Can't import modules in Python? - python

I'm following instructions and using files from:
I'm getting error when I import: oauth2api, credentialutil, & model. This is step 3 in the above site.
import yaml, json
sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/app/ebay-oauth-python-client-master/oauthclient/model')
sys.path.insert(1, '/Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/app/ebay-oauth-python-client-master/test')
sys.path.insert(2, '/Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/app/ebay-oauth-python-client-master/oauthclient')
import credentialutil
import model
import oauth2api
error message:
C:\Users\kyle\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\python.exe C:/Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/app/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/app/", line 10, in
import credentialutil
File "/Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/app/ebay-oauth-python-client-master/oauthclient\", line 20, in
from model.model import environment, credentials
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'model.model'; 'model' is not a package
Process finished with exit code 1
The code runs if I only import model:
import yaml, json
sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/app/ebay-oauth-python-client-master/oauthclient/model')
sys.path.insert(1, '/Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/app/ebay-oauth-python-client-master/test')
sys.path.insert(2, '/Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/app/ebay-oauth-python-client-master/oauthclient')
import model
no error message:
C:\Users\kyle\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\python.exe C:/Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/app/
['/Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/app/ebay-oauth-python-client-master/oauthclient/model', '/Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/app/ebay-oauth-python-client-master/test', '/Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/app/ebay-oauth-python-client-master/oauthclient', 'C:\Users\kyle\PycharmProjects\app', 'C:\Users\kyle\PycharmProjects\app', 'C:\Users\kyle\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\', 'C:\Users\kyle\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\DLLs', 'C:\Users\kyle\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib', 'C:\Users\kyle\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32', 'C:\Users\kyle\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages', 'C:\Users\kyle\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\pymodel']
Process finished with exit code 0
I'm also getting a green line under oauthclient, and I don't know why. Everything is spelled correctly.
sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/app/ebay-oauth-python-client-master/oauthclient/model')
sys.path.insert(2, '/Users/kyle/PycharmProjects/app/ebay-oauth-python-client-master/oauthclient')

I can see two problems.
First, it seems that you are using Python under Windows, but you tried to insert a MacOS path to sys.path. Are you sure that paths like /Users/kyle/... really exist in your file system?
Second, you only need to insert the parent path, i.e. /path/to/ebay-oauth-python-client/oauthclient to your sys.path. In my local test, this works:
import yaml, json
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, r"C:\Users\guosh\Downloads\test\ebay-oauth-python-client\oauthclient")
import credentialutil
import model
import oauth2api
However, I would suggest you import the package as a whole, like below:
import yaml, json
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, r"C:\Users\guosh\Downloads\test\ebay-oauth-python-client")
import oauthclient


Python Paths - ImportError: cannot import name 'dataset_builder'

I am getting an error ImportError: cannot import name 'dataset_builder'. The import command is following:
from import dataset_builder
The file tree looks following:
I am running the from the root directory (os.getcwd() returns following path C:\Users\horakm\PyCharmProjects\ObjectDetection) and I added in the following code to add paths:
When I print all paths using sys.path i get this:
How is it possible that the import statement doesn't work?
Which object are you actually trying to import?
All that are defined in dataset_builder? In that case it should be from import *.
Or is the object also called dataset_builder? In that case it is from import dataset_builder.

Newbie to Python: Imported Lib

I have this structure
So the is importing the
import bluepy
from bluepy.bluepy import sensortag
When I ran the code it complains about the import from the sensortag.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 2, in <module>
from bluepy.bluepy import sensortag
File "/home/pi/Development/02.SensorTag/bluepy/bluepy/", line 3, in <module>
from . import sensortag
File "/home/pi/Development/02.SensorTag/bluepy/bluepy/", line 1, in <module>
from bluepy.btle import UUID, Peripheral, DefaultDelegate, AssignedNumbers
ImportError: No module named 'bluepy.btle'
I've tried to add a new path but it didin't work. If I move the program to the first folder bluepy and change the import to "from bluepy import sensortag" it works, but I'll need to import other libs so I don't want to let it in bluepy folder.
I am trying to run this code:
Thanks and best regards,
Because is in the same directory as, add a . in front of the import
from .btle import UUID, Peripheral, DefaultDelegate, AssignedNumbers
This is known as a relative import:
As both and are in the same directory so by looking at your error I am assuming that you tried to import it from previous directory. So place from .btle import UUID in should solve the issue.
You should create two file.

