My data consists of a 2-D array of masses and distances. I want to produce a plot where the x-axis is distance and the y axis is the number of data elements with distance <= x (i.e. a cumulative histogram plot). What is the most efficient way to do this with Python?
PS: the masses are irrelevant since I already have filtered by mass, so all I am trying to produce is a plot using the distance data.
Example plot below:
You can combine numpy.cumsum() and plt.step():
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
N = 15
distances = np.random.uniform(1, 4, 15).cumsum()
counts = np.random.uniform(0.5, 3, 15)
plt.step(distances, counts.cumsum())
Alternatively, can be used to draw a histogram, with the widths defined by the difference between successive distances. Optionally, an extra distance needs to be appended to give the last bar a width., counts.cumsum(), width=np.diff(distances, append=distances[-1]+1), align='edge')
plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='x', tight=True) # make x-axis tight
Instead of appending a value, e.g. a zero could be prepended, depending on the exact interpretation of the data., counts.cumsum(), width=-np.diff(distances, prepend=0), align='edge')
This is what I figured I can do given a 1D array of data:
counts = np.ones(len(data))
plt.step(np.sort(data), counts.cumsum())
This apparently works with duplicate elements also, as the ys will be added for each x.
I have the equation: z(x,y)=1+x^(2/3)y^(-3/4)
I would like to calculate values of z for x=[0,100] and y=[10^1,10^4]. I will do this for 100 points in each axis direction. My grid, then, will be 100x100 points. In the x-direction I want the points spaced linearly. In the y-direction I want the points space logarithmically.
Were I to need these values I could easily go through the following:
z=np.zeros( (len(x), len(y)) )
for i in range(len(x)):
for j in range(len(y)):
The problem for me comes with visualizing these results. I know that I would need to create a grid of points. I feel my options are to create a meshgrid with the values and then use pcolor.
My issue here is that the values at the center of the block do not coincide with the calculated values. In the x-direction I could fix this by shifting the x-vector by half of dx (the step between successive values). I'm not so sure how I would do this for the y-axis. Furthermore, If I wanted to compute values for each of the y-direction values, including the end points, they would not all show up.
In the final visualization I would like to have the y-axis as a log scale and the x axis as a linear scale. I would also like the tick marks to fall in the center of the cells, correlating with the correct value. Can someone point me to the correct plotting functions for this. I have to resolve the issue using pcolor or pcolormesh.
Should you require more details, please let me know.
In current matplotlib, you can use pcolormesh with shading='nearest', and it will center the blocks with the values:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
y_plot = np.log10(y)
z[5, 5] = 0 # to make it more evident
plt.pcolormesh(x, y_plot, z, shading="nearest")
ax = plt.gca()
In order to test the returns of hist, I want to use them using plot via matplotlib. hist give the following returns:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
counts, bins, bars = plt.hist(x)
where x is the vector of data you want to plot the histogram.
I have tried the following syntax
I get the following error
Error: x and y must have the same first dimension, but have shapes (501,) and (500,)
Thank you for your answers.
From the matplotlib documentationof plt.hist():
bins : array
The edges of the bins. Length nbins + 1 (nbins left edges
and right edge of last bin). Always a single array even when multiple
data sets are passed in.
So the returned value bins is the number of bins + 1 because it includes the left bin edges and right edge of the last bin.
You might not want to include the right edge of the last bin, therefore you can slice the array:
plt.plot(bins[:-1], counts)
Try this:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
This is the simplest one I guess.
I'm trying to visualise a dataset in 3D which consists of a time series (along y) of x-z data, using Python and Matplotlib.
I'd like to create a plot like the one below (which was made in Python:, but where the colour varies with Z - i.e. so the intensity is shown by a colormap as well as the peak height, for clarity.
An example showing the colormap in Z is (apparently made using MATLAB):
This effect can be created using the waterfall plot option in MATLAB, but I understand there is no direct equivalent of this in Python.
