How to exit the process if any job will fail in python? - python

I am running jobs in a parallel manner based on sequence number. I am taking the status of every job like - success or Failed. Then after getting the status of every job i am sending mail with status of every job.
But mail is generating after finishing of whole process. But i want if any job will fail the process will stop there and mail will generate.
Can you please help me how to do this?
Code i am running:
df_mail_final = pd.DataFrame()
df_mail_final1 = pd.DataFrame()
'''Getting the status of every job'''
for m_job in df_main4.master_job.unique():
list_df = []
dict_mail = OrderedDict()
temp_df1 = df_main4[df_main4['master_job'] == m_job].copy()
temp_df1['duration'] = pd.to_datetime(temp_df1['end_time'].unique()[-1]) - pd.to_datetime(temp_df1['start_time'].unique()[0])
temp_df1['duration'] = temp_df1['duration'].replace('0 days' ,'')
status_list = temp_df1.status.unique()
if(0 in status_list):
dict_mail['Master Job Name'] = m_job
idx = temp_df1['status'] == 0
dict_mail['Execution_Seq'] = temp_df1.loc[idx]["exec_seq"].unique()[0]
dict_mail['Start_time'] = temp_df1.loc[idx]["start_time"].unique()[0]
dict_mail['End_time'] = temp_df1.loc[idx]["end_time"].unique()[-1]
dict_mail['Status'] = 'Failed'
dict_mail['Duration'] = temp_df1.loc[idx]["duration"].unique()[-1]
dict_mail['Reason'] = temp_df1.loc[idx]["error_msg"].unique()[0]
dict_mail['Function_Name'] = temp_df1.loc[idx]["error_func"].unique()[0]
df_mail = pd.DataFrame(list_df)
if(0 not in status_list):
dict_mail['Master Job Name'] = m_job
dict_mail['Execution_Seq'] = temp_df1.exec_seq.unique()[0]
dict_mail['Start_time'] = temp_df1.start_time.unique()[0]
dict_mail['End_time'] = temp_df1.end_time.unique()[-1]
dict_mail['Status'] = 'Success'
dict_mail['Duration'] = temp_df1.duration.unique()[-1]
dict_mail['Reason'] = ''
dict_mail['Function_Name'] = ''
df_mail = pd.DataFrame(list_df)
df_mail_final = pd.concat([df_mail_final,df_mail], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
#if(df_mail_final['Status'].iloc[-1] == 'Failed'):
'''Printing the Final Dataframe with status of all the jobs'''
df_mail_final = df_mail_final[['Master Job Name', 'Execution_Seq', 'Start_time', 'End_time', 'Status', 'Duration', 'Reason', 'Function_Name']]
exec_end_dt ="%H:%M:%S")
#total_duration = pd.to_datetime(exec_end_dt) - pd.to_datetime(exec_start_dt)
total_duration= pd.to_datetime(df_mail_final['End_time']).max() - pd.to_datetime(df_mail_final['Start_time']).min()
total_duration = str(total_duration)
total_duration = total_duration.replace('0 days', '')
send_mail(df_mail_final, LOG_FILE, total_duration)

Sharing a gist/system design logic of how to implement this job
def my_parallel_job(*args, **kwargs):
# do your stuff here
def parallel_job_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
my_parallel_job(*args, **kwargs)
# if errors following will not run
return "success"
# if errors comes
return "fail"
def main(*args, **kwargs):
# call you parallel jobs from here
p1 = parallel_job_wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
# preferably you are using something like python's multithreading pool methods
In the above code, the second function is to act as a cushion, in case of any failure of the first function. This ensures that your main does not stop even when any parallel job fails.


Kivy - Schedule Something for the future

I'm trying to write an app that you can input tasks. When you input these tasks, you give a time too, for example 10:30 AM. When that time comes, you get alerted of the task. I figured out the alerting part, but I just don't know how to call a function at some point in the future without interrupting the rest of the code while its running. Kivy's built in clock function seems to small scale for something like this.
What I tried to do that interrupted the rest of the code:
def submit_button(self):
#account id and auth token omitted
account_id = ""
auth_token = ""
client = Client(account_id, auth_token)
self.name_in_q = self.ids.the_name.text
self.time = f'{self.ids.time_spinner_1.text}:{self.ids.time_spinner_2.text} {self.ids.time_spinner_3.text}'
waiting_for_task = True
while waiting_for_task:
tz_hous = pytz.timezone('America/Chicago')
datetime_houston =
ds = datetime_houston.strftime("%H:%M")
t = time.strptime(ds, "%H:%M")
ds = time.strftime("%I:%M %p", t)
if(ds == self.time):
body = f"Complete your task: {self.name_in_q} for {self.time}",
# phone numbers omitted
from_ = "+",
to = "+"

How do I distribute tasks to multiple celery workers in parallel?

