I'm writing a list of strings as tab delimited file, using python 3.6
It is rare, but hypothetically possible, that there are tabs in the data. If so, I need to replace them with spaces. Which I do like this :
row = [x.replace("\t", " ") for x in row]
The trouble is, this one line is responsible for about 1/4 of the runtime of the whole program, and it almost never is actually doing anything.
Is there a faster way to purge tabs from my data?
Is there any way to take advantage of the fact that it probably doesn't have any tabs anyway?
I've tried working in bytes instead of strings, and that made no difference.
I tried various approaches and the fastest one is to perform a conditional replacement at indexes where a tab is present
def testReplace(sList):
return [s.replace("\t"," ") for s in sList]
noTabs = str.maketrans("\t"," ")
def testTrans(sList):
return [s.translate(noTabs) for s in sList]
def joinSplit(sList):
return "\n".join(sList).replace("\t"," ").split("\n")
def conditional(sList):
result = sList.copy() # not needed if you intend to replace the list
for i,s in enumerate(sList):
if "\t" in s:
result[i] = s.replace("\t"," ")
return result
performance checks:
from timeit import timeit
count = 100
strings = ["Hello World"*10]*1000 # ["Hello \t World"*10]*1000
t = timeit(lambda:testReplace(strings),number=count)
t = timeit(lambda:testTrans(strings),number=count)
t = timeit(lambda:joinSplit(strings),number=count)
t = timeit(lambda:conditional(strings),number=count)
# With tabs
replace 0.03365320100000002
translate 0.08165113099999993
joinSplit 0.027709890000000015
conditional 0.007067911000000038
# without tabs
replace 0.015160736000000008
translate 0.07439537500000004
joinSplit 0.017001820000000056
conditional 0.0065534649999999806
Untested on a performance question, but I would use the csv module that knows about fields containing new lines or separators, and automatically quotes them:
import csv
with open(filename, 'w', newline='') ad fd:
wr = csv.writer(fd, delimiter='\t')
How can I read a csv file without using any external import (e.g. csv or pandas) and turn it into a list of lists? Here's the code I worked out so far:
m = []
for line in myfile:
Using this for loop works pretty fine, but if in the csv I get a ',' is in one of the fields it breaks wrongly the line there.
So, for example, if one of the lines I have in the csv is:
12,"This is a single entry, even if there's a coma",0.23
The relative element of the list is the following:
['12', '"This is a single entry', 'even if there is a coma"','0.23\n']
While I would like to obtain:
['12', '"This is a single entry, even if there is a coma"','0.23']
I would avoid trying to use a regular expression, but you would need to process the text a character at a time to determine where the quote characters are. Also normally the quote characters are not included as part of a field.
A quick example approach would be the following:
def split_row(row, quote_char='"', delim=','):
in_quote = False
fields = []
field = []
for c in row:
if c == quote_char:
in_quote = not in_quote
elif c == delim:
if in_quote:
field = []
if field:
return fields
fields = split_row('''12,"This is a single entry, even if there's a coma",0.23''')
print(len(fields), fields)
Which would display:
3 ['12', "This is a single entry, even if there's a coma", '0.23']
The CSV library though does a far better job of this. This script does not handle any special cases above your test string.
Here is my go at it:
line ='12, "This is a single entry, more bits in here ,even if there is a coma",0.23 , 12, "This is a single entry, even if there is a coma", 0.23\n'
line_split = line.replace('\n', '').split(',')
quote_loc = [idx for idx, l in enumerate(line_split) if '"' in l]
assert len(quote_loc) % 2 == 0, "value was odd, should be even"
for m, n in zip(quote_loc[::2], quote_loc[1::2]):
line_split[n] = ','.join(line_split[n:m+1])
del line_split[n+1:m+1]
Goal is to a) print a list of unique words from a text file and also b) find the longest word.
I cannot use imports in this challenge.
File handling and main functionality are what I want, however the list needs to be cleaned. As you can see from the output, words are getting joined with punctuation and therefore maxLength is obviously incorrect.
with open("doc.txt") as reader, open("unique.txt", "w") as writer:
unwanted = "[],."
