Python RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded - python

I have a python program I wrote that moves my solar panel with the sun throughout the day. It works fine, but about twice a week I get RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
I'm pretty new to python and I've looked up Recursion Errors, it says when a function calls itself too many times, I don't see where that is happening in this program.
from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
import astral
from astral import Astral
import time
import pytz
# import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
# Global Variables
ast = Astral()
city_Name = 'Cleveland'
local_City = ast[city_Name]
# sun_Position = local_City.sun(local=True)
reset_Solar = True
# Retrieves and returns current time
def get_Current_Time():
eastern = pytz.timezone('America/New_York')
curr_Time =
return curr_Time
def main_Function():
global local_City
sun_Position = local_City.sun(local=True)
current_Time = get_Current_Time()
solar_Sunrise = sun_Position.get('sunrise')
solar_Noon = sun_Position.get('noon')
solar_Sunset = sun_Position.get('sunset')
calc_Sunrise_Noon = solar_Noon - solar_Sunrise
total_Seconds = calc_Sunrise_Noon.seconds
calc_Hours, remainder = divmod(total_Seconds, 3600)
calc_Minutes, calc_Seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
time_To_Adjust = total_Seconds / 24
print (current_Time)
print (solar_Sunrise)
if current_Time >= solar_Sunrise and current_Time < solar_Sunset:
elif reset_Solar == True:
def solar_Adjust_Active(time_To_Adjust):
while time_To_Adjust > 0:
current_Time = get_Current_Time()
time_To_Adjust = time_To_Adjust - 1
print (current_Time)
print (time_To_Adjust)
def solar_Adjust_Deactive():
global local_City
curr_Time = get_Current_Time()
calc_Tomorrow = + timedelta(days=1)
sun_Position_Tomorrow = local_City.sun(local=True, date = calc_Tomorrow)
solar_Sunrise_Tomorrow = sun_Position_Tomorrow.get('sunrise')
time_Till_Sunrise = solar_Sunrise_Tomorrow - curr_Time
sunrise_Total_Seconds = time_Till_Sunrise.seconds
calc_Sunrise_Hours, remainder = divmod(sunrise_Total_Seconds, 3600)
calc_Sunrise_Minutes, calc_Sunrise_Seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
while sunrise_Total_Seconds > 0:
sunrise_Total_Seconds = sunrise_Total_Seconds - 1
# print ('Seconds till Sunrise', sunrise_Total_Seconds)
print (solar_Sunrise_Tomorrow)
def daylight_Adjustment():
global reset_Solar
# Adustment to Solar Panel
# init pin numbers
#pin_Open = [6]
# set mode default state is 'low'
#GPIO.setup(pin_Open, GPIO.OUT)
# Activate Open Relay to High (High turns Relay on)
#GPIO.output(pin_Open, GPIO.HIGH) # Activate Open relay
# Start Timer for duration actuator will be activated
timer = 0
while timer < 1:
timer = timer + 1
print ('Panal adjusted')
# set Open relay back to low (Turns Relay off)
#GPIO.output(pin_Open, GPIO.LOW)
# Reset GPIO settings
reset_Solar = True
def reset_Solar_Panel():
global reset_Solar
print ('Setting panel back to original position')
# Adustment to Solar Panel
# GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)
# init pin numbers
# pin_Open = [XX]
# set mode default state is 'low'
# GPIO.setup(pin_Open, GPIO.OUT)
# Activate Open Relay to High (High turns Relay on)
# GPIO.output(pin_Open, GPIO.HIGH) # Activate Open relay
# Start Timer for duration actuator will be activated
timer = 0
while timer <= 48:
timer = timer + 1
# set Open relay back to low (Turns Relay off)
# GPIO.output(pin_Open, GPIO.LOW)
# Reset GPIO settings
# GPIO.cleanup()
reset_Solar = False

You have (at least one) a loop in your code:
def main_Function():
-> solar_Adjust_Active(time_To_Adjust)
-> daylight_Adjustment()
-> main_Function() -> .... # lets run that for a couple of days ...
Normally you have a main loop (f.e. while True:) and call/return from functions into your main loop without recursing:
def resetToStart():
move panels to sunrise position
def movePanel():
resetToStart() # start at a well known position
while True:
if NightTime: # sun is down
sleep till daytime
elif DayTime: # sun is up
sleep some till adjustment needed


I want to know if I any mistakes?

