How to change real symbol to complex in sympy - python

In the code below, I define real Symbols to take the limit in sympy then use subs to get the numeric result.
#To take the limit with unknown values, I have to define real symbols
from sympy import *
x = symbols("x")
H = symbols("H")
p = symbols("p")
# Position_1
dict = {H: 5,p:3,x:1}
### Some operations
H = Symbol("H", real = True, positive = True )
p = Symbol("p", real = True, positive = True )
h = (H*p + (1 - p)**H - 1)/(H*p)
dh = limit(h,p,1,'+')
g = H*x**2 + h
poly = Poly(g,x)
# Position_2
dict = {H: 5,p:3,x:1}
Numeric_result = poly.subs(dict)
print("Numeric_result = " ,Numeric_result )
the output is :
Numeric_result = H*x**2 + 1 + (1 - p)**H/(H*p) - 1/(H*p)
While it should substitute H and p,x
Numeric_result = 3.8
I think the problem is that sympy defines symbols globally therefore can not substitute them.
I tried the following solutions but didn't work.
changing assumptions to remove real symbol and compute g [Sympy_ assumption] [1]:
and also right before computing g
H = Symbol("H", real = False, complex= True)

When doing subs make the keys the symbols you are trying to replace. It won't matter if your Symbols are "vanilla" type with no assumptions, but in your case you have assumptions. This works on your example:
>>> dict = {H: 5, p:3, x:1}
>>> poly.subs(dict)


Solving Integral with changing range with Python

I'm new to python but I been working on a code which can solve an integral equation which range is also changing according the unknown parameter. I tried to use Sympy solve function but it does not return any result. I solved the problem with a for loop, but its really slow, inefficient. I'm sure there must be a better solution, a solver. Maybe there is an other approach? I'am messing up something? I attach also the code.
import sympy as sy
from sympy.solvers import solve
alphasum = 1.707
Lky = 3.078
g = 8
Ep = 195
sigp1 = 1401.927
sigp0 = 1476
e = 2.718282
u = 0.05
k = 0.007
lsl = sy.Symbol('lsl')
def lefthand(g, Ep):
return g * Ep
def rigthhand(sigp1, sigp0, e, u, alphasum, Lky, k, lsl):
return (sigp1 - (-sigp1 + 2 * sigp0 - 2 * sigp0 * (1 - e ** (-u * (((alphasum / Lky) * lsl) + k * lsl)))))
equr = (sy.integrate(rigthhand(sigp1, sigp0, e, u, alphasum, Lky, k, lsl), (lsl, 0, lsl)))
equl = lefthand(g, Ep)
print (equl)
print (equr-equl)
result = solve(equr-equl, lsl,warn =True,check=False,minimal=True,quick=True,simplify=True,quartics=True)
You can use nsolve to find numerical solutions:
In [11]: sympy.nsolve(equr-equl, lsl, 8)
Out[11]: 8.60275245116315
In [12]: sympy.nsolve(equr-equl, lsl, -4)
Out[12]: -4.53215114758428
When u is 0 your equation is linear and you can solve if for lsl; let this be an initial guess for the value of lsl at a larger value of u. Increase your value of u to the target value. Let's use capital U for the parameter we will control, replacing it with values closer and closer to u:
>>> U = Symbol('U')
>>> equr = (sy.integrate(rigthhand(sigp1, sigp0, e, U, alphasum, Lky, k, lsl), (lsl, 0, lsl)))
>>> equl = lefthand(g, Ep)
>>> z = equr-equl
>>> u0 = solve(z.subs(U,0),lsl)[0]
>>> for i in range(1,10): # get to u in 9 steps
... u0 = nsolve(z.subs(U,i*u/10.), u0)
>>> print(u0)
Now define a larger value of u
>>> u = 0.3
>>> for i in range(1,10): # get to u in 9 steps
... u0 = nsolve(z.subs(U,i*u/10.), u0)
>>> u0
Our intitial guess will (usually) be pretty good since it is exact when u is 0; if it fails then you might need to take more than 9 steps to reach the target value.

