Sum lists of different size Python 3 - python

I have two lists with different size: A= [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4] and B= [5,6] I want to sum the two lists A+B as :
C = A+B =[0.1+5,0.2+5,0.3+6,0.4+6]=[5.1,5.2,6.3,6.4]
I tried the following :
C= [sum(n,x) for n, sub in zip(B,A) for x in sub]
an error appears:
'float' object is not iterable
C=[x + y for x, y in zip(itertools.cycle(B), A)]
the result was:
Any suggestion

C=[A[i]+B[i//len(B)] for i in range(len(A))]

C = [x+y for x,y in itertools.zip_longest(A,B,fillvalue=0)]
What we are doing here is a list comprehension. It is basically a for loop that puts each item it makes each loop into the list. The built in zip function will stop 'zipping' iterables together when one iterable is exhausted. We use itertools.zip_longest because we do not want to simply lose the numbers in a longer list because we have a shorter list. The fill value is 0 for obvious reasons. So for every iteration in our zip function, we simply add them together. Hope I explained it ok.


Check number not a sum of 2 ints on a list

Given a list of integers, I want to check a second list and remove from the first only those which can not be made from the sum of two numbers from the second. So given a = [3,19,20] and b = [1,2,17], I'd want [3,19].
Seems like a a cinch with two nested loops - except that I've gotten stuck with break and continue commands.
Here's what I have:
def myFunction(list_a, list_b):
for i in list_a:
for a in list_b:
for b in list_b:
if a + b == i:
return list_a
I know what I need to do, just the syntax seems unnecessarily confusing. Can someone show me an easier way? TIA!
You can do like this,
In [13]: from itertools import combinations
In [15]: [item for item in a if item in [sum(i) for i in combinations(b,2)]]
Out[15]: [3, 19]
combinations will give all possible combinations in b and get the list of sum. And just check the value is present in a
If you don't want to use the itertools wrote a function for it. Like this,
def comb(s):
for i, v1 in enumerate(s):
for j in range(i+1, len(s)):
yield [v1, s[j]]
result = [item for item in a if item in [sum(i) for i in comb(b)]]
Comments on code:
It's very dangerous to delete elements from a list while iterating over it. Perhaps you could append items you want to keep to a new list, and return that.
Your current algorithm is O(nm^2), where n is the size of list_a, and m is the size of list_b. This is pretty inefficient, but a good start to the problem.
Thee's also a lot of unnecessary continue and break statements, which can lead to complicated code that is hard to debug.
You also put everything into one function. If you split up each task into different functions, such as dedicating one function to finding pairs, and one for checking each item in list_a against list_b. This is a way of splitting problems into smaller problems, and using them to solve the bigger problem.
Overall I think your function is doing too much, and the logic could be condensed into much simpler code by breaking down the problem.
Another approach:
Since I found this task interesting, I decided to try it myself. My outlined approach is illustrated below.
1. You can first check if a list has a pair of a given sum in O(n) time using hashing:
def check_pairs(lst, sums):
lookup = set()
for x in lst:
current = sums - x
if current in lookup:
return True
return False
2. Then you could use this function to check if any any pair in list_b is equal to the sum of numbers iterated in list_a:
def remove_first_sum(list_a, list_b):
new_list_a = []
for x in list_a:
check = check_pairs(list_b, x)
if check:
return new_list_a
Which keeps numbers in list_a that contribute to a sum of two numbers in list_b.
3. The above can also be written with a list comprehension:
def remove_first_sum(list_a, list_b):
return [x for x in list_a if check_pairs(list_b, x)]
Both of which works as follows:
>>> remove_first_sum([3,19,20], [1,2,17])
[3, 19]
>>> remove_first_sum([3,19,20,18], [1,2,17])
[3, 19, 18]
>>> remove_first_sum([1,2,5,6],[2,3,4])
[5, 6]
Note: Overall the algorithm above is O(n) time complexity, which doesn't require anything too complicated. However, this also leads to O(n) extra auxiliary space, because a set is kept to record what items have been seen.
You can do it by first creating all possible sum combinations, then filtering out elements which don't belong to that combination list
Define the input lists
>>> a = [3,19,20]
>>> b = [1,2,17]
Next we will define all possible combinations of sum of two elements
>>> y = [i+j for k,j in enumerate(b) for i in b[k+1:]]
Next we will apply a function to every element of list a and check if it is present in above calculated list. map function can be use with an if/else clause. map will yield None in case of else clause is successful. To cater for this we can filter the list to remove None values
>>> list(filter(None, map(lambda x: x if x in y else None,a)))
The above operation will output:
>>> [3,19]
You can also write a one-line by combining all these lines into one, but I don't recommend this.
you can try something like that:
a = [3,19,20]
b= [1,2,17,5]
data=[n_m_s.append(i+j) for i in b for j in b if i+j in a]
print("after remove")
for j,i in enumerate(a):
if i not in n_m_s:
{19, 3}
after remove

