I am having some trouble trying to split each element within a nested list. I used this method for my first split. I want to do another split to the now nested list. I thought I could simply use the same line of code with a few modifications goal2 = [[j.split("") for j in goal]], but I continue to get a common error: 'list' object has no attribute 'split'. I know that you cannot split a list, but I do not understand why my modification is any different than the linked method. This is my first project with web scraping and I am looking for just the phone numbers of the website. I'd like some help to fix my issue and not a new code so that I can continue to learn and improve my own methods.
import requests
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
source = requests.get('https://www.pickyourownchristmastree.org/ORxmasnw.php').text
soup = BeautifulSoup(source, 'lxml')
info = soup.findAll(text=re.compile("((?:\d{3}|\(\d{3}\))?(?:\s|-|\.)?\d{3}(?:\s|-|\.)\d{4})"))[:1]
goal = [i.split(".") for i in info]
goal2 = [[j.split("") for j in goal]]
for x in goal:
del x[2:]
for y in goal:
del y[:1]
print('info:', info)
print('goal:', goal)
Output without goal2 variable:
info: ['89426 Green Mountain Road, Astoria, OR 97103. Phone: 503-325-9720. Open: ']
goal: [[' Phone: 503-325-9720']]
Desired Output with "goal2" variable:
info: [info: ['89426 Green Mountain Road, Astoria, OR 97103. Phone: 503-325-9720. Open: ']
goal: [[' Phone: 503-325-9720']]
goal2: ['503-325-9720']
I will obviously have more more numbers, but I didn't want to clog up the space. So it would look somthing more like this:
goal2: ['503-325-9720', '###-###-####', '###-###-####', '###-###-####']
But I want to make sure that each number can be exported into a new row within a csv file. So when I create a csv file with a header "Phone" each number above will be in a seperate row and not clustered together. I am thinking that I might need to change my code to a for loop???
The cleaner approach here would be to just do another regex search on your info, e.g.:
pat = re.compile(r'\d{3}\-\d{3}\-\d{4}')
goal = [pat.search(i).group() for i in info if pat.search(i)]
goal: ['503-325-9720']
Or if there are more than one number per line:
# use captive group instead
pat = re.compile(r'(\d{3}\-\d{3}\-\d{4})')
goal = [pat.findall(i) for i in info]
goal = [['503-325-9720', '123-456-7890']]
Trying to build my first webscraper to print out how the stock market is doing on Yahoo finance. I have found out how to isolate the information I want but it returns super sloppy. How can I manipulate this data to present in an easier way?
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
#Import your website here
html_text = requests.get('https://finance.yahoo.com/').text
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_text, 'lxml')
#Find the part of the webpage where your information is in
sp_market = soup.find('h3', class_ = 'Maw(160px)').text
The return here is : S&P 5004,587.18+65.64(+1.45%)
I want to grab these elements such as the labels and percentages and isolate them so I can print them in a way I want. Anyone know how? Thanks so much!
((S&P 5004,587.18+65.64(+1.45%)))
For simple splitting you could use the .split(separator) method that is built-in. (f.e. First split by 'x', then split by 'y', then split by 'z' with x, y, z being seperators). Since this is not efficient and if you have bit more complex regular expressions that look the same way for different elements (here: stocks) then take a look at the python regex module.
string = "Stock +45%"
pattern = '[a-z]+[0-9][0-9]'
Then, consider to use a function like find_all oder search.
I assume that the format is always S&P 500\n[number][+/-][number]([+/-][number]%).
If that is the case, we could do the following.
import re
# [your existing code]
# e.g.
# sp_market = 'S&P 500\n4,587.18+65.64(+1.45%)'
label,line2 = sp_market.split('\n')
pm = re.findall(r"[+-]",line2)
total,change,percent,_ = re.split(r"[\+\-\(\)%]+",line2)
total = float(''.join(total.split(',')))
change = float(change)
if pm[0]=='-':
percent = float(percent)
if pm[1]=='-':
print(label, total,change,percent)
# S&P 500 4587.18 65.64 1.45
Not sure, cause question do not provide an expected result, but you can "isolate" the information with stripped_strings.