unique = set(reader.read().split())
unique = list(unique)
regex = [elem.strip(unwanted).split() for elem in unique]
maxLength = len(max(regex,key=len ))
res = [word for word in regex if len(word) == maxLength]
pioneered the integrated placement year concept over 50 years ago [7][8][9] with more than 70 per cent of students taking a placement year, the highest percentage in the UK.[10]
Here's a solution that uses str.translate() to throw away all bad characters (+ newline) before we ever do the split(). (Normally we'd use a regex with re.sub(), but you're not allowed.) This makes the cleaning a one-liner, which is really neat:
bad = "[],.\n"
bad_transtable = str.maketrans(bad, ' ' * len(bad))
# We can directly read and clean the entire output, without a reader object:
cleaned_input = open('doc.txt').read().translate(bad_transtable)
#with open("doc.txt") as reader:
# cleaned_input = reader.read().translate(bad_transtable)
# Get list of unique words, in decreasing length
unique_words = sorted(set(cleaned_input.split()), key=lambda w: -len(w))
with open("unique.txt", "w") as writer:
for word in unique_words:
max_length = len(unique_words[0])
print ([word for word in unique_words if len(word) == max_length])
since the input is already 100% cleaned and split, no need to append to a list/insert to a set as we go, then have to make another cleaning pass later. We can just create unique_words directly! (using set() to keep only uniques). And while we're at it, we might as well use sorted(..., key=lambda w: -len(w)) to sort it in decreasing length. Only need to call sort() once. And no iterative-append to lists.
hence we guarantee that max_length = len(unique_words[0])
this approach is also going to be more performant than nested loops for line in <lines>: for word in line.split(): ...iterative append() to wordlist
no need to do explicit writer/reader.open()/.close(), that's what the with statement does for you. (It's also more elegant for handling IO when exceptions happen.)
you could also merge the printing of the max_length words inside the writer loop. But it's cleaner code to keep them separate.
note we use f-string formatting f'{word}\n' to add the newline back when we write() an output line
in Python we use lower_case_with_underscores for variable names, hence max_length not maxLength. See PEP8
in fact here, we don't strictly need a with-statement for the writer, if all we're going to do is slurp its entire contents in one go in with open('doc.txt').read(). (That's not scaleable for huge files, you'd have to read in chunks or n lines).
str.maketrans() is a builtin, but if your teacher objects to the module reference, you can also call it on a bound string e.g. ' '.maketrans()
str.maketrans() is really a throwback to the days when we only had 95 printable ASCII characters, not Unicode. It still works on Unicode, but building and using huge translation dicts is annoying and uses memory, regex on Unicode is easier, you can define entire character classes.
Alternative solution if you don't yet know str.translate()
dirty_input = open('doc.txt').read()
cleaned_input = dirty_input
# If you can't use either 're.sub()' or 'str.translate()', have to manually
# str.replace() each bad char one-by-one (or else use a method like str.isalpha())
for bad_char in bad:
cleaned_input = cleaned_input.replace(bad_char, ' ')
And if you wanted to be ridiculously minimalist, you could write the entire output file in one line with a list-comprehension. Don't do this, it would be terrible for debugging, e.g if you couldn't open/write/overwrite the output file, or got IOError, or unique_words wasn't a list, etc:
open("unique.txt", "w").writelines([f'{word}\n' for word in unique_words])
Here is another solution without any function.
bad = '`~##$%^&*()-_=+[]{}\|;\':\".>?<,/?'
clean = ' '
for i in a:
if i not in bad:
clean += i
clean += ' '
cleans = [i for i in clean.split(' ') if len(i)]
clean_uniq = list(set(cleans))
Here is a solution. The trick is to use the python str method .isalpha() to filter non-alphanumerics.
with open("unique.txt", "w") as writer:
with open("doc.txt") as reader:
cleaned_words = []
for line in reader.readlines():
for word in line.split():
cleaned_word = ''.join([c for c in word if c.isalpha()])
if len(cleaned_word):
# print unique words
unique_words = set(cleaned_words)
# write words to file? depends what you need here
for word in unique_words:
# print length of longest
print(len(sorted(unique_words, key=len, reverse=True)[0]))
I'm in need of some knowledge on how to fix an error I have made while collecting data. The collected data has the following structure:
["Author", "Message"]
["littleblackcat", " There's a lot of redditors here that live in the area maybe/hopefully someone saw something. "]
["Kruse", "In other words, it's basically creating a mini tornado."]
I normally wouldn't have added "[" or "]" to .txt file when writing the data to it, line per line. However, the mistake was made and thus when loading the file it will separate it the following way:
Is there a way to load the data properly to pandas?
On the snippet that I can cut and paste from the question (which I named test.txt), I could successfully read a dataframe via
Purging square brackets (with sed on a Linux command line, but this can be done e.g. with a text editor, or in python if need be)
sed -i 's/^\[//g' test.txt # remove left square brackets assuming they are at the beginning of the line
sed -i 's/\]$//g' test.txt # remove right square brackets assuming they are at the end of the line
Loading the dataframe (in a python console)
import pandas as pd
pd.read_csv("test.txt", skipinitialspace = True, quotechar='"')
(not sure that this will work for the entirety of your file though).
Consider below code which reads the text in myfile.text which looks like below:
["Author", "Message"]
["littleblackcat", " There's a lot of redditors here that live in the area maybe/hopefully someone saw something. "]
["Kruse", "In other words ,it's basically creating a mini tornado."]
