PySide2 UI stops responding when entering a while loop after showing it - python

I'm having trouble where my QtWidget stops responding if I try to use a while loop after calling the method for the QtWidget object. I initially thought the issue was in how I was using the signals and slots. I had created my own signal with new_data = Signal(float) and I was sampling data at an interval established by a time.sleep() call within that while loop and emitting the new_data signal each time the data was sampled. That was connected to a method in my QtWidget that just set the text of a label in the QtWidget to display the new data.
However, after some testing I found that if I ONLY try to print("in loop") inside that while loop, I get the same behavior. The QtWidget object stops responding. What is the proper way to update PySide2 interface at a periodic interval from outside the interface object? Can I perhaps run the interface as a process and feed it with updated data with a queue? I imaging that is possible, but am having trouble finding an example. The interface is only one piece of this application primarily made in Python and I will have multiple processes and multiple queues besides the Qt interface. Here is the code:
import sys
from PySide2.QtUiTools import QUiLoader
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget
from PySide2.QtCore import QFile, QObject, Signal, Slot
import time
import NI9213
class MyDaq(QObject):
new_daq_data = Signal(float)
def __init__(self):
daq_channels = "cDAQ1Mod2/ai0"
self.daq = NI9213.NI9213(channels=daq_channels)
def sample_daq(self):
data = self.daq.read_all()
class DigitalDisplay(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
#Initialize the QWidget object used to create the user interface
#Load the user interface
designer_file = QFile("signal_digital_display.ui")
loader = QUiLoader()
self.ui = loader.load(designer_file, self)
#Add title to the UI window
self.setWindowTitle("Digital Display")
self.mode = 'run'
self.sampling_period = 0.1
def refresh_data(self, data):
def stopMode(self):
self.mode = 'stop'
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
digital_display = DigitalDisplay()
## data = MyDaq()
## data.new_daq_data.connect(digital_display.refresh_data)
## data.sample_daq()

The problem here is that you have an infinite loop before you start the Qt event loop.
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv) # [1]
digital_display = DigitalDisplay() # [2]
time.sleep(digital_display.sampling_period) # [3]
sys.exit(app.exec_()) # [4]
[1] This creates the QApplication object. It does not start the event loop yet.
[2] Create your widget and open a new window to display it. The operating system will create events for the window, but they have no effect on the application itself until we start the event loop.
[3] digital_display.mode will never change. This is an infinite loop and Python will never advance past this point.
[4] Here we start the application event loop and close the process once the application has finished. But we never get here.
What you should do instead is to create a QTimer on the DigitalDisplay widget that periodically fires a signal that can be connected to data.sample_daq.


Qthread communication between threads (Python) [duplicate]

After read and searching I am trying to use the generate a QObject then use the movetoThread method to run an independent process and allow the QMainWindow to continue to respond. This has not worked when I have tried to implement the operation in a method. The following code is my attempt to make a simple example. While the code works in running thread independent of the MainWindow, it does not abort. The only way I can get a thread to stop is to set worker.end = True. Which I think should not be the way to do it.
This is a program to test Threading with Objects in PyQt4.
from time import sleep
import sys
from PyQt4.QtCore import QObject, pyqtSlot, pyqtSignal, QThread
from PyQt4.QtGui import QMainWindow, QApplication, QProgressBar
from PyQt4.QtGui import QPushButton, QVBoxLayout, QWidget
class workerObject(QObject):
bar_signal = pyqtSignal(int)
res_signal = pyqtSignal(str)
term_signal = pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self, maxIters):
super(workerObject, self).__init__()
self.maxIters = maxIters
def run(self):
self.end = False
for step in range(self.maxIters):
if self.end:
self.maxIters = step
self.res_signal.emit("Got to {}".format(self.maxIters))
def mystop(self):
print "stop signalled?"
self.end = True
class MCwindow(QMainWindow):
abort_signal = pyqtSignal(name='abort_signal')
def __init__(self):
self.maxIters = 50
widget = QWidget()
layout = QVBoxLayout(widget)
self.go_btn = QPushButton()
self.abort_btn = QPushButton()
self.simulation_bar = QProgressBar()
self.simulation_bar.setRange(0, self.maxIters)
# The button calls the windows method to stop --- it could
# be that is 'clicked' calls the worker.mystop
# self.abort_btn.clicked.connect(self.stop_mc)
# This allows for the abort button to do somethign in the MainWindow
# before the abort_signal is sent, this works
def run_mc(self):
self.thread = QThread()
self.worker = workerObject(self.maxIters)
# This is the simple stop method, but does not work
# self.abort_btn.clicked.connect(self.worker.mystop)
# This uses the signal in the MCwindow - this connection does NOT works
# This does NOT stop the thread
# and would not allow for any clean up in the worker.
# self.abort_signal.connect(self.thread.terminate)
# This is a 'bad' way to stop the woker ... It does, however, work
# self.abort_signal.connect(self.stopper)
def stop_mc(self):
print "Stopping?!"
# This signal is NEVER seen by the Worker.
def stopper(self):
print "I should stop?!"
# Should use signals to tell the worker to stop - and not setting a attribute
def setBar(self, val):
def setData(self, txt):
print "Got done Sig!", txt
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = MCwindow()
The reason why the slot connected to abort_signal doesn't seem to get called, is because cross-thread signals are queued by default. This means the signal will be wrapped as an event and posted to the event queue of whichever thread the receiver is living in.
In your particular example, the receiver is a worker object which has been moved to a worker thread. Calling start() on the worker thread will start its event-loop, and that is where abort_signal will be queued. However, the run() method of the worker object starts a for loop, which will block the thread's event processing in exactly the same way it would if it was executed in the main gui thread!
You can more clearly see what's happening if you make a few adjustments to your example:
class MCwindow(QMainWindow):
abort_signal = pyqtSignal(name='abort_signal')
def __init__(self):
# use a sane default
self.maxIters = 5
# DO NOT use QThread.terminate
Now run the example, and then click the Go button, click the Stop button, and wait for the worker to complete normally. This should produce output like this:
Got done Sig! Got to 5
stop signalled?
Note that "stop signalled" is output last - i.e. after run() exits and control has returned to the thread's event-loop. In order to process in-coming signals while the worker is running, you will need to force immediate processing of the thread's pending events. This can be done like this:
for step in range(self.maxIters):
With that in place, you should then see output like this:
stop signalled?
Got done Sig! Got to 2
Which is presumably what you intended.
Typically a thread will close when it exits the run method. The other way to get a regular python thread to close is by calling it's join method.
For PyQt the join method should either be the quit or terminate method. You should probably still set your end variable to True.