This will give you a list of "isolated" values you can process:
list(soup.find('h3', class_ = 'Maw(160px)').stripped_strings)
['S&P 500', '4,587.18', '+65.64', '(+1.45%)']
For example stripping following characters "()%":
[x.strip('\(|\)|%') for x in soup.find('h3', class_ = 'Maw(160px)').stripped_strings]
['S&P 500', '4,587.18', '+65.64', '+1.45']
Simplest way to print the data not that sloppy way, is to join() the values by whitespace:
' '.join([x.strip('\(|\)|%') for x in soup.find('h3', class_ = 'Maw(160px)').stripped_strings])
S&P 500 4,587.18 +65.64 +1.45
You can also create dict() and print the key / value pairs:
for k, v in dict(zip(['Symbol','Last Price','Change','% Change'], [x.strip('\(|\)|%') for x in soup.find('h3', class_ = 'Maw(160px)').stripped_strings])).items():
print(f'{k}: {v}')
Symbol: S&P 500
Last Price: 4,587.18
Change: +65.64
% Change: +1.45
I'm trying to loop through some unstructured text data in python. End goal is to structure it in a dataframe. For now I'm just trying to get the relevant data in an array and understand the line, readline() functionality in python.
This is what the text looks like:
Title: title of an article
Full text: unfortunately the full text of each article,
is on numerous lines. Each article has a differing number
of lines. In this example, there are three..
Subject: Python
Title: title of another article
Full text: again unfortunately the full text of each article,
is on numerous lines.
Subject: Python
This same format is repeated for lots of text articles in the same file. So far I've figured out how to pull out lines that include certain text. For example, I can loop through it and put all of the article titles in a list like this:
a = "Title:"
titleList = []
sample = 'sample.txt'
with open(sample,encoding="utf8") as unstr:
for line in unstr:
if a in line:
Now I want to do the below:
a = "Title:"
b = "Full text:"
d = "Subject:"
list = []
sample = 'sample.txt'
with open(sample,encoding="utf8") as unstr:
for line in unstr:
if a in line:
if b in line:
1. Concatenate this line with each line after it, until i reach the line that includes "Subject:". Ignore the "Subject:" line, stop the "Full text:" subloop, add the concatenated full text to the list array.<br>
2. Continue the for loop within which all of this sits
As a Python beginner, I'm spinning my wheels searching google on this topic. Any pointers would be much appreciated.
If you want to stick with your for-loop, you're probably going to need something like this:
titles = []
texts = []
subjects = []
with open('sample.txt', encoding="utf8") as f:
inside_fulltext = False
for line in f:
if line.startswith("Title:"):
inside_fulltext = False
elif line.startswith("Full text:"):
inside_fulltext = True
full_text = line
elif line.startswith("Subject:"):
inside_fulltext = False
elif inside_fulltext:
full_text += line
# Possibly throw a format error here?
(A couple of things: Python is weird about names, and when you write list = [], you're actually overwriting the label for the list class, which can cause you problems later. You should really treat list, set, and so on like keywords - even thought Python technically doesn't - just to save yourself the headache. Also, the startswith method is a little more precise here, given your description of the data.)
Alternatively, you could wrap the file object in an iterator (i = iter(f), and then next(i)), but that's going to cause some headaches with catching StopIteration exceptions - but it would let you use a more classic while-loop for the whole thing. For myself, I would stick with the state-machine approach above, and just make it sufficiently robust to deal with all your reasonably expected edge-cases.
As your goal is to construct a DataFrame, here is a re+numpy+pandas solution:
import re
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# read all file
with open('sample.txt', encoding="utf8") as f:
text = f.read()
keys = ['Subject', 'Title', 'Full text']
regex = '(?:^|\n)(%s): ' % '|'.join(keys)
# split text on keys
chunks = re.split(regex, text)[1:]
# reshape flat list of records to group key/value and infos on the same article
df = pd.DataFrame([dict(e) for e in np.array(chunks).reshape(-1, len(keys), 2)])
Title Full text Subject
0 title of an article unfortunately the full text of each article,\nis on numerous lines. Each article has a differing number \nof lines. In this example, there are three.. Python
1 title of another article again unfortunately the full text of each article,\nis on numerous lines. Python
Am new to python and am trying to read a PDF file to pull the ID No.. I have been successful so far to extract the text out of the PDF file using pdfplumber. Below is the code block:
import pdfplumber
with pdfplumber.open('ABC.pdf') as pdf_file:
firstpage = pdf_file.pages[0]
raw_text = firstpage.extract_text()
print (raw_text)
Here is the text output:
Welcome to ABC
01 January, 1991
ID No. : 10101010
Welcome to your ABC portal. Learn
More text here..
