Getting transformed X values from OLS model using statsmodels - python

I am trying to do a linear regression. With the results I want to multiply each x with its own estimated coefficient: xi·βi.
However, I am doing a lot of transformations on xi.
For example:
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import numpy as np
def log_plus_1(x):
return np.log(x + 1.0)
df = sm.datasets.get_rdataset("Guerry", "HistData").data
df = df[['Lottery', 'Literacy', 'Wealth', 'Region']].dropna()
formule = 'Lottery ~ pow(Literacy,2) + log_plus_1(Wealth)'
mod = smf.ols(formula=formule, data=df)
res =
Now I would need pow(Literacy, 2) and log_plus_1(Wealth). But since they go into the model, I was hoping to get them out of there too. Instead of transforming the data from the original dataset.
In R I would use res$model to get it.

The data is stored as attributes of the model, e.g. the design matrix is mod.exog, the dependent or response variable is mod.endog.
(I'm not sure I remember correctly the details of the following: The data that patsy returns after creating the transformed design matrix should, in this case, be a pandas DataFrame, and should be stored in or something like that.)
res.predict automatically handles the transformation, i.e. patsy uses the formula information to transform the data for the explanatory variables in prediction in the same way as the data was transformed in creating the model.
predict only returns the prediction and not the internally transformed predict exog.


Partial fit or incremental learning for autoregressive model

I have two time series representing two independent periods of data observation. I would like to fit an autoregressive model to this data. In other words, I would like to perform two partial fits, or two sessions of incremental learning.
This is a simplified description of a not-unusual scenario which could also apply to batch fitting on large datasets.
How do I do this (in statsmodels or otherwise)? Bonus points if the solution can generalise to other time-series models like ARIMA.
In pseudocode, something like:
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.tsa.ar_model import AutoReg
data = sm.datasets.sunspots.load_pandas().data['SUNACTIVITY']
data_1 = data[:len(data)//3]
data_2 = data[len(data)-len(data)//3:]
# This is the standard single fit usage
res = AutoReg(data_1, lags=12).fit()
# This is more like what I would like to do
model = AutoReg(lags=12)
Statsmodels does not directly have this functionality. As Kevin S mentioned though, pmdarima does have a wrapper that provides this functionality. Specifically the update method. Per their documentation: "Update the model fit with additional observed endog/exog values.".
See example below around your particular code:
from pmdarima.arima import ARIMA
import statsmodels.api as sm
data = sm.datasets.sunspots.load_pandas().data['SUNACTIVITY']
data_1 = data[:len(data)//3]
data_2 = data[len(data)-len(data)//3:]
# This is the standard single fit usage
model = ARIMA(order=(12,0,0))
# update the model parameters with the new parameters
I don't know how to achieve that in autoreg, but I think it can be achieved somehow, but need to manually evaluate results or somehow add the data.
But in ARIMA and SARIMAX, it's already implemented and it's simple.
For incremental learning, there are three functions related and it's documented here. First is apply which use fitted parameters on new unrelated data. Then there are extend and append. Append can be refit. I don't know exact difference though.
Here is my example that is different but similar...
from statsmodels.tsa.api import ARIMA
data = np.array(range(200))
order = (4, 2, 1)
model = ARIMA(data, order=order)
fitted_model =
prediction = fitted_model.forecast(7)
new_data = np.array(range(600, 800))
fitted_model = fitted_model.apply(new_data)
new_prediction = fitted_model.forecast(7)
print(prediction) # [200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206.]
print(new_prediction) # [800. 801. 802. 803. 804. 805. 806.]
This replace all the data, so it can be used on unrelated data (unknown index). I profiled it and apply is very fast in comparison to fit.

How to use exponential smoothing to smooth the timeseries in python?

