Loop speed up of FFT in python (with `np.einsum`) - python

Problem: I want to speed up my python loop containing a lot of products and summations with np.einsum, but I'm also open to any other solutions.
My function takes an vector configuration S of shape (n,n,3) (my case: n=72) and does a Fourier-Transformation on the correlation function for N*N points. The correlation function is defined as the product of every vector with every other. This gets multiplied by a cosine function of the postions of vectors times the kx and ky values. Every position i,j is in the end summed to get one point in k-space p,m:
def spin_spin(S,N):
n= len(S)
conf = np.reshape(S,(n**2,3))
chi = np.zeros((N,N))
kx = np.linspace(-5*np.pi/3,5*np.pi/3,N)
ky = np.linspace(-3*np.pi/np.sqrt(3),3*np.pi/np.sqrt(3),N)
for p in range(N):
for m in range(N):
for i in range(n**2):
for j in range(n**2):
chi[p,m] += 2/(n**2)*np.dot(conf[i],conf[j])*np.cos(kx[p]*(x[i]-x[j])+ ky[m]*(y[i]-y[j]))
My problem is that I need roughly 100*100 points which are denoted by kx*ky and the loop needs to many hours to finish this job for a lattice with 72*72 vectors.
Number of calculations: 72*72*72*72*100*100
I cannot use the built-in FFT of numpy, because of my triangular grid, so I need some other option to reduce here the computional cost.
My idea: First I recognized that reshaping the configuration into a list of vectors instead of a matrix reduces the computational cost. Furthermore I used the numba package, which also has reduced the cost, but its still too slow. I found out that a good way of calculating these kind of objects is the np.einsum function. Calculating the product of every vector with every vector is done with the following:
np.einsum('ij,kj -> ik',np.reshape(S,(72**2,3)),np.reshape(S,(72**2,3)))
The tricky part is the calculation of the term inside the np.cos. Here I want to caclulate the product between a list of shape (100,1) with the positions of the vectors (e.g. np.shape(x)=(72**2,1)). Especially I really dont know how to implement the distance in x-direction and y-direction with np.einsum.
To reproduce the code (Probably you won't need this): First you need a vector configuration. You can do it simply with np.ones((72,72,3) or you take random vectors as example with:
def spherical_to_cartesian(r, theta, phi):
'''Convert spherical coordinates (physics convention) to cartesian coordinates'''
sin_theta = np.sin(theta)
x = r * sin_theta * np.cos(phi)
y = r * sin_theta * np.sin(phi)
z = r * np.cos(theta)
return x, y, z # return a tuple
def random_directions(n, r):
'''Return ``n`` 3-vectors in random directions with radius ``r``'''
out = np.empty(shape=(n,3), dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(n):
# Pick directions randomly in solid angle
phi = random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi)
theta = np.arccos(random.uniform(-1, 1))
# unpack a tuple
x, y, z = spherical_to_cartesian(r, theta, phi)
out[i] = x, y, z
return out
S = np.reshape(random_directions(72**2,1),(72,72,3))
(The reshape in this example is needed to shape it in the function spin_spin back to the (72**2,3) shape.)
For the positions of vectors I use a triangular grid defined by
def triangular(nsize):
'''Positional arguments of the spin configuration'''
for i in range(nsize):
for j in range(nsize):

Optimized Numba implementation
The main problem in your code is calling external BLAS function np.dot repeatedly with extremely small data. In this code it would make more sense to calculate them only once, but if you have to do this calculations in a loop write a Numba implementation. Example
Optimized function (brute-force)
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
def spin_spin(S,N):
n= len(S)
conf = np.reshape(S,(n**2,3))
chi = np.zeros((N,N))
kx = np.linspace(-5*np.pi/3,5*np.pi/3,N).astype(np.float32)
ky = np.linspace(-3*np.pi/np.sqrt(3),3*np.pi/np.sqrt(3),N).astype(np.float32)
#precalc some values
for p in nb.prange(N):
for m in range(N):
#accumulating on a scalar is often beneficial
for i in range(n**2):
for j in range(n**2):
acc+= conf_dot[i,j]*np.cos(kx[p]*(x[i]-x[j])+ ky[m]*(y[i]-y[j]))
Optimized function (removing of redundant calculations)
There are a lot of redundant calculations done. This is an example on how to remove them. This is also a version which does the calculations in double precision.
