I've been working in a web app for a while and this is the first time I realize this problem, I think it could be related with how SQLAlchemy sessions are handled, so some clarification in simple term would be helpful.
My configuration for work with flask sqlAlchemy is:
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
My problem: db.session.commit() sometimes doesn't save changes. I wrote some flask endpoints which are reached via the front end requests in the user browser.
In this particular case, I'm editing a hotel "Booking" object altering the "Rooms" columns which is a Text field.
the function does the following:
1-Query the Booking object from the dates in the request
2- Edit the Rooms column of this Booking object
3- Commit the changes "db.session.commit()"
4- If a user has X functionality active, I make some checks calling a second function:
·4.1- This functions make some checks and query and edit another object in the database different from the "Booking" object I edited previously.
·4.2- At the end of this secondary function I call db.session.commit() "Note this changes always got saved correctly in the database"
·4.3- Return the results to the previous function
5- Return results to the front end ("just before this return, I print the Booking.Rooms to make sure it looks as it should, and it does... I even tried to make a second commit after the print but before the return... But after this, sometimes Booking.Rooms are updated as expected but some other times it doesn't... I noted if repeat the action many times it finally works, but given the intermediate function "described in point 4" saves all his changes correctly, this causes an inconsistency in the data and drives me mad because if I repeat the action and procedure in the function of point 4 worked correctly, I can't repeat the mod Rooms action...
So, I'm now really confused if this is something I don't understand from flask sessions, for what I understand, whenever I make a new request to flask, it's an isolated session, right?
I mean, if 2 concurrent users are storing some changes in the database, a db.session.commit() from one of the users won't commit the changes from the other one, right?
Same way, if I call db.session.commit() in one request, that changes are stored in the database, and if after that "in the same request", I keep modding things, it's like another session, right? And the committed changes are there already safely stored? And I can still use previous objects for further modifications
Anyway, all of this shouldn't be a problem because after the commit() I print the Booking.Rooms and looks as expected... And some times it works getting stored correctly and some times it doesn't...
Also note: When I return this result to the client, the client makes instantly a second request to the server to request updated Booking data, and then the data is returned without this expected changes committed... I suppose flask handled all the commit() before it gets the second request "other way it wouldn't have returned the result previously..."
Can this be a limitation of the flask development server which can't handle correctly many requests and that when deployed with gunicorn it doesn't happen?
Any hint or clarification about Sessions would be nice, because this is pretty strange behaviour, especially that sometimes works and others don't...
And as requested here is the code, I know is not possible to reproduce, have a lot of setup behind and would need a lot of data to works as intended under same circumstances as in my case, but this should provide an overview of how the functions looks like and where are the commits I mention above. Any ideas of where can be the problem is very helpful.
#Main function hit by the frontend
#users.route('/url_endpoint1', methods=['POST'], strict_slashes=False)
def add_room_to_booking_Api():
bookingData = request.get_json()
targetBooking = bookingData["bookingURL"]
startDate = bookingData["checkInDate"]
endDate = bookingData["checkOutDate"]
booking = Bookings.query.filter_by(SafeURL=targetBooking).first()
alojamiento = Alojamientos.query.filter_by(id=reserva.CodigoAlojamiento).first() #owner of the booking
roomsInBooking=ast.literal_eval(reserva.Habitaciones) #I know, should be json.loads() and json.dumps() for better performance probably...
