree("t",[c1,c2])
print json.dumps(t, cls=MyEncoder)
it prints
{"childTrees": [{"childTrees": [], "name": "c1"}, {"childTrees": [], "name": "c2"}], "name": "t"}
you can similarly write a decoder but there you will somehow need to identify is it is your object or not, so may be you can put a type too if needed.
Indirect answer: instead of using JSON, you could use YAML, which has no problem doing what you want. (JSON is essentially a subset of YAML.)
import yaml
o1 = gwebpage("url")
o2 = gpagelet(o1)
o1.gpagelets = [o2]
print yaml.dump(o1)
In fact, YAML nicely handles cyclic references for you.
I implemented a very simple todict method with the help of
Iterate over properties that is not starts with __
Eliminate methods
Eliminate some properties manually which is not necessary (for my case, coming from sqlalcemy)
And used getattr to build dictionary.
class User(Base):
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
firstname = Column(String(50))
lastname = Column(String(50))
password = Column(String(20))
def props(self):
return filter(
lambda a:
not a.startswith('__')
and a not in ['_decl_class_registry', '_sa_instance_state', '_sa_class_manager', 'metadata']
and not callable(getattr(self, a)),
def todict(self):
return {k: self.__getattribute__(k) for k in self.props()}
My solution for this was to extend the 'dict' class and perform checks around required/allowed attributes by overriding init, update, and set class methods.
class StrictDict(dict):
def __init__(self, iterable={}, **kwargs):
super(StrictDict, self).__init__({})
keys = set(iterable.keys()).union(set(kwargs.keys()))
if not keys.issuperset(self.required):
msg = str(self.__class__.__name__) + " requires: " + str([str(key) for key in self.required])
raise AttributeError(msg)
if len(list(self.at_least_one_required)) and len(list(keys.intersection(self.at_least_one_required))) < 1:
msg = str(self.__class__.__name__) + " requires at least one: " + str([str(key) for key in self.at_least_one_required])
raise AttributeError(msg)
for key, val in iterable.iteritems():
self.__setitem__(key, val)
for key, val in kwargs.iteritems():
self.__setitem__(key, val)
def update(self, E=None, **F):
for key, val in E.iteritems():
self.__setitem__(key, val)
for key, val in F.iteritems():
self.__setitem__(key, val)
super(StrictDict, self).update({})
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
all_allowed = self.allowed.union(self.required).union(self.at_least_one_required).union(self.cannot_coexist)
if key not in list(all_allowed):
msg = str(self.__class__.__name__) + " does not allow member '" + key + "'"
raise AttributeError(msg)
if key in list(self.cannot_coexist):
for item in list(self.cannot_coexist):
if key != item and item in self.keys():
msg = str(self.__class__.__name__) + "does not allow members '" + key + "' and '" + item + "' to coexist'"
raise AttributeError(msg)
super(StrictDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)
Example usage:
class JSONDoc(StrictDict):
Class corresponding to JSON API top-level document structure
at_least_one_required={'data', 'errors', 'meta'}
allowed={"jsonapi", "links", "included"}
cannot_coexist={"data", "errors"}
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if key == "included" and "data" not in self.keys():
msg = str(self.__class__.__name__) + " does not allow 'included' member if 'data' member is not present"
raise AttributeError(msg)
super(JSONDoc, self).__setitem__(key, value)
json_doc = JSONDoc(
"id": 5,
"type": "movies"
"self": ""