Why is this sql statement super slow? - python

I am writing large amounts of data to a sqlite database. I am using a temporary dataframe to find unique values.
This sql code takes forever in conn.execute(sql)
if upload_to_db == True:
print(f'########################################WRITING TO TEMP TABLE: {symbol} #######################################################################')
master_df.to_sql(name='tempTable', con=engine, if_exists='replace')
with engine.begin() as cn:
sql = """INSERT INTO instrumentsHistory (datetime, instrumentSymbol, observation, observationColName)
SELECT t.datetime, t.instrumentSymbol, t.observation, t.observationColName
FROM tempTable t
(SELECT 1 FROM instrumentsHistory f
WHERE t.datetime = f.datetime
AND t.instrumentSymbol = f.instrumentSymbol
AND t.observation = f.observation
AND t.observationColName = f.observationColName)"""
print(f'##############################################WRITING TO FINAL TABLE: {symbol} #################################################################')
running this takes forever to write to the database. Can someone help me understand how to speed it up?
Edit 1:
How many rows roughly? -About 15,000 at a time. Basically it is pulling data into a pandas dataframe and making some transformations and then writing it to a sqlite database. there are probably 600 different instruments and each having like 15,000 rows so 9M rows ultimately. Give or take a million....

Depending on your SQL database, you could try using something like INSERT INTO IGNORE (MySQL), or MERGE (e.g. on Oracle), which would do the insert only if it would not violate a primary key or unique constraint. This would assume that such a constraint would exist on the 4 columns which you are checking.
In the absence of merge, you could try adding the following index to the instrumentsHistory table:
CREATE INDEX idx ON instrumentsHistory (datetime, instrumentSymbol, observation,
This index would allow for rapid lookup of each incoming record, coming from the tempTable, and so might speed up the insert process.

This subquery
(SELECT 1 FROM instrumentsHistory f
WHERE t.datetime = f.datetime
AND t.instrumentSymbol = f.instrumentSymbol
AND t.observation = f.observation
AND t.observationColName = f.observationColName)
has to check every row in the table - and match four columns - until a match is found. In the worst case, there is no match and a full table scan must be completed. Therefore, the performance of the query will deteriorate as the table grows in size.
The solution, as mentioned in Tim's answer, is to create an index over the four columns to that the db can quickly determine whether a match exists.


What is the best way to query a pytable column with many values?