I have a problem with the Jsn-sr04t water proof ultrasonic sensor, knowing that the connection in the raspberry pi zero W1 is well made becouse it is activated but the readings of this are totally wrong, the pins were entered correctly but this one seems to have a data entry error. I tried several programs in python that were used on this same sensor model
PD: I'm aware that this works, because I tested it on an arduino mega and the sensor worked correctly
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import os
import time
TRIGGER_TIME = 0.00001
MAX_TIME = 0.004 # max time waiting for response in case something is missed
GPIO.setup(GPIO_ECHO, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # Echo
GPIO.output(GPIO_TRIGGER, False)
def measure():
# Pulse the trigger/echo line to initiate a measurement
GPIO.output(GPIO_TRIGGER, False)
# ensure start time is set in case of very quick return
start = time.time()
timeout = start + MAX_TIME
while GPIO.input(GPIO_ECHO) == 0 and start <= timeout:
start = time.time()
if(start > timeout):
return -1
stop = time.time()
timeout = stop + MAX_TIME
# Wait for end of echo response
while GPIO.input(GPIO_ECHO) == 1 and stop <= timeout:
stop = time.time()
if(stop <= timeout):
elapsed = stop-start
distance = float(elapsed * 34300)/2.0
return -1
return distance
if __name__ == '__main__':
while True:
distance = measure()
if(distance > -1):
print("Measured Distance = %.1f cm" % distance)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Measurement stopped by User")
constantly OUTPUT: "#"
Seems like an issue with the GPIO settings or a timing issue as the same setup works with an Arduino.
Try with higher trigger on time (maybe 20us)
After elapsed calculation, print the elapsed time on the screen and check the actual value
If it still doesn't work, then you can also checkout the alternate output options like serial UART, PWM, etc. You can get more details here -

Can I create a thread in constructor?

I have a class for a DC-motor. It has attributes that can e.g. change the set rotational speed.
In order to control the actual speed I would like to run a thread that guards the acceleration. So if a user sets a new speed the thread will slowly increase the actual speed to match the set speed.
My approach:
import time
import threading
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
class motorController:
def __init__(self,maxPower,powerPin,directionPin,direction=True):
self.maxPower = abs(maxPower)
self.power = 0 #initially off
self.setPower = 0
#set pins motors are connected to
self.powerPin = powerPin
self.directionPin = directionPin
self.direction = direction
#initialize PWM
#initialize powerPin
GPIO.setup(self.powerPin, GPIO.OUT) # set pin to output
self.powerPwm = GPIO.PWM(self.powerPin, 100) # Initialize PWM on pwmPin 100Hz frequency, max is 8kHz, min is 10Hz
self.powerPwm.start(self.power) # Start PWM with 0% duty cycle
#initialize directionPin
GPIO.setup(self.directionPin, GPIO.OUT,initial=self.direction) # set pin to output
#initialize controll deamon
self.__lastCall = time.time()
self.setPointIsNotReached = threading.Condition() #currently unused
self.deamonTimeLock = threading.Lock()
self.controllThread = threading.Thread(target=self.__powerControllerDeamon())
def setTargetPower(self,setPower):
setPower = min(setPower,self.maxPower)
self.setPower = max(setPower,-self.maxPower)
with self.deamonTimeLock:
self.__lastDeamonCall = t
def __setPower(self,power):
#limit power to maxPower
self.power = min(abs(power),self.maxPower)
#set rotation direction
if power < 0:
self.direction = False
self.direction = True
GPIO.output(self.directionPin, self.direction) #set to 3.3V if direction is true, or 0V if direction is false
def __powerControllerDeamon(self):
#private method that controls the power of the motor
t = time.time()
dt = t-self.__lastCall
if self.power > self.setPower:
m = -50 #ramp from 100 to 0 in minimal 2 sec
m = 20 # ramp from 0 to 100 in minimal 5sec
newPower = self.power + m * dt
#detect if power is reched through change of sign
dP = self.setPower - self.power
dP2 = self.setPower - newPower
if dP*dP2 <= 0: #change of sign or one is zero
newPower = self.setPower #set point reached
with self.setPointIsNotReached
self.setPointIsNotReached.notify()#set point NOT reached
with self.deamonTimeLock:
self.__lastDeamonCall = t
from motorController import motorController as mC
import time
m1 = mC(100,18,17)
time.sleep(10) #should have powered up by now
except BaseException as e:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
In this example, the thread function is called once and then never again.
I'm new to threading and python. My questions:
Can I create a thread from a constructor and have it running until the main program ends (that's why i set deamon true)?
If the answer is yes, what's my mistake?
Your __powerControllerDeamon method should contain a loop that runs until it reaches the desired speed or until it is told to stop.
Since it doesn't contain a loop, it will run once and exit.
Note that this loop should also contain a small amount of sleep, to prevent it from hogging the CPU.