The code below removes [ and ] from the text and then splits every string in the list of string by , excluding the first string which are headers. Some Message contains ,, which causes another column (NAN otherwise) and hence the code takes them into one string, which intended.
with open('myfile.txt', 'r') as my_file:
text = my_file.read()
text = text.replace("[", "")
text = text.replace("]", "")
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Author': [i.split(',')[0] for i in text.split('\n')[1:]],
'Message': [''.join(i.split(',')[1:]) for i in text.split('\n')[1:]]
}).applymap(lambda x: x.replace('"', ''))
Author Message
0 littleblackcat There's a lot of redditors here that live in the area maybe/hopefully someone saw something.
1 Kruse In other words it's basically creating a mini tornado.
Here are a few more options to add to the mix:
You could use parse the lines yourself using ast.literal_eval, and then load them into a pd.DataFrame directly using an iterator over the lines:
import pandas as pd
import ast
with open('data', 'r') as f:
lines = (ast.literal_eval(line) for line in f)
header = next(lines)
df = pd.DataFrame(lines, columns=header)
Note, however, that calling ast.literal_eval once for each line may not be very fast, especially if your data file has a lot of lines. However, if the data file is not too big, this may be an acceptable, simple solution.
Another option is to wrap an arbitrary iterator (which yields bytes) in an IterStream. This very general tool (thanks to Mechanical snail) allows you to manipulate the contents of any file and then re-package it into a file-like object. Thus, you can fix the contents of the file, and yet still pass it to any function which expects a file-like object, such as pd.read_csv. (Note: I've answered a similar question using the same tool, here.)
import io
import pandas as pd
def iterstream(iterable, buffer_size=io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE):
http://stackoverflow.com/a/20260030/190597 (Mechanical snail)
Lets you use an iterable (e.g. a generator) that yields bytestrings as a
read-only input stream.
The stream implements Python 3's newer I/O API (available in Python 2's io
For efficiency, the stream is buffered.
class IterStream(io.RawIOBase):
def __init__(self):
self.leftover = None
def readable(self):
return True
def readinto(self, b):
l = len(b) # We're supposed to return at most this much
chunk = self.leftover or next(iterable)
output, self.leftover = chunk[:l], chunk[l:]
b[:len(output)] = output
return len(output)
except StopIteration:
return 0 # indicate EOF
return io.BufferedReader(IterStream(), buffer_size=buffer_size)
def clean(f):
for line in f:
yield line.strip()[1:-1]+b'\n'
with open('data', 'rb') as f:
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/50334183/190597 (Davide Fiocco)
df = pd.read_csv(iterstream(clean(f)), skipinitialspace=True, quotechar='"')
A pure pandas option is to change the separator from , to ", " in order to have only 2 columns, and then, strip the unwanted characters, which to my understanding are [,], " and space:
import pandas as pd
import io
string = '''
["Author", "Message"]
["littleblackcat", " There's a lot of redditors here that live in the area maybe/hopefully someone saw something. "]
["Kruse", "In other words, it's basically creating a mini tornado."]
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(string),sep='\", \"', engine='python').apply(lambda x: x.str.strip('[\"] '))
# the \" instead of simply " is to make sure python does not interpret is as an end of string character
df.columns = [df.columns[0][2:],df.columns[1][:-2]]
# Output (note the space before the There's is also gone
# Author Message
# 0 littleblackcat There's a lot of redditors here that live in t...
# 1 Kruse In other words, it's basically creating a mini...
For now the following solution was found:
sep = '[|"|]'
Using a multi-character separator allowed for the brackets to be stored in different columns in a pandas dataframe, which were then dropped. This avoids having to strip the words line for line.
I am struggling with a small program in Python which aims at counting the occurrences of a specific set of characters in the lines of a text file.
As an example, if I want to count '!' and '#' from the following lines
I'd expect the following output:
So far I got a functional code, but it's inefficient and does not use the potential that Python libraries have.
I have tried using collections.counter, with limited success. The efficiency blocker I found is that I couldn't select specific sets of characters on counter.update(), all the rest of the characters found were also counted. Then I would have to filter the characters I am not interested in, which adds another loop...
I also considered regular expressions, but I can't see an advantage in this case.