def precalc(S):
#There may not be all redundancies removed
n= len(S)
conf = np.reshape(S,(n**2,3))
for i in range(n**2):
for j in range(n**2):
for i in range(n**2):
for j in range(n**2):
return x_arr,y_arr,conf_dot_sel
def spin_spin_opt_2(S,N):
chi = np.empty((N,N))
n= len(S)
kx = np.linspace(-5*np.pi/3,5*np.pi/3,N)
ky = np.linspace(-3*np.pi/np.sqrt(3),3*np.pi/np.sqrt(3),N)
for p in nb.prange(N):
for m in range(N):
for i in range(x_arr.shape[0]):
for j in range(y_arr.shape[0]):
acc+= fact*conf_dot_sel[i,j]*np.cos(kx[p]*x_arr[i]+ ky[m]*y_arr[j])
def precalc(S):
#There may not be all redundancies removed
n= len(S)
conf = np.reshape(S,(n**2,3))
for i in range(n**2):
for j in range(n**2):
for i in range(n**2):
for j in range(n**2):
return x_arr,y_arr,conf_dot_sel
def spin_spin_opt_2(S,N):
chi = np.empty((N,N))
n= len(S)
kx = np.linspace(-5*np.pi/3,5*np.pi/3,N)
ky = np.linspace(-3*np.pi/np.sqrt(3),3*np.pi/np.sqrt(3),N)
for p in nb.prange(N):
for m in range(N):
for i in range(x_arr.shape[0]):
for j in range(y_arr.shape[0]):
acc+= fact*conf_dot_sel[i,j]*np.cos(kx[p]*x_arr[i]+ ky[m]*y_arr[j])
%timeit res=spin_spin(S,100)
#48 s ± 671 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
#new version
%timeit res_2=spin_spin_opt_2(S,100)
#5.33 s ± 59.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit res_2=spin_spin_opt_2(S,1000)
#1min 23s ± 2.43 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
Edit (SVML-check)
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
def foo(n):
x = np.empty(n*8, dtype=np.float64)
ret = np.empty_like(x)
for i in range(ret.size):
ret[i] += np.cos(x[i])
return ret
if 'intel_svmlcc' in foo.inspect_llvm(foo.signatures[0]):
print("not found")
If there is a not found read this link. It should work on Linux and Windows, but I haven't tested it on macOS.

Here is one approach to speed things up. I didn't start using np.einsum because a little tweaking of your loops was sufficient.
The main thing slowing down your code was redundant recalculations of the same thing. The nested loop here is the perpetrator:
for p in range(N):
for m in range(N):
for i in range(n**2):
for j in range(n**2):
chi[p,m] += 2/(n**2)*np.dot(conf[i],conf[j])*np.cos(kx[p]*(x[i]-x[j])+ ky[m]*(y[i]-y[j]))
It contains a lot of redundancy, recalculating vector operations many times.
Consider the np.dot(...): this calculation is completely independent of the points kx and ky. But only the points kx and ky required indexing with m and n. So you can run the dot products over all i and j just once, and save the result, as opposed to recalculating for each m,n (which would be 10,000 times!).
In a similar approach, no need for the vector differences between to be recalculated at each point in the lattice. At every point you calculate every vector distance, when all that is needed is to calculate the vector distances once and merely multiply this result by each lattice point.
So, having fixed the loops and used dictionaries with indices (i,j) as keys to store all the values, you can just look up the relevant value during the loop over i, j. Here is my code:
def spin_spin(S, N):
n = len(S)
conf = np.reshape(S,(n**2, 3))
chi = np.zeros((N, N))
kx = np.linspace(-5*np.pi/3, 5*np.pi/3, N)
ky = np.linspace(-3*np.pi/np.sqrt(3), 3*np.pi/np.sqrt(3), N)
# Minor point; no need to use triangular twice
x, y = triangular(n)
x, y = np.reshape(x,(n**2)), np.reshape(y,(n**2))
# Build a look-up for all the dot products to save calculating them many times
dot_prods = dict()
x_diffs, y_diffs = dict(), dict()
for i, j in itertools.product(range(n**2), range(n**2)):
dot_prods[(i, j)] = np.dot(conf[i], conf[j])
x_diffs[(i, j)], y_diffs[(i, j)] = x[i] - x[j], y[i] - y[j]
# Minor point; improve syntax by converting nested for loops to one line
for p, m in itertools.product(range(N), range(N)):
for i, j in itertools.product(range(n**2), range(n**2)):
# All vector operations are replaced by look ups to the dictionaries defined above
chi[p, m] += 2/(n**2)*dot_prods[(i, j)]*np.cos(kx[p]*(x_diffs[(i, j)]) + ky[m]*(y_diffs[(i, j)]))
return(chi, kx, ky)
I am running this at the moment with the dimensions you provide, on a decent machine, and the loop over i,j finishes in two minutes. That only needs to happen once; then it is just a loop over m, n. Each one of these is taking about 90 seconds, so still a 2-3 hour run time. I welcome any suggestions on how to optimise that cos calculation to speed that up!
I hit the low hanging fruit of optimization, but to give a sense of speed, the loop of i, j takes 2 minutes, and this way it runs 9,999 fewer times!