Python Multiprocessing Stops after a while

So basically we're using raspberry pi for a project and a part of it includes the usage of ultrasonic sensors. We have three, and we've been able to get readings from all of them (I actually came from multi-threading but decided to move to multiprocessing). Here is my code:
from multiprocessing import Process, Lock
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
#set GPIO Pins
#set GPIO direction (IN / OUT)
def sense_distance(lock, processName):
gpio_echo_var = ''
gpio_trigger_var = ''
if processName == "Sensor-1":
gpio_echo_var = GPIO_ECHO1
gpio_trigger_var = GPIO_TRIGGER1
elif processName == "Sensor-2":
gpio_echo_var = GPIO_ECHO2
gpio_trigger_var = GPIO_TRIGGER2
elif processName == "Sensor-3":
gpio_echo_var = GPIO_ECHO3
gpio_trigger_var = GPIO_TRIGGER3
print "%s process created." % (processName)
while True:
# set Trigger to HIGH
GPIO.output(gpio_trigger_var, True)
# set Trigger after 0.01ms to LOW
GPIO.output(gpio_trigger_var, False)
StartTime = time.time()
StopTime = time.time()
# save StartTime
while GPIO.input(gpio_echo_var) == 0:
StartTime = time.time()
# save time of arrival
while GPIO.input(gpio_echo_var) == 1:
StopTime = time.time()
# time difference between start and arrival
TimeElapsed = StopTime - StartTime
# multiply with the sonic speed (34300 cm/s)
# and divide by 2, because there and back
distance = (TimeElapsed * 34300) / 2
if distance <= 10:
print "%s has read less than 10 cm." % (processName)
# Reset by pressing CTRL + C
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Measurement stopped by User")
if __name__ == '__main__':
lock = Lock()
Process(target=sense_distance, args=(lock, "Sensor-1")).start()
Process(target=sense_distance, args=(lock, "Sensor-2")).start()
Process(target=sense_distance, args=(lock, "Sensor-3")).start()
It successfully reads the input and prints out the text when input goes smaller than 10 cm. However, after some time, they stop. I have run out of ideas and have searched all over only to come up short. Any sort of help will be appreciated.

How do I pause a script in python to keep 2 sensors from being detected at same time?

I have this function in a python script that detects 2 vibrations sensors, the problem is the sensors are very sensitive so usually when one is hit they are both detected which gives me a false reading. How would I stop them both from being detected at the same time? I want to detect whichever was first. This is what I have tried -
#!/usr/bin/env python
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from time import sleep
def setup():
GPIO.setup(KnockPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
GPIO.setup(ShockPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
def shock():
def knock():
def register_callbacks():
if GPIO.add_event_detect(ShockPin, GPIO.FALLING, callback=shock, bouncetime=5000):
elif GPIO.add_event_detect(KnockPin, GPIO.FALLING, callback=knock, bouncetime=5000):
if __name__ == '__main__':
Just a suggestion, I don't have the setup to test it. Save the time of the last event (using datetime), and then check if the last event is more than 5 seconds ago.
import datetime
sensor_delay = 5 #delay in seconds
last_event =
def shock():
global last_event
if > last_event + datetime.timedelta(seconds=sensor_delay):
print ('shock')
last_event =
def knock():
global last_event
if > last_event + datetime.timedelta(seconds=sensor_delay):
last_event =

Can someone tell me how I would modify this code to come on more than once a day?