This is the functional code I have right now (the simplest idea I could imagine), which looks for special characters in file's lines. I'd like to see if someone can come up with a neater Python-specific idea:
def count_special_chars(filename):
special_chars = list('!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?#[\\]^_`{|}~ ')
dict_count = dict(zip(special_chars, [0] * len(special_chars)))
with open(filename) as f:
for passw in f:
for c in passw:
if c in special_chars:
dict_count[c] += 1
return dict_count
thanks for checking
Why not count the whole file all together? You should avoid looping through string for each line of the file. Use string.count instead.
from pprint import pprint
# Better coding style: put constant out of the function
SPECIAL_CHARS = '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?#[\\]^_`{|}~ '
def count_special_chars(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
content = f.read()
return dict([(i, content.count(i)) for i in SPECIAL_CHARS])
example output:
{' ': 0,
'!': 2,
'.': 1,
'#': 1,
'[': 0,
'~': 0
# the remaining keys with a value of zero are ignored
Eliminating the extra counts from collections.Counter is probably not significant either way, but if it bothers you, do it during the initial iteration:
from collections import Counter
special_chars = '''!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?#[\\]^_`{|}~ '''
found_chars = [c for c in open(yourfile).read() if c in special_chars]
counted_chars = Counter(found_chars)
need not to process file contents line-by-line
to avoid nested loops, which increase complexity of your program
If you want to count character occurrences in some string, first, you loop over the entire string to construct an occurrence dict. Then, you can find any occurrence of character from the dict. This reduce complexity of the program.
When constructing occurrence dict, defaultdict would help you to initialize count values.
A refactored version of the program is as below:
special_chars = list('!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?#[\\]^_`{|}~ ')
dict_count = defaultdict(int)
with open(filename) as f:
for c in f.read():
dict_count[c] += 1
for c in special_chars:
print('{0};{1}'.format(c, dict_count[c]))
ref. defaultdict Examples: https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/collections.html#defaultdict-examples
I did something like this where you do not need to use the counter library. I used it to count all the special char but you can adapt to put the count in a dict.
import re
def countSpecial(passwd):
specialcount = 0
for special in special_chars:
lenght = 0
#print special
lenght = len(re.findall(r'(\%s)' %special , passwd))
if lenght > 0:
#print lenght,special
specialcount = lenght + specialcount
return specialcount
I have to process a 15MB txt file (nucleic acid sequence) and find all the different substrings (size 5). For instance:
would return 2, as we have both ABCDE and BCDEF, but
would return 1. My code:
control_var = 0
aux = f.read(5)
if(aux not in list_of_substrings):
control_var += 1
print len(list_of_substrings)
Would another approach be faster (instead of comparing the strings direct from the file)?
Depending on what your definition of a legal substring is, here is a possible solution:
import re
regex = re.compile(r'(?=(\w{5}))')
with open('input.txt', 'r') as fh:
input = fh.read()
print len(set(re.findall(regex, input)))
Of course, you may replace \w with whatever you see fit to qualify as a legal character in your substring. [A-Za-z0-9], for example will match all alphanumeric characters.
Here is an execution example:
>>> import re
>>> input = "ABCDEF GABCDEF"
>>> set(re.findall(regex, input))
set(['GABCD', 'ABCDE', 'BCDEF'])
EDIT: Following your comment above, that all character in the file are valid, excluding the last one (which is \n), it seems that there is no real need for regular expressions here and the iteration approach is much faster. You can benchmark it yourself with this code (note that I slightly modified the functions to reflect your update regarding the definition of a valid substring):
import timeit
import re
FILE_NAME = r'input.txt'
def re_approach():
return len(set(re.findall(r'(?=(.{5}))', input[:-1])))
def iter_approach():
return len(set([input[i:i+5] for i in xrange(len(input[:-6]))]))
with open(FILE_NAME, 'r') as fh:
input = fh.read()
# verify that the output of both approaches is identicle
assert set(re.findall(r'(?=(.{5}))', input[:-1])) == set([input[i:i+5] for i in xrange(len(input[:-6]))])
print timeit.repeat(stmt = re_approach, number = 500)
print timeit.repeat(stmt = iter_approach, number = 500)
15MB doesn't sound like a lot. Something like this probably would work fine:
import Counter, re
contents = open('input.txt', 'r').read()
counter = Counter.Counter(re.findall('.{5}', contents))
print len(counter)
I think user590028 gave a great solution, but here is another option:
contents = open('input.txt', 'r').read()
print set(contents[start:start+5] for start in range(0, len(contents) - 4))
# Or using a dictionary
# dict([(contents[start:start+5],True) for start in range(0, len(contents) - 4)]).keys()
You could use a dictionary, where each key is a substring. It will take care of duplicates, and you can just count the keys at the end.
So: read through the file once, storing each substring in the dictionary, which will handle finding duplicate substrings & counting the distinct ones.
Reading all at once is more i/o efficient, and using a dict() is going to be faster than testing for existence in a list. Something like:
fives = {}
buf = open('input.txt').read()
for x in xrange(len(buf) - 4):
key = buf[x:x+5]
fives[key] = 1
for keys in fives.keys():
print keys