Speeding up vector distance calculation using Numba

Below are some of the functions I wrote for distance (square) calculation in 3-D toroidal geometry for a collection of particles in that 3-D space:
import itertools
import time
import numpy as np
import scipy
import numba
from numba import njit
def get_dr2(i=np.array([]),j=np.array([]),cellsize=np.array([])):
for idx in numba.prange(cellsize.shape[0]):
k[idx] = (j[idx]-i[idx])-cellsize[idx]*np.rint((j[idx]-i[idx])/cellsize[idx])
return dr2
def get_dr2_vec(i,j,cellsize,dr2):
for idx in numba.prange(cellsize.shape[0]):
k[idx] = (j[idx]-i[idx])-cellsize[idx]*np.rint((j[idx]-i[idx])/cellsize[idx])
def pair_vec_gen(pIList=np.array([[]]),pJList=np.array([[]])):
assert pIList.shape[1] == pJList.shape[1]
for i in numba.prange(pIList.shape[0]):
for j in numba.prange(pJList.shape[0]):
for k in numba.prange(pIList.shape[1]):
return vecI,vecJ
def pair_vec_dist(pIList=np.array([[]]),pJList=np.array([[]]),cellsize=np.array([])):
assert pIList.shape[1] == pJList.shape[1]
for i in numba.prange(pIList.shape[0]):
for j in numba.prange(pJList.shape[0]):
for k in numba.prange(pIList.shape[1]):
return r2List
def get_dr2_vec2(i=np.array([[]]),j=np.array([[]]),cellsize=np.array([])):
for m in numba.prange(i.shape[0]):
for n in numba.prange(i.shape[1]):
k[n] = (j[m,n]-i[m,n])-cellsize[n]*np.rint((j[m,n]-i[m,n])/cellsize[n])
return dr2
def pair_dist_calculator_cdist(pIList=np.array([[]]),pJList=np.array([[]]),cellsize=np.array([])):
assert pIList.shape[1] == pJList.shape[1]
r2List = (scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(pIList, pJList, metric=get_dr2_wrapper(cellsize=cellsize))).flatten()
return np.array(r2List).flatten()
def get_dr2_wrapper(cellsize=np.array([])):
return lambda u, v: get_dr2(u,v,cellsize)
N, dim = 100, 3 # 100 particles in 3D
for i in range(frames):
print("\rIter {}".format(i),end='')
vec = np.random.random((N, dim))
#method 1
#print("method 1")
start = time.perf_counter()
for (pI, pJ) in itertools.product(vec, vec):
end =time.perf_counter()
#method 2
#print("method 2")
start = time.perf_counter()
for (pI, pJ) in itertools.product(vec, vec):
end =time.perf_counter()
#method 3
#print("method 3")
start = time.perf_counter()
end =time.perf_counter()
#method 4
#print("method 4")
start = time.perf_counter()
end =time.perf_counter()
#method 5
#print("method 5")
#start = time.perf_counter()
#end =time.perf_counter()
assert (rList1 == rList2).all()
assert (rList2 == rList3).all()
assert (rList3 == rList4).all()
#assert rList4 == rList5
for i in range(4):
print("Method {} Average time {:.3g}s \u00B1 {:.3g}s".format(i+1,np.mean(timedata[i,1:]),np.std(timedata[i,1:])))
The essential idea is that at a particular time you have a snapshot of the particles or frame which contains the position of the particles. Now we can calculate all the distances between the particles we can use the following approaches:
Calculate distance between points iteratively in pure python; passing the combination of the position of the two particles one by one via Numba.
Create an iteration list (in pure python) beforehand and pass the whole list to a Numba #guvectorize function
Do (2) but all steps in Numba
Integrate all step in (3) to a simple Numba function
(optional) parse the positions to scipy.spatial.distance.cdist with the distance function as the distance metric.
For 50 frames containing 100 particles we have the respective times (frames, N = 50, 100):
Method 1 Average time 0.017s ± 0.00555s
Method 2 Average time 0.0181s ± 0.00573s
Method 3 Average time 0.00182s ± 0.000944s
Method 4 Average time 0.000485s ± 0.000348s
For 50 frames containing 1000 particles we have the respective times (frames, N = 50, 1000):
Method 1 Average time 2.11s ± 0.977s
Method 2 Average time 2.42s ± 0.859s
Method 3 Average time 0.349s ± 0.12s
Method 4 Average time 0.0694s ± 0.022s
and for 1000 frames containing 100 particles we have the respective times (frames, N = 1000, 100):
Method 1 Average time 0.0244s ± 0.0166s
Method 2 Average time 0.0288s ± 0.0254s
Method 3 Average time 0.00258s ± 0.00231s
Method 4 Average time 0.000636s ± 0.00086s
(All the time shown above are after removing the contribution from the first iteration)
Method 5 simply fails due to memory requirements and is much slower in comparison to any other method
Given the above dataset, I tend to prefer Method 4 though I am a bit concerned about the average time increase when I increase frames from 50 to 1000. Is there any further optimizations I can do in these implementations or if someone has ideas for much faster and memory conscious implementations? Any suggestions are welcome.
Based on Jerome's answer the modified function is now:
def pair_vec_dist(pIList=np.array([[]]),pJList=np.array([[]]),cellsize=np.array([])):
assert pIList.shape[1] == pJList.shape[1]
assert cellsize.size == 3
inv_cellsize = 1.0 / cellsize
for i in numba.prange(pIList.shape[0]):
for j in range(pJList.shape[0]):
offset = j + pJList.shape[0] * i
xdist = pJList[j,0]-pIList[i,0]
ydist = pJList[j,1]-pIList[i,1]
zdist = pJList[j,2]-pIList[i,2]
xk = xdist-cellsize[0]*np.rint(xdist*inv_cellsize[0])
yk = ydist-cellsize[1]*np.rint(ydist*inv_cellsize[1])
zk = zdist-cellsize[2]*np.rint(zdist*inv_cellsize[2])
dr2[offset] = xk**2+yk**2+zk**2
return dr2
As Jerome pointed out that a very simple optimization could be running the loops through just the "lower half of the symmetric matrix" the distance calculation creates, though in a realistic situation I might have vector lists as pI and pJ where pI is a subset of pJ, which complicates this situation. Either I have to create two separate functions and control them via a wrapper function or somehow manage that in one single function. If there are any suggestions on how to do so that would be really helpful.
