Training a Bert word embedding model in tensorflow - python

I have my own corpus of plain text. I want to train a Bert model in TensorFlow, similar to gensim's word2vec to get the embedding vectors for each word.
What I have found is that all the examples are related to any downstream NLP tasks like classification. But, I want to train a Bert model with my custom corpus after which I can get the embedding vectors for a given word.
Any lead will be helpful.

If you have access to the required hardware, you can dig into NVIDIA's training scripts for BERT using TensorFlow. The repo is here. From the medium article:
BERT-large can be pre-trained in 3.3 days on four DGX-2H nodes (a
total of 64 Volta GPUs).
If you don't have an enormous corpus, you will probably have better results fine-tuning an available model. If you would like to do so, you can look into huggingface's transformers.


Transformers (Attention is all you need) with Word2Vec or GloVe?

I am new to NLP and i am confused about the embedding.
Is it possible, if i already have trained GloVe embeddings / or Word2Vec embeddings and send these into Transformer? Or does the Transformer needs raw data and do its own embedding?
(Language: python, keras)
If you train a new transformer, you can do whatever you want with the bottom layer.
Most likely you are asking about pretrained transformers, though. Pretrained transformers such as Bert will have their own embeddings of the word pieces. In that case, you will probably get sufficient results just by using the results of the transformer.
BERT models are pre-trained from unlabeled data extracted from the
BooksCorpus with 800M words and English Wikipedia with 2,500M
Whether to train your model depends on your data.
For simple english text, the out-of-the-box model should work well.
If your data concentrates on certain domain e.g. job requisitions and job applications, then you can extend the model by training it on your corpus (aka transfer learning).

Reduce fastText memory usage for big models

I trained a machine learning sentence classification model that uses, among other features, also the vectors obtained from a pretrained fastText model (like these) which is 7Gb. I use the pretrained fastText Italian model: I am using this word embedding only to get some semantic features to feed into the effective ML model.
I built a simple API based on fastText that, at prediction time, computes the vectors needed by the effective ML model. Under the hood, this API receives a string as input and calls get_sentence_vector. When the API starts, it loads the fastText model into memory.
How can I reduce the memory footprint of fastText, which is loaded into RAM?
My model works fine, training was time-consuming and expensive, so I wouldn't want to retrain it using smaller vectors
I need the fastText ability to handle out-of-vocabulary words, so I can't use just vectors but I need the full model
I should reduce the RAM usage, even at the expense of a reduction in speed.
At the moment, I'm starting to experiment with compress-fasttext...
Please share your suggestions and thoughts even if they do not represent full-fledged solutions.
There is no easy solution for my specific problem: if you are using a fastText embedding as a feature extractor, and then you want to use a compressed version of this embedding, you have to retrain the final classifier, since produced vectors are somewhat different.
Anyway, I want to give a general answer for
fastText models reduction
Unsupervised models (=embeddings)
You are using pretrained embeddings provided by Facebook or you trained your embeddings in an unsupervised fashion. Format .bin. Now you want to reduce model size/memory consumption.
Straight-forward solutions:
compress-fasttext library: compress fastText word embedding models by orders of magnitude, without significantly affecting their quality; there are also available several pretrained compressed models (other interesting compressed models here).
fastText native reduce_model: in this case, you are reducing vector dimension (eg from 300 to 100), so you are explictly losing expressiveness; under the hood, this method employs PCA.
If you have training data and can perform retraining, you can use floret, a fastText fork by explosion (the company of Spacy), that uses a more compact representation for vectors.
If you are not interested in fastText ability to represent out-of-vocabulary words (words not seen during training), you can use .vec file (containing only vectors and not model weights) and select only a portion of the most common vectors (eg the first 200k words/vectors). If you need a way to convert .bin to .vec, read this answer.
Note: gensim package fully supports fastText embedding (unsupervised mode), so these operations can be done through this library (more details in this answer)
Supervised models
You used fastText to train a classifier, producing a .bin model. Now you want to reduce classifier size/memory consumption.
The best solution is fastText native quantize: the model is retrained applying weights quantization and feature selection. With the retrain parameter, you can decide whether to fine-tune the embeddings or not.
You can still use fastText reduce_model, but it leads to less expressive models and the size of the model is not heavily reduced.