Making a list comprehension for a dict within a list within a list

I need to create a list comprehension that extracts values from a dict within a list within a list, and my attempts so far are failing me. The object looks like this:
I want to extract the values for each element in the dict/list/list so that I get two new lists:
Any suggestions? Doesn't necessarily need to use a list comprehension; that's just been my starting point so far. Thanks!
Animals = [[d['animal'] for d in sub] for sub in MyList]
Colors = [[d['color'] for d in sub] for sub in MyList]
Gives the desired result:
[['A', 'B'], ['C', 'D']]
[['blue', 'red'], ['blue', 'Y']] # No second 'red'.
What I have done here is take each sub-list, then each dictionary, and then access the correct key.
In a single assignment (with a single list comprehension, and the help of map and zip):
Colors, Animals = map(list,
zip(*[(d['color'], d['animal']) for d in a]))
for a in MyList]))
If you are fine with tuples, you can avoid the two calls to map => list
Let's see it in some details, by decomposing the nested comprehension.
Let's also assume MyList have m elements, for a total of n objects (dictionaries).
[[d for d in sub] for sub in MyList]
This would iterate through every dictionary in the sublists. For each of them, we create a couple with its color property in the first element and its animal property in the second one:
(d['color'], d['animal'])
So far, this will take time proportional to O(n) - exatly n elements will be processed.
print [[(d['color'], d['animal']) for d in sub] for sub in MyList]
Now, for each of the m sublists of the original list, we have one list of couples that we need to unzip, i.e. transform it into two lists of singletons. In Python, unzip is performed using the zip function by passing a variable number of tuples as arguments (the arity of the first tuple determines the number of tuples it outputs). For instance, passing 3 couples, we get two lists of 3 elements each
>>> zip((1,2), (3,4), (5,6)) #Prints [(1, 3, 5), (2, 4, 6)]
To apply this to our case, we need to pass array of couples to zip as a variable number of arguments: that's done using the splat operator, i.e. *
[zip(*[(d['color'], d['animal']) for d in sub]) for sub in MyList]
This operation requires going through each sublist once, and in turn through each one of the couples we created in the previous step. Total running time is therefore O(n + n + m) = O(n), with approximatively 2*n + 2*m operations.
So far we have m sublists, each one containing two tuples (the first one will gather all the colors for the sublist, the second one all the animals). To obtain two lists with m tuples each, we apply unzip again
zip(*[zip(*[(d['color'], d['animal']) for d in sub]) for sub in MyList]
This will require an additional m steps - the running time will therefore stay O(n), with approximatively 2*n + 4*m operations.
For sake of simplicity we left out mapping tuples to lists in this analysis - which is fine if you are ok with tuples instead.
Tuples are immutable, however, so it might not be the case.
If you need lists of lists, you need to apply the list function to each tuple: once for each of the m sublists (with a total of 2*n elements), and once for each of the 2 first level lists, i.e. Animals and Colors, (which have a total of m elements each). Assuming list requires time proportional to the length of the sequence it is applied to, this extra step requires 2*n + 2*m operations, which is still O(n).

For loops in nested list with variable numbers of indices

I have a nested list, where the outside list has 41 elements, and each of those elements are list, each with a different number of elements inside them.
I want to be able to go through every element in the nested lists and add 41 empty lists, making a three-tier nested list. I tried to do that with this code:
for x in reflist:
for y in reflist[x]:
for z in range(0, 41):
but it doesn't work because values used in lines 2 and 4 (x and y) are lists, not integers.
How would I be able to do this?
A Python for loop does not produce indices, it loops over the elements of the iterable directly. x is bound to each element in reflist, not to an index, so reflist[x] is trying to index the list with the elements. That won't work unless your list directly contains integers that are all valid indices too.
Just use x and y directly:
for x in reflist:
for y in x:
for z in range(0, 41):
You can reduce that to:
for x in reflist:
for y in x:
y.extend([] for _ in range(41))