I am trying to use exponential smooting to smooth a timeseries.
Suppose my timeseries looks like this:
import pandas as pd
data = [446.6565, 454.4733, 455.663 , 423.6322, 456.2713, 440.5881, 425.3325, 485.1494, 506.0482, 526.792 , 514.2689, 494.211 ]
index= pd.date_range(start='1996', end='2008', freq='A')
oildata = pd.Series(data, index)
I want to get the smoothed version of that timeseries.
If I did something like this;
from statsmodels.tsa.api import ExponentialSmoothing
fit1 = SimpleExpSmoothing(oildata).fit(smoothing_level=0.2,optimized=False)
fcast1 = fit1.forecast(3).rename(r'$\alpha=0.2$')
it only outputs the forcasted three values, but not the smoothed version of my original timeseries. Is there a way to get the smoothed version of my original timeseries?
I am happy to provide more details if needed.
You can get the smoothed values in the fittedvalues attribute of the model, apparently.
import pandas as pd
data = [446.6565, 454.4733, 455.663 , 423.6322, 456.2713, 440.5881, 425.3325, 485.1494, 506.0482, 526.792 , 514.2689, 494.211 ]
index= pd.date_range(start='1996', end='2008', freq='A')
oildata = pd.Series(data, index)
from statsmodels.tsa.api import SimpleExpSmoothing
fit1 = SimpleExpSmoothing(oildata).fit(smoothing_level=0.2,optimized=False)
# fcast1 = fit1.forecast(3).rename(r'$\alpha=0.2$')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
It yields:
The documentation states:
fittedvalues: ndarray
An array of the fitted values. Fitted by the Exponential Smoothing model.
Note that you can also use the fittedfcast attribute which contains all values + the first forecast, or the fcastvalues attribute which contains the forecast only.
ExponentialSmoothing is not to a tool to smoothen time series data, it is a time series forecasting method.
The fit() function will return an instance of the HoltWintersResults class that contains the learned coefficients. The forecast() or the predict() function on the result object can be called to make a forecast.
So by calling predict, what the class will doing is providing a forecast using the learned coefficients.
In order to smoothen the time series however, you can use the fittedvalues attribute, as #smarie points out
However, I'd go with a more appropriate tool, such as a savgol_filter:
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
savgol_filter(oildata, 5, 3)
array([444.87816 , 461.58666 , 444.99296 , 441.70785143,
442.40769143, 438.36852857, 441.50125714, 472.05622571,
512.20891429, 521.74822857, 517.63141429, 493.37037143])
As mentioned in the comments, the savgol filter performs a local taylor approximation of a given polyorder on a given window size (window_length) and results in a smoothing of the time series.
Here's what it would look like with the above set up:
plt.plot(pd.Series(savgol_filter(oildata, 5, 3), index=oildata.index))

Output of a statsmodels regression

I would like to perform a simple linear regression using statsmodels and I've tried several different methods by now but I just don't get it to work. The code that I have constructed now doesn't give me any errors but it also doesn't show me the result
I am trying to create a model for the variable "Direction" which takes the value 0 if the return for the corresponding date was negative and 1 if it was positive. The explinatory variables are the (5) lags of the returns. The df13 contains the lags and also the direction for each observed date. I tried this code and as I mentioned it doesn't give an error but says " Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 0.682314
Iterations 5
However, I would like to see the typical table with all the beta values, their significance etc.
Also, what would you say, since Direction is a binary variable may it be better to use a logit instead of a linear model? However, in the assignment it appeared as a linear model.
And lastly, I am sorry its not displayed here correctly but I don't know how to write as code or insert my dataframe
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import os
import itertools
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
import statsmodels.api as sm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from statsmodels.sandbox.regression.predstd import wls_prediction_std
X = df13[['Lag1', 'Lag2', 'Lag3', 'Lag4', 'Lag5']]
Y = df13['Direction']
X = sm.add_constant(X)
model = sm.Logit(Y.astype(float), X.astype(float)).fit()
predictions = model.predict(X)
print_model = model.summary
Edit: I'm sure it has to be a logit regression so I updated that part
I don't know if this is unintentional, but it looks like you need to define X and Y separately:
X = df13[['Lag1', 'Lag2', 'Lag3', 'Lag4', 'Lag5']]
Y = df13['Direction']
Secondly, I'm not familiar with statsmodel, but I would try converting your dataframes to numpy arrays. You can do this with
Xnum = X.to_numpy()
ynum = y.to_numpy()
And try passing those to the regressors.

Python: Random intercept model (have to replicate R code)

I'm trying to replicate code from R that estimates a random intercept model. The R code is:
I'm using the lmer command of the lme4 package to estimate random intercepts for the variable resid for observations in different groups (defined by groupid). There is no 'fixed effects' part, therefore no variable before the (1|groupid). Moreover, I do not want a constant estimated so that I get an intercept for each group.
Not sure how to do similar estimation in Python. I tried something like:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(25, 4), columns=list('ABCD'))
df['groupid'] = [1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5]
df['groupid'] = df['groupid'].astype('category')
###Random intercepts models
md = smf.mixedlm('A~B-1',data=df,groups=df['groupid'])
mdf =
A is resid from the earlier example, while groupid is the same.
1) I am not sure whether the mdf.random_effects are the random intercepts I am looking for
2) I cannot remove the variable B, which I understand is the fixed effects part. If I try:
md = smf.mixedlm('A~-1',data=df,groups=df['groupid'])
I get an error that "Arrays cannot be empty".
Just trying to estimate the exact same model as in the R code. Any advice will be appreciated.