#if room is available for given days add it to the booking
if CheckIfRoomIsAvailableForBooking(alojamiento.id, room, startDate, endDate, booking) == "OK":
roomsInBooking.append({"id": room.id, "Prices": roomPrices, "Guests":[]}) #add the new room the Rooms column of the booking
booking.Habitaciones = str(roomsInBooking)#save the new rooms data
print(booking.Habitaciones) # check changes applied
room.ReservaAsociada = booking.id # associate booking and room
for ocupante in room.Ocupantes: #associate people in the room with the booking
ocupante.Reserva = reserva.id
#db.session.refresh(reserva) # test I made to check if something changes but didn't worked
if some_X_function() == True: #if user have some functionality enabled
#db.session.begin() #another test which didn't worked
RType = WuBook_Rooms.query.filter_by(ParentType=room.Tipo).first()
RType=[RType] #convert to list because I resuse the function in cases with multiple types
resultAdd = function4(RType, booking.Entrada.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0), booking.Salida.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0))
if resultAdd["resultado"] == True: # "resultado":error, "casos":casos
return (jsonify({"resultado": "Error", "mensaje": resultAdd["casos"]}))
print(booking.Habitaciones) #here I still get expected result
#I get this return of averything correct in my frontend but not really stored in the database
return jsonify({"resultado": "Ok", "mensaje": "Room " + str(room.Identificador) + " added to the booking"})
return (jsonify({"resultado": "Error", "mensaje": "Room " + str(room.Identificador) + " not available to book in target dates"}))
except Exception as e:
#some error handling which is not getting hit now
print(e, ": en linea", lineno())
excepcion = str((''.join(traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(e).format()).replace("\n","</br>"), "</br>Excepcion emitida ne la línea: ", lineno()))
sendExceptionEmail(excepcion, current_user)
return (jsonify({"resultado":"Error","mensaje":"Error"}))
#function from point 4
def function4(RType, startDate, endDate):
delta = endDate - startDate
print(startDate, endDate)
for ind_type in RType:
for i in range(delta.days):
day = (startDate + timedelta(days=i))
print(day, i)
if day>=datetime.now() or diaString==datetime.now().strftime("%d-%m-%Y"): #only care about present and future dates
#adjust availability data
if somecondition==True:
casos.update({diaString:"Happened X"})
casos.update({diaString:"Happened Y"})
if actualizar==True: #this part of the code is hit normally and changes stored correctly
elif actualizar==False: #some error occured, revert changes
ind_type.updated_availability_by_date = json.dumps(calendarUpdatedBackup)
db.session.commit()#this commit persists
return({"resultado":error, "casos":casos}) #return to main function with all this chnages stored
Realized nothing was wrong at session level, it was my fault in another function client side which sends a request to update same data which is just being updated but with the old data... so in fact, I was getting the data saved correctly in the database but overwrote few milliseconds later. It was just a return statement missing in a javascript file to avoid this outcome...
I am writing a system to do lock-free reservation, using a Mongo database.
The system needs to ensure that for a given concert with N available tickets, no more than N can be reserved. I want to do this without locking.
The approach I'm taking is to create a reservation document, then read back and see if it was within the first N for the concert, and if not then delete it.
I'm not a Mongo expert, and I want to make sure that I've understood correctly that these read/write concerns will ensure that when I read back I will always have the reservation I just created and all reservations that have been created in other threads up to that point - this should be sufficient to ensure the system will work correctly.
def make_reservation(concert: Document, user: Document):
maximum_spaces = concert.maximum_spaces
# Will wait for acknowlegement before continuing
reservation_id = reservations.with_options(
"user": user.id,
"concert": concert.id,
"status": "UNRESERVED",
# Sorted list of ids ascending
all_reservations = sorted(reservations
.find({"concert": concert.id}).only("id")
# If the id we just inserted is too far down the list we missed our spot
if all_reservations.index(reservation_id) >= maximum_spaces:
# Oh no, we missed out
reservations.delete_one({"id": reservation_id})
raise Exception("Sorry, too slow")
reservations.update_one({"id": reservation_id}, {"$set": {"status": "RESERVED"}})
return reservation_id
I've tried testing this a few ways and I can't coerce it to break, but I'm still not sure if it's theoretically watertight.
Could someone please explain to me how self.env.cr.commit() works, when to use it and some good practices?
From Odoo documentation seems the use of cr.commit is very dangerous. This is my first time using it and I am not sure how to use it properly for my use case.
More information for my use case: I am creating shipments through shipping provider API. Let's say my API call is successful and I have created shipment but during handling of the response, I have to raise UserError for some reason and my changes are rollbacked. So now the state of the shipment is different in Odoo and on the shipping provider server which is unacceptable.
So if I am calling the method create_dhl_shipment() and the flag variable is True (an error occurred during last API call) then I would like to delete the original shipment and create a new one.
And my problem is: How do I make a change in the database and keep it from rollbacking.