Update 2
I should clarify the problem furthermore. In this code I am trying to calculate distance between all points in a frame/snapshot, which is used further for pair distance distribution analysis. But in some cases we might want to focus on a subset of coordinates in a frame and calculate the distribution from their perspective. In such a case we select this subset smallVec from a pool of all coordinates vec (such that smallVec +restOfVec = vec) and calculate pair_vec_dist(smallVec,vec) instead of pair_vec_dist(vec,vec). For this calculation one can use list(pair_vec_dist(smallVec,smallVec)).append(pair_vec_dist(smallVec,restOfVec).
Based on the discussion with Jerome, I modified my function as:
def pair_vec_dist_cmb(pIList=np.array([[]]),pJList=np.array([[]]),cellsize=np.array([]),is_sq=True,is_nonsq=True):
assert pIList.shape[1] == pJList.shape[1]
assert cellsize.size == 3
dr2_1=0; dr2_2=0
if is_nonsq:
dr2 = np.zeros((dr2_1+dr2_2),dtype=np.float64)
inv_cellsize = 1.0 / cellsize
for j in numba.prange(0,pIList.shape[0],1):
if is_sq:
for i in range(j,pIList.shape[0],1):
index_1 = int(0.5*i*(i+1)+j)
xdist = pIList[j,0]-pIList[i,0]
ydist = pIList[j,1]-pIList[i,1]
zdist = pIList[j,2]-pIList[i,2]
xk = xdist-cellsize[0]*np.rint(xdist*inv_cellsize[0])
yk = ydist-cellsize[1]*np.rint(ydist*inv_cellsize[1])
zk = zdist-cellsize[2]*np.rint(zdist*inv_cellsize[2])
dr2[index_1] = xk**2+yk**2+zk**2
if is_nonsq:
for j in range(pJList.shape[0]):
index_2 = dr2_1+ j + pJList.shape[0] * i
xdist = pJList[j,0]-pIList[i,0]
ydist = pJList[j,1]-pIList[i,1]
zdist = pJList[j,2]-pIList[i,2]
xk = xdist-cellsize[0]*np.rint(xdist*inv_cellsize[0])
yk = ydist-cellsize[1]*np.rint(ydist*inv_cellsize[1])
zk = zdist-cellsize[2]*np.rint(zdist*inv_cellsize[2])
dr2[index_2] = xk**2+yk**2+zk**2
return dr2
Where pI (size: (N,3)) is the subset of pJ (size (M,3). In this code we subdivide the calculation into two sections: pair distance between pI-pI, which is symmetric and hence we can calculate only the lower triangular matrix i.e. N(N-1)/2 unique values. The other section is pI-pJ distances where we have to go through M(M-N) unique values. To further optimize the function, I have two additional changes:
Combining the outer loop for both sections. In order to do so I am now iterating over the upper triangular matrix which translates to N(N+1)/2 values. One can also implement an if check to see if coordinates are identical, though I am not sure how much time it would save.
To avoid appending the results from the two section together, I am predefining and partitioning the returned array by length.
A further assumption I have made is that time needed for partitioning vec into smallVec and restOfVec is negligent with respect to the pair distance calculation. Obviously, if wrong, one might need to rethink another optimization pathway.
The resultant function is 1.5 times faster than the previous function. I am looking to further optimize the function, but I am very new to loop tilling and other advanced optimizations, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know.