It seems every celery questions are like 5 years to 10 years old and
utilizing old celery versions and design patterns
Using celery version 5.0.5
I have a celery task that queries the database and then performs some computations/calculations on each row of the rows returned by query
Issue is this task is taking several minutes to complete because of the thousands of rows returned from query so i am trying to distribute to multiple celery workers in parallel
def send_sms(to, body):
from import Client
account_sid = os.environ["ACCOUNT_SID"]
auth_token = os.environ["AUTH_TOKEN"]
from_ = os.environ["NUMBER"]
client = Client(
message = client.messages.create(
def notify_users():
session = create_session()
query = session.query(Rentals).filter(Rentals.enabled == True)
today =
for q in query:
if q.returned_date is not None:
if (today - q.returned_date).total_seconds() < q.rental_period:
user = session.query(Users).filter( == q.user_id).one()
to = send_notification_get_to.get(q.notification_method)(user)
body = f"sending email to {}"
send_sms.delay(to, body)
What will be the best way to distribute these tasks to multiple workers as opposed to letting one worker run it for several minutes which gets slower exponentially as the number of rows returned increase from a few thousands to tens of thousands
I had the same use case earlier, what I did was
I paginated the query (broke the records into smaller chunks) and each page was processed by a celery worker
You can also try using different worker pools like gevent, eventlet pools for better performance.
the code would look like this.
def send_sms(to, body):
from import Client
account_sid = os.environ["ACCOUNT_SID"]
auth_token = os.environ["AUTH_TOKEN"]
from_ = os.environ["NUMBER"]
client = Client(
message = client.messages.create(
def notify_range_of_users(num_chunks, skip):
session = create_session()
today =
query = session.query(Rentals).filter(Rentals.enabled == True)
paginated_query = query.limit(num_chunks).offset(skip * num_chunks)
for q in paginated_query:
if q.returned_date is not None:
if (today - q.returned_date).total_seconds() < q.rental_period:
user = session.query(Users).filter( == q.user_id).one()
to = send_notification_get_to.get(q.notification_method)(user)
body = f"sending email to {}"
send_sms.delay(to, body)
def notify_users():
session = create_session()
today =
query = session.query(Rentals).filter(Rentals.enabled == True)
total_rentals = query.count()
# each chunk will contain, 100 rows/objects
num_chunks = 100
# find total number of chunks
quo, remainder = divmod(total_rentals, num_chunks)
# each job will contain a certain number of chunks
jobs = quo
if remainder:
jobs = jobs + 1
skip = 0
for i in range(jobs):
notify_range_of_users.delay(num_chunks, skip)
# increment skip to go the next page
skip = skip + 1

Python access the Login directly without using With Function as Key :

