Shapely within confusing the heck out of me - python

I'm having a lot of trouble with getting shapely points to actually snap on linestrings. This is really important to be able to construct a network graph from geospatial data for example. I would like to avoid using shapely.ops.snap as according to the docs this seems only to snap to line vertices. Instead I would like to use the linear referencing technique proposed in this question. For a simple point-in-linestring situation (see TEST2 below) this seems to work fine, and the within assertion evaluates to true. However, I can't seem to get it to work for a more complex linestring, even though matplotlib clearly shows the point to lie somewhere along the linestring.
from shapely.wkt import loads
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geopandas
class Test:
def __init__(self, point, line):
self.point = point
self.line = line
def snap(self, point, line):
snapped_point = line.interpolate(line.project(point))
return snapped_point
def test(self):
snapped_point = self.snap(self.point, self.line)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.gca()
return snapped_point.within(self.line)
def show(self):
### TEST 1
point = loads('POINT (141508.3132070995 445104.7256057188)')
ls = loads('LINESTRING (141408.7699052179 445535.6376462562, 141420.9609999987 445491.5920000025, 141444.1930000001 445394.7640000023, 141465.3480000009 445299.004, 141486.3999999985 445202.0350000015, 141508.3209999985 445104.6910000004, 141529.2399999978 445006.3560000034, 141550.8399999999 444909.6550000002, 141572.6389999985 444811.9950000045, 141594.0459999999 444713.4210000001, 141614.9339999997 444616.2859999968)')
test1 = Test(point, ls)
### TEST 2
point = Point((0.5, 0.46))
ls = LineString([(0,0), (1,1), (2,2)])
test2 = Test(point, ls)
Why does the second linestring check evaluate to False? Shouldn't the interpolate and project methods be geometry independent?


How to set Axes limits on OpenTurns Viewer?

I'm using openturns to find the best fit distribution for my data. I got to plot it alright, but the X limit is far bigger than I'd like. My code is:
import statsmodels.api as sm
import openturns as ot
import openturns.viewer as otv
data = in_seconds
sample = ot.Sample(data, 1)
tested_factories = ot.DistributionFactory.GetContinuousUniVariateFactories()
best_model, best_bic = ot.FittingTest.BestModelBIC(sample, tested_factories)
graph = ot.HistogramFactory().build(sample).drawPDF()
bestPDF = best_model.drawPDF()
name = best_model.getImplementation().getClassName()
graph.setXTitle("LatĂȘncias (segundos)")
I'd like to set X limits as something like "graph.setXLim", as we'd do in matplotlib, but I'm stuck with it as I'm new to OpenTurns.
Thanks in advance.
Any OpenTURNS graph has a getBoundingBox method which returns the bounding box as a dimension 2 Interval. We can get/set the lower and upper bounds of this interval with getLowerBound and getUpperBound. Each of these bounds is a Point with dimension 2. Hence, we can set the bounds of the graphics prior to the use of the View class.
In the following example, I create a simple graph containing the PDF of the gaussian distribution.
import openturns as ot
import openturns.viewer as otv
n = ot.Normal()
graph = n.drawPDF()
_ = otv.View(graph)
Suppose that I want to set the lower X axis to -1.
The script:
boundingBox = graph.getBoundingBox()
lb = boundingBox.getLowerBound()
The first value in the Point is the X lower bound and the second is the Y lower bound. The following script sets the first component of the lower bound to -1, wraps the lower bound into the bounding box and sets the bounding box into the graph.
lb[0] = -1.0
_ = otv.View(graph)
This produces the following graph.
The advantage of these methods is that they configure the graphics from the library, before the rendering is done by Matplotlib. The drawback is that they are a little more verbose than the Matplotlib counterpart.
Here is a minimal example adapted from openTURNS examples (see to set the x range (initially from [-4,4] to [-2,2]) :
import openturns as ot
import openturns.viewer as viewer
from matplotlib import pylab as plt
n = ot.Normal()
# To configure the look of the plot, we can first observe the type
# of graphics returned by the `drawPDF` method returns: it is a `Graph`.
graph = n.drawPDF()
# The `Graph` class provides several methods to configure the legends,
# the title and the colors. Since a graphics can contain several sub-graphics,
# the `setColors` takes a list of colors as inputs argument: each item of
# the list corresponds to the sub-graphics.
graph.setTitle("Probability density function of the standard gaussian distribution")
# Combine several graphics
# In order to combine several graphics, we can use the `add` method.
# Let us create an empirical histogram from a sample.
sample = n.getSample(100)
histo = ot.HistogramFactory().build(sample).drawPDF()
# Then we add the histogram to the `graph` with the `add` method.
# The `graph` then contains two plots.
# Using openturns.viewer
view = viewer.View(graph)
# Get the matplotlib.axes.Axes member with getAxes()
# Similarly, there is a getFigure() method as well
axes = view.getAxes() # axes is a matplotlib object
_ = axes[0].set_xlim(-2.0, 2.0)
You can read the definition of the View object here :
As you will see, the View class contains matplotlib objects such as axes and figure. Once accessed by the getAxes (or getFigure) you can use the matplotlib methods.

Why is transforming a shapely polygon not working in some cases?

I'm trying to calculate the size of a polygon of geographic coordinates using shapely, which seems to require a transformation into a suitable projection to yield a results in square meter. I found a couple of examples online, but I couldn't get it working for my example polygon.
I therefore tried to use the same example polygons that came with the code snippets I found, and I noticed that it works for some whole not for others. To reproduce the results, here's the minimal example code:
import json
import pyproj
from shapely.ops import transform
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, mapping
from functools import partial
coords1 = [(-97.59238135821987, 43.47456565304017),
(-97.59244690469288, 43.47962399877412),
(-97.59191951546768, 43.47962728271748),
(-97.59185396090983, 43.47456565304017),
(-97.59238135821987, 43.47456565304017)]
coords1 = reversed(coords1) # Not sure if important, but says it's wrong handedness
# Doesn't seem to affect the error message though
coords2 = [(13.65374516425911, 52.38533382814119),
(13.65239769133293, 52.38675829106993),
(13.64970274383571, 52.38675829106993),
(13.64835527090953, 52.38533382814119),
(13.64970274383571, 52.38390931824483),
(13.65239769133293, 52.38390931824483),
(13.65374516425911, 52.38533382814119)]
coords = coords1 # DOES NOT WORK
#coords = coords2 # WORKS
polygon = Polygon(coords)
# Print GeoJON to check on
projection = partial(pyproj.transform,
transform(projection, polygon)
Both coords1 and coords2 are just copied from code snippets that supposedly work. However, only coords2 works for me. I've used to see if there's a difference between the two polygons, and it seems that the handedness/orientation of the polygon is not valid GeoJSON. I don't know if shapely even cares, but reversing the order -- and says it's valid GeoJSON then, and it shows the polygon on the map -- does not change the error.
So, it works with coords2, but when I use coords1 I get the following error:
~/env/anaconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/shapely/geometry/ in _repr_svg_(self)
398 if xmin == xmax and ymin == ymax:
399 # This is a point; buffer using an arbitrary size
--> 400 xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.buffer(1).bounds
401 else:
402 # Expand bounds by a fraction of the data ranges
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 0)
I assume there's something different about coords1 (and the example polygon from my own data) that causes the problem, but I cannot tell what could be different compared to coords2.
In short, what's the difference between coords1 and coords2, with one working and the other not?
UPDATE: I got it working by adding always_xy=True to the definition of the projections. Together with the newer syntax provided by shapely, avoiding partial, the working snippet looks like this:
project = pyproj.Transformer.from_proj(
pyproj.Proj('epsg:4326'), # source coordinate system
) # destination coordinate system
transform(project.transform, polygon)
To be honest, even after reading the docs, I don't really know what always_xy is doing. Hence I don't want to provide is an answer.
i think you did good, only that the reversed does not create new dataset.
try to use this function to create reversed order list:
def rev_slice(mylist):
return a revered list
mylist: is a list
a = mylist[::-1]
return a
execute the function like so:
coords = rev_slice(coords1)

[networkx]Visualise some points on a graph, the points move along the link, but they are not nodes

I want to visualise some points on a graph, the points move along the link, but they are not nodes. Currently I have added some point location, but can not display them on the figure.
This is the code
# -- coding: utf-8 --
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools
import math
#from import NetworkGrid
#from mesa import Agent, Model
#from mesa.time import RandomActivation
#from mesa.datacollection import DataCollector
#from import NetworkGrid
#%%Build a graph
labeldict = {}
labeldict["GPs"] = "GP"
labeldict["AcuteCares"] = "Acute Care"
labeldict["Waitlists"] = "Waitlist"
labeldict["newPatients"] = "New Patients"
labeldict["Preventabledeaths"] = "Preventable Deaths"
labeldict["ReviewPatients"] = "Review Patients"
labeldict["DeathPools"] = "Natural Deaths"
labeldict["DNAPool1s"] = "First DNA"
labeldict["DNAPool2s"] = "Second DNA"
labeldict["UntreatedPopulations"] = "Untreated Population"
labeldict["SAPops"] = "General Population"
nx.draw(G,pos,labels=labeldict, with_labels = True)
#grid = NetworkGrid(G)
# %%
def arclen(edge):
calculate the length of an edge. The format of edge is like: ('UntreatedPopulations', 'SAPops')
dist_edge = math.sqrt((G.node[edge[0]]['pos'][0] - G.node[edge[1]]['pos'][0])**2 + (G.node[edge[0]]['pos'][1] - G.node[edge[1]]['pos'][1])**2)
return dist_edge
def patientcor(speed,step,edge):
"""get the coordinate of point along the edge, speed is the moving speed per step,
time is the number of steps, edge is the specific edge
x=G.node[edge[0]]['pos'][0] + speed*step/arclen(edge) *(G.node[edge[1]]['pos'][0] -G.node[edge[0]]['pos'][0])
y=G.node[edge[0]]['pos'][1] + speed*step/arclen(edge) *(G.node[edge[1]]['pos'][1] -G.node[edge[0]]['pos'][1])
return (x,y)
#%% Visualise the graph, set the speed at 0.2, time is 0,1,2
for t in range(3):
pos[t]=patientcor(0.2, t,edge) #add the location of point on the link per step to the dict
nx.draw(G,pos, labels=labeldict,with_labels = True) #visualise pos dict along with the graph, but the additional points other than nodes do not appear on the figure
The graph figure only displays the nodes, but not the points that move along the edges:
The nx.draw command will only plot those nodes that are in the graph. If your dictionary pos provides locations of other points, it will silently ignore them. I believe this is the appropriate behavior and I can think of lots of times where my coding would be much more difficult if it would also plot other points that appeared in my pos dictionary.
For what you want, simply create a new list of the points you want to plot (or in your example it looks like just a single point). Then use matplotlib's scatter command.
#stuff skipped here
for t in range(3):
mypoint = patientcor(0.2, t,edge)
nx.draw(G,pos, labels=labeldict,with_labels = True) #visualise pos dict along with the graph, but the additional points other than nodes do not appear on the figure
plt.scatter([mypoint[0]], [mypoint[1]])
You'll probably want to play with the node sizes and specific locations of these points.

Check if point is inside boundaries

I have a list of points describing the boundaries of Spain. I want to be able to tell whether a pair of lat,lon is within these boundaries. I have tried the following:
import shapefile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint, Point, Polygon
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
sf = shapefile.Reader(r"\ESP_adm0.shp")
shapes = sf.shapes()
lat = []; lon = []
for i in range(len(shapes[0].points)):
I know I am retrieving the points, because I'm able to plot and get the desired results:
plt.plot(lon,lat,'.', ms=0.1)
(plot in the link below)
plot result
I do the following to get the poitns into a polygon:
coords = list(zip(lat,lon))
spain_pol = Polygon(coords)
And then I use the contains function, always getting false.
These both return false. In fact I haven't been able to get a single point I've tried to return a True.
I have tried all sorts of things, and I think I must be missing something fundamental. Perhaps the facts Spain has islands and there's more than one polygon is the problem? I'm lost. Any help welcome.
Just in case someone else has the same issue. The following code worked perfectly:
import shapefile
import fiona
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint, Point, Polygon,shape
from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon
multipol ="C:\Users\Jordi\Downloads\ESP_adm_shp\ESP_adm0.shp")
multi = next(iter(multipol))
point = Point(0,42)
This returns a very welcome "True" :)

ValueError: No Shapely geometry can be created from null value

I get this error while using cascaded_union (I have also tried unary_union which produces the same error):
ValueError: No Shapely geometry can be created from null value
I have validated that my polygons are valid. Initially polyB isn't valid, but it is converted to a valid polygon using buffer(0).
Any idea on what I am doing wrong? Here's my code:
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
def combineBorders(a, b):
polyA = Polygon(a)
polyB = Polygon(b)
pols = [polyA, polyB]
for p in pols:
if p.is_valid == False:
p = p.buffer(0)
newShape = cascaded_union(pols) # THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR KEEPS SHOWING UP
return newShape
Here is a link to the values for polyA, polyB and pols (after they are confirmed to be valid). I have the following versions installed on my Ubuntu 14.04 server:
python-shapely 1.3.0
libgeos 3.4.2
python 2.7
The problem in the question is that the buffered polygon was not put back in the list pols, so the invalid geometry was passed to cascaded_union
You could make this much simpler and versatile with the following, which can take any number of polygon geometries (not just two).
def combineBorders(*geoms):
return cascaded_union([
geom if geom.is_valid else geom.buffer(0) for geom in geoms
polyC = combineBorders(polyA, polyB)
Found out the problem. Not sure why this matters (I've seen examples showing it both ways), but it works after putting the polygons directly into cascaded_union like so: newShape = cascaded_union([polyA, polyB]). Here is the fully revised code that works:
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
def combineBorders(a, b):
polyA = Polygon(a)
polyB = Polygon(b)
polyBufA = polyA.buffer(0)
polyBufB = polyB.buffer(0)
newShape = cascaded_union([polyBufA, polyBufB])
return newShape
This also works with unary_union