Even more text here..
Mr Jane Doe
Jack & Jill Street Learn more about your
However, am unable to find the optimum way to parse this unstructured text further. The final output am expecting to be is just the ID No. i.e. 10101010. On a side note, the script would be using against fairly huge set of PDFs so performance would be of concern.
Try using a regular expression:
import pdfplumber
import re
with pdfplumber.open('ABC.pdf') as pdf_file:
firstpage = pdf_file.pages[0]
raw_text = firstpage.extract_text()
m = re.search(r'ID No\. : (\d+)', raw_text)
if m:
Of course you'll have to iterate over all the PDF's contents - not just the first page! Also ask yourself if it's possible that there's more than one match per page. Anyway: you know the structure of the input better than I do (and we don't have access to the sample file), so I'll leave it as an exercise for you.
If the length of the id number is always the same, I would try to find the location of it with the find-function. position = raw_text.find('ID No. : ')should return the position of the I in ID No. position + 9 should be the first digit of the id. When the number has always a length of 8 you could get it with int(raw_text[position+9:position+17])
If you are new to Python and actually need to process serious amounts of data, I suggest that you look at Scala as an alternative.
For data processing in general, and regular expression matching in particular, the time it takes to get results is much reduced.
Here is an answer to your question in Scala instead of Python:
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfReader
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.parser.PdfTextExtractor
val fil = "ABC.pdf"
val textFromPage = (1 until (new PdfReader(fil)).getNumberOfPages).par.map(page => PdfTextExtractor.getTextFromPage(new PdfReader(fil), page)).mkString
val r = "ID No\\. : (\\d+)".r
val res = for (m <- r.findAllMatchIn(textFromPage )) yield m.group(0)
I've created a script in python to get the name of neighbors from a webpage. I've used requests library along with re module to parse the content from some script tag out of that site. when I run the script I get the name of neighbors in the right way. However, the problem is i've used this line if not item.startswith("NY:"):continue to get rid of unwanted results from that page. I do not wish to use this hardcoded portion NY: to do this trick.
website link
I've tried with:
import re
import json
import requests
link = 'https://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=Restaurants&find_loc=New%20York%2C%20NY&start=1'
resp = requests.get(link,headers={"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0"})
data = json.loads(re.findall(r'data-hypernova-key[^{]+(.*)--></script>',resp.text)[0])
items = data['searchPageProps']['filterPanelProps']['filterInfoMap']
for item in items:
if not item.startswith("NY:"):continue
Result I'm getting (desired result):
If I do not use this line if not item.startswith("NY:"):continue, the results are something like:
The bottom line is I wish to get everything started with NY:New_York:. What I meant by unwanted results are rating, BusinessParking.validated, food_court and so on.
How can I get the neighbors without using any hardcoded portion of search within the script?
I'm not certain what your complete data set looks like, but based on your sample,
you might use something like:
if ':' not in item:
# or perhaps:
if item.count(':') < 3:
# I'd prefer a list comprehension if I didn't need the other data
items = [x for x in data['searchPageProps']['filterPanelProps']['filterInfoMap'] if ':' in x]
If that doesn't work for what you're trying to achieve then you could just use a variable for the state.
Another solution - using BeautifulSoup - which doesn't involve regex or hardcoding "NY:New_York" is below; it's convoluted, but mainly because Yelp buried it's treasure several layers deep...