Update 3
So I figured that I should focus on making the function more optimized in terms of serial calculations as I might simply use Dask or multiprocessing to implement to work on multiple sections of an input collection of frames. So the reference function now is:
#njit(cache=True,parallel=False, fastmath=True, boundscheck=False, nogil=True)
def pair_vec_dist_test(pIList,pJList,cellsize):
dr2 = np.empty(int(_I*_J),dtype=np.float32)
inv_cellsize = 1.0 / cellsize
for i in numba.prange(pIList.shape[0]):
for j in range(pJList.shape[0]):
index = j + pJList.shape[0] * i
xdist = pJList[j,0]-pIList[i,0]
ydist = pJList[j,1]-pIList[i,1]
zdist = pJList[j,2]-pIList[i,2]
xk = xdist-cellsize[0]*np.rint(xdist*inv_cellsize[0])
yk = ydist-cellsize[1]*np.rint(ydist*inv_cellsize[1])
zk = zdist-cellsize[2]*np.rint(zdist*inv_cellsize[2])
dr2[index] = xk**2+yk**2+zk**2
return dr2
Going back to the main problem while ignoring the symmetry aspect, I tried to further optimize the distance function as:
#njit(cache=True,parallel=False, fastmath=True, boundscheck=False, nogil=True)
def pair_vec_dist_test_v2(pIList,pJList,cellsize):
dr2 = np.empty(int(_I*_J),dtype=np.float32)
inv_cellsize = 1.0 / cellsize
for ii in range(0,_I,tile):
for jj in range(0,_J,tile):
for i in range(ii,min(_I,ii+tile)):
for j in range(jj,min(_J,jj+tile)):
index = j + _J * i
xdist = pJList[j,0]-pIList[i,0]
ydist = pJList[j,1]-pIList[i,1]
zdist = pJList[j,2]-pIList[i,2]
xk = xdist-cellsize[0]*np.rint(xdist*inv_cellsize[0])
yk = ydist-cellsize[1]*np.rint(ydist*inv_cellsize[1])
zk = zdist-cellsize[2]*np.rint(zdist*inv_cellsize[2])
dr2[index] = xk**2+yk**2+zk**2
return dr2
which is essentially tiling up the two vector arrays. However I couldn't get any speedup as the exec time for both functions are roughly the same. I also thought about working with the transpose of the vector arrays, but I couldn't figure out how to align them in a loop when the vector lengths are not a multiple of tile length. Does anyone has any further suggestions or ideas on how to procced?
Edit: Another failed trial
#njit(cache=True,parallel=False, fastmath=True, boundscheck=False, nogil=True)
def pair_vec_dist_test_v3(pIList,pJList,cellsize):
inv_cellsize = 1.0 / cellsize
vecI=np.empty((_I+2*tile,3),dtype=np.float64) # for rolling effect
vecJ=np.empty((_J+2*tile,3),dtype=np.float64) # for rolling effect
dr2 = np.empty((ILim*JLim),dtype=np.float64)
for ii in range(ILim):
for jj in range(0,JLim,tile):
index = jj + JLim*ii
mask = np.multiply(vecJ_mask[jj:jj+tile],vecI_mask[ii:ii+tile])
xdist = vecJ[0,jj:jj+tile]-vecI[0,ii:ii+tile]
ydist = vecJ[1,jj:jj+tile]-vecI[1,ii:ii+tile]
zdist = vecJ[2,jj:jj+tile]-vecI[2,ii:ii+tile]
xk = xdist-cellsize[0]*np.rint(xdist*inv_cellsize[0])
yk = ydist-cellsize[1]*np.rint(ydist*inv_cellsize[1])
zk = zdist-cellsize[2]*np.rint(zdist*inv_cellsize[2])
arr = xk**2+yk**2+zk**2
dr2[index:index+tile] = np.multiply(arr,mask)
return dr2
First things first: there are races conditions in your current code. This basically means the produced results can be corrupted (and it also impact performance). In practice, this causes an undefined behaviour. For example, k[n] is read by multiple thread in get_dr2_vec2. One need to be very careful when using prange. In this case, the race condition can be removed by just not using a temporary array which is not really useful and not using prange in the inner loop due to dr2[m] being updated (updating it from multiple threads also cause a race condition).
Moreover, prange is often not practically useful when parallel=True is not set in the Numba decorator. Indeed, the current functions are not parallel since this flag is missing.
Finally, you can merge the function pair_vec_dist and get_dr2_vec2 and the internal loops so to avoid creating and filling large temporary arrays. Indeed, the RAM throughput is pretty small nowadays compared to the computing power of modern processor. This gap is getting bigger since the last two decades. This effect is called the "memory wall" and it is not expected to disappear any time soon. Codes less memory-bound generally tends to be faster and scale better.
Here is the resulting code:
#njit(cache=True, parallel=True)
def pair_vec_dist(pIList=np.array([[]]),pJList=np.array([[]]),cellsize=np.array([])):
assert pIList.shape[1] == pJList.shape[1]
inv_cellsize = 1.0 / cellsize
for i in numba.prange(pIList.shape[0]):
for j in range(pJList.shape[0]):
offset = j + pJList.shape[0] * i
for k in range(pIList.shape[1]):
tmp = pJList[j,k]-pIList[i,k]
k = tmp-cellsize[k]*np.rint(tmp*inv_cellsize[k])
dr2[offset] += k**2
return dr2
It is 11 times faster with frames=50 and N=1000 on my 6-core machine (i5-9600KF).
The code can be optimized further. For example, dr2 is a flatten symmetric square matrix, so only the upper-right part needs to be computed and the bottom-left part can just be copied. Note that to do that efficiently in parallel, the work needs to be balanced between the thread (otherwise, the slowest will not be faster and will be the bottleneck). One can also generate an optimized version of the function only supporting cellsize.size == 3. Moreover, one can use register tiling so to make the code more cache-friendly. Finally, one can transpose the input so the layout is more SIMD-friendly (this certainly require the loop to be manually unrolled and the register tiling optimization to be done before).

How I can improve a loop for in a Python code?

I am translating this code from Matlab to Python. The code function fine but it is painfully slow in python. In Matlab, the code runs in way less then a minute, in python it took 30 min!!! Someone with mode experience in python could help me?