I have also tried using the plot_surface option in Python (below), which works ok, but I'd like to 'force' the lines running over the surface to only be in the x direction (i.e. making it look more like a stacked time series than a surface). Is this possible?
Any help or advice greatly welcomed. Thanks.
I have generated a function that replicates the matlab waterfall behaviour in matplotlib, but I don't think it is the best solution when it comes to performance.
I started from two examples in matplotlib documentation: multicolor lines and multiple lines in 3d plot. From these examples, I only saw possible to draw lines whose color varies following a given colormap according to its z value following the example, which is reshaping the input array to draw the line by segments of 2 points and setting the color of the segment to the z mean value between the 2 points.
Thus, given the input matrixes n,m matrixes X,Y and Z, the function loops over the smallest dimension between n,m to plot each line like in the example, by 2 points segments, where the reshaping to plot by segments is done reshaping the array with the same code as the example.
def waterfall_plot(fig,ax,X,Y,Z):
Make a waterfall plot
fig,ax : matplotlib figure and axes to populate
Z : n,m numpy array. Must be a 2d array even if only one line should be plotted
X,Y : n,m array
# Set normalization to the same values for all plots
norm = plt.Normalize(Z.min().min(), Z.max().max())
# Check sizes to loop always over the smallest dimension
n,m = Z.shape
if n>m:
X=X.T; Y=Y.T; Z=Z.T
m,n = n,m
for j in range(n):
# reshape the X,Z into pairs
points = np.array([X[j,:], Z[j,:]]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2)
segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1)
lc = LineCollection(segments, cmap='plasma', norm=norm)
# Set the values used for colormapping
lc.set_linewidth(2) # set linewidth a little larger to see properly the colormap variation
line = ax.add_collection3d(lc,zs=(Y[j,1:]+Y[j,:-1])/2, zdir='y') # add line to axes
fig.colorbar(lc) # add colorbar, as the normalization is the same for all, it doesent matter which of the lc objects we use
Therefore, plots looking like matlab waterfall can be easily generated with the same input matrixes as a matplotlib surface plot:
import numpy as np; import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# Generate data
x = np.linspace(-2,2, 500)
y = np.linspace(-2,2, 40)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
Z = np.sin(X**2+Y**2)
# Generate waterfall plot
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.set_xlabel('X') ; ax.set_xlim3d(-2,2)
ax.set_ylabel('Y') ; ax.set_ylim3d(-2,2)
ax.set_zlabel('Z') ; ax.set_zlim3d(-1,1)
The function assumes that when generating the meshgrid, the x array is the longest, and by default the lines have fixed y, and its the x coordinate what varies. However, if the size of the y dimension is larger, the matrixes are transposed, generating the lines with fixed x. Thus, generating the meshgrid with the sizes inverted (len(x)=40 and len(y)=500) yields:
with a pandas dataframe with the x axis as the first column and each spectra as another column
for c in s.columns[1:]:
I'd like to plot a normalized histogram from a vector using matplotlib. I tried the following:
plt.hist(myarray, normed=True)
as well as:
plt.hist(myarray, normed=1)
but neither option produces a y-axis from [0, 1] such that the bar heights of the histogram sum to 1.
If you want the sum of all bars to be equal unity, weight each bin by the total number of values:
weights = np.ones_like(myarray) / len(myarray)
plt.hist(myarray, weights=weights)
Note for Python 2.x: add casting to float() for one of the operators of the division as otherwise you would end up with zeros due to integer division
It would be more helpful if you posed a more complete working (or in this case non-working) example.
I tried the following:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.random.randn(1000)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
n, bins, rectangles = ax.hist(x, 50, density=True)
This will indeed produce a bar-chart histogram with a y-axis that goes from [0,1].
