I 'am trying to set a default logo for the company, but nothing changes
I tried this code
class logocompany(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.company'
def _default_company_image(self):
image_path = modules.get_module_resource('auto_product', 'static/src/img', 'autoparts.png')
return tools.image_resize_image_big(base64.b64encode(open(image_path, 'rb').read()))
logo = fields.Binary(default=_default_company_image )
any help well be apprcited
I have three models which are connected with each other.
The first one is an inheriting of product.template (product_template.py) and as you see I have a one2many field which is connected to the second model showed in here.
When I want to access variables from product_template.py with dot notation I can see variable suggestion and I guess it works fine.
class ProductTemplate(models.Model):
_inherit = "product.template"
kestet_ids = fields.One2many('kestet.lines', 'product_template_id', string="Kestet", store=True)
class OnetoMany(models.Model):
_name = "kestet.lines"
partner_id = fields.Many2one("res.partner")
kestet = fields.Char(string="Emri i Kestit(n)")
vlera = fields.Integer(string="Vlera e Kestit(n)")
data = fields.Date()
sel1 = fields.Selection(
[('kontrate', 'Kontrate'), ('levrim', 'Levrim Kredie'), ('karabina', 'Karabina'), ('hipoteka', 'Hipoteka'),
('Celsat', 'Celsat'), ('Ne Perfundim', 'Ne Perfundim'),
('other', 'Tjeter')], string="Menyra Likujdimit")
pagesa1 = fields.Selection([('Cash', 'Cash'), ('Bank', 'Bank'), ('Klering', 'Klering')], string="Menyra Pageses")
product_template_id = fields.Many2one("product.template")
property_contract_id = fields.Many2one("property.contract")
Now when I try to access it from this other model property_contract.py and do the same thing as above, it doesn't give me variable suggestions and I can not access variable values.
class PropertyContract(models.Model):
_name = "property.contract"
_order = 'start_date'
name = fields.Char("Contract Number")
kestet2_ids = fields.Many2one('kestet.lines')
I also tried:
installment_id = fields.Many2one("product.templates")
installment_relation = fields.One2many(related="installment_id.kestet_ids")
It failed giving me results. I tried also the above code but didn't work...
What am I doing wrong here?
This is the on change function of one of my models in my odoo14 module:
#api.onchange('staende', 'name', 'length', 'height')
def change(self):
print("\033[92m +++ DEBUG#ONCHANGE +++")
print("\033[93m", end="")
weirdly enough, the method only gets called when I change the name of the model but not when I change the length or height nor the staende attribute
this is what the model looks like:
class Halle(models.Model):
_name = 'rectanglemaps.halle'
_inherit = 'mail.thread'
_description = 'desc'
active = fields.Boolean('Active', default=True)
name = fields.Char(string="Name", required=True)
length = fields.Float(string="Länge", required=True)
height = fields.Float(string="Tiefe", required=True)
measurehalle = fields.Float(string="Rastermaß")
plan = fields.Image(string="Plan")
messe_id = fields.Many2one('rectanglemaps.messe', string="Messe")
staende = fields.One2many('rectanglemaps.stand', 'halle_id', string="Stände")
It appears, it was only a problem with hot module reloading. Restarting odoo with the flag -u MODULENAME solved the problem.
After several hours and differente approaches, can't reach to get what I need.
I'm developing a module to configure different kind of properties in a product.category, once a product is assigned a categ_id, I copy all the properties of this category to this product, for the user to assign the value of everyone.
Is pretty simple, model product.category.properties
class ProductCategoryProperties(models.Model):
_name = 'product.category.properties'
_order = "category_id, name"
VALUE_TYPES = [('char', 'Texto corto'), ('text', 'Texto largo'), ('num', 'Número'), ('oper', 'Operación'), ('list', 'Lista')]
OPERATION_TYPES = [('sum','Suma'),('sub','Resta'),('mul','Multiplicación'),('div','División')]
category_id = fields.Many2one('product.category', string='Categoría', required=True, ondelete='cascade', index=True, copy=False)
name = fields.Char(string='Nombre', translate=True, required=True)
description = fields.Text(string='Descripción', translate=True)
value_type = fields.Selection(selection=VALUE_TYPES, default='char', string='Tipo valor', size=64, help='Tipo de valor de la propiedad', required=True)
value_min = fields.Float(string="Mínimo", help="Valor mínimo permitido")
value_max = fields.Float(string="Máximo", help="Valor máximo permitido")
operation_type = fields.Selection(selection=OPERATION_TYPES, default='sum', string='Tipo operación', size=64, help='Tipo de operación de la propiedad')
operation_field1 = fields.Many2one('product.category.properties', string='Campo 1', ondelete='cascade')
operation_field2 = fields.Many2one('product.category.properties', string='Campo 2', ondelete='cascade')
model_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model', string="Lista", ondelete='cascade')
Model product.properties (properties copied from product.category.properties when product.categ_id is filled.
