Python Integer Bit masking while keeping sign - python

I am trying to replicate/validate bitwise arithmetic logic in Python.
I have cases where bits from the absolute value are truncated (no matter if they are 0 or 1) while the sign is preserved. This happens in various bit length representations.
How to implement truncating bits from the absolute value also for negative integers elegantly in Python ?
For positive integers I can easily apply a bit mask:
n=7; nMod=n & 0b11; print(nMod) #truncate MSB
#expected and actual: 3
For negative integers it does not work, probably due to the internal 2's complement and variable number of bits representation:
n=-7; nMod=n & 0b11; print(nMod)
#expected:-3; actual: 1
One could certainly analyze the absolute value, determine which bits are actually Ones and remove them by shifting left and right but my wish would be a simple one-liner like for the positive numbers.


Python - weird properties for bit operations [duplicate]

I was trying to understand bitwise NOT in python.
I tried following:
print('{:b}'.format(~ 0b0101))
print(~ 0b0101)
The output is
I tried to understand the output as follows:
Bitwise negating 0101 gives 1010. With 1 in most significant bit, python interprets it as a negative number in 2's complement form and to get back corresponding decimal it further takes 2's complement of 1010 as follows:
0101 (negating)
0110 (adding 1 to get final value)
So it prints it as -110 which is equivalent to -6.
Am I right with this interpretation?
You're half right..
The value is indeed represented by ~x == -(x+1) (add one and invert), but the explanation of why is a little misleading.
Two's compliment numbers require setting the MSB of the integer, which is a little difficult if the number can be an arbitrary number of bits long (as is the case with python). Internally python keeps a separate number (there are optimizations for short numbers however) that tracks how long the digit is. When you print a negative int using the binary format: f'{-6:b}, it just slaps a negative sign in front of the binary representation of the positive value (one's compliment). Otherwise, how would python determine how many leading one's there should be? Should positive values always have leading zeros to indicate they're positive? Internally it does indeed use two's compliment for the math though.
If we consider signed 8 bit numbers (and display all the digits) in 2's compliment your example becomes:
~ 0000 0101: 5
= 1111 1010: -6
So in short, python is performing correct bitwise negation, however the display of negative binary formatted numbers is misleading.
Python integers are arbitrarily long, so if you invert 0b0101, it would be 1111...11111010. How many ones do you write? Well, a 4-bit twos complement -6 is 1010, and a 32-bit twos complement -6 is 11111111111111111111111111111010. So an arbitrarily long -6 could ideally just be written as -6.
Check what happens when ~5 is masked to look at the bits it represents:
>>> ~5
>>> format(~5 & 0xF,'b')
>>> format(~5 & 0xFFFF,'b')
>>> format(~5 & 0xFFFFFFFF,'b')
A negative decimal representation makes sense and you must mask to limit a representation to a specific number of bits.

What is the exact definition of bitwise not in Python, given arbitrary length integers?

Bitwise not (~) is well-defined in languages that define a specific bit length and format for ints. Since in Python 3, ints can be any length, they by definition have variable number of bits. Internally, I believe Python uses at least 28 bytes to store an int, but of course these aren't what bitwise not is defined on.
How does Python define bitwise not:
Is the bit length a function of the int size, the native platform, or something else?
Does Python sign extend, zero extend, or do something else?
Python integers emulate 2's-complement represenation with "an infinite" number of sign bits (all 0 bits for >= 0, all 1 bits for < 0).
All bitwise integer operations maintain this useful illusion.
For example, 0 is an infinite number of 0 bits, and ~0 is an infinite number of 1 bits - which is -1 in 2's-complement notation.
>>> ~0
It's generally true that ~i = -i-1, which, in English, can be read as "the 1's-complement of i is the 2's-complement of i minus 1".
For right shifts of integers, Python fills with more copies of the sign bit.