Running a heavy QTimer task as a QThread

I have a heavy task that constantly runs every 500ms. It consists of updating GUI elements and I need access to its variables at all times.
The task performed: A list that is dynamically updated and every 500ms, a loop goes through that list and performers tasks on the elements contained inside of it. Sometimes I have no elements in it, and sometimes I have plenty.
When the list is loaded, the user starts to encounter a delay in mouse movement, key presses, and such. And that's without a doubt due to the heavy task performed every 500ms.
Would there be a way for me to put this QTimer task into a QThread and constantly have access to it's elements in order update the list contained inside of it?
In other words, I would like it to run in the background at all times but also have the ability to update the list used inside of it at any given moment.
I'm using PySide2; I've seen examples but none that fit what I'm trying to accomplish.
I would like to update the "aList" element from the main thread as I wish. If the list is empty, then the for loop does not do anything. Otherwise, it loops over the elements and adds 1 to them.
The "run" function should have a Qtimer of 500ms set on it.
Sometimes the list may be empty and at times full of elements. It's size is controlled from the GUI thread.
from PySide2 import QtCore
from PySide2 import QtGui
from PySide2 import QtWidgets
import sys
import time
class RxProcess(QtCore.QThread):
output = QtCore.Signal()
def __init__(self, parent = None):
super(RxProcess, self).__init__(parent)
self.aList = list()
def run(self):
# Loop through list
for element in self.aList:
element += 1
# Print to the gui the element that was just updated in the list
With QThread it is difficult to implement that logic (you would have to use QThread.msleep, mutex, etc). Instead a simple solution is to create a new thread every T seconds and that will be implemented using threading.Thread + QTimer (can also be implemented with QThreadPool + QRunnable + QTimer):
import random
import sys
import threading
import time
from PySide2 import QtCore, QtWidgets
import shiboken2
class Worker(QtCore.QObject):
output = QtCore.Signal(object)
def long_running_function(values, worker):
for element in values:
if shiboken2.isValid(worker):
class Widget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.label = QtWidgets.QLabel(alignment=QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
self.button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Start")
lay = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self)
self.timer = QtCore.QTimer(interval=500)
def handle_clicked(self):
if self.button.text() == "Start":
elif self.button.text() == "Stop":
def launch_task(self):
values = random.sample(range(1, 50), 20)
worker = Worker()
args=(values, worker),
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
w = Widget()

