Creating report in PDF with images from python - python

I want to make a PDF with report from the python plots I have made.
I am importing those images to pdf with the following lines:
import os
import img2pdf
with open("report.pdf", "wb") as f:
f.write(img2pdf.convert([i for i in os.listdir('C:\\Users\\rysza\\Desktop\\python data analysis\\zajecia5') if i.endswith(".jpg")]))
My question is how can I create additional page in front of the images where I can put some text.
I was trying with this, but seems not to be working:
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
c = canvas.Canvas("report.pdf")
c.drawString(100,750,"Welcome to Reportlab!")
Any options are welcome.

You can do it with fpdf lib
here you can find code examples here
(also you can translate page to english with )


Python - Remove watermark from pdf files

I created a simple script to convert rtf file to pdf. The script worked perfect, but I found it has watermark on each converted pdf file. I tried to use "watermark.remove()", it seems it doesn't work for my script.
Could anyone help me to take a look at it and let me know how to do it correctly. Thanks.
Here is my script:
import aspose.words as aw
import fnmatch
import os
import sys
import os,os.path
import comtypes.client
# load RTF document
source_path = "file_path"
dest_path = "output_path"
in_file = [] # save the source file to an array
for in_file in os.listdir(source_path):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(in_file,'*.rtf'):
doc = aw.Document(source_path+in_file)
out_name = os.path.splitext(in_file)[0] # get file name only
print (out_name) # print the file name
doc.watermark.remove() #remove the watermark".pdf", aw.SaveFormat.PDF)
The section "Licensing and Subscription" from the documentation says that (emphasis mine)
The Trial version of Aspose.Words without the specified license provides full product functionality, but inserts an evaluative watermark at the top of the document upon loading and saving and limits the maximum document size to a few hundred paragraphs.
So you may consider purchasing the license or request a 30-day temporary license.

img2pdf: one page of pdf with one image?

The souce file is here.The fetch code is sify .It's just one jpg. If you can't download it, please contact
However this image doesn't work with fpdf package, I don't know why. You can try it.
Thus I have to use the img2pdf. With the following code I converted this image to pdf successfully.
with open('bb.pdf','wb') as f:
However, when multiple images are combined into one pdf file, the img2pdf just combine each image by head_to_tail. This causes every pagesize = imgaesize. Briefly, the first page of pdf is 30 cm*40 cm while the second is 20 cm*10 cm the third is 15*13...That's ugly.
I want the same pagesize(A4 for example) and the same imgsize in every page of the pdf. One page of pdf with one image.
Glancing at the documentation for img2pdf, it allows you to set the paper size by including layout details to the convert call:
import img2pdf
letter = (img2pdf.in_to_pt(8.5), img2pdf.in_to_pt(11))
layout = img2pdf.get_layout_fun(letter)
with open('test.pdf', 'wb') as f:
f.write(img2pdf.convert(['image1.jpg','image2.jpg'], layout_fun=layout))

Python ipyleaflet export map as PNG or JPG or SVG

I have tried to export a visualisation of data with ipyleaflet as PNG or any other file format but i could not find a method that is working. For example in folium there is Is there a library or method in ipyleaflet that i have missed in my research which helps me to accomplish my goal?
here is some example code to generate a map
from ipyleaflet import *
center = [34.6252978589571, -77.34580993652344]
zoom = 10
m = Map(default_tiles=TileLayer(opacity=1.0), center=center, zoom=zoom)
I'd like to export this map as an image file without taking a screenshot manually.
I found two sources that allow to export javascript leaflet maps: and
Unfortunately i was not able to make use of them in python.
My colleague and I found a decent work around for ipyleaflet (python) image export. Here is how it works. The folium library is required for an export. The GeoJson data in this example is already prepared with style properties:
import folium
map = folium.Map([51., 12.], zoom_start=6,control_scale=True)
This is how the result looks:
The html file can be further processed in python (windows) with subprocess calls to make a PDF or PNG out of it. I hope this helps as the ipyleaflet doc for python is almost non existant.
For generating html, you can use ipywidgets
from ipywidgets.embed import embed_minimal_html
embed_minimal_html('map.html', views=[m])
If you want to make a PNG, you can use ipywebrtc, more specifically:
Or in code:
from ipywebrtc import WidgetStream, ImageRecorder
widget_stream = WidgetStream(widget=m, max_fps=1)
image_recorder = ImageRecorder(stream=widget_stream)
Saving the PNG:
with open('map.png', 'wb') as f:
Or converting to pillow image for preprocessing:
import PIL.Image
import io
im =
ipyleaflet supports saving as html. Export of svg and png does not seem to be supported.'output.html')
I created an issue ticket for ipyleaflet:

Create a pdf with fillable fields python

So I have been tasked with creating a pdf that allows the end user to enter information into the pdf and print it or save it, either or. The pdf I am trying to create is being rendered from a pdf template that has fillable fields. The problem I have is that every time I use any python library(pypdf2, pdfrw, reportlabs, etc...) to create this pdf, it flattens it and the fields are no longer fillable after export. Is there anything out there that will accomplish this goal? It doesn't really matter to me if I have to take the flat template file and render an html form onto it, so long as it works. The pdf was made in acrobat and I made sure to remove the password.
The pdf in question was created in acrobat pro. My python version is 2.7.
If anyone has done this before, that information would be super helpful. Thanks!
Facing the same problem. Just found out, the forms in the output.pdf are not fillable in okular or firefox, but still able to fill when opened in google-chrome or chromium-browser.
I used this lines:
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
c = canvas.Canvas('watermark.pdf')
c.drawImage('testplot.png', 350, 550, width=150, height=150)
output_file = PdfFileWriter()
watermark = PdfFileReader(open("watermark.pdf", 'rb'))
input_file = PdfFileReader(file('template.pdf', 'rb'))
page_count = input_file.getNumPages()
for page_number in range(page_count):
print "Plotting png to {} of {}".format(page_number, page_count)
input_page = input_file.getPage(page_number)
with open('output.pdf', 'wb') as outputStream:

Wand Python multi-size icon

i'm trying to use Wand to create a multi-size ico, but i don't find anything talking about that, only normal conversion, to ico... i've found "Sequences":
and sequences look like what i need, but i only see samples trying to read the multiple images, but not how to create, am i missing something? or is not possible?
or is it possible to do using PIL/PILLOW?
You can append() a single image to Image.sequence list. For example:
from wand.color import Color
from wand.image import Image
with Image(width=32, height=32, background=Color('red')) as ico:
with Image(width=16, height=16, background=Color('green')) as s16:
Result (multisized.ico):
I had a similar problem, but with creating a multi-page PDF from multiple JPEG files. In Imagemagick i used command -adjoin. In Wand i did the following:
from glob import glob
from wand.image import Image
files = glob('*.jpg')
with Image() as orig: # create empty Image object
for f in files:
page = Image(filename=f)