Unsigned ints of arbitrary length in python

I am trying to simulate a fixed-point filter implementation. I want to capture low-level hardware features like 2s-complement wraparound/overflow and fixed register widths. Some of the registers widths are set by hardware features at unusual and long widths (ie 72b).
I've been making some progress using the built-in integers. The infinite width is incredibly useful... but I find myself fighting Python a lot because it sometimes wants to interpret a binary as a positive integer, and sometimes it seems to want to interpret a very similar binary as a negative 2's complement. For example:
>> a = 0b11111 # sign-extended -1
>> b = 0b0011
>> print("{0:b}".format(a*b))
>> print("{0:b}".format((a*b)&a)) # Truncate to correct product length
11101 # == -3 in 2s complement. Great!
>> print("{0:b}".format(~((a*b)&a)+1)) # Actually perform the 2's complement
-11101 # Arrrrggggghhh
>> print("{0:b}".format((~((a*b)&a)&a)+1)) # Truncate with extreme prejudice
11 # OK. Fine.
I guess if I think hard enough I can figure out why all this works the way it does, but if I could just do it all in unsigned space without worrying about python adding sign bits it would make things easier and less error-prone. Anyone know if there's a relatively easy way to do this? I considered bit strings, but I have to do a lot of adds & multiplies in this application and built-in integer arithmetic is really useful for that.
~x is literally defined on arbitrary precision integers as -(x+1). It does not do bit arithmetic: ~0 is 255 in one-byte integers, 65535 in two-byte integers, 1023 for 10-bit integers etc; so defining ~ via bit inversion on stretchy integers is useless.
If a defines the fixed width of your integers (with 0b11111 saying you are working with five-bit numbers), bit inversion is as simple as a^x.
print("{0:b}".format(a ^ b)
# => 11100
Two's complement is meanwhile easiest done as a+1-b, or equivalently a^b+1:
print("{0:b}".format((a + 1) - b))
# => 11101
print("{0:b}".format((a ^ b) + 1))
# => 11101
tl;dr: Don't use ~ if you want to stay unsigned.

Reverse bit in python

Reverse bits of a given 32 bits unsigned integer.
For example, given input 43261596 (represented in binary as
00000010100101000001111010011100), return 964176192 (represented in
binary as 00111001011110000010100101000000).
This does not work
def reverseBits(self, n):
return int(bin(n)[:1:-1], 2)
Your problem is in assuming Python's bin produces a 32 bit aligned output. It doesn't; it outputs the smallest number of bits possible. Python 3's int type has an unbounded number of bits, and even in Python 2, int will auto-promote to long if it overflows the bounds of int (which is not related to the limits of C's int).
If you want it to act like a specific width, the easiest way is to use formatting tools with more control (which will also simplify your slice operation).
For example, by formatting to a fixed 32 characters wide, padding with zeroes, you get your desired result:
>>> int('{:032b}'.format(43261596)[::-1], 2)
The answer is in the output of bin():
>>> bin(12345)
As you can see, it only outputs the first 14 ones and zeros. This is because it removes any leading zeros. Why does it do this? Well, python doesn't use a fixed size for integers like many other languages. The ints might be any number of bytes in practice, depending on the system and implementation.
So instead of 00000000000000001111111111111111 becoming 11111111111111110000000000000000, it becomes 1111111111111111 instead

Safest way to convert float to integer in python?