How to use a timer or equivalent within a python thread without blocking the GUI

I am a writing a GUI based application using the PyQT framework which connects to a device, sends commands, reads the corresponding data and displays this in real time to a table, graph widget and to a file.
Once the run button is clicked it starts a thread which sends the external device commands according to a procedure table and emits signals with the data to various methods to change the GUI.
When the run button is clicked it executes the following lines:
worker = Worker(self.runProcedure)
within the runProcedure commands are sent to the device from the procedure table and the data read from the device is put into a list 'hfData' using code similar to that listed below:
while float(currentForceReading) <= float(target) and stopAlarm == 0:
ts =
hfData = (connection.readline()).split()
updateResults_callback.emit(ts, hfData) #method to update results table and graphs
writeResults_callback.emit(ts, hfData) #method to write results to a file
One of the options in the application is to hold for a period of time where it continues collecting data from the device without sending new commands.
I am looking for a way to continue taking measurements whilst in this hold time and continue updating the GUI.
I have tried to implement the following code, however this while loop blocks the GUI from updating:
stepHoldTime = float(,4), Qt.DisplayRole))
if(stepHoldTime != 0):
endTime = time.monotonic() + stepHoldTime
while(time.monotonic() < endTime):
ts =
hfData = (connection.readline()).split()
Is there a correct way to implement this functionality?
Instead of while-loop you could run QTimer which will execute code every few milliseconds.
It is minimal example which shows how to run function every 1000ms and update time in label.
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel
from PyQt5.QtCore import QTimer, QDateTime
class Window(QLabel):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self.timer = QTimer()
def showTime(self):
text = QDateTime.currentDateTime().toString('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss')
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication([])
win = Window()
But your problem can be more complex and it may need more complex solution. You may have to show minimal working code which we could run and see problem - and test some ideas to resolve problem.
You can start your "reader" from a separate thread
class YourUi(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
update_data = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)
def __init__(self):
super(YourUi, self).__init__()
t = threading.Thread(target=self.update_worker, args=(self.update_data,), daemon=True)
def update_worker(signal):
connection = create_conncetion()
while True:
hfData = (connection.readline()).split()
def do_update_data(self, hf_data):
# access GUI elemetns from main thread to prevent freezing

PyQt5 Signals and Threading

I watched a short tutorial on PyQt4 signals on youtube and am having trouble getting a small sample program running. How do I connect my signal being emitted from a thread to the main window?
import cpuUsageGui
import sys
import sysInfo
from PyQt5 import QtCore
"""Main window setup"""
app = cpuUsageGui.QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
Form = cpuUsageGui.QtWidgets.QWidget()
ui = cpuUsageGui.Ui_Form()
def updateProgBar(val):
class ThreadClass(QtCore.QThread):
def run(self):
while True:
val = sysInfo.getCpu()
self.emit(QtCore.pyqtSignal('CPUVALUE'), val)
threadclass = ThreadClass()
# This section does not work
connect(threadclass, QtCore.pyqtSignal('CPUVALUE'), updateProgBar)
# This section does not work
if __name__ == "__main__":
The signal must be created, inside your ThreadClass, or before but as you emit the signal inside the ThreadClass, it is better to create it inside your class.
After creation, you need to connect it to the progress bar function. Here is an example of the signal created and connected inside your class.
class ThreadClass(QtCore.QThread):
# Create the signal
sig = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(ThreadClass, self).__init__(parent)
# Connect signal to the desired function
def run(self):
while True:
val = sysInfo.getCpu()
# Emit the signal
Keep in mind that signals have changed style since PyQt5 : Description
if you watched a tutorial for PyQt4, it is not be the same.

How to dynamically update QTextEdit

so I have a QTextEdit within a Main Window in my GUI. I want to live update the text in this by pulling from a remotely updating list. I don't know how to infinitely check this list, without either a) doing an infinite loop or b) thread.
a) Crashes the GUI, as it is an infinite loop
b) produces an error saying:
QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
Which I understand.
What could I do to fix this?
this is how it works without threads :)
1) Create pyqt textEditor logView:
self.logView = QtGui.QTextEdit()
2)add pyqt texteditor to layout:
layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
layout.addWidget(self.logView,-ROW NUMBER-,-COLUMN NUMBER-)
3) the magic function is:
def refresh_text_box(self,MYSTRING):
self.logView.append('started appending %s' % MYSTRING) #append string
QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() #update gui for pyqt
call above function in your loop or pass concatenated resultant string directly to above function like this:
self.setGeometry(400, 100, 100, 400)
QtGui.QApplication.processEvents()#update gui so that pyqt app loop completes and displays frame to user
#then your gui loop
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
dialog = MAIN_FUNCTION()
Go for QThread, after all, moving your code from a python thread to QThread shouldn't be hard.
Using signals & slots is imho the only clean solution for this. That's how Qt works and things are easier if you adapt to that.
A simple example:
import sip
sip.setapi('QString', 2)
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
class UpdateThread(QtCore.QThread):
received = QtCore.pyqtSignal([str], [unicode])
def run(self):
while True:
self.sleep(1) # this would be replaced by real code, producing the new text...
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
main = QtGui.QMainWindow()
text = QtGui.QTextEdit()
# create the updating thread and connect
# it's received signal to append
# every received chunk of data/text will be appended to the text
t = UpdateThread()