Differential equation change of variables with sympy

I have an ordinary differential equation like this:
DiffEq = Eq(-ℏ*ℏ*diff(Ψ,x,2)/(2*m) + m*w*w*(x*x)*Ψ/2 - E*Ψ , 0)
I want to perform a variable change :
sp.Eq(u , x*sqrt(m*w/ℏ))
sp.Eq(Ψ, H*exp(-u*u/2))
How can I do this with sympy?
Use the following function:
def variable_change(ODE,dependent_var,
new_dependent_var = None,
new_independent_var= None,
dependent_var_relation = None,
independent_var_relation = None,
order = 2):
if new_dependent_var == None:
new_dependent_var = dependent_var
if new_independent_var == None:
new_independent_var = independent_var
# dependent variable change
if new_independent_var != independent_var:
for i in range(order, -1, -1):
# remplace derivate
a = D(dependent_var , independent_var, i )
ξ = Function("ξ")(independent_var)
b = D( dependent_var.subs(independent_var, ξ), independent_var ,i)
rel = solve(independent_var_relation, new_independent_var)[0]
for j in range(order, 0, -1):
b = b.subs( D(ξ,independent_var,j), D(rel,independent_var,j))
b = b.subs(ξ, new_independent_var)
rel = solve(independent_var_relation, independent_var)[0]
b = b.subs(independent_var, rel)
ODE = ODE.subs(a,b)
ODE = ODE.subs(independent_var, rel)
# change of variables of indpendent variable
if new_dependent_var != dependent_var:
ODE = (ODE.subs(dependent_var.subs(independent_var,new_independent_var) , (solve(dependent_var_relation, dependent_var)[0])))
ODE = ODE.doit().expand()
return ODE.simplify()
For the example posted:
from sympy import *
from sympy import diff as D
E, ℏ ,w,m,x,u = symbols("E, ℏ , w,m,x,u")
Ψ ,H = map(Function, ["Ψ ","H"])
Ψ ,H = Ψ(x), H(u)
DiffEq = Eq(-ℏ*ℏ*D(Ψ,x,2)/(2*m) + m*w*w*(x*x)*Ψ/2 - E*Ψ,0)
display(Eq(u , x*sqrt(m*w/ℏ)))
display(Eq(Ψ, H*exp(-u*u/2)))
newODE = variable_change(ODE = DiffEq,
independent_var = x,
new_independent_var= u,
independent_var_relation = Eq(u , x*sqrt(m*w/ℏ)),
dependent_var = Ψ,
new_dependent_var = H,
dependent_var_relation = Eq(Ψ, H*exp(-u*u/2)),
order = 2)
Under this substitution the differential equation outputted is then:
Eq((-E*H + u*w*ℏ*D(H, u) + w*ℏ*H/2 - w*ℏ*D(H, (u, 2))/2)*exp(-u**2/2), 0)
If anyone is wondering how they could do it as well on CoCalc notebooks/anywhere where you can mix Sage and Python, here I defined basically the same variables and functions as OP did on his accepted answer, and then after substitution the result is converted back to Sage:
# Sage objects
var("E w m x u")
var("h_bar", latex_name = r'\hbar')
Ψ = function("Ψ")(x)
H = function('H')(u)
DiffEq = (-h_bar*h_bar*Ψ.diff(x, 2)/(2*m) + m*w*w*(x*x)*Ψ/2 - E*Ψ == 0)
display(u == x*sqrt(m*w/h_bar))
display(Ψ == H*exp(-u*u/2))
# Function is purely sympy
newODE = variable_change(
ODE = DiffEq._sympy_(),
independent_var = x._sympy_(),
new_independent_var = u._sympy_(),
independent_var_relation = (u == x*sqrt(m*w/h_bar))._sympy_(),
dependent_var = Ψ._sympy_(),
new_dependent_var = H._sympy_(),
dependent_var_relation = (Ψ == H*exp(-u*u/2))._sympy_(),
order = 2
Note that the only difference is that here things are converted to SymPy when using as arguments inside OP's function (it'll probably break if you don't!). After you call _sympy_() only once on a variable or expression, every sympy object gets a _sage_() method to convert back.
The result given was:
# Sage object again
1/2*(2*h_bar*u*w*diff(H(u), u) + h_bar*w*H(u) - h_bar*w*diff(H(u), u, u) - 2*E*H(u))*e^(-1/2*u^2) == 0
Which is just OP's result, but Sage handles operands a little bit differently.
Note: in order to avoid overriding stuff on Sage after importing everything from SymPy, you may want to import only diff as D, Function and solve from the main library. You might also want to rename sympy's solve to something else to avoid overriding Sage's own sage.symbolic.relation.solve.