I have a 11 columns x 13,470,621 rows pytable. The first column of the table contains a unique identifier to each row (this identifier is always only present once in the table).
This is how I select rows from the table at the moment:
my_annotations_table = h5r.root.annotations
# Loop through table and get rows that match gene identifiers (column labeled gene_id).
for record in my_annotations_table.where("(gene_id == b'gene_id_36624' ) | (gene_id == b'gene_id_14701' ) | (gene_id == b'gene_id_14702')"):
# Do something with the data.
Now this works fine with small datasets, but I will need to routinely perform queries in which I can have many thousand of unique identifiers to match for in the table's gene_id column. For these larger queries, the query string can quickly get very large and I get an exception:
File "/path/to/my/software/python/python-3.9.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tables/table.py", line 1189, in _required_expr_vars
cexpr = compile(expression, '<string>', 'eval')
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded during compilation
I've looked at this question (What is the PyTables counterpart of a SQL query "SELECT col2 FROM table WHERE col1 IN (val1, val2, val3...)"?), which is somehow similar to mine, but was not satisfactory.
I come from an R background where we often do these kinds of queries (i.e. my_data_frame[my_data_frame$gene_id %in% c("gene_id_1234", "gene_id_1235"),] and was wondering if there was comparable solution that I could use with pytables.
Thanks very much,
Another approach to consider is combining 2 functions: Table.get_where_list() with Table.read_coordinates()
Table.get_where_list(): gets the row coordinates fulfilling the given condition.
Table.read_coordinates(): Gets a set of rows given their coordinates (in a list), and returns as a (record) array.
The code would look something like this:
my_annotations_table = h5r.root.annotations
gene_name_list = ['gene_id_36624', 'gene_id_14701', 'gene_id_14702']
# Loop through gene names and get rows that match gene identifiers (column labeled gene_id)
gene_row_list = []
for gene_name in gene_name_list:
gene_rows = my_annotations_table.get_where_list("gene_id == gene_name"))
# Retieve all of the data in one call
gene_data_arr = my_annotations_table.read_coordinates(gene_row_list)
Okay, I managed to do some satisfactory improvements on this.
1st: optimize the table (with the help of the documentation - https://www.pytables.org/usersguide/optimization.html)
Create table. Make sure to specify the expectedrows=<int> arg as it has the potential to increase the query speed.
table = h5w.create_table("/", 'annotations',
DataDescr, "Annotation table unindexed",
filters=tb.Filters(complevel=9, complib='blosc')
#tb comes from import tables as tb ...
I also modified the input data so that the gene_id_12345 fields are simple integers (gene_id_12345 becomes 12345).
Once the table is populated with its 13,470,621 entries (i.e. rows),
I created a complete sorted index based on the gene_id column (Column.create_csindex()) and sorted it.
table.copy(overwrite=True, sortby='gene_id', newname="Annotation table", checkCSI=True)
# Just make sure that the index is usable. Will print an empty list if not.
print(table.will_query_use_indexing('(gene_id == 57403)'))
2nd - The table is optimized, but I still can't query thousands of gene_ids at a time. So I simply separated them in chunks of 31 gene_ids (yes 31 was the absolute maximum, 32 was too much apparently).
I did not perform benchmarks, but querying ~8000 gene_ids now takes approximately 10 seconds which is acceptable for my needs.

Efficiently delete multiple records

I am trying to execute a delete statement that checks if the table has any SKU that exists in the SKU column of the dataframe. And if it does, it deletes the row. As I am using a for statement to iterate through the rows and check, it takes a long time to run the program for 6000 rows of data.
I used executemany() as it was faster than using a for loop for the delete statement, but I am finding it hard to find an alternative for checking values in the dataframe.
sname = input("Enter name: ")
cursor = mydb.cursor(prepared=True)
column = df["SKU"]
data=list([(sname, x) for x in column])
query="""DELETE FROM price_calculations1 WHERE Name=%s AND SKU=%s"""
Is there a more efficient code for achieving the same?
You could first use a GET id FROM price_calculations1 WHERE Name=%s AND SKU=%s
and then use a MYSQL WHILE loop to delete these ids without the need of a cursor, which seems to be more performant.
See: https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/6148/sql-server-loop-through-table-rows-without-cursor/
A WHILE loop without the previous get, might also work.
See: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/while.html
Rather than looping, try to do all the work in a single call to the database (this guideline is often applicable when working with databases).
Given a list of name / sku pairs:
pairs = [(name1, sku1), (name2, sku2), ...]
create a query that identifies all the matching records and deletes them
base_query = """DELETE FROM t1.price_calculations1 t1
WHERE t1.id IN (
SELECT t2.id FROM price_calculations1 t2
# Build the WHERE clause criteria
criteria = "OR ".join(["(name = %s AND sku = %s)"] * len(pairs))
# Create the query
query = base_query.format(criteria)
# "Flatten" the value pairs
values = [i for j in pairs for i in j]
cursor.execute(query, values)

Iteratively INSERTing from a Dataframe

My question may be out of pure ignorance. Given an arbitrary dataframe of say 5 rows. I want to insert that dataframe into a DB (in my case it's postgresSQL). General code to do that is along the lines of:
postgres_insert_query = """ INSERT INTO table (ID, MODEL, PRICE) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)""" record_to_insert = (1, 'A', 100) cursor.execute(postgres_insert_query, record_to_insert)
Is it a common practice that when inserting more than one row of data, you iterate over your rows and do that?
It appears that every article or example I see is about inserting a single row to a DB.
In python you could simply loop over your data frame and then do your inserts.
for record in dataframe:
sql = '''INSERT INTO table (col1, col2, col3)
VALUES ('{}', '{}', '{}')
'''.format(record[1], record[0], record[2])
This is highly simplistic. You may want to use something like sqlalchemy and make surre you use prepared statements. Never overlook security.