# P({ai})
somai = 0
for i in range(1, n):
somaj = 0
for j in range(1, n):
exponencial = math.exp(-((a[i] - a[j]) * (a[i] - a[j])) / dev_a2 - ((b[i] - b[j]) * (b[i] - b[j])) / dev_b2)
somaj = somaj + exponencial
somai = somai + somaj
As with MATLAB, I'd recommend you vectorize your code. Iterating by for-loops can be much slower than the lower level implementation of MATLAB and numpy.
Your operations (a[i] - a[j])*(a[i] - a[j]) are pairwise squared-Euclidean distance for all N data points. You can calculate a pairwise distance matrix using scipy's pdist and squareform functions -- pdist, squareform.
Then you calculate the difference between pairwise distance matrices A and B, and sum the exponential decay. So you could get a vectorized code like:
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
# Example data
N = 1000
a = np.random.rand(N,1)
b = np.random.rand(N,1)
dev_a2 = np.random.rand()
dev_b2 = np.random.rand()
# `a` is an [N,1] matrix (i.e. column vector)
A = pdist(a, 'sqeuclidean')
# Change to pairwise distance matrix
A = squareform(A)
# Divide all elements by same divisor
A = A / dev_a2
# Then do the same for `b`'s
# `b` is an [N,1] matrix (i.e. column vector)
B = pdist(b, 'sqeuclidean')
B = squareform(B)
B = B / dev_b2
# Calculate exponential decay
expo = np.exp(-(A-B))
# Sum all elements
total = np.sum(expo)
Here's a quick timing comparison between the iterative method and this vectorized code.
N: 1000 | Iter Output: 2729989.851117 | Vect Output: 2732194.924364
Iter time: 6.759 secs | Vect time: 0.031 secs
N: 5000 | Iter Output: 24855530.997400 | Vect Output: 24864471.007726
Iter time: 171.795 secs | Vect time: 0.784 secs
Note that the final results are not exactly the same. I'm not sure why this is, it might be rounding error or math error on my part, but I'll leave that to you.
Use numpy
Why Numpy?
Python, by default, is slow. One of the powers of python is that it plays nicely with C and has tons of libraries. The one that will help you hear is numpy. Numpy is mostly implemented in C and, when used properly, is blazing fast. The trick is to phrase the code in such a way that you keep the execution inside numpy and outside of python proper.
Code and Results
import math
import numpy as np
n = 1000
np_a = np.random.rand(n)
a = list(np_a)
np_b = np.random.rand(n)
b = list(np_b)
dev_a2, dev_b2 = (1, 1)
def old():
somai = 0.0
for i in range(0, n):
somaj = 0.0
for j in range(0, n):
tmp_1 = -((a[i] - a[j]) * (a[i] - a[j])) / dev_a2
tmp_2 = -((b[i] - b[j]) * (b[i] - b[j])) / dev_b2
exponencial = math.exp(tmp_1 + tmp_2)
somaj += exponencial
somai += somaj
return somai
def new():
tmp_1 = -np.square(np.subtract.outer(np_a, np_a)) / dev_a2
tmp_2 = -np.square(np.subtract.outer(np_b, np_b)) / dev_a2
exponential = np.exp(tmp_1 + tmp_2)
somai = np.sum(exponential)
return somai
old = 1.76 s ± 48.3 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
new = 24.6 ms ± 66.1 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
This is about a 70x improvement
old yields 740919.6020840995
new yields 740919.602084099
You'll notice I broke up your code with the tmp_1 and tmp_2 a bit for clarity.
np.random.rand(n): This creates an array of length n that has random floats going from 0 to 1 (excluding 1) (documented here).
np.subtract.outer(a, b): Numpy has modules for all the operators that allow you do various things with them. Lets say you had np_a = [1, 2, 3], np.subtract.outer(np_a, np_a) would yield
array([[ 0, -1, -2],
[ 1, 0, -1],
[ 2, 1, 0]])
Here's a stackoverflow link if you want to go deeper on this. (also the word "outer" comes from "outer product" like from linear algebra)
np.square: simply squares every element in the matrix.
/: In numpy when you do arithmetic operators between scalars and matrices it does the appropriate thing and applies that operation to every element in the matrix.
np.exp: like np.square
np.sum: sums every element together and returns a scalar.

How to efficiently interpolate data in a Pandas DataFrame row-wise?

I have several thousand "observations". Each observation consists of location (x,y) and sensor reading (z), see example below.
I would like to fit a bi-linear surface to the x,y, and z data. I am currently doing it with the code-snippet from amroamroamro/gist:
def bi2Dlinter(xdata, ydata, zdata, gridrez):
X,Y = np.meshgrid(
np.linspace(min(x), max(x), endpoint=True, num=gridrez),
np.linspace(min(y), max(y), endpoint=True, num=gridrez))
A = np.c_[xdata, ydata, np.ones(len(zdata))]
C,_,_,_ = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, zdata)
Z = C[0]*X + C[1]*Y + C[2]
return Z
My current approach is to cycle through the rows of the DataFrame. (This works great for 1000 observations but is not usable for larger data-sets.)