import ansible.module_utils in as part of inventory module

Importing UTILS classes into Inventory - can it be done?
I have created a custom LDAP data importer as part of creating my inventory class. The LDAP schema we have wasn't similar enough to the LDAP plugin provided in samples.
My class is called ldapDataModule; the class is in:
My "$HOME/.ansible.cfg" file has the following:
module_utils = /home/agt/ansible/agt_module_utils
When running my Ansible inventory module, I get the following output:
ansible ecomtest37 -m ping
ERROR! Attempted to execute "/sites/utils/local/ansible/hosts" as
inventory script: Inventory script (/sites/utils/local/ansible/hosts) had
an execution error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/sites/utils/local/ansible/hosts", line 22, in
from ansible.module_utils import ldapDataModule
ImportError: No module named module.utils
The include statement inside hosts appears like this:
import copy
import ldap
import re
import sys
import operator
import os
import argparse
import datetime
import os.path
import json
import simplejson as json
from ansible.module_utils import ldapDataModule
class agtInventory(object):
I was able to do the following as a "work around". I'd still like to hear from Ansible guru's on proper use of "module_utils" variable from ansible.cfg
sys.path.insert(0, '/home/agt/ansible/agt_module_utils')
from ldapDataModule import ldapDataModule

Python importing module when calling the script by another script

I have the following python structure
directory structure
In I use the following imports and everything works fine when I run this script (all the modules are imported properly)
import sys, os
parentPath = os.path.abspath("..")
if parentPath not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, parentPath)
import common_test_functions as cts
from functions import login_logout_functions as llf
But when this script ( is called by this error occurs:
No module named 'common_test_functions'
Actually I have contrived a solution to my own problem:
import sys, os
from selenium import webdriver
# adding path to common_test_functions to the sys.path
# so this module could be invoked
parentPath = os.path.abspath("..\\..")
if parentPath not in sys.path:
from functions import login_logout_functions as llf
from tests import common_test_functions as cts
Also there is a file, that holds necessary for the script parameters. Here is the code to have this file path in both cases (running this script by itself or calling it by another script):
parameters_directory_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
parameters_file_name = "login_logout_test_parameters.tsv"
parameters_file_path = os.path.join(parameters_file_path, parameters_file_name)
If someone has a better one, please post it.
Thank you in advance.

ImportError: cannot import name SlotMap

I am encountering an import error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\bartis\Desktop\Python\TEC-KB\SlotMapper.pyw", line 9, in <module>
from SlotMapper import SlotMap
File "C:\Users\bartis\Desktop\Python\TEC-KB\SlotMapper.pyw", line 9, in <module>
from SlotMapper import SlotMap
ImportError: cannot import name 'SlotMap
This should be a straightforward issue, but I can’t seem to find the problem. If I place the file in the same directory as the GUI I am using the import of SlotMap occurs without error. If I move the file to a directory under the current working directory and add - sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'appLib')) I receive the error above. See import statements and modification of PYTHONPATH below. I know the PYTHONPATH has been modified after I checked it from the debugger. I also know since there are other files under appLib required for the GUI to operate. Finally, I have checked all of the imported files for a circular reference and find none… So stuck. Any suggestions welcome
import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'appLib', 'KB-GUI'))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'appLib'))
from tkinter import *
from SlotMapper import SlotMap
from ShelfTypeSelection import ShelfTypeSelector
from PackTypeSelection import PackTypeSlotMappingSelector
from EntryWidgets import EntryBase, ShelfSlotEntry
The reason this is not working is because your file is named SlotMapper.pyw. The line
from SlotMapper import SlotMap
is trying to import SlotMap from your current file, hence the error. Try renaming your file to slotmapper_test.pyw or something like that, and everything should work as expected. You don't want your code files to have the same names as any modules you're trying to import, as the import mechanism will try to find the classes/functions there first, instead of searching your modules first.