Further, as per the hist documentation (i.e. ax.hist? from ipython), I think the sum is fine too:
If *True*, the first element of the return tuple will
be the counts normalized to form a probability density, i.e.,
``n/(len(x)*dbin)``. In a probability density, the integral of
the histogram should be 1; you can verify that with a
trapezoidal integration of the probability density function::
pdf, bins, patches = ax.hist(...)
print np.sum(pdf * np.diff(bins))
Giving this a try after the commands above:
np.sum(n * np.diff(bins))
I get a return value of 1.0 as expected. Remember that normed=True doesn't mean that the sum of the value at each bar will be unity, but rather than the integral over the bars is unity. In my case np.sum(n) returned approx 7.2767.
I know this answer is too late considering the question is dated 2010 but I came across this question as I was facing a similar problem myself. As already stated in the answer, normed=True means that the total area under the histogram is equal to 1 but the sum of heights is not equal to 1. However, I wanted to, for convenience of physical interpretation of a histogram, make one with sum of heights equal to 1.
I found a hint in the following question - Python: Histogram with area normalized to something other than 1
But I was not able to find a way of making bars mimic the histtype="step" feature hist(). This diverted me to : Matplotlib - Stepped histogram with already binned data
If the community finds it acceptable I should like to put forth a solution which synthesises ideas from both the above posts.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Let X be the array whose histogram needs to be plotted.
nx, xbins, ptchs = plt.hist(X, bins=20)
plt.clf() # Get rid of this histogram since not the one we want.
nx_frac = nx/float(len(nx)) # Each bin divided by total number of objects.
width = xbins[1] - xbins[0] # Width of each bin.
x = np.ravel(zip(xbins[:-1], xbins[:-1]+width))
y = np.ravel(zip(nx_frac,nx_frac))
#... Further formatting.
This has worked wonderfully for me though in some cases I have noticed that the left most "bar" or the right most "bar" of the histogram does not close down by touching the lowest point of the Y-axis. In such a case adding an element 0 at the begging or the end of y achieved the necessary result.
Just thought I'd share my experience. Thank you.
Here is another simple solution using np.histogram() method.
myarray = np.random.random(100)
results, edges = np.histogram(myarray, normed=True)
binWidth = edges[1] - edges[0][:-1], results*binWidth, binWidth)
You can indeed check that the total sums up to 1 with:
> print sum(results*binWidth)
The easiest solution is to use seaborn.histplot, or seaborn.displot with kind='hist', and specify stat='probability'
probability: or proportion: normalize such that bar heights sum to 1
density: normalize such that the total area of the histogram equals 1
data: pandas.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray, mapping, or sequence
seaborn is a high-level API for matplotlib
Tested in python 3.8.12, matplotlib 3.4.3, seaborn 0.11.2
Imports and Data
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# load data
df = sns.load_dataset('penguins')
axes-level plot
# create figure and axes
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 5))
p = sns.histplot(data=df, x='flipper_length_mm', stat='probability', ax=ax)
figure-level plot
p = sns.displot(data=df, x='flipper_length_mm', stat='probability', height=4, aspect=1.5)
Since matplotlib 3.0.2, normed=True is deprecated. To get the desired output I had to do:
import numpy as np
counts, _ = np.histogram(data,bins=bins)
if density: # equivalent of normed=True
else: # equivalent of normed=False
Trying to specify weights and density simultaneously as arguments to plt.hist() did not work for me. If anyone know of a way to get that working without having access to the normed keyword argument then please let me know in the comments and I will delete/modify this answer.
If you want bin centres then don't use bins[:-1] which are the bin edges - you need to choose a suitable scheme for how to calculate the centres (which may or may not be trivially derived).
I'd like to plot a normalized histogram from a vector using matplotlib. I tried the following:
plt.hist(myarray, normed=True)
as well as:
plt.hist(myarray, normed=1)
but neither option produces a y-axis from [0, 1] such that the bar heights of the histogram sum to 1.
If you want the sum of all bars to be equal unity, weight each bin by the total number of values:
weights = np.ones_like(myarray) / len(myarray)
plt.hist(myarray, weights=weights)
Note for Python 2.x: add casting to float() for one of the operators of the division as otherwise you would end up with zeros due to integer division
It would be more helpful if you posed a more complete working (or in this case non-working) example.