OLS using statsmodel.formula.api versus statsmodel.api

Can anyone explain to me the difference between ols in statsmodel.formula.api versus ols in statsmodel.api?
Using the Advertising data from the ISLR text, I ran an ols using both, and got different results. I then compared with scikit-learn's LinearRegression.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import statsmodels.api as sm
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
df = pd.read_csv("C:\...\Advertising.csv")
x1 = df.loc[:,['TV']]
y1 = df.loc[:,['Sales']]
print "Statsmodel.Formula.Api Method"
model1 = smf.ols(formula='Sales ~ TV', data=df).fit()
print model1.params
print "\nStatsmodel.Api Method"
model2 = sm.OLS(y1, x1)
results =
print results.params
print "\nSci-Kit Learn Method"
model3 = LinearRegression(), y1)
print model3.coef_
print model3.intercept_
The output is as follows:
Statsmodel.Formula.Api Method
Intercept 7.032594
TV 0.047537
dtype: float64
Statsmodel.Api Method
TV 0.08325
dtype: float64
Sci-Kit Learn Method
[[ 0.04753664]]
[ 7.03259355]
The statsmodel.api method returns a different parameter for TV from the statsmodel.formula.api and the scikit-learn methods.
What kind of ols algorithm is statsmodel.api running that would produce a different result? Does anyone have a link to documentation that could help answer this question?
Came across this issue today and wanted to elaborate on #stellasia's answer because the statsmodels documentation is perhaps a bit ambiguous.
Unless you are using actual R-style string-formulas when instantiating OLS, you need to add a constant (literally a column of 1s) under both statsmodels.formulas.api and plain statsmodels.api. #Chetan is using R-style formatting here (formula='Sales ~ TV'), so he will not run into this subtlety, but for people with some Python knowledge but no R background this could be very confusing.
Furthermore it doesn't matter whether you specify the hasconst parameter when building the model. (Which is kind of silly.) In other words, unless you are using R-style string formulas, hasconst is ignored even though it is supposed to
[Indicate] whether the RHS includes a user-supplied constant
because, in the footnotes
No constant is added by the model unless you are using formulas.
The example below shows that both .formulas.api and .api will require a user-added column vector of 1s if not using R-style string formulas.
# Generate some relational data
nobs = 25
x = np.random.random((nobs, 2))
x_with_ones = sm.add_constant(x, prepend=False)
beta = [.1, .5, 1]
e = np.random.random(nobs)
y =, beta) + e
Now throw x and y into Excel and run Data>Data Analysis>Regression, making sure "Constant is zero" is unchecked. You'll get the following coefficients:
Intercept 1.497761024
X Variable 1 0.012073045
X Variable 2 0.623936056
Now, try running this regression on x, not x_with_ones, in either statsmodels.formula.api or statsmodels.api with hasconst set to None, True, or False. You'll see that in each of those 6 scenarios, there is no intercept returned. (There are only 2 parameters.)
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import statsmodels.api as sm
print('smf models')
print('-' * 10)
for hc in [None, True, False]:
model = smf.OLS(endog=y, exog=x, hasconst=hc).fit()
# smf models
# ----------
# [ 1.46852293 1.8558273 ]
# [ 1.46852293 1.8558273 ]
# [ 1.46852293 1.8558273 ]
Now running things correctly with a column vector of 1.0s added to x. You can use smf here but it's really not necessary if you're not using formulas.
print('sm models')
print('-' * 10)
for hc in [None, True, False]:
model = sm.OLS(endog=y, exog=x_with_ones, hasconst=hc).fit()
# sm models
# ----------
# [ 0.01207304 0.62393606 1.49776102]
# [ 0.01207304 0.62393606 1.49776102]
# [ 0.01207304 0.62393606 1.49776102]
The difference is due to the presence of intercept or not:
in statsmodels.formula.api, similarly to the R approach, a constant is automatically added to your data and an intercept in fitted
in statsmodels.api, you have to add a constant yourself (see the documentation here). Try using add_constant from statsmodels.api
x1 = sm.add_constant(x1)
I had a similar issue with the Logit function.
(I used patsy to create my matrices, so the intercept was there.)
My sm.logit was not converging.
My sm.formula.logit was converging however.
Data going in was exactly the same.
I changed the solver method to 'newton' and the sm.logit converged also.
Is it possible the two versions have different default solver methods.