ZZ = []
for index, row in df2.iterrows():
x=row['x1'], row['x2'], row['x3'], row['x4'], row['x5']
y=row['y1'], row['y2'], row['y3'], row['y4'], row['y5']
z=row['z1'], row['z2'], row['z3'], row['z4'], row['z5']
I would be surprised if there is not a more efficient way to do this.
Is there a way to vectorize the linear interpolation?
I put the code here which also generates dummy entries.
Looping over DataFrames like this is generally not recommended. Instead you should opt to try and vectorize your code as much as possible.
First we create an array for your inputs
x_vals = df2[['x1','x2','x3','x4','x5']].values
y_vals = df2[['y1','y2','y3','y4','y5']].values
z_vals = df2[['z1','z2','z3','z4','z5']].values
Next we need to create a bi2Dlinter function that handles vector inputs, this involves changing linspace/meshgrid to work for an array and changing the least_squares function. Normally scipy.linalg functions work over an array but as far as I'm aware the .lstsq method doesn't. Instead we can use the .SVD to replicate the same functionality over an array.
def create_ranges(start, stop, N, endpoint=True):
if endpoint==1:
divisor = N-1
divisor = N
steps = (1.0/divisor) * (stop - start)
return steps[:,None]*np.arange(N) + start[:,None]
def linspace_nd(x,y,gridrez):
a1 = create_ranges(x.min(axis=1), x.max(axis=1), N=gridrez, endpoint=True)
a2 = create_ranges(y.min(axis=1), y.max(axis=1), N=gridrez, endpoint=True)
out_shp = a1.shape + (a2.shape[1],)
Xout = np.broadcast_to(a1[:,None,:], out_shp)
Yout = np.broadcast_to(a2[:,:,None], out_shp)
return Xout, Yout
def stacked_lstsq(L, b, rcond=1e-10):
Solve L x = b, via SVD least squares cutting of small singular values
L is an array of shape (..., M, N) and b of shape (..., M).
Returns x of shape (..., N)
u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(L, full_matrices=False)
s_max = s.max(axis=-1, keepdims=True)
s_min = rcond*s_max
inv_s = np.zeros_like(s)
inv_s[s >= s_min] = 1/s[s>=s_min]
x = np.einsum('...ji,...j->...i', v,
inv_s * np.einsum('...ji,...j->...i', u, b.conj()))
return np.conj(x, x)
def vectorized_bi2Dlinter(x_vals, y_vals, z_vals, gridrez):
X,Y = linspace_nd(x_vals, y_vals, gridrez)
A = np.stack((x_vals,y_vals,np.ones_like(z_vals)), axis=2)
C = stacked_lstsq(A, z_vals)
n_bcast = C.shape[0]
return C.T[0].reshape((n_bcast,1,1))*X + C.T[1].reshape((n_bcast,1,1))*Y + C.T[2].reshape((n_bcast,1,1))
Upon testing this on data for n=10000 rows, the vectorized function was significantly faster.
ZZ = []
for index, row in df2.iterrows():
x=row['x1'], row['x2'], row['x3'], row['x4'], row['x5']
y=row['y1'], row['y2'], row['y3'], row['y4'], row['y5']
z=row['z1'], row['z2'], row['z3'], row['z4'], row['z5']
Out: 5.52 s ± 17.4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
res = vectorized_bi2Dlinter(x_vals,y_vals,z_vals,gridrez)
Out: 74.6 ms ± 159 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
You should pay careful attention to whats going on in this vectorize function and familiarize yourself with broadcasting in numpy. I cannot take credit for the first three functions, instead I will link their answers from stack overflow for you to get an understanding.
Vectorized NumPy linspace for multiple start and stop values
how to solve many overdetermined systems of linear equations using vectorized codes?
How to use numpy.c_ properly for arrays

Efficient way of computing Kullback–Leibler divergence in Python

I have to compute the Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KLD) between thousands of discrete probability vectors. Currently I am using the following code but it's way too slow for my purposes. I was wondering if there is any faster way to compute KL Divergence?
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as sc
#n is the number of data points
kld = np.zeros(n, n)
for i in range(0, n):
for j in range(0, n):
if(i != j):
kld[i, j] = sc.entropy(distributions[i, :], distributions[j, :])
Scipy's stats.entropy in its default sense invites inputs as 1D arrays giving us a scalar, which is being done in the listed question. Internally this function also allows broadcasting, which we can abuse in here for a vectorized solution.
From the docs -
scipy.stats.entropy(pk, qk=None, base=None)
If only probabilities pk
are given, the entropy is calculated as S = -sum(pk * log(pk),
If qk is not None, then compute the Kullback-Leibler divergence S =
sum(pk * log(pk / qk), axis=0).
In our case, we are doing these entropy calculations for each row against all rows, performing sum reductions to have a scalar at each iteration with those two nested loops. Thus, the output array would be of shape (M,M), where M is the number of rows in input array.
Now, the catch here is that stats.entropy() would sum along axis=0, so we will feed it two versions of distributions, both of whom would have the rowth-dimension brought to axis=0 for reduction along it and the other two axes interleaved - (M,1) & (1,M) to give us a (M,M) shaped output array using broadcasting.