I tried the following:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.random.randn(1000)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
n, bins, rectangles = ax.hist(x, 50, density=True)
This will indeed produce a bar-chart histogram with a y-axis that goes from [0,1].
Further, as per the hist documentation (i.e. ax.hist? from ipython), I think the sum is fine too:
If *True*, the first element of the return tuple will
be the counts normalized to form a probability density, i.e.,
``n/(len(x)*dbin)``. In a probability density, the integral of
the histogram should be 1; you can verify that with a
trapezoidal integration of the probability density function::
pdf, bins, patches = ax.hist(...)
print np.sum(pdf * np.diff(bins))
Giving this a try after the commands above:
np.sum(n * np.diff(bins))
I get a return value of 1.0 as expected. Remember that normed=True doesn't mean that the sum of the value at each bar will be unity, but rather than the integral over the bars is unity. In my case np.sum(n) returned approx 7.2767.
I know this answer is too late considering the question is dated 2010 but I came across this question as I was facing a similar problem myself. As already stated in the answer, normed=True means that the total area under the histogram is equal to 1 but the sum of heights is not equal to 1. However, I wanted to, for convenience of physical interpretation of a histogram, make one with sum of heights equal to 1.
I found a hint in the following question - Python: Histogram with area normalized to something other than 1
But I was not able to find a way of making bars mimic the histtype="step" feature hist(). This diverted me to : Matplotlib - Stepped histogram with already binned data
If the community finds it acceptable I should like to put forth a solution which synthesises ideas from both the above posts.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Let X be the array whose histogram needs to be plotted.
nx, xbins, ptchs = plt.hist(X, bins=20)
plt.clf() # Get rid of this histogram since not the one we want.
nx_frac = nx/float(len(nx)) # Each bin divided by total number of objects.
width = xbins[1] - xbins[0] # Width of each bin.
x = np.ravel(zip(xbins[:-1], xbins[:-1]+width))
y = np.ravel(zip(nx_frac,nx_frac))
#... Further formatting.
This has worked wonderfully for me though in some cases I have noticed that the left most "bar" or the right most "bar" of the histogram does not close down by touching the lowest point of the Y-axis. In such a case adding an element 0 at the begging or the end of y achieved the necessary result.
Just thought I'd share my experience. Thank you.
Here is another simple solution using np.histogram() method.
myarray = np.random.random(100)
results, edges = np.histogram(myarray, normed=True)
binWidth = edges[1] - edges[0][:-1], results*binWidth, binWidth)
You can indeed check that the total sums up to 1 with:
> print sum(results*binWidth)
The easiest solution is to use seaborn.histplot, or seaborn.displot with kind='hist', and specify stat='probability'
probability: or proportion: normalize such that bar heights sum to 1
density: normalize such that the total area of the histogram equals 1
data: pandas.DataFrame, numpy.ndarray, mapping, or sequence
seaborn is a high-level API for matplotlib
Tested in python 3.8.12, matplotlib 3.4.3, seaborn 0.11.2
Imports and Data
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# load data
df = sns.load_dataset('penguins')
axes-level plot
# create figure and axes
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 5))
p = sns.histplot(data=df, x='flipper_length_mm', stat='probability', ax=ax)
figure-level plot
p = sns.displot(data=df, x='flipper_length_mm', stat='probability', height=4, aspect=1.5)
Since matplotlib 3.0.2, normed=True is deprecated. To get the desired output I had to do:
import numpy as np
counts, _ = np.histogram(data,bins=bins)
if density: # equivalent of normed=True
else: # equivalent of normed=False
Trying to specify weights and density simultaneously as arguments to plt.hist() did not work for me. If anyone know of a way to get that working without having access to the normed keyword argument then please let me know in the comments and I will delete/modify this answer.
If you want bin centres then don't use bins[:-1] which are the bin edges - you need to choose a suitable scheme for how to calculate the centres (which may or may not be trivially derived).