Can someone please tell me how I would modify this code to come on more than once a day? I am very new to python and trying to get my pi to run this timer. I tried adding an additional variable to the array such as SatOn2 but it is ignored. Clearly I do not understand how this works in Python. This was originally intended to run xmas lights but I am modifying to run an irrigation drip timer.
Any help greatly appreciated. Thank You!
# Raspberry Pi custom Christmas light timer
# import GPIO module
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
# set up GPIO pins as outputs
# This convention is for the "P1" header pin convention
# where the pins start with P1 in the upper left
# and go to P26 in the lower right, with odds in the
# left column and evens in the right column.
# So, pins P1-11 and P1-12 correspond to GPIO17 and
# GPIO18 respectively.
GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.OUT)
# import date and time modules
import datetime
import time
# Enter the times you want the lights to turn on and off for
# each day of the week. Default is for lights to turn on at
# 5:30pm and off at 10:30pm on weekdays, on at 5:00pm and off
# at 11:30pm on weekends. Note that this is using a 24-hour clock.
MonOn = datetime.time(hour=17,minute=30,second=0)
MonOff = datetime.time(hour=22,minute=30,second=0)
TueOn = datetime.time(hour=17,minute=30,second=0)
TueOff = datetime.time(hour=22,minute=30,second=0)
WedOn = datetime.time(hour=17,minute=30,second=0)
WedOff = datetime.time(hour=22,minute=30,second=0)
ThuOn = datetime.time(hour=17,minute=30,second=0)
ThuOff = datetime.time(hour=22,minute=30,second=0)
FriOn = datetime.time(hour=17,minute=30,second=0)
FriOff = datetime.time(hour=22,minute=30,second=0)
SatOn = datetime.time(hour=17,minute=0,second=0)
SatOff = datetime.time(hour=23,minute=30,second=0)
SunOn = datetime.time(hour=17,minute=0,second=0)
SunOff = datetime.time(hour=23,minute=30,second=0)
# Store these times in an array for easy access later.
OnTime = [MonOn, TueOn, WedOn, ThuOn, FriOn, SatOn, SunOn]
OffTime = [MonOff, TueOff, WedOff, ThuOff, FriOff, SatOff, SunOff]
# Set a "wait time" in seconds. This ensures that the program pauses
# briefly after it turns the lights on or off. Otherwise, since the
# loop will execute more than once a second, it will try to keep
# turning the lights on when they are already on (or off when they are
# already off.
waitTime = 3
# Start the loop that will run until you stop the program or turn
# off your Raspberry Pi.
while True:
# get the current time in hours, minutes and seconds
currTime =
# get the current day of the week (0=Monday, 1=Tuesday, 2=Wednesday...)
currDay =
#Check to see if it's time to turn the lights on
if (currTime.hour - OnTime[currDay].hour == 0 and
currTime.minute - OnTime[currDay].minute == 0 and
currTime.second - OnTime[currDay].second == 0):
# set the GPIO pin to HIGH, equivalent of
# pressing the ON button on the remote
GPIO.output(11, GPIO.HIGH)
# wait for a very short period of time then set
# the value to LOW, the equivalent of releasing the
# ON button
GPIO.output(11, GPIO.LOW)
# wait for a few seconds so the loop doesn't come
# back through and press the "on" button again
# while the lights ae already on
#check to see if it's time to turn the lights off
elif (currTime.hour - OffTime[currDay].hour == 0 and
currTime.minute - OffTime[currDay].minute == 0 and
currTime.second - OffTime[currDay].second == 0):
# set the GPIO pin to HIGH, equivalent of
# pressing the OFF button on the remote
GPIO.output(12, GPIO.HIGH)
# wait for a very short period of time then set
# the value to LOW, the equivalent of releasing the
# OFF button
GPIO.output(12, GPIO.LOW)