Solving multivariate equation for a subset of variables

I am using sympy to solve some equations and I am running into a problem. I have this issue with many equations but I will illustrate with an example. I have an equation with multiple variables and I want to solve this equation in terms of all variables but one is excluded. For instance the equation 0 = 2^n*(2-a) - b + 1. Here there are three variables a, b and n. I want to get the values for a and b not in terms of n so the a and b may not contain n.
2^n*(2-a) - b + 1 = 0
# Since we don't want to solve in terms of n we know that (2 - a)
# has to be zero and -b + 1 has to be zero.
2 - a = 0
a = 2
-b + 1 = 0
b = 1
I want sympy to do this. Maybe I'm just not looking at the right documentation but I have found no way to do this. When I use solve and instruct it to solve for symbols a and b sympy returns to me a single solution where a is defined in terms of n and b. I assume this means I am free to choose b and n, However I don't want to fix n to a specific value I want n to still be a variable.
import sympy
n = sympy.var("n", integer = True)
a = sympy.var("a")
b = sympy.var("b")
f = 2**n*(2-a) - b + 1
solutions = sympy.solve(f, [a,b], dict = True)
# this will return: "[{a: 2**(-n)*(2**(n + 1) - b + 1)}]".
# A single solution where b and n are free variables.
# However this means I have to choose an n I don't want
# to that I want it to hold for any n.
I really hope someone can help me. I have been searching google for hours now...
Ok, here's what I came up with. This seems to solve the type of equations you're looking for. I've provided some tests as well. Of course, this code is rough and can be easily caused to fail, so i'd take it more as a starting point than a complete solution
import sympy
n = sympy.Symbol('n')
a = sympy.Symbol('a')
b = sympy.Symbol('b')
c = sympy.Symbol('c')
d = sympy.Symbol('d')
e = sympy.Symbol('e')
f = sympy.sympify(2**n*(2-a) - b + 1)
g = sympy.sympify(2**n*(2-a) -2**(n-1)*(c+5) - b + 1)
h = sympy.sympify(2**n*(2-a) -2**(n-1)*(e-1) +(c-3)*9**n - b + 1)
i = sympy.sympify(2**n*(2-a) -2**(n-1)*(e+4) +(c-3)*9**n - b + 1 + (d+2)*9**(n+2))
def rewrite(expr):
if expr.is_Add:
return sympy.Add(*[rewrite(f) for f in expr.args])
if expr.is_Mul:
return sympy.Mul(*[rewrite(f) for f in expr.args])
if expr.is_Pow:
if expr.args[0].is_Number:
if expr.args[1].is_Symbol:
return expr
elif expr.args[1].is_Add:
base = expr.args[0]
power = sympy.solve(expr.args[1])
sym = expr.args[1].free_symbols.pop()
return sympy.Mul(sympy.Pow(base,-power[0]), sympy.Pow(base,sym))
return expr
return expr
return expr
def my_solve(expr):
if not expr.is_Add:
return None
consts_list = []
equations_list = []
for arg in expr.args:
if not sympy.Symbol('n') in arg.free_symbols:
elif arg.is_Mul:
coeff_list = []
for nested_arg in arg.args:
if not sympy.Symbol('n') in nested_arg.free_symbols:
results = {}
for eq in equations_list:
var_name = eq.free_symbols.pop()
val = sympy.solve(eq)[0]
results[var_name] = val
return results

How to simplify matrix expressions in SymPy?

Consider the following example
import sympy as sy
n = sy.symbols('n')
A = sy.MatrixSymbol("A",n,n)
B = sy.MatrixSymbol("B",n,n)
C = sy.MatrixSymbol("C",n,n)
M = A.inverse()*B.inverse() - A.inverse()*C*B.inverse()
The example prints out B^-1*(A^-1*B^-1 - A^-1*C*B^-1)^-1*A^-1.
Can SymPy simplify the expression to (I-C)^-1? If not, how about any of the intermediate results, like collecting common factors in M?
The work around for this is using string converting on expression:
from sympy import *
n = symbols('n')
A = MatrixSymbol("A",n,n)
B = MatrixSymbol("B",n,n)
C = MatrixSymbol("C",n,n)
M = A.inverse()*B.inverse() - A.inverse()*C*B.inverse()
expression = B.inverse()*M.inverse()*A.inverse()
# convert expression to string then simplify
simplify_expression = simplify(str(expression))
C - 1

sympy arbitrary function range

I want to define the arbitrary function f. I know that f always returns a positive number. I want sympy to be able to use this knowledge when running simplifications (especially the three power rules mentioned in the simplify documentation). Is there a way to do this? I'm looking for something like the below:
f = Function("f", positive = True)
g = Function("g", positive = True)
x = symbols("x")
y = symbols("y")
n = symbols("n", real = True)
test = ( f(x) * g(y) ) ** n
# This should work but doesn't
Functions defined like Function('f') do not support assumptions at this time. You'll need to create a subclass explicitly, like
class f(Function):
is_positive = True
Here is a not-so-great way of going about things:
alphabet = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
def assert_positive(value, args):
result = value
for i in range( len(args) ):
a_symbol = symbols( alphabet[i], positive = True)
result = result.subs(args[i], a_symbol)
result = simplify(result)
for i in range( len(args) ):
a_symbol = symbols( alphabet[i], positive = True)
result = result.subs(a_symbol, args[i])
One workaround is to call expand_power_base with the force=True option. This forces sympy to perform power simplifications, irrespective of assumptions.
import sympy as sp
f = sp.Function("f")
g = sp.Function("g")
x, y, n = sp.symbols("x, y, n")
test = ( f(x) * g(y) ) ** n
sp.expand_power_base(test, force=True)