class ProductProperties(models.Model):
_name = 'product.properties'
_order = "product_id, product_category_property_id"
product_id = fields.Many2one('product.template', string='Producto', required=True, ondelete='cascade', index=True, copy=False)
product_category_property_id = fields.Many2one('product.category.properties', string='Propiedad', required=True, ondelete='cascade', index=True, copy=False)
value = fields.Char(string='Valor')
value_record = fields.Selection(string='Valor registro', selection='get_model_values', size=64)
value_wizard = fields.Integer(string='Valor wizard')
hide_record = fields.Boolean(string='Ocultar', compute='_hide_record', store=True)
def get_model_values(self):
#vals = [('1','Uno'), ('2','Dos')]
vals3 = []
res_partner = self.env['res.partner'].search([])
for i in res_partner: vals3.append([i.id, i.name])
uom_uom = self.env['uom.uom'].search([])
for j in uom_uom: vals3.append([j.id, j.name])
return vals3
As you can see that's easy, there are other functions to validate that values are between Min and Max values, and to calculate operations, for example Superficie (50) = Ancho (5) * Largo (10).
The problem comes when I need field "Valor" of "Lista" to display model records depending on the model chosen ("Lista".model_id), in this case Contacto (res.partner) but could be anyone.
I have tried with:
- different field types (value, value_record, value_wizard)
- tried some function like "def get_model_values", but needs to have the model hardcoded and doesn't really work to show different model records, for example res.partner for one record (Lista) and other model for other record (Lista2)
- heard about displaying a wizard to show records of a different model every time and return the id or other field of the selected record, but don't know how
- heard about using javascript/jquery to replace values directly on front, but don't know how
I have seen too that mail.message has a res_id integer field, that stores id of different record models. Model could be solved this way, but the problem is that I need to display record lists for the user to choose.
Anyone that could help would be appreciated.
I trying to adapt the module https://www.odoo.com/apps/modules/9.0/website_sale_product_brand/ to have a select box on the shop page, and filter by brand and category, and not to have to go to a diferent page and select the brand.
In that module they update context with the brand_id so the sale_product_domain function could append to the domain. In the module, it filter it as a charm, but in my code not....
Any guest?
When I debug self.env.context in the sale_product_domain function not brand if append, but in the website_sale_product_brand yes, with the exactly same code
class WebsiteSale(website_sale):
def shop(self, page=0, category=None, search='', brand=None, **post):
# Update context to modify sale_product_domain function from website model
if brand:
context = dict(request.env.context)
context.setdefault('brand', int(brand))
request.env.context = context
result = super(WebsiteSale, self).shop(page=page, category=category,
brand=brand, search=search,
#append brand to keep so links mantain brand filter
keep = QueryURL('/shop',
category=category and int(category),
#attrib=attrib_list TODO
#Update result
result.qcontext['keep'] = keep
result.qcontext['brands'] = http.request.env['product.brand'].search([]) #use to populate template select box
result.qcontext['sel_brand_id'] = brand #use to select the selected brand on brand select box
return result
class WebSite(models.Model):
_inherit = 'website'
def sale_product_domain(self):
domain = super(WebSite, self).sale_product_domain()
print self.env.context
if 'brand' in self.env.context:
('product_brand_id', '=', self.env.context['brand']))
return domain
ctx = dict (request.context)
ctx.update ({'bin_size': True})
request.context = ctx
That's it!
I have following class definition in mongoengine orm:
import mongoengine as me
class Description(me.Document):
user = me.ReferenceField(User, required=True)
name = me.StringField(required=True, max_length=50)
caption = me.StringField(required=True, max_length=80)
description = me.StringField(required=True, max_length=100)
image = me.ImageField()
in my post method of my tornado web requesthandler:
from PIL import Image
def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
merchant = self._merchant
data = self._data
obj_data = {}
if merchant:
params = self.serialize() # I am getting params dict. NO Issues with this.
obj_data['name'] = params.get('title', None)
obj_data['description'] = params.get('description', None)
path = params.get('file_path', None)
image = Image.open(path)
print image # **
obj_data['image'] = image # this is also working fine.
obj_data['caption'] = params.get('caption', None)
obj_data['user'] = user
des = Description(**obj_data)
print obj_data['image'] # **
print des.image # This is printing as <ImageGridFsProxy: None>
** print obj_data['image'] and print image are printing following:
<PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile image mode=1 size=290x290 at 0x7F83AE0E91B8>
des.image still remains None.
Please suggest me what is wrong here.
Thanks in advance to all.
You can not just put PIL objects into a field with obj.image = image that way. You must do:
des = Description()
des.image.put(open(params.get('file_path', None)))
In other words, ImageField should be filled with file object after creating an instance by calling put method.