During search on the internet, I came across cr.commit() but Odoo in documentation really discourages using it.
very simplified example:
Class StockPickingInherited(models.Model)
_inherit = 'stock.picking'
remnant_shipment = fields.Boolean("Possible remnant shipment")
packages = fields.One2many("stock.shipment.package", "picking_id")
def create_dhl_shipment(self):
response_from_shipping_provider = requests.get("API URL")
if response_from_shipping_provider != 200:
if not remnant_shipment:
raise UserError("Shipment creation failed")
self.write({"packages" : [(5, 0, 0)]})
self.env.cr.commit() # write data into the db and keep the change from rollbacking due to raising UserError
raise UserError("Shipment creation failed")
Am I doing it right? Are there some potential dangers?
It is true that self.env.cr.commit() should be used sparingly. However, there are some legitimate use cases for it. For example:
def some_cron_job(self):
for record in self.env[...].search(...):
The above is fine because you are doing some process on a batch of records and to avoid that the cron job does it over and over because of an error on one of the records, you can commit after each record has been processed. (PS: the above could be made safer with try...except... or marking a record as "failed" for example. This can be done in conjunction with commit())
In your use case you want to display a message to the user, but your problem is that once you raise the transaction will rollback, so to counter this you call a commit().
I have had similar situations and I sometimes find that using an #api.onchange works well for showing a message to the user.
def onchange_your_field(self):
if self.your_field > 100:
raise UserError("Thanks for entering the field")
However, I am no longer a fan of that approach since Odoo has gotten rid of most #api.onchange in favour of computed fields. (There are good reasons for the move, so try and avoid it too.)
Luckily there is a new way to do this, introduced in Odoo Version 13.0.
def some_method(self):
# Do something
self.write({"something" : False})
# Display message
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.client',
'tag': 'display_notification',
'params': {
'title': title,
'message': message,
'sticky': False,
The above is taken from here in the Odoo repo where a message is displayed to the user if the mail server credentials are correct.
The following rule is taken from the Odoo guidelines (never commit the transaction):
You should NEVER call cr.commit() yourself, UNLESS you have created your own database cursor explicitly! And the situations where you need to do that are exceptional!And by the way if you did create your own cursor, then you need to handle error cases and proper rollback, as well as properly close the cursor when you’re done with it.
In the following example, we create a new cursor to avoid rollback that could be caused by an upper method:
registry = odoo.registry(self.env.cr.dbname)
with registry.cursor() as cr:
env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
For more details check the well-documented Odoo guidelines
You can find an example in auth_ldap module
We still have a rare case of duplicate entries when this POST method is called.
I had asked for advice previously on Stack overflow and was given a solution, that is utilising the parent/child methodology to retain strongly consistent queries.
I have migrated all data into that form and let it run for another 3 months.
However the problem was never solved.
The problem is right here with this conditional if recordsdb.count() == 1:
It should be true in order to update the entry, but instead HRD might not always find the latest entry and creates a new entry instead.
As you can see, we are writing/reading from the Record via Parent/Child methodology as recommended:
new_record = FeelTrackerRecord(parent=user.key,...)
And yet still upon retrieval, the HRD still doesn't always fetch the latest entry:
recordsdb = FeelTrackerRecord.query(ancestor = user.key).filter(FeelTrackerRecord.record_date == ... )
So we are quite stuck on this and don't know how to solve it.
def post(self, ios_sync_timestamp):
user = User.query(User.email == request.authorization.username).fetch(1)[0]
if user:
json_records = request.json['records']
for json_record in json_records:
recordsdb = FeelTrackerRecord.query(ancestor = user.key).filter(FeelTrackerRecord.record_date == date_parser.parse(json_record['record_date']))
if recordsdb.count() == 1:
rec = recordsdb.fetch(1)[0]
if 'timestamp' in json_record:
if rec.timestamp < json_record['timestamp']:
rec.rating = json_record['rating']
rec.notes = json_record['notes']
rec.timestamp = json_record['timestamp']
rec.is_deleted = json_record['is_deleted']
elif recordsdb.count() == 0:
new_record = FeelTrackerRecord(parent=user.key,
record_date = date_parser.parse(json_record['record_date']),
rating = json_record['rating'],
notes = json_record['notes'],
timestamp = json_record['timestamp'])
raise Exception('Got more than two records for the same record date - among REST post')
user.last_sync_timestamp = create_timestamp(datetime.datetime.today())
return '', 201
return '', 401
Possible Solution:
The very last idea I have to solve this would be, stepping away from Parent/Child strategy and using the user.key PLUS date-string as part of the key.