So for future reference:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import json
import requests
link = 'https://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=Restaurants&find_loc=New%20York%2C%20NY&start=1'
resp = requests.get(link,headers={"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0"})
target = soup.find_all('script')[14]
content = target.text.replace('<!--','').replace('-->','')
js_data = json.loads(content)
And now the fun of extracting NYC info from the json begins....
for a in js_data:
if a == 'searchPageProps':
level1 = js_data[a]
for b in level1:
if b == 'filterPanelProps':
level2 = level1[b]
for c in level2:
if c == 'filterSets':
level3 = level2[c][1]
for d in level3:
if d == 'moreFilters':
level4 = level3[d]
for e in range(len(level4)):
The output is the name of each borough plus a list of all neighborhoods in that borough. For example:
'NY:New_York:Manhattan:Central_Park', 'NY:New_York:Manhattan:Chelsea',
Hopefully there isn't a duplicated question that I've looked over because I've been scouring this forum for someone who has posted to a similar to the one below...
Basically, I've created a python script that will scrape the callsigns of each ship from the url shown below and append them into a list. In short it works, however whenever I iterate through the list and display each element there seems to be a '[' and ']' between each of the callsigns. I've shown the output of my script below:
*********************** Contents of 'listOfCallSigns' List ***********************
0 ['311062900']
1 ['235056239']
2 ['305500000']
3 ['311063300']
4 ['236111791']
5 ['245639000']
6 ['235077805']
7 ['235011590']
As you can see, it shows the square brackets for each callsign. I have a feeling that this might be down to an encoding problem within the BeautifulSoup library.
Ideally, I want the output to be without any of the square brackets and just the callsign as a string.
*********************** Contents of 'listOfCallSigns' List ***********************
0 311062900
1 235056239
2 305500000
3 311063300
4 236111791
5 245639000
6 235077805
7 235011590
This script I'm using currently is shown below:
My script
# Importing the modules needed to run the script
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
import re
import requests
import pprint
# Declaring the url for the port of hull
url = "http://www.fleetmon.com/en/ports/Port_of_Hull_5898"
# Opening and reading the contents of the URL using the module 'urlib2'
# Scanning the entire webpage, finding a <table> tag with the id 'vessels_in_port_table' and finding all <tr> tags
portOfHull = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(portOfHull)
table = soup.find("table", {'id': 'vessels_in_port_table'}).find_all("tr")
# Declaring a list to hold the call signs of each ship in the table
listOfCallSigns = []
# For each row in the table, using a regular expression to extract the first 9 numbers from each ship call-sign
# Adding each extracted call-sign to the 'listOfCallSigns' list
for i, row in enumerate(table):
if i:
listOfCallSigns.append(re.findall(r"\d{9}", str(row.find_all('td')[4])))
print "\n\n*********************** Contents of 'listOfCallSigns' List ***********************\n"
# Printing each element of the 'listOfCallSigns' list
for i, row in enumerate(listOfCallSigns):
print i, row
Does anyone know how to remove the square brackets surrounding each callsign and just display the string?
Thanks in advance! :)
Change the last lines to:
# Printing each element of the 'listOfCallSigns' list
for i, row in enumerate(listOfCallSigns):
print i, row[0] # <-- added a [0] here
Alternatively, you can also add the [0] here:
for i, row in enumerate(table):
if i:
listOfCallSigns.append(re.findall(r"\d{9}", str(row.find_all('td')[4]))[0]) <-- added a [0] here
The explanation here is that re.findall(...) returns a list (in your case, with a single element in it). So, listOfCallSigns ends up being a "list of sublists each containing a single string":
>>> listOfCallSigns
>>> [ ['311062900'], ['235056239'], ['311063300'], ['236111791'],
['245639000'], ['305500000'], ['235077805'], ['235011590'] ]
When you enumerate your listOfCallSigns, the row variable is basically the re.findall(...) that you appended earlier in the code (that's why you can add the [0] after either of them).
So row and re.findall(...) are both of type "list of string(s)" and look like this:
>>> row
>>> ['311062900']
And to get the string inside the list, you need access its first element, i.e.:
>>> row[0]
>>> '311062900'
Hope this helps!
This can also be done by stripping the unwanted characters from the string like so:
a = "string with bad characters []'] in here"
a = a.translate(None, "[]'")
print a