i have been trying to create a function (Pmotion in the code below) that with several parameters gives me real and imaginary parts of the equation(that part is ok)
but in the next step i want to run the function for an increasing variable(in this case time(t) going up in jumps of 0.1 all the way to 2) and be able to plot the all these samples in an plot of the real part(Up_real in the y axis) and t in the x axis
how can i get to increase while still retaining the possibility of an initial t input?
any help would be amazing
def Pmotion(x,t,A,alpha,f):
k1 = (w/alpha)
theta = k1*x-w*t
Up = k1*A*complex(-np.sin(theta),np.cos(theta))
Up_real = Up.real
Up_imag = Up.imag
plt.plot([t],[UP_real]) #here i want these to be in the x and y axis
First of all, divide your code in small independent blocks (high cohesion) as such create a function with the desired calculation:
def Pmotion(x,t,A,alpha,f):
k1 = (w/alpha)
theta = k1*x-w*t
Up = k1*A*complex(-np.sin(theta),np.cos(theta))
Up_real = Up.real
Up_imag = Up.imag
return Up_real, Up_imag
Then you can begin to think of a plotting method. e.g.
def plot_Pmotion_t():
t_range = np.arange(0,2,0.1)
reals = [Pmotion(0,t,1,6000,2) for t in t_range]
plt.plot(t_range, reals)
You can now freely alter or add inputs to the plot function without changing the Pmotion function.
Note: You are now plotting both real and imaginary values, change it to reals = [Pmotion(0,t,1,6000,2)[0] for t in t_range]
to only plot the real part.
Hope this helps!
I'm not sure how to best explain my question in words, so I will provide a code example below. But to at least give it a try. I am solving an eigenvalue problem as a function of some external parameter, which results in two eigenvalues. Those two eigenvalues cross, as the function of the external parameter. Eigenvalue sorting then leads to the wrong classification of which eigenvalue belongs to what 'branch' of the problem. I'd like to disentangle that.
Okay, as for the example. We start from the desired result and then mess it up according to what happens in the diagonalization routine.
xs = np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi, 0.001)
fun_a = np.cos(xs) + 0.5*np.sin(xs)
fun_b = np.cos(xs) - 0.5*xs*np.sin(xs) + 0.2
plt.plot(xs, fun_a)
plt.plot(xs, fun_b)
This results in two smooth branches that cross each other:
Now, what happens is that instead the eigenvalues are sorted, which I can mimmic as follows:
fun_c = np.zeros_like(fun_a)
fun_c[fun_a>fun_b] = fun_a[fun_a>fun_b]
fun_c[fun_a<=fun_b] = fun_b[fun_a<=fun_b]
fun_d = np.zeros_like(fun_a)
fun_d[fun_a>fun_b] = fun_b[fun_a>fun_b]
fun_d[fun_a<=fun_b] = fun_a[fun_a<=fun_b]
plt.plot(xs, fun_c)
plt.plot(xs, fun_d)
The result is these two branches, which are no longer smooth, continuous branches
What my question boils down to is how we can go from the second case (fun_c, fun_d) to the first case (fun_a, fun_b). I suppose one could use the information in the derivative, to some extent. Using np.diff() reveals a sharp discontinuity at the point where things go wrong. But I don't immediately see how to nicely use that.
edit: I'm starting to think the best assignment would be such that each subsequent point is chosen to minimize the change in the slope. But I'm not yet sure how to do that..
I'm sure there are many adjustments to be made to improve performance, but here's my guess, based on second derivative thresholding:
# first derivative
deriv = np.diff(fun_c)
# second derivative
deriv2 = np.diff(deriv)
# adjust threshold to detect discontinuities
switch_points = deriv2 > 0.0002
# indices of points of intersection
touch_index = np.where(switch_points == True)[0]
# adjustment to prevent false positives
# (sometimes contigous samples like 127,128 are both detected)
duplicate_index = np.where(np.diff(touch_index) == 1)[0]
touch_index = np.delete(touch_index, duplicate_index)
# begin and ending points of sections to swap
begins = touch_index[::2]
ends = touch_index[1::2]
from itertools import zip_longest
# swap values in selected sections
tmp = fun_c.copy() # need a tmp array to swap
for begin, end in zip_longest(begins, ends, fillvalue=len(fun_c)):
tmp[begin:end] = fun_d[begin:end]
# complete swapping, correcting fun_d
# on the indices we changed before
swapped = tmp != fun_c
fun_d[swapped] = fun_c[swapped]
fun_c = tmp
plt.plot(xs, fun_c)
plt.plot(xs, fun_d)
I found it quite dependant on the sampling_rate (might fail if it is too low).