Fine-tune a BERT model for context specific embeddigns

I'm trying to find information on how to train a BERT model, possibly from the Huggingface Transformers library, so that the embedding it outputs are more closely related to the context o the text I'm using.
However, all the examples that I'm able to find, are about fine-tuning the model for another task, such as classification.
Would anyone happen to have an example of a BERT fine-tuning model for masked tokens or next sentence prediction, that outputs another raw BERT model that is fine-tuned to the context?
Here is an example from the Transformers library on Fine tuning a language model for masked token prediction.
The model that is used is one of the BERTForLM familly. The idea is to create a dataset using the TextDataset that tokenizes and breaks the text into chunks. Then use a DataCollatorForLanguageModeling to randomly mask tokens in the chunks when traing, and pass the model, the data and the collator to the Trainer to train and evaluate the results.

Keras for find sentences similarities from pre-trained word2vec

I have pre-trained word2vec from gensim. And Using gensim for finding the similarities between words works as expected. But I am having problem in finding the similarities between two different sentences. Using of cosine similarities is not a good option for sentences and Its not giving good result. Soft Cosine similarities in gensim gives a little better results but still, it is also not looking good.
I found WMDsimilarities in gensim. This is a bit better than softcosine and cosine.
I am thinking if there is more option like using deep learning like keras and tensorflow to find the sentences similarities from pre-trained word2vec. I know the classification can be done using word embbeding and this seems somewhat better options but then I need to find a training data and labeled it from the scratch.
So, I am wondering if there is any other option which can be used pre-trained word2vec in keras and get the sentences similarities. Is there way. I am open to any suggestions and advice.
Before reimplementing the wheel I'd suggest to try doc2vec method from gensim, it works quite well and it's easy to use.
To implement it in Keras reusing the embeddings you have computed with gensim:
Store the word embeddings in a file, one word per line with the corresponding embedding. Alternatively you can do as #Paul suggested and skip the step 2 and reuse the layer in step 3.
Load word embeddings into a Keras Embedding layer. You can checkout this Keras tutorial for more details (check how embedding_layer variable is initialized).
Then a sequence to sequence model can be used to compute the embedding of the text. In which you have an encoder that embeds the string and the decoder that converts the embedding back to a string. Here is a Keras tutorial that translates from English to French. You can use a similar process to transform your text into your text and pick the internal embedding for your similarity metric.
You can also have a look how the paragraph to vector model works, you can also implement it using Keras and loading the word embedding weights that you have computed.

SpaCy TextCategorizer Pipeline detailed

I'm currently working on NLP project. Actually, when i researched how to deal with NLP, i found some articles about SpaCy. But, because i'm still newbie on python, i don't understand how SpaCy TextCategorizer Pipeline works.
Is there any detailed about how this pipeline works? Is TextCategorizer Pipeline also using text feature extraction such as Bag of Words, TF-IDF, Word2Vec or anything else? And what model architecture use in SpaCy TextCategorizer? Is there someone who could explain me about this?
There's a lot of info in the docs: shows a code example provides details on the architecture:
The model supports classification with multiple, non-mutually exclusive labels. You can change the model architecture rather easily, but by default, the TextCategorizer class uses a convolutional neural network to assign position-sensitive vectors to each word in the document. The TextCategorizer uses its own CNN model, to avoid sharing weights with the other pipeline components. The document tensor is then summarized by concatenating max and mean pooling, and a multilayer perceptron is used to predict an output vector of length nr_class, before a logistic activation is applied elementwise. The value of each output neuron is the probability that some class is present.