# wait for a few seconds so the loop doesn't come
# back through and press the "off" button again
# while the lights ae already off
Something like this should work:
# Raspberry Pi custom Christmas light timer
# import GPIO module
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
# set up GPIO pins as outputs
# This convention is for the "P1" header pin convention
# where the pins start with P1 in the upper left
# and go to P26 in the lower right, with odds in the
# left column and evens in the right column.
# So, pins P1-11 and P1-12 correspond to GPIO17 and
# GPIO18 respectively.
GPIO.setup(11, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.OUT)
# import date and time modules
import datetime
import time
# Enter the times you want the lights to turn on and off for
# each day of the week. Default is for lights to turn on at
# 5:30pm and off at 10:30pm on weekdays, on at 5:00pm and off
# at 11:30pm on weekends. Note that this is using a 24-hour clock.
MonOn = datetime.time(hour=17,minute=30,second=0)
MonOff = datetime.time(hour=22,minute=30,second=0)
TueOn = datetime.time(hour=17,minute=30,second=0)
TueOff = datetime.time(hour=22,minute=30,second=0)
WedOn = datetime.time(hour=17,minute=30,second=0)
WedOff = datetime.time(hour=22,minute=30,second=0)
ThuOn = datetime.time(hour=17,minute=30,second=0)
ThuOff = datetime.time(hour=22,minute=30,second=0)
FriOn = datetime.time(hour=17,minute=30,second=0)
FriOff = datetime.time(hour=22,minute=30,second=0)
SatOn = datetime.time(hour=17,minute=0,second=0)
SatOff = datetime.time(hour=23,minute=30,second=0)
SunOn = datetime.time(hour=17,minute=0,second=0)
SunOff = datetime.time(hour=23,minute=30,second=0)
MonOnTwo = datetime.time(hour=12,minute=30,second=0)
MonOffTwo = datetime.time(hour=13,minute=30,second=0)
# Store these times in an array for easy access later.
OnTime = [[MonOn, MonOnTwo], [TueOn], [WedOn], [ThuOn], [FriOn], [SatOn], [SunOn]]
OffTime = [[MonOff, MonOffTwo], [TueOff], [WedOff], [ThuOff], [FriOff], [SatOff], [SunOff]]
# Set a "wait time" in seconds. This ensures that the program pauses
# briefly after it turns the lights on or off. Otherwise, since the
# loop will execute more than once a second, it will try to keep
# turning the lights on when they are already on (or off when they are
# already off.
waitTime = 3
halfWait = waitTime / 2
# Start the loop that will run until you stop the program or turn
# off your Raspberry Pi.
while True:
# get the current time in hours, minutes and seconds
currTime =
# get the current day of the week (0=Monday, 1=Tuesday, 2=Wednesday...)
currDay =
for dtimes in OnTime[currDay]:
#Check to see if it's time to turn the lights on
if (currTime.hour - dtimes.hour == 0 and
currTime.minute - dtimes.minute == 0 and
currTime.second - dtimes.second > -halfWait and
currTime.second - dtimes.second < halfWait):
# set the GPIO pin to HIGH, equivalent of
# pressing the ON button on the remote
GPIO.output(11, GPIO.HIGH)
# wait for a very short period of time then set
# the value to LOW, the equivalent of releasing the
# ON button
GPIO.output(11, GPIO.LOW)
for dtimes in OffTime[currDay]:
#check to see if it's time to turn the lights off
if (currTime.hour - dtimes.hour == 0 and
currTime.minute - dtimes.minute == 0 and
currTime.second - dtimes.second > -halfWait and
currTime.second - dtimes.second < halfWait):
# set the GPIO pin to HIGH, equivalent of
# pressing the OFF button on the remote
GPIO.output(12, GPIO.HIGH)
# wait for a very short period of time then set
# the value to LOW, the equivalent of releasing the
# OFF button
GPIO.output(12, GPIO.LOW)
# wait for a few seconds because it's pointless to burn energy
# with no benefit