If it wasn't for the
touch_index = np.delete(touch_index, duplicate_index)
you could entirely skip all this:
begins = touch_index[::2]
ends = touch_index[1::2]
from itertools import zip_longest
# swap values in selected sections
tmp = fun_c.copy() # need a tmp array to swap
for begin, end in zip_longest(begins, ends, fillvalue=len(fun_c)):
tmp[begin:end] = fun_d[begin:end]
with just
np.logical_xor.accumulate(touch_index) | touch_index
I'm trying to do the following:
Extract the melody of me asking a question (word "Hey?" recorded to
wav) so I get a melody pattern that I can apply to any other
recorded/synthesized speech (basically how F0 changes in time).
Use polynomial interpolation (Lagrange?) so I get a function that describes the melody (approximately of course).
Apply the function to another recorded voice sample. (eg. word "Hey." so it's transformed to a question "Hey?", or transform the end of a sentence to sound like a question [eg. "Is it ok." => "Is it ok?"]). Voila, that's it.
What I have done? Where am I?
Firstly, I have dived into the math that stands behind the fft and signal processing (basics). I want to do it programatically so I decided to use python.
I performed the fft on the entire "Hey?" voice sample and got data in frequency domain (please don't mind y-axis units, I haven't normalized them)
So far so good. Then I decided to divide my signal into chunks so I get more clear frequency information - peaks and so on - this is a blind shot, me trying to grasp the idea of manipulating the frequency and analyzing the audio data. It gets me nowhere however, not in a direction I want, at least.
Now, if I took those peaks, got an interpolated function from them, and applied the function on another voice sample (a part of a voice sample, that is also ffted of course) and performed inversed fft I wouldn't get what I wanted, right?
I would only change the magnitude so it wouldn't affect the melody itself (I think so).
Then I used spec and pyin methods from librosa to extract the real F0-in-time - the melody of asking question "Hey?". And as we would expect, we can clearly see an increase in frequency value:
And a non-question statement looks like this - let's say it's moreless constant.
The same applies to a longer speech sample:
Now, I assume that I have blocks to build my algorithm/process but I still don't know how to assemble them beacause there are some blanks in my understanding of what's going on under the hood.
I consider that I need to find a way to map the F0-in-time curve from the spectrogram to the "pure" FFT data, get an interpolated function from it and then apply the function on another voice sample.
Is there any elegant (inelegant would be ok too) way to do this? I need to be pointed in a right direction beceause I can feel I'm close but I'm basically stuck.
The code that works behind the above charts is taken just from the librosa docs and other stackoverflow questions, it's just a draft/POC so please don't comment on style, if you could :)
fft in chunks:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.io import wavfile
import os
file = os.path.join("dir", "hej_n_nat.wav")
fs, signal = wavfile.read(file)
CHUNK = 1024
afft = np.abs(np.fft.fft(signal[0:CHUNK]))
freqs = np.linspace(0, fs, CHUNK)[0:int(fs / 2)]
spectrogram_chunk = freqs / np.amax(freqs * 1.0)
# Plot spectral analysis
plt.plot(freqs[0:250], afft[0:250])
import librosa.display
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
file = os.path.join("/path/to/dir", "hej_n_nat.wav")
y, sr = librosa.load(file, sr=44100)
f0, voiced_flag, voiced_probs = librosa.pyin(y, fmin=librosa.note_to_hz('C2'), fmax=librosa.note_to_hz('C7'))
times = librosa.times_like(f0)
D = librosa.amplitude_to_db(np.abs(librosa.stft(y)), ref=np.max)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
img = librosa.display.specshow(D, x_axis='time', y_axis='log', ax=ax)
ax.set(title='pYIN fundamental frequency estimation')
fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax, format="%+2.f dB")
ax.plot(times, f0, label='f0', color='cyan', linewidth=2)
ax.legend(loc='upper right')
Hints, questions and comments much appreciated.
The problem was that I didn't know how to modify the fundamental frequency (F0). By modifying it I mean modify F0 and its harmonics, as well.
The spectrograms in question show frequencies at certain points in time with power (dB) of certain frequency point.