Add two lists in Python

I am trying to add together two lists so the first item of one list is added to the first item of the other list, second to second and so on to form a new list.
Currently I have:
def zipper(a,b):
list = [a[i] + b[i] for i in range(len(a))]
print 'The combined list of a and b is'
print list
a = input("\n\nInsert a list:")
b = input("\n\nInsert another list of equal length:")
Upon entering two lists where one is a list of integers and one a list of strings I get the Type Error 'Can not cocanenate 'str' and 'int' objects.
I have tried converting both lists to strings using:
list = [str(a[i]) + str(b[i]) for i in range(len(a))]
however upon entering:
a = ['a','b','c','d']
b = [1,2,3,4]
I got the output as:
instead of what I wanted which was:
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?
N.B. I have to write a function that will essentially perform the same as zip(a,b) but I'm not allowed to use zip() anywhere in the function.
Zip first, then add (only not).
['%s+%s' % x for x in zip(a, b)]
What you should do
You should use
list = [str(a[i]) +"+"+ str(b[i]) for i in range(len(a))]
instead of
list = [str(a[i]) + str(b[i]) for i in range(len(a))]
In your version, you never say that you want the plus character in the output between the two elements. This is your error.
Sample output:
>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> b = ['a','b','c']
>>> list = [str(a[i]) +"+"+ str(b[i]) for i in range(len(a))]
>>> list
['1+a', '2+b', '3+c']

How does `sum` flatten lists?

A multidimensional list like l=[[1,2],[3,4]] could be converted to a 1D one by doing sum(l,[]). How does this happen?
(This doesn't work directly for higher multidimensional lists, but it can be repeated to handle those cases. For example if A is a 3D-list, then sum(sum(A),[]),[]) will flatten A to a 1D list.)
If your list nested is, as you say, "2D" (meaning that you only want to go one level down, and all 1-level-down items of nested are lists), a simple list comprehension:
flat = [x for sublist in nested for x in sublist]
is the approach I'd recommend -- much more efficient than summing would be (sum is intended for numbers -- it was just too much of a bother to somehow make it block all attempts to "sum" non-numbers... I was the original proposer and first implementer of sum in the Python standard library, so I guess I should know;-).
If you want to go down "as deep as it takes" (for deeply nested lists), recursion is the simplest way, although by eliminating the recursion you can get higher performance (at the price of higher complication).
This recipe suggests a recursive solution, a recursion elimination, and other approaches
(all instructive, though none as simple as the one-liner I suggested earlier in this answer).
sum adds a sequence together using the + operator. e.g sum([1,2,3]) == 6. The 2nd parameter is an optional start value which defaults to 0. e.g. sum([1,2,3], 10) == 16.
In your example it does [] + [1,2] + [3,4] where + on 2 lists concatenates them together. Therefore the result is [1,2,3,4]
The empty list is required as the 2nd paramter to sum because, as mentioned above, the default is for sum to add to 0 (i.e. 0 + [1,2] + [3,4]) which would result in unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'list'
This is the relevant section of the help for sum:
sum(sequence[, start]) -> value
Returns the sum of a sequence of
numbers (NOT strings) plus the value
of parameter 'start' (which defaults
to 0).
As wallacoloo comented this is not a general solution for flattening any multi dimensional list. It just works for a list of 1D lists due to the behavior described above.
For a way to flatten 1 level of nesting see this recipe from the itertools page:
def flatten(listOfLists):
"Flatten one level of nesting"
return chain.from_iterable(listOfLists)
To flatten more deeply nested lists (including irregularly nested lists) see the accepted answer to this question (there are also some other questions linked to from that question itself.)
Note that the recipe returns an itertools.chain object (which is iterable) and the other question's answer returns a generator object so you need to wrap either of these in a call to list if you want the full list rather than iterating over it. e.g. list(flatten(my_list_of_lists)).
For any kind of multidiamentional array, this code will do flattening to one dimension :
def flatten(l):
return flatten(l[0]) + (flatten(l[1:]) if len(l) > 1 else []) if type(l) is list else [l]
except IndexError:
return []
It looks to me more like you're looking for a final answer of:
[3, 7]
For that you're best off with a list comprehension
>>> l=[[1,2],[3,4]]
>>> [x+y for x,y in l]
[3, 7]
I wrote a program to do multi-dimensional flattening using recursion. If anyone has comments on making the program better, you can always see me smiling:
def flatten(l):
for i in l:
if type(i).__name__=='list':
ll=[x for i in li for x in i]
for i in lf:
if type(i).__name__ =='list':
#not completely flattened
if p==len(lf):
I've written this function:
def make_array_single_dimension(l):
l2 = []
for x in l:
if type(x).__name__ == "list":
l2 += make_array_single_dimension(x)
return l2
It works as well!
The + operator concatenates lists and the starting value is [] an empty list.