Here is the complete code where i am trying to use ForexConnect().get_history(.... instead of fx.get_history( and i do not want this line of code "with ForexConnect() as fx:" how to achieve this ,the last section of code given produces excpetion issues .
Why i do not want to use "with ForexConnect() as fx:" The reason is once the session "with ForexConnect() as fx:" the function is logged out .My idea is to be in the session after once logged in .So i do not want to try this with "with ForexConnect() as fx:"
import argparse
import pandas as pd
from forexconnect import ForexConnect, fxcorepy
import common_samples
parser = False
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process command parameters.')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def main():
if parser == False :
#args = parse_args()
str_user_id = 'Dxxxx'
str_password = 'xxxxx'
str_url = ""
str_connection = 'Demo'
str_session_id = 'None'
str_pin = 'None'
str_instrument = 'USOil'
str_timeframe = 'W1'
quotes_count = 5
date_from = None
date_to = None
else :
args = parse_args()
str_user_id = args.l
str_password = args.p
str_url = args.u
str_connection = args.c
str_session_id = args.session
str_pin =
str_instrument = args.i
str_timeframe = args.timeframe
quotes_count = args.quotescount
date_from = args.datefrom
date_to = args.dateto
with ForexConnect() as fx:
fx.login(str_user_id, str_password, str_url,
str_connection, str_session_id, str_pin,
print("Requesting a price history...")
history = fx.get_history(str_instrument, str_timeframe, date_from, date_to, quotes_count)
current_unit, _ = ForexConnect.parse_timeframe(str_timeframe)
date_format = '%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S'
print("print history ",history)
df = pd.DataFrame(history, columns=['Date', 'BidOpen', 'BidHigh','BidLow', 'BidClose', 'AskOpen', 'AskHigh', 'AskLow', 'AskClose', 'Volume'])
if current_unit == fxcorepy.O2GTimeFrameUnit.TICK:
print("Date, Bid, Ask")
for row in history:
print("{0:s}, {1:,.5f}, {2:,.5f}".format(
pd.to_datetime(str(row['Date'])).strftime(date_format), row['Bid'], row['Ask']))
print("Date, BidOpen, BidHigh, BidLow, BidClose, Volume")
for row in history:
print("{0:s}, {1:,.5f}, {2:,.5f}, {3:,.5f}, {4:,.5f}, {5:d}".format(
pd.to_datetime(str(row['Date'])).strftime(date_format), row['BidOpen'], row['BidHigh'],
row['BidLow'], row['BidClose'], row['Volume']))
except Exception as e:
except Exception as e:
if __name__ == "__main__":
input("Done! Press enter key to exit\n")
Here i want to login once and be in the logged in session forever.
With the below function this is working fine .But here the problem is once the With section is over the session is disconnected.
with ForexConnect() as fx:
fx.login(str_user_id, str_password, str_url,
str_connection, str_session_id, str_pin,
history = fx.get_history(str_instrument, str_timeframe, date_from, date_to, quotes_count)
current_unit, _ = ForexConnect.parse_timeframe(str_timeframe)
To stay in the session tried the below code without using the "With" and as :
Here the login is successful but could not get the data in history = ForexConnect().get_history
Error Code :
ForexConnect().login(str_user_id, str_password, str_url,
str_connection, str_session_id, str_pin,
**history = ForexConnect().get_history(str_instrument, str_timeframe, date_from, date_to, quotes_count)**
How to make it the ** ** code work without any exception error without using With --- as : keyworkds.
what is the alternative for this with and as : why when i try to access as history = ForexConnect().get_history ( ... it is giving error how to overcome this issue.