Since I know which time bin holds which frequency from the melody (green line below) ...
....I need to compute a function that represents that green line so I can apply it to other speech samples.
So I need to use some interpolation method which takes as parameters the sample F0 function points.
One need to remember that degree of the polynomial should equal to the number of points. The example doesn't have that unfortunately, but the effect is somehow ok as for the prototype.
def _get_bin_nr(val, bins):
the_bin_no = np.nan
for b in range(0, bins.size - 1):
if bins[b] <= val < bins[b + 1]:
the_bin_no = b
elif val > bins[bins.size - 1]:
the_bin_no = bins.size - 1
return the_bin_no
def calculate_pattern_poly_coeff(file_name):
y_source, sr_source = librosa.load(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, file_name), sr=sr)
f0_source, voiced_flag, voiced_probs = librosa.pyin(y_source, fmin=librosa.note_to_hz('C2'),
fmax=librosa.note_to_hz('C7'), pad_mode='constant',
center=True, frame_length=4096, hop_length=512, sr=sr_source)
all_freq_bins = librosa.core.fft_frequencies(sr=sr, n_fft=n_fft)
f0_freq_bins = list(filter(lambda x: np.isfinite(x), map(lambda val: _get_bin_nr(val, all_freq_bins), f0_source)))
return np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(np.arange(0, len(f0_freq_bins), 1), f0_freq_bins, 3)
def calculate_pattern_poly_func(coefficients):
return np.poly1d(coefficients)
Method calculate_pattern_poly_coeff calculates polynomial coefficients.
Using pythons poly1d lib I can compute function which can modify the speech. How to do that?
I just need to move up or down all values vertically at certain point in time.
for instance I want to move all frequencies at time bin 0,75 seconds up 3 times -> it means that frequency will be increased and the melody at that point will sound higher.
def transform(sentence_audio_sample, mode=None, show_spectrograms=False, frames_from_end_to_transform=12):
# cutting out silence
y_trimmed, idx = librosa.effects.trim(sentence_audio_sample, top_db=60, frame_length=256, hop_length=64)
stft_original = librosa.stft(y_trimmed, hop_length=hop_length, pad_mode='constant', center=True)
stft_original_roll = stft_original.copy()
rolled = stft_original_roll.copy()
source_frames_count = np.shape(stft_original_roll)[1]
sentence_ending_first_frame = source_frames_count - frames_from_end_to_transform
sentence_len = np.shape(stft_original_roll)[1]
for i in range(sentence_ending_first_frame + 1, sentence_len):
if mode == 'question':
by = int(_question_pattern(i) / 500)
elif mode == 'exclamation':
by = int(_exclamation_pattern(i) / 500)
by = 0
rolled = _roll_column(rolled, i, by)
transformed_data = librosa.istft(rolled, hop_length=hop_length, center=True)
def _roll_column(two_d_array, column, shift):
two_d_array[:, column] = np.roll(two_d_array[:, column], shift)
return two_d_array
In this case I am simply rolling up or down frequencies referencing certain time bin.
This needs to be polished as it doesn't take into consideration an actual state of the transformed sample. It just rolls it up/down according to the factor calculated using the polynomial function computer earlier.
You can check full code of my project at github, "audio" package contains pattern calculator and audio transform algorithm described above.
Feel free to ask if something's unclear :)
hello I am newbie at python and coding for the most part and I have 5 ordinary differential equations.(non-linear) that I want to model and have them plot. I have the parameters that are given, my main issue has been setting the independent variables to be a function of z. As well as setting the 'S' parameters to be a function of time since they vary depending on the time of year.
edited CODE
I've been able to have the code run with set parameters. I now wonder how I could take these parameters and make them behave at different times. The parameters that are set on this code are for a specific amount of "days" during the year. They are not meant to be consistent throughout. How could I implement time to have them be dependent on it?
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from math import e
def func(z,t):
xh, xf, y, m, n = z
v1,v2,v3 = 0.05,0.06,0.07
B1,B2,B3 = 0.1984,0.1593,0.04959
d1,d2,d3 = 0.02272,0.02272,0.2
o1,o2 = 0.25,0.75
p = 0
u = 500
k = 0.000075
a = 0.4784
r = 0.0165
K = 8000
i = 2
H = e**(-m*k)
g = ((xh+xf)**i)/((K**i)+((xh+xf)**i))
R = o1-(o2*(xf/(xh+xf+.002)))
P1 =(xh+xf)/(xh+y+xf+.002)
P2 = 1-((m+n)/(a*(xh+y+xf+.002)))
P3 = y/(xh+y+xf+.002)
dxhdt = (u*g*H)-(B1*(m*(xh/(xh+y+xf+.002))))-((d1+S1)*xh)-((v1*(m+n))*xh)-(xh*R)
dxfdt = (xh*R)-(B1*(m*(xf/(xh+y+xf+.002))))-((p+d2+S2)*xf)-(v2*(m+n)*xf)
dydt = (B1*(m*P1))-((d3+S3)*y)-((v3*(m+n))*y)
dmdt =(r*(m*P2))+(B2*(n*P3))-(B3*(m*P1))-(S4*m)
dndt = (r*(n*P2))-(B2*(n*P3))+(B3*(m*P1))-(S5*n)
return [dxhdt,dxfdt,dydt,dmdt,dndt]
t = np.linspace(0,100,1000)
plt.plot(t,xx[:,0],'b-',label = 'xh')
plt.plot(t,xx[:,1],'y-',label = 'xf')
plt.plot(t,xx[:,2],'g-',label = 'y')
plt.plot(t,xx[:,3],'r-',label = 'm')
plt.plot(t,xx[:,4],'m-',label = 'n')
I though about creating two different functions and looping the plot. How do you makes "days" of function of t? just declaring it is? I get error code "TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer"
t = np.linspace(0,91.25,1000)
for t in range(1,91.25):
plt.plot(t,xx[:,0],'b-',label = '$x_h$')
plt.plot(t,xx[:,1],'y-',label = '$x_f$')
plt.plot(t,xx[:,2],'g-',label = 'y')
plt.plot(t,xx[:,3],'r-',label = 'm')
plt.plot(t,xx[:,4],'m-',label = 'n')
for t in range(91.25,182.50):
plt.plot(t,xy[:,0],'b-',label = '$x_h$')
plt.plot(t,xy[:,1],'y-',label = '$x_f$')
plt.plot(t,xy[:,2],'g-',label = 'y')
plt.plot(t,xy[:,3],'r-',label = 'm')
plt.plot(t,xy[:,4],'m-',label = 'n')
I get what you mean by an ODE, but please expand it so others that are not cognizant of mathematics can understand.
If you want these to be a function of z, then you must declare a function something() and assign the variables this function. This way, your values will change with respect to changes in z.
Also by convention, I don't recommend using this much of variable declarations. Abstract these as much as possible. As an alternative, you can declare similar variables in the same line, like
v1, v2, v3 = 0.5, 0.6, 0.7
etc. This will make it much more readable.
If you don't have any syntax error due to multiple assignments in the first line, I recommend change each of this to be a function of z. Divide your bigger function to smaller chunks, make each of this a different function. This way you can manipulate results directly and code will be much more readable.
You prefer the state vector to be composed as
xh, xf, y, m, n
This interpretation of the state vector then needs to be applied everywhere, which means that you have to change the first line of the ODE function to
xh, xf, y, m, n = z
Also check that your fractions are implemented as they were in paper, esp. P1 appears suspicious. But without the genesis of the equation I can not say that it is wrong as it is.
In my model, I need to obtain the value of my deterministic variable from a set of parent variables using a complicated python function.
Is it possible to do that?
Following is a pyMC3 code which shows what I am trying to do in a simplified case.
import numpy as np
import pymc as pm
#Predefine values on two parameter Grid (x,w) for a set of i values (1,2,3)
idata = np.array([1,2,3])
size= 20
gridlength = size*size
Grid = np.empty((gridlength,2+len(idata)))
for x in range(size):
for w in range(size):
# A silly version of my real model evaluated on grid.
Grid[x*size+w,:]= np.array([x,w]+[(x**i + w**i) for i in idata])
# A function to find the nearest value in Grid and return its product with third variable z
def FindFromGrid(x,w,z):
return Grid[int(x)*size+int(w),2:] * z
#Generate fake Y data with error
yerror = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=9.0, size=len(idata))
ydata = Grid[16*size+12,2:]*3.6 + yerror # ie. True x= 16, w= 12 and z= 3.6
with pm.Model() as model:
x = pm.Uniform('x',lower=0,upper= size)
w = pm.Uniform('w',lower=0,upper =size)
z = pm.Uniform('z',lower=-5,upper =10)
#Expected value
y_hat = pm.Deterministic('y_hat',FindFromGrid(x,w,z))
#Data likelihood
ysigmas = np.ones(len(idata))*9.0
y_like = pm.Normal('y_like',mu= y_hat, sd=ysigmas, observed=ydata)
# Inference...
start = pm.find_MAP() # Find starting value by optimization
step = pm.NUTS(state=start) # Instantiate MCMC sampling algorithm
trace = pm.sample(1000, step, start=start, progressbar=False) # draw 1000 posterior samples using NUTS sampling
print('The trace plot')
fig = pm.traceplot(trace, lines={'x': 16, 'w': 12, 'z':3.6})
When I run this code, I get error at the y_hat stage, because the int() function inside the FindFromGrid(x,w,z) function needs integer not FreeRV.
Finding y_hat from a pre calculated grid is important because my real model for y_hat does not have an analytical form to express.
I have earlier tried to use OpenBUGS, but I found out here it is not possible to do this in OpenBUGS. Is it possible in PyMC ?
Based on an example in pyMC github page, I found I need to add the following decorator to my FindFromGrid(x,w,z) function.
#pm.theano.compile.ops.as_op(itypes=[t.dscalar, t.dscalar, t.dscalar],otypes=[t.dvector])
This seems to solve the above mentioned issue. But I cannot use NUTS sampler anymore since it needs gradient.
Metropolis seems to be not converging.
Which step method should I use in a scenario like this?
You found the correct solution with as_op.
Regarding the convergence: Are you using pm.Metropolis() instead of pm.NUTS() by any chance? One reason this could not converge is that Metropolis() by default samples in the joint space while often Gibbs within Metropolis is more effective (and this was the default in pymc2). Having said that, I just merged this: https://github.com/pymc-devs/pymc/pull/587 which changes the default behavior of the Metropolis and Slice sampler to be non-blocked by default (so within Gibbs). Other samplers like NUTS that are primarily designed to sample the joint space still default to blocked. You can always explicitly set this with the kwarg blocked=True.
Anyway, update pymc with the most recent master and see if convergence improves. If not, try the Slice sampler.
I want to plot an approximation of the number "pi" which is generated by a function of two uniformly distributed random variables. The goal is to show that with a higher sample draw the function value approximates "pi".
Here is my function for pi:
def pi(n):
x = rnd.uniform(low = -1, high = 1, size = n) #n = size of draw
y = rnd.uniform(low = -1, high = 1, size = n)
a = x**2 + y**2 <= 1 #1 if rand. draw is inside the unit cirlce, else 0
ac = np.count_nonzero(a) #count 1's
af = np.float(ac) #create float for precision
pi = (af/n)*4 #compute p dependent on size of draw
return pi
My problem:
I want to create a lineplot that plots the values from pi() dependent on n.
My fist attempt was:
def pipl(n):
for i in np.arange(1,n):
plt.plot(np.arange(1,n), pi(i))
print plt.show()
which returns:
ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension
My seocond guess was to start an iterator:
def y(n):
n = np.arange(1,n)
for i in n:
y = pi(i)
print y
which results in:
so the algorithm isn't far off, however i need the output as a data type which matplotlib can read.
I read:
and tried tom implement the function like:
y = np.array(pi(i))
y = pi(i)
y = np.array(y)
and all the other functions that are available from the website. However, I can't seem to get my iterated y values into one that matplotlib can read.
I am fairly new to python so please be considerate with my simple request. I am really stuck here and can't seem to solve this issue by myself.
Your help is really appreciated.
You can try with this
def pipl(n):
plt.plot(np.arange(1,n), [pi(i) for i in np.arange(1,n)])
print plt.show()
that give me this plot
If you want to stay with your iterable approach you can use Numpy's fromiter() to collect the results to an array. Like:
def pipl(n):
for i in np.arange(1,n):
yield pi(i)
n = 100
plt.plot(np.arange(1,n), np.fromiter(pipl(n), dtype='f32'))
But i think Numpy's vectorize would be even better in this case, it makes the resulting code much more readable (to me). With this approach you dont need the pipl function anymore.
# vectorize the function pi
pi_vec = np.vectorize(pi)
# define all n's
n = np.arange(1,101)
# and plot
plt.plot(n, pi_vec(n))
A little side note, naming a function pi which does not return a true pi seems kinda tricky to me.