Python's math module contain handy functions like floor & ceil. These functions take a floating point number and return the nearest integer below or above it. However these functions return the answer as a floating point number. For example:
import math
Now f returns:
What is the safest way to get an integer out of this float, without running the risk of rounding errors (for example if the float is the equivalent of 1.99999) or perhaps I should use another function altogether?
All integers that can be represented by floating point numbers have an exact representation. So you can safely use int on the result. Inexact representations occur only if you are trying to represent a rational number with a denominator that is not a power of two.
That this works is not trivial at all! It's a property of the IEEE floating point representation that int∘floor = ⌊⋅⌋ if the magnitude of the numbers in question is small enough, but different representations are possible where int(floor(2.3)) might be 1.
To quote from Wikipedia,
Any integer with absolute value less than or equal to 224 can be exactly represented in the single precision format, and any integer with absolute value less than or equal to 253 can be exactly represented in the double precision format.
Use int(your non integer number) will nail it.
print int(2.3) # "2"
print int(math.sqrt(5)) # "2"
You could use the round function. If you use no second parameter (# of significant digits) then I think you will get the behavior you want.
IDLE output.
>>> round(2.99999999999)
>>> round(2.6)
>>> round(2.5)
>>> round(2.4)
Combining two of the previous results, we have:
This converts a float to an integer fairly dependably.
That this works is not trivial at all! It's a property of the IEEE floating point representation that int∘floor = ⌊⋅⌋ if the magnitude of the numbers in question is small enough, but different representations are possible where int(floor(2.3)) might be 1.
This post explains why it works in that range.
In a double, you can represent 32bit integers without any problems. There cannot be any rounding issues. More precisely, doubles can represent all integers between and including 253 and -253.
Short explanation: A double can store up to 53 binary digits. When you require more, the number is padded with zeroes on the right.
It follows that 53 ones is the largest number that can be stored without padding. Naturally, all (integer) numbers requiring less digits can be stored accurately.
Adding one to 111(omitted)111 (53 ones) yields 100...000, (53 zeroes). As we know, we can store 53 digits, that makes the rightmost zero padding.
This is where 253 comes from.
More detail: We need to consider how IEEE-754 floating point works.
1 bit 11 / 8 52 / 23 # bits double/single precision
[ sign | exponent | mantissa ]
The number is then calculated as follows (excluding special cases that are irrelevant here):
-1sign × 1.mantissa ×2exponent - bias
where bias = 2exponent - 1 - 1, i.e. 1023 and 127 for double/single precision respectively.
Knowing that multiplying by 2X simply shifts all bits X places to the left, it's easy to see that any integer must have all bits in the mantissa that end up right of the decimal point to zero.
Any integer except zero has the following form in binary:
1x...x where the x-es represent the bits to the right of the MSB (most significant bit).
Because we excluded zero, there will always be a MSB that is one—which is why it's not stored. To store the integer, we must bring it into the aforementioned form: -1sign × 1.mantissa ×2exponent - bias.
That's saying the same as shifting the bits over the decimal point until there's only the MSB towards the left of the MSB. All the bits right of the decimal point are then stored in the mantissa.
From this, we can see that we can store at most 52 binary digits apart from the MSB.
It follows that the highest number where all bits are explicitly stored is
111(omitted)111. that's 53 ones (52 + implicit 1) in the case of doubles.
For this, we need to set the exponent, such that the decimal point will be shifted 52 places. If we were to increase the exponent by one, we cannot know the digit right to the left after the decimal point.
By convention, it's 0. Setting the entire mantissa to zero, we receive the following number:
100(omitted)00x. = 100(omitted)000.
That's a 1 followed by 53 zeroes, 52 stored and 1 added due to the exponent.
It represents 253, which marks the boundary (both negative and positive) between which we can accurately represent all integers. If we wanted to add one to 253, we would have to set the implicit zero (denoted by the x) to one, but that's impossible.
If you need to convert a string float to an int you can use this method.
Example: '38.0' to 38
In order to convert this to an int you can cast it as a float then an int. This will also work for float strings or integer strings.
>>> int(float('38.0'))
>>> int(float('38'))
Note: This will strip any numbers after the decimal.
>>> int(float('38.2'))
math.floor will always return an integer number and thus int(math.floor(some_float)) will never introduce rounding errors.
The rounding error might already be introduced in math.floor(some_large_float), though, or even when storing a large number in a float in the first place. (Large numbers may lose precision when stored in floats.)
Another code sample to convert a real/float to an integer using variables.
"vel" is a real/float number and converted to the next highest INTEGER, "newvel".
import arcpy.math, os, sys, arcpy.da
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(densifybkp,[floseg,vel,Length]) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
curvel = float(row[1])
newvel = int(math.ceil(curvel))
Since you're asking for the 'safest' way, I'll provide another answer other than the top answer.
An easy way to make sure you don't lose any precision is to check if the values would be equal after you convert them.
if int(some_value) == some_value:
some_value = int(some_value)
If the float is 1.0 for example, 1.0 is equal to 1. So the conversion to int will execute. And if the float is 1.1, int(1.1) equates to 1, and 1.1 != 1. So the value will remain a float and you won't lose any precision.