How to delete large quantity of records from Oracle Table that has no primary key

The situation: I'm loading an entire SQL table into my program. For convenience I'm using pandas to maintain the row data. I am then creating a dataframe of rows I would like to have removed from the SQL table. Unfortunately (and I can't change this) the table does not have any primary keys other than the built-in Oracle ROWID (which isn't a real table column its a pseudocolumn), but I can make ROWID part of my dataframe if I need to.
The table has hundreds of thousands of rows, and I'll probably be deleting a few thousand records with each run of the program.
Using Cx_Oracle what is the best method of deleting multiple rows/records that don't have a primary key? I don't think creating a loop to submit thousands of delete statements is very efficient or pythonic. Although I am concerned about building a singular SQL delete statement keyed off of ROWID and that contains a clause with thousands of items:
Where ROWID IN ('eg1','eg2',........, 'eg2345')
Is this concern valid? Any Suggestions?
Since you can use ROWID, that would be the ideal way to do it. And depending on the Oracle version, the query length limit may be large enough for a query with that many elements in the IN clause. The issue is the number of elements in the IN expression list - limited to 1000.
So you'll either have to break up the list of RowIDs into sets of 1000 at a time or delete just a single row at a time; with or without executemany().
>>> len(delrows) # rowids to delete
>>> q = 'DELETE FROM sometable WHERE ROWID IN (' + ', '.join(f"'{row}'" for row in delrows) + ')'
>>> len(q) # length of the query
>>> # let's try with just the first 1000 id's and no extra spaces
... q = 'DELETE FROM sometable WHERE ROWID IN (' + ','.join(f"'{row}'" for row in delrows[:1000]) + ')'
>>> len(q)
You're probably within query-length limits, and can even save some chars with a minimal ',' item separator.
Without ROWID
Without the Primary Key or ROWID, the only way to identify each row is to specify all the columns in the WHERE clause and to do many rows at a time, they'll need to be OR'd together:
DELETE FROM sometable
WHERE ( col1 = 'val1'
AND col2 = 'val2'
AND col3 = 'val3' ) -- row 1
OR ( col1 = 'other2'
AND col2 = 'value2'
AND col3 = 'val3' ) -- row 2
OR ( ... ) -- etc
As you can see it's not the nicest query to construct but allows you to do it without ROWIDs.
And in both cases, you probably don't need to be using parameterised queries since the IN list in 1 or OR grouping in 2 is variable. (Yes, you could create it parameterised after constructing the whole extended SQL with thousands of parameters. Not sure what the limit is on that.) The executemany() way is definitely easier to write & do but for speed, the single large queries (either of the above two) will probably outperform executemany with thousands of items.
You can use cursor.executemany() to delete multiple rows at once. Something like the following should work:
dataToDelete = [['eg1'], ['eg2'], ...., ['eg2345']]
cursor.executemany("delete from sometable where rowid = :1", dataToDelete)

psycopg2 - fastest way to insert rows to multiple tables?

I am currently using this code:
while True:
col_num = 0
for table in table_names:
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO public.{0} VALUES(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 999999)".format(table))
col_num += 1
row_num += 1
And this is pretty slow. One of the problem I see is that its committing multiple times to account for each table. If I can commit for all tables in a single query, I think that would increase the performance. How should I go about this?
You can commit outside the loop:
for table in table_names:
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO public.{0} VALUES(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 999999)".format(table))
However, there is a side effect. First columns (timestamps) will have different values when committed separately in contrast to the same value when committed together. This is because CURRENT_TIMESTAMP gives the time of the start of transaction.