Thus, a vectorized and much more efficient way to solve our case would be -
from scipy import stats
kld = stats.entropy(distributions.T[:,:,None], distributions.T[:,None,:])
Runtime tests and verify -
In [15]: def entropy_loopy(distrib):
...: n = distrib.shape[0] #n is the number of data points
...: kld = np.zeros((n, n))
...: for i in range(0, n):
...: for j in range(0, n):
...: if(i != j):
...: kld[i, j] = stats.entropy(distrib[i, :], distrib[j, :])
...: return kld
In [16]: distrib = np.random.randint(0,9,(100,100)) # Setup input
In [17]: out = stats.entropy(distrib.T[:,:,None], distrib.T[:,None,:])
In [18]: np.allclose(entropy_loopy(distrib),out) # Verify
Out[18]: True
In [19]: %timeit entropy_loopy(distrib)
1 loops, best of 3: 800 ms per loop
In [20]: %timeit stats.entropy(distrib.T[:,:,None], distrib.T[:,None,:])
10 loops, best of 3: 104 ms per loop

Why doesn't Numba improve this iteration ...?

I am trying out Numba in speeding up a function that computes a minimum conditional probability of joint occurrence.
import numpy as np
from numba import double
from numba.decorators import jit, autojit
X = np.random.random((100,2))
def cooccurance_probability(X):
P = X.shape[1]
CS = np.sum(X, axis=0) #Column Sums
D = np.empty((P, P), dtype=np.float) #Return Matrix
for i in range(P):
for j in range(P):
D[i, j] = (X[:,i] * X[:,j]).sum() / max(CS[i], CS[j])
return D
cooccurance_probability_numba = autojit(cooccurance_probability)
However I am finding that the performance of cooccurance_probability and cooccurance_probability_numba to be pretty much the same.
%timeit cooccurance_probability(X)
1 loops, best of 3: 302 ms per loop
%timeit cooccurance_probability_numba(X)
1 loops, best of 3: 307 ms per loop
Why is this? Could it be due to the numpy element by element operation?
I am following as an example:
[Note: I could half the execution time due to the symmetric nature of the problem - but that isn't my main concern]
My guess would be that you're hitting the object layer instead of generating native code due to the calls to sum, which means that Numba isn't going to speed things up significantly. It just doesn't know how to optimize/translate sum (at this point). Additionally it's usually better to unroll vectorized operations into explicit loops with Numba. Notice that the ipynb that you link to only calls out to np.sqrt which I believe does get translated to machine code, and it operates on elements, not slices. I would try to expand out the sum in the inner loop as an explicit additional loop over elements, rather than taking slices and using the sum method.
My experience is that Numba can work wonders sometimes, but it doesn't speed-up arbitrary python code. You need to get a sense of the limitations and what it can optimize effectively. Also note that v0.11 is a bit different in this regard as compared to 0.12 and 0.13 due to the major refactoring that Numba went through between those versions.
Below is a solution using Josh's advice, which is spot on. It appears however the max() works fine in the below implementation. It would be great if there was a list of "safe" python / numpy functions.
Note: I reduced the dimensionality of the original matrix to 100 x 200]
import numpy as np
from numba import double
from numba.decorators import jit, autojit
X = np.random.random((100,200))
def cooccurance_probability_explicit(X):
C = X.shape[0]
P = X.shape[1]
# - Column Sums - #
CS = np.zeros((P,), dtype=np.float)
for p in range(P):
for c in range(C):
CS[p] += X[c,p]
D = np.empty((P, P), dtype=np.float) #Return Matrix
for i in range(P):
for j in range(P):
# - Compute Elemental Pairwise Sums over each Product Vector - #
pws = 0
for c in range(C):
pws += (X[c,i] * X[c,j])
D[i,j] = pws / max(CS[i], CS[j])
return D
cooccurance_probability_explicit_numba = autojit(cooccurance_probability_explicit)
%timeit results:
%timeit cooccurance_probability(X)
10 loops, best of 3: 83 ms per loop
%timeit cooccurance_probability_explicit(X)
1 loops, best of 3: 2.55s per loop
%timeit cooccurance_probability_explicit_numba(X)
100 loops, best of 3: 7.72 ms per loop
The interesting thing about the results is that the explicitly written version executed by python is very slow due to the large type checking overheads. But passing through Numba works it's magic. (Numba is ~11.5 times faster than the python solution using Numpy).
Update: Added a Cython Function for Comparison (thanks to moarningsun: Cython function with variable sized matrix input)
%load_ext cythonmagic
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
def cooccurance_probability_cy(double[:,:] X):
cdef int C, P, i, j, k
C = X.shape[0]
P = X.shape[1]
cdef double pws
cdef double [:] CS = np.sum(X, axis=0)
cdef double [:,:] D = np.empty((P,P), dtype=np.float)
for i in range(P):
for j in range(P):
pws = 0.0
for c in range(C):
pws += (X[c, i] * X[c, j])
D[i,j] = pws / max(CS[i], CS[j])
return D
%timeit results:
%timeit cooccurance_probability_cy(X)
100 loops, best of 3: 12 ms per loop
