Face_Recognition issue loading encoding file - python

I want to create a .csv file to speed up the loading of the encoding file of my face recognition program using face_recognition on python.
When my algorithm detect a new face, he generate an encoding file using face_recognition and then:
with open('data.csv', 'a') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
I do that to send the code to the .csv file. (ID is a random name I give to the face and new_face_reco is the encoding of the new face)
But I want to reopen it when i relaunch the progam so I have this at the beginning:
known_face_encodings_temp = []
known_face_names_temp = []
with open('data.csv', 'rb') as file:
data = [row for row in csv.reader(file,delimiter=',')]
essai = np.array(data[0][1].replace('\n',''))
I have a lot of issue (this is why they are a lot of line in this part) cause my encoding change from the .csv to the reload of it. Here is what I got:
Initial data:
array([-8.31770748e-02, ... , -3.41368467e-03])
When I try to reload my csv (without me trying to change anything):
'[-1.40143648e-01 ... -8.10057670e-02\n 3.77673171e-02 1.40102580e-02 8.14460665e-02
What i do when i try to change thing:
'[-1.40143648e-01 ... 7.52283633e-02]'
I need to have my load data the same as the initial data what can I do ?

Instead of using CSV files, try using numpy (.npy) files; they're much easier to save and load. I have used them myself in one of my projects that utilizes the face_recognition module and would be happy to help you out.
To save an encoding, you can:
np.save(path to save, encoding)
To load an encoding, you can:
encodingVariable = np.load(path to load)


How to plot and analyse CAN data directly on python?

I need to analyse a lot of CAN data and want to use python for that. I recently came across the python-can library and saw that it's possible to convert .blf to .asc files.
How do I convert .blf data of CAN to .asc using python This post helped a lot.
https://stackoverflow.com/users/13525512/tranbi Can #Tranbi or anyone else help me with some example code?
This is the part I have done till now:
import can
import os
fileList = os.listdir(".\inputFiles")
for i in range(len(fileList)):
with open(os.path.join(".\inputFiles", fileList[i]), 'rb') as f_in:
log_in = can.io.BLFReader(f_in)
with open(os.path.join(".\outputFiles", os.path.splitext(fileList[i])[0] + '.asc'), 'w') as f_out:
log_out = can.io.ASCWriter(f_out)
for msg in log_in:
I need to either directly read data from .blf files sequentially, or convert them to .asc, correct the timestamp using the file name, combine the files, convert them to .csv and then analyse in python. Would really help if I can get a shorter route?

Converting Shapefile to Geojson

In short, I am trying to convert a shapefile to geojson using gdal. Here is the idea:
from osgeo import gdal
def shapefile2geojson(infile, outfile):
options = gdal.VectorTranslateOptions(format="GeoJSON", dstSRS="EPSG:4326")
gdal.VectorTranslate(outfile, infile, options=options)
Okay then here is my input & output locations:
infile = r"C:\Users\clay\Desktop\Geojson Converter\arizona.shp"
outfile = r"C:\Users\clay\Desktop\Geojson Converter\arizona.geojson"
Then I call the function:
shapefile2geojson(infile, outfile)
It never saves where I can find it, if it is working at all. It would be nice if it would pull from a file and put the newly converted geojson in the same folder. I do am not receiving any errors. I am using windows and Jupyter Notebook and am a noob. I don't know if I am using this right:
r"C:\Users\clay\Desktop\Geojson Converter\arizona.shp"

How to create a template for "could not convert string to float"?

Is there a way to test a CSV file for errors? For example, I have a CSV file downloaded from Kaggle. When I try to run it in Anaconda, it throws an error.
a) How do you test files before you run them for string to float errors?
b) Is there a way to set up a template to do this for all files moving forward?
Here is the text from notepad. I have converted all text to numbers and still throws an error.
My code:
from numpy import loadtxt
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
# load the dataset
dataset = loadtxt('data.csv', delimiter=',')
data.csv file
Seems like certain CSV files from Kaggle & others have encoding issues.
Instead of opening the file with the default encoding (which is 'utf-8'), use 'utf-8-sig'.
dataset = loadtxt('data.csv', delimiter=',', encoding='utf-8-sig')
Once I create some code to scan for this PRIOR to running in a deep learning algo, I will post it as follow on.

Is there an equivalent of R's save.image() function in Python?

When working in R, one has the ability to save the entire "workspace", variables, output, etc... to an image file using "save.image()". Is there something equivalent in Python?
Thank you.
I am not familiar with r, but pickle offers functionality to save and load (variables, objects, types, etc...) in a pickle file. In this way you can save any details needed for a later session. I'm unsure if pickle offers a specific way to save all data associated with the current session or if you would be required to manually locate and save. Hope this helps!
import pickle
my_obj = Object()
my_var = (1,"some_data")
filename = "my_dir\my_file.pickle"
with open(filename, ‘wb’) as f: #save data
pickle.dump((my_obj, my_var), f)
with open(filename, ‘rb’) as f: #load data next time
my_saved_obj, my_saved_var = pickle.load(f)

How to convert from c3d file to csv

Hi i have a project were the user uploads a .c3d file to be able to display the data on charts, so i am making it for when the user uploads a the file it gets converted into a .csv file so i can get the values but i am having no luck trying to convert from the .c3d file to the .csv extension.
i have used the following documentation http://c3d.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
but there much isn't much information on this out there
this is the following code i use to print the data:
import c3d
reader = c3d.Reader(open('file.c3d', 'rb'))
for i, points, analog in reader.read_frames():
print('frame {}: {}'.format(i, points.round(2)))
The c3d library I suppose you use(https://pypi.python.org/pypi/c3d/0.2.1) includes a script for converting C3D data to CSV format (c3d2csv).