new_record = FeelTrackerRecord(id=str(user.key) + json_record['record_date'], ...)
key = ndb.Key(FeelTrackerRecord, str(user.key) + json_record['record_date'])
record = key.get();
Now I could check if record is None, I shall create a new entry, otherwise I shall update it. And hopefully HRD has no reason not finding the record anymore.
What do you think, is this a guaranteed solution?
The Possible Solution appears to have the same problem as the original code. Imagine the race condition if two servers execute the same instructions practically simultaneously. With Google's overprovisioning, that is sure to happen once in a while.
A more robust solution should use Transactions and a rollback for when concurrency causes a consistency violation. The User entity should be the parent of its own Entity Group. Increment a records counter field in the User entity within a transaction. Create the new FeelTrackerRecord only if the Transaction completes successfully. Therefore the FeelTrackerRecord entities must have a User as parent.
Edit: In the case of your code the following lines would go before user = User.query(... :
Transaction txn = datastore.beginTransaction();
try {
and the following lines would go after user.put() :
} finally {
if (txn.isActive()) {
That may overlook some flow control nesting detail, it is the concept that this answer is trying to describe.
With an active transaction, if multiple processes (for example on multiple servers executing the same POST concurrently because of overprovisioning) the first process will succeed with its put and commit, while the second process will throw the documented ConcurrentModificationException.
Edit 2: The transaction that increments the counter (and may throw an exception) must also create the new record. That way if the exception is thrown, the new record is not created.
I know this is more of a learning thing than a problem in programming but still I need to ask it.Please don't down vote it,I wouldn't have asked it here if I knew any other appropriate place.I have a view as follows:
def takedown(request,aid):
approveobj = get_object_or_404(approve,pk=aid)
# fetching mapping
map = mapping.objects.get(appval=approveobj)
# deleting option from main database
# changing the status of the appval
map.appval.status = 'Pending'
# finally deleting the map
print("Error in taking down the entry")
redirect_url = "/wars/configure/"+str(map.appval.warval.id)+"/"
return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)
I want to design some tests for the above view.At present I'm checking whether it redirects to appropriate url or not.What else I can test?I need to test it thoroughly.
Looking at your view, I can see three other possible tests:
Test that the view returns status code 404 for an aid that does not exist
Check that the map object exists in the database. Fetch the view in your test, then check that the map object has been deleted as you expected.
Test that your view works as expected when there is an exception in the try except block. It's not clear what you're expecting to go wrong here. Note that because you only print the error, nothing will be displayed to the user so it's tricky to test this.
Hi I'm trying to update a user row upon the user logging in. I simply want to increase the users login count by one. Here is the code in the post_login controller method:
def post_login(self, came_from=url('/')):
Redirect the user to the initially requested page on successful
authentication or redirect her back to the login page if login failed.
if not request.identity:
login_counter = request.environ['repoze.who.logins'] + 1
redirect(url('/user/login', came_from=came_from, __logins=login_counter))
user_name = request.identity['repoze.who.userid']
user = User.by_user_name(user_name)
user.tll_num_logins += 1
user.tll_last_login = datetime.now()
The user record simply isnt getting updated in the database. The TG documentation says that the transaction manager should flush all of the transactions and automatically execute all the outstanding SQL but it doesnt seem to be working with update. I've tried putting in a DBSession.commit() after to manually commit but get an error message. Likewise, adding DBSession.flush() to the controller method does not error but does not actually update the record either.
Sorry all, turns out the TG2 transaction manager was working after all. The error came because I was calling the post_login function outside of the transaction manager and so the record update was not getting flushed. I'm not sure why it wasn't letting me commit. But I moved the post_login controller and now the above code I specified works, it updates automatically - no need even for DBSession.update(user).
You must tell the session object to update the object: