Divide by Zero Warning in LU Decomposition- Doolittle Algorithm working - python

I have implemented the standard equations/algorithm of LU Decomposition of a Matrix by following this link: (1) and (2)
This returns the LU decomposition of a square matrix like below perfectly.
My problem is, however- it also gives a Divide by Zero warning.
Code here:
import numpy as np
def LUDecomposition (A):
L = np.zeros(np.shape(A),np.float64)
U = np.zeros(np.shape(A),np.float64)
acc = 0
for i in np.arange(len(A)):
for k in range(i,len(A)):
for j in range(0,i):
acc += L[i,j]*U[j,k]
U[i,k] = A[i,k]-acc
for m in range(k+1,len(A)):
if m==k:
L[m,k] = (A[m,k]-acc)/U[k,k]
return (L,U)
A = np.array([[-4, -1, -2],
[-4, 12, 3],
[-4, -2, 18]])
L, U = LUDecomposition (A)
Where am I going wrong?

It seems that you may have made some indentation errors regarding the first inner level for loops: U must be evaluated before L ; you also didn't correctly compute the summation term acc and didn't properly set the diagonal terms of L to 1. Following some other syntax modifications, you may rewrite your function as follows:
def LUDecomposition(A):
n = A.shape[0]
L = np.zeros((n,n), np.float64)
U = np.zeros((n,n), np.float64)
for i in range(n):
# U
for k in range(i,n):
s1 = 0 # summation of L(i, j)*U(j, k)
for j in range(i):
s1 += L[i,j]*U[j,k]
U[i,k] = A[i,k] - s1
# L
for k in range(i,n):
if i==k:
# diagonal terms of L
L[i,i] = 1
s2 = 0 # summation of L(k, j)*U(j, i)
for j in range(i):
s2 += L[k,j]*U[j,i]
L[k,i] = (A[k,i] - s2)/U[i,i]
return L, U
which gives this time the correct output for matrix A when compared to scipy.linalg.lu as a reliable reference:
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import lu
A = np.array([[-4, -1, -2],
[-4, 12, 3],
[-4, -2, 18]])
L, U = LUDecomposition(A)
P, L_sp, U_sp = lu(A, permute_l=False)
>>> [[1., 0., 0.],
[0., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 1.]])
>>> [[ 1. 0. 0. ]
[ 1. 1. 0. ]
[ 1. -0.07692308 1. ]]
np.allclose(L_sp, L))
>>> True
>>> [[-4. -1. -2. ]
[ 0. 13. 5. ]
[ 0. 0. 20.38461538]]
np.allclose(U_sp, U))
>>> True
Note: unlike scipy lapack getrf algorithm, this Doolittle implementation does not include pivoting, these two comparisons are then only true if permutation matrix P returned by scipy.linalg.lu is an identity matrix, i.e. scipy didn't performed any permutations, which is indeed the case for your matrix A. The permutation matrix determined in scipy algorithm is meant to optimize conditions numbers of resulting matrix in order to reduce roundoff errors. At last, you may just simply verify that A = LU which will always be the case if the factorization is done right:
A = np.random.rand(10,10)
L, U = LUDecomposition(A)
np.allclose(A, np.dot(L, U))
>>> True
Nevertheless, in terms of numerical efficiency and accuracy, I wouldn't recommend you to use your own function to compute LU decomposition. Hope this helps.


Python Optimization: Using vector technique to find power of each matrix in an numpy array

3D numpy array A contains a series (in this example, I am choosing 3) of 2D numpy array D of shape 2 x 2. The D matrix is as follows:
D = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
A is initialized and assigned as below:
idx = np.arange(3)
A = np.zeros((3,2,2))
A[idx,:,:] = D # This gives A = [[[1,2],[3,4]],[[1,2],[3,4]],\
# [[1,2],[3,4]]]
# In mathematical notation: A = {D, D, D}
Now, essentially what I require after the execution of the codes is:
Mathematically, A = {D^0, D^1, D^2} = {D0, D1, D2}
where D0 = [[1,0],[0,1]], D1 = [[1,2],[3,4]], D2=[[7,10],[15,22]]
Is it possible to apply power to each matrix element in A without using a for-loop? I would be doing larger matrices with more in the series.
I had defined, n = np.array([0,1,2]) # corresponding to powers 0, 1 and 2 and tried
Result = np.power(A,n) but I do not get the desired output.
Is there are an efficient way to do it?
Full code:
D = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
idx = np.arange(3)
A = np.zeros((3,2,2))
A[idx,:,:] = D # This gives A = [[[1,2],[3,4]],[[1,2],[3,4]],\
# [[1,2],[3,4]]]
# In mathematical notation: A = {D, D, D}
n = np.array([0,1,2])
Result = np.power(A,n) # ------> Not the desired output.
A cumulative product exists in numpy, but not for matrices. Therefore, you need to make your own 'matcumprod' function. You can use np.dot for this, but np.matmul (or #) is specialized for matrix multiplication.
Since you state your powers always go from 0 to some_power, I suggest the following function:
def matcumprod(D, upto):
Res = np.empty((upto, *D.shape), dtype=A.dtype)
Res[0, :, :] = np.eye(D.shape[0])
Res[1, :, :] = D.copy()
for i in range(1,upto):
Res[i, :, :] = Res[i-1,:,:] # D
return Res
By the way, a loop often times outperforms a built-in numpy function if the latter uses a lot of memory, so don't fret over it if your powers stay within bounds...
Alright, i spent a lot of time on this problem but could not seem to find a vectorized solution in the way you'd like. So i would like to instead first propose a basic solution, and then perhaps an optimization if you require finding continuous powers.
The function you're looking for is called numpy.linalg.matrix_power
import numpy as np
D = np.matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])
idx = np.arange(3)
A = np.zeros((3,2,2))
A[idx,:,:] = D # This gives A = [[[1,2],[3,4]],[[1,2],[3,4]],\
# [[1,2],[3,4]]]
# In mathematical notation: A = {D, D, D}
n = np.array([0,1,2])
result = [np.linalg.matrix_power(D, i) for i in n]
array([[[ 1, 0],
[ 0, 1]],
[[ 1, 2],
[ 3, 4]],
[[ 7, 10],
[15, 22]]])
However, if you notice, you end up calculating multiple powers for the same base matrix. We could instead utilize the intermediate results and go from there, using numpy.linalg.multi_dot
def all_powers_arr_of_matrix(A):
result = np.zeros(A.shape)
result[0] = np.linalg.matrix_power(A[0], 0)
for i in range(1, A.shape[0]):
result[i] = np.linalg.multi_dot([result[i - 1], A[i]])
return result
result = all_powers_arr_of_matrix(A)
array([[[ 1., 0.],
[ 0., 1.]],
[[ 1., 2.],
[ 3., 4.]],
[[ 7., 10.],
[15., 22.]]])
Also, we can avoid creating the matrix A entirely, saving some time.
def all_powers_matrix(D, *rangeargs): #end exclusive
''' Expects 2D matrix.
Use as all_powers_matrix(D, end) or
all_powers_matrix(D, start, end)
if len(rangeargs) == 1:
start = 0
end = rangeargs[0]
elif len(rangeargs) == 2:
start = rangeargs[0]
end = rangeargs[1]
print("incorrect args")
return None
result = np.zeros((end - start, *D.shape))
result[0] = np.linalg.matrix_power(A[0], start)
for i in range(start + 1, end):
result[i] = np.linalg.multi_dot([result[i - 1], D])
return result
return result
result = all_powers_matrix(D, 3)
array([[[ 1., 0.],
[ 0., 1.]],
[[ 1., 2.],
[ 3., 4.]],
[[ 7., 10.],
[15., 22.]]])
Note that you'd need to add error handling if you decide to use these functions as-is.
To calculate power of matrix D, one way could be to find the eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of it with np.linalg.eig and then raise the power of the diagonal matrix as it is easier, then after some manipulation, you can use two np.einsum to calculate A
#get eigvalues and eigvectors
eigval, eigvect = np.linalg.eig(D)
# to check how it works, you can do:
print (np.dot(eigvect*eigval,np.linalg.inv(eigvect)))
#[[1. 2.]
# [3. 4.]]
# so you get back on D
#use power as ufunc of outer with n on the eigenvalues to get all the one you want
arrp = np.power.outer( eigval, n).T
#apply_along_axis to create the diagonal matrix along the last axis
diagp = np.apply_along_axis( np.diag, axis=-1, arr=arrp)
#finally use two np.einsum to calculate with the subscript to get what you want
A = np.einsum('lij,jk -> lik',
np.einsum('ij,kjl -> kil',eigvect,diagp), np.linalg.inv(eigvect)).round()
print (A)
print (A.shape)
#[[[ 1. 0.]
# [-0. 1.]]
# [[ 1. 2.]
# [ 3. 4.]]
# [[ 7. 10.]
# [15. 22.]]]
#(3, 2, 2)
I don't have a full solution, but there are some things I wanted to mention which are a bit too long for the comments.
You might first look into addition chain exponentiation if you are computing big powers of big matrices. This is basically asking how many matrix multiplications are required to compute A^k for a given k. For instance A^5 = A(A^2)^2 so you need to only three matrix multiplies: A^2 and (A^2)^2 and A(A^2)^2. This might be the simplest way to gain some efficiency, but you will probably still have to use explicit loops.
Your question is also related to the problem of computing Ax, A^2x, ... , A^kx for a given A and x. This is an active area of research right now (search "matrix powers kernel"), since computing such a sequence efficiently is useful for parallel/communication avoiding Krylov subspace methods. If you're looking for a very efficient solution to your problem it might be worth looking into some of the results about this.

Exponentiation a matrix by itself N times?

I am realizing Exponentiation of a matrix using FOR:
import numpy as np
M = random.random((fl,cl))
M2 = M
Result = np.zeros((fl,cl))
Temp = np.zeros((fl,cl))
itera = 2
print('Matriz A:\n',M)
print('Matriz AxA:\n',M2)
for i in range (0,itera):
for a in range(0,fl):
for b in range (0,cl):
print('Matriz:\n', Result)
The error is that it does not perform well the multiplication in Result[a,b]+=M[a,b]*M[a,b] and when I save it in a temporary matrix to multiply it with the original matrix, it does not make the next jump in for i in range (0,itera):
I know I can perform the function np.matmul
but I try to do it with the FOR loop
You're looking for np.linalg.matrix_power.
If you're using numpy, don't use a for loop, use a vectorized operation.
arr = np.arange(16).reshape((4,4))
np.linalg.matrix_power(arr, 3)
array([[ 1680, 1940, 2200, 2460],
[ 4880, 5620, 6360, 7100],
[ 8080, 9300, 10520, 11740],
[11280, 12980, 14680, 16380]])
Which is the same as the explicit multiplication:
arr # arr # arr
>>> np.array_equal(arr # arr # arr, np.linalg.matrix_power(arr, 3))
Since you asked
If you really want a naive solution using loops, we can put together the pieces quite easily. First we need a way to actually multiple the matrices. There are options that beat n^3 complexity, this answer is not going to do that. Here is a basic matrix multiplication function:
def matmultiply(a, b):
res = np.zeros(a.shape)
size = a.shape[0]
for i in range(size):
for j in range(size):
for k in range(size):
res[i][j] += a[i][k] * b[k][j]
return res
Now you need an exponential function. This function takes a matrix and a power, and raises a matrix to that power.
def loopy_matrix_power(a, n):
res = np.identity(a.shape[0])
while n > 0:
if n % 2 == 0:
a = matmultiply(a, a)
n /= 2
res = matmultiply(res, a)
n -= 1
return res
In action:
loopy_matrix_power(arr, 3)
array([[ 1680., 1940., 2200., 2460.],
[ 4880., 5620., 6360., 7100.],
[ 8080., 9300., 10520., 11740.],
[11280., 12980., 14680., 16380.]])
There are some problems here:
you do not reset the result matrix after multiplication is done, hence you keep adding more values; and
you never assign the result back to m to perform a next generation of multiplications.
Naive power implementation
I think it is also better to "encapsulate" matrix multiplication in a separate function, like:
def matmul(a1, a2):
m, ka = a1.shape
kb, n = a2.shape
if ka != kb:
raise ValueError()
res = np.zeros((m, n))
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
d = 0.0
for k in range(ka):
d += a1[i,k] * a2[k,j]
res[i, j] = d
return res
Then we can calculate the power of this matrix with:
m2 = m
for i in range(topow-1):
m = matmul(m, m2)
Note that we can not use m here as the only matrix. Since if we write m = matmul(m, m), then m is now m2. But that means that if we perform the multiplication a second time, we get m4 instead of m3.
This then produces the expected results:
>>> cross = np.array([[1,0,1],[0,1,0], [1,0,1]])
>>> matmul(cross, cross)
array([[2., 0., 2.],
[0., 1., 0.],
[2., 0., 2.]])
>>> matmul(cross, matmul(cross, cross))
array([[4., 0., 4.],
[0., 1., 0.],
[4., 0., 4.]])
>>> matmul(cross, matmul(cross, matmul(cross, cross)))
array([[8., 0., 8.],
[0., 1., 0.],
[8., 0., 8.]])
Logarithmic power multiplication
The above can calculate the Mn in O(n) (linear time), but we can do better, we can calculate this matrix in logarithmic time: we do this by looking if the power is 1, if it is, we simply return the matrix, if it is not, we check if the power is even, if it is even, we multiply the matrix with itself, and calculate the power of that matrix, but with the power divided by two, so M2 n=(M×M)n. If the power is odd, we do more or less the same, except that we multiply it with the original value for M: M2 n + 1=M×(M×M)n. Like:
def matpow(m, p):
if p <= 0:
raise ValueError()
if p == 1:
return m
elif p % 2 == 0: # even
return matpow(matmul(m, m), p // 2)
else: # odd
return matmul(m, matpow(matmul(m, m), p // 2))
The above can be written more elegantly, but I leave this as an exercise :).
Note however that using numpy arrays for scalar comuputations is typically less efficient than using the matrix multiplication (and other functions) numpy offers. These are optimized, and are not interpreted, and typically outperform Python equivalents significantly. Therefore I would really advice you to use these. The numpy functions are also tested, making it less likely that there are bugs in it.

Why is my SVD calculation different than numpy's SVD calculation of this matrix?

I'm trying to manually compute the SVD of the matrix A defined below but I am having some problems. Computing it manually and with the svd method in numpy yields two different results.
Computed manually below:
import numpy as np
A = np.array([[3,2,2], [2,3,-2]])
V = np.linalg.eig(A.T # A)[1]
U = np.linalg.eig(A # A.T)[1]
S = np.c_[np.diag(np.sqrt(np.linalg.eig(A # A.T)[0])), [0,0]]
print(U # S # V.T)
And computed via numpy's svd method:
X,Y,Z = np.linalg.svd(A)
Y = np.c_[np.diag(Y), [0,0]]
print(X # Y # Z)
When these two codes are run. The manual calculation doesn't equal the svd method. Why is there a discrepancy between these two calculations?
Look at the eigenvalues returned by np.linalg.eig(A.T # A):
In [57]: evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(A.T # A)
In [58]: evals
Out[58]: array([2.50000000e+01, 3.61082692e-15, 9.00000000e+00])
So (ignoring the normal floating point imprecision), it computed [25, 0, 9]. The eigenvectors associated with those eigenvalues are in the columns of evecs, in the same order. But your construction of S doesn't match that order; here's your S:
In [60]: S
array([[5., 0., 0.],
[0., 3., 0.]])
When you compute U # S # V.T, the values in S # V.T are not correctly aligned.
As a quick fix, you can rerun your code with S set explicitly as follows:
S = np.array([[5, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 3]])
With that change, your code outputs
[[ 3 2 2]
[ 2 3 -2]]
[[-3. -2. -2.]
[-2. -3. 2.]]
That's better, but why are the signs wrong? Now the problem is that you have independently computed U and V. Eigenvectors are not unique; they are the basis of an eigenspace, and such a basis is not unique. If the eigenvalue is simple, and if the vector is normalized to have length one (which numpy.linalg.eig does), there is still a choice of the sign to be made. That is, if v is an eigenvector, then so is -v. The choices made by eig when computing U and V won't necessarily result in restoring the sign of A when U # S # V.T is computed.
It turns out that you can get the result that you expect by simply reversing all the signs in either U or V. Here is a modified version of your script that generates the output that you expected:
import numpy as np
A = np.array([[3, 2, 2],
[2, 3, -2]])
U = np.linalg.eig(A # A.T)[1]
V = -np.linalg.eig(A.T # A)[1]
#S = np.c_[np.diag(np.sqrt(np.linalg.eig(A # A.T)[0])), [0,0]]
S = np.array([[5, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 3]])
print(U # S # V.T)
[[ 3 2 2]
[ 2 3 -2]]
[[ 3. 2. 2.]
[ 2. 3. -2.]]

Get solution to overdetermined linear homogeneous system numpy

I'm trying to find the solution to overdetermined linear homogeneous system (Ax = 0) using numpy in order to get the least linear squares solution for a linear regression.
This is the code I am using to generate the linear regression:
N = 100
x_data = np.linspace(0, N-1, N)
m = +5
n = -5
y_model = m*x_data + n
y_noise = y_model + np.random.normal(0, +5, N)
I want to recover m and n from y_noise. In other words, I want to resolve the homogeneous system (Ax = 0) where "x = (m, n)" and "A = (x_data | 1 | -y_noise)". So I convert non-homogeneous (Ax = y) into homogeneous (Ax = 0) using this code:
A = np.array(np.vstack((x_data, np.ones(N), -y_noise)).T)
I know I could resolve non-homogeneous system using np.linalg.lstsq((x_data | 1), y_noise)) but I want to get the solution for homogeneous system. I am finding a problem with this function as it only returns the trivial solution (x = 0):
x = np.linalg.lstsq(A, np.zeros(N))[0] => array([ 0., 0., 0.])
I was thinking about using eigenvectors to get the solution but it seems not to work:
A_T_A = np.dot(A.T, A)
eigen_values, eigen_vectors = np.linalg.eig(A_T_A)
# eigenvectors
[[ -2.03500000e-01 4.89890000e+00 5.31170000e+00]
[ -3.10000000e-03 1.02230000e+00 -2.64330000e+01]
[ 1.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00]]
# eigenvectors normalized
[[ -0.98365497700 -4.744666220 1.0] # (m1, n1, 1)
[ 0.00304878118 0.210130914 1.0] # (m2, n2, 1)
[ 25.7752417000 -5.132910010 1.0]] # (m3, n3, 1)
Which none of them fits model parameters (m=+5, n=-5)
How can I find (m, n) correctly? Thanks!
I have already found how to fix it, the problem is how I was interpreting the output of np.linalg.eig function, but the approach using eigenvectors is right. In spite of that, #Stelios is in the right when he says that the function np.linalg.lstsq returns the trivial solution (x = 0) because matrix A is full column rank.
I was assuming the output of np.linalg.eig was:
[[m1 n1 1]
[m2 n2 1]
[m3 n3 1]]
But it is not, the correct format is:
[[m1 m2 m3]
[n1 n2 n3]
[ 1 1 1]]
So if we want to get the solution which better fits model paramaters (m, n), we have to choose the eigenvector with the smallest eigenvalue and normalize it:
A_T_A = np.dot(A_homo.T, A_homo)
eigen_values, eigen_vectors = np.linalg.eig(A_T_A)
# eigenvectors
[[ 1.96409304e-01 9.48763118e-01 -2.47531678e-01]
[ 2.94608003e-04 2.52391765e-01 9.67625088e-01]
[ -9.80521952e-01 1.90123494e-01 -4.92925776e-02]]
# MIN eigenvector
eigen_vector_min = eigen_vectors[:, np.argmin(eigen_values)]
[-0.24753168 0.96762509 -0.04929258]
# MIN eigenvector normalized
[ 5.02168258 -19.63023915 1. ] # [m, n, 1]
Finally we get that m = 5.02 and n = -19,6 which is a pretty good approximation.

QR factorisation using modified Gram Schmidt

The question:
For this problem, you are given a list of matrices called As, and your job is to find the QR factorization for each of them.
Implement qr_by_gram_schmidt: This function takes as input a matrix A and computes a QR decomposition, returning two variables, Q and R where A=QR, with Q orthogonal and R zero below the diagonal.
A is an n×m matrix with n≥m (i.e. more rows than columns).
You should implement this function using the modified Gram-Schmidt procedure.
As: List of arrays
Qs: List of the Q matrices output by qr_by_gram_schmidt, in the same order as As. For a matrix A of shape n×m, Q should have shape n×m.
Rs: List of the R matrices output by qr_by_gram_schmidt, in the same order as As. For a matrix A of shape n×m, R should have shape m×m
I have written the code for the QR factorization which I believe is correct:
import numpy as np
def qr_by_gram_schmidt(A):
m = np.shape(A)[0]
n = np.shape(A)[1]
Q = np.zeros((m, m))
R = np.zeros((n, n))
for j in xrange(n):
v = A[:,j]
for i in xrange(j):
R[i,j] = Q[:,i].T * A[:,j]
v = v.squeeze() - (R[i,j] * Q[:,i])
R[j,j] = np.linalg.norm(v)
Q[:,j] = (v / R[j,j]).squeeze()
return Q, R
How do I write the loop to calculate the the QR factorization of each of the matrices in As and storing them in that order?
edit: The code has some error too. I will appreciate it if you can help me in debugging it.
I didn't check your GS code, but had to make a change (may not be correct!) to make it compile. You just have to set up a list of your matrices, I made 2 of them and then loop through that list and apply your function.
import numpy as np
def gs(A):
m = np.shape(A)[0]
n = np.shape(A)[1]
Q = np.zeros((m, m))
R = np.zeros((n, n))
print m,n,Q,R
for j in xrange(n):
v = A[:,j]
for i in xrange(j):
R[i,j] = np.dot(Q[:,i].T , A[:,j]) # I made an arbitrary change here!!!
v = v.squeeze() - (R[i,j] * Q[:,i])
R[j,j] = np.linalg.norm(v)
Q[:,j] = (v / R[j,j]).squeeze()
return Q, R
As= np.random.rand(2,3,3) # list of 2 (3x3) matrices
print As
for A in As:
print gs(A)
[[[ 0.9599614 0.02213113 0.43343881]
[ 0.44202415 0.6816688 0.88321052]
[ 0.93098107 0.80528361 0.88473308]]
[[ 0.41794678 0.10762796 0.42110659]
[ 0.89598082 0.81225543 0.52947205]
[ 0.0621515 0.59826789 0.14021332]]]
(array([[ 0.68158915, -0.67980134, 0.27075149],
[ 0.31384477, 0.60583989, 0.73106736],
[ 0.66101262, 0.41331364, -0.626286 ]]), array([[ 1.40841649, 0.76132516, 1.15743793],
[ 0. , 0.73077208, 0.60610414],
[ 0. , 0. , 0.20894464]]))
(array([[ 0.42190511, -0.39510208, 0.81602109],
[ 0.90446656, 0.121136 , -0.40898205],
[ 0.06274013, 0.91061541, 0.40846452]]), array([[ 0.99061796, 0.81760207, 0.66535379],
[ 0. , 0.6006613 , 0.02543844],
[ 0. , 0. , 0.18435946]]))