Flask Application gets blocked on multithreading

I am trying to use the threading and storing the result on a threads using a single session. And this is working fine most of the time except a few scenarios where my whole application gets, and I am not able to figure out the reason for that.
My application is getting blocked on in __filter_notifications_by_status_and_request_type method. is saving the data in to the DB.
I am not able to figure out is this a DB issue or a threading or locking issue.
I am using the flask app, which I am hitting using passenger_wsgi via apache. After my application gets blocked, my server stop taking the further request.
DB python library used = SqlAlchemy
class Inference:
# #brief initializer of the Inference Handler
# #param kwargs keywords Arguments
# #return None
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
""" Calling the inference from here and get the result """
self.iris_request = kwargs['IRISRequest']
self.racerx_inference_config = Config.get_racerx_inference_config()
self.thread_lock = threading.Lock()
# #brief Call the Infernce
# #return Inference Object
def get_inference_object(self):"get_inference_object is called")
inference_map = {}
inference_map['inference'] = {}
if self.iris_request.system == "athena":
url_to_notification_map = Config.get_url_to_notification_map()
for notification_id, urls in url_to_notification_map.iteritems():
inference_map['inference'][notification_id] = any(url in string.lower(self.iris_request.url) for url in urls)
title_to_notification_map = Config.get_title_to_notification_map()
if self.iris_request.context.has_key('title') :
for notification_id, titles in title_to_notification_map.iteritems():
if not inference_map['inference'].has_key(notification_id) or inference_map['inference'][notification_id] == False:
inference_map['inference'][notification_id] = any(title in string.lower(self.iris_request.context['title']) for title in titles)
return inference_map
# #brief
# #return the list of the notification required from the reference
def get_notification_name_list(self):
inference_object = self.get_inference_object()
return [y for y in inference_object['inference'] if inference_object['inference'][y] == True]
# #brief collect notifications from the various sources
# #return notification objects
def get_notifications(self):
if(len(self.iris_request.notification_name_list) > 0):
self.notification_name_list = self.iris_request.notification_name_list # List of Notifciation List is provided by the client
self.notification_name_list = self.get_notification_name_list() # Get Notification Name List from the Inference
string_translations = {}
for notification_name in self.notification_name_list:
config = Config.get_config(notification_name)
nt = {}
nt['message'] = self.__get_message_from_template(config.message_map)
nt['subject'] = self.__get_message_from_template(config.subject_map)
nt['short_message'] = self.__get_message_from_template(config.short_message_map)
nt['impact_summary'] = self.__get_message_from_template(config.impact_summary_map)
action_string_map = {}
for h in config.action_summary_map:
if h.has_key('string_id'):
action_string_map[h['string_id']] = self.__get_message_from_template(h)
nt['action_summary_list'] = action_string_map
help_strings_map = {}
for h in config.help_content:
if h.has_key('string_id'):
help_strings_map[h['string_id']] = self.__get_message_from_template(h)
nt['help_content_strings'] = help_strings_map
string_translations[notification_name] = nt
notifications_map = {}"starting the thread pool for getting the notifications data")
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor:
future_to_notification_name = dict((executor.submit(self.fetch_notifications_by_notification_name, notification_name, string_translations), notification_name)
for notification_name in self.notification_name_list)"end of threadpool")"start processing the data produced by the thread pool")
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_notification_name):
notification_name = future_to_notification_name[future]
if future.exception() is not None:
raise Exception("Error occured while fetching the data for notification: "+notification_name+", error: "+str(future.exception()))
if len(future.result()) > 0:
notifications_map[notification_name] = future.result()"end processing the data produced by the thread pool")
self.iris_request.session.commit()"Commited the DB session for the notifications")
return notifications_map
# #brief This function collect the notifications for the specified notification type, by making object model call
# #input notification_name : Type of the notification to be fetched
# #input string_translations : List of string translations
# #input notification_map : Map of notifications, collected notifications will be pushed to this map
def fetch_notifications_by_notification_name (self, notification_name, string_translations):"fetch_notifications_by_notification_name is called")
object_model = ObjectModel(IRISRequest = self.iris_request, NotificationName = notification_name, StringMap = string_translations[notification_name])
notifications = object_model.get_iris_notification_objects()
filtered_notifications = self.__filter_notifications_by_status_and_request_type(notifications)
if len(filtered_notifications) > 0:
return filtered_notifications
return []
# #brief This function filter the notification based on status, i.e. of notification is expired, snoozed or dismissed
# and also based on request type
# #input notifications: List of notifications
# #return Filtered notification list
def __filter_notifications_by_status_and_request_type(self, notifications):"__filter_notifications_by_status_and_request_type is called")
filtered_notifications = []
for notification in notifications:
keep_notification = True
# Extracting read status of notifications and storing new notifications"Acquiring the lock on thread, to save the data into DB")
self.thread_lock.release()"Releasing the lock after saving the data into DB")
# Filtering inactive notifications, i.e dismissed notifications
if notification.is_active == False:
keep_notification = False
# Filtering expired notifications, if validity = -1 then notification will never expire
if notification.validity != -1 and ( - notification.creation_date).days > notification.validity:
keep_notification = False
# Filtering out the snoozed notifications
if notification.snooze_date != None and ( - notification.snooze_date).days <= notification.snooze_duration:
keep_notification = False
# Filtering out unread notification when request type is FETCH_READ
if self.iris_request.notifcation_fetch_type == Constants.FETCH_TYPE_READ and notification.is_read == False:
keep_notification = False
# Filtering out read notification when request type is FETCH_UNREAD
if self.iris_request.notifcation_fetch_type == Constants.FETCH_TYPE_UNREAD and notification.is_read == True:
keep_notification = False
if keep_notification == True:
return filtered_notifications
I was using the lock in given manner
when is throwing an exception, then system will unable to release the thread.
it could be easily fixed by proper error handling.
except Exception as e:
log.error("unable to store info in DB")

Google App Engine: Using cron to expire (or 'unpublish') entities

I would like to mimic the 'published/unpublished' functionality of common CMS platforms like Wordpress or Drupal.
So I have this Job(ndb.Model):
class Job(ndb.Model):
title = ndb.StringProperty()
published = ndb.StringProperty(default = "on")
created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add = True)
expire = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
The NewJob handler looks like this:
class NewJob(JobHandler):
def get(self):
def post(self):
title = self.request.get('title')
published = "on"
expire = + datetime.timedelta(days = 30)
if title:
j = Job(
title = title,
published = published,
expire = expire,
created = created)
self.redirect('/job/%s' % str(
And the saved entity looks something like this:
Job(key=Key('Job', 5910974510923776), created=datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 17, 19, 0, 52, 12379), expire=datetime.datetime(2014, 2, 17, 19, 1, 52, 12174), published=u'on', title=u'Sous Chef')
What I am aiming to do is to set all Job entities to 'publish == "off"' when the their expire time is today (now)
So I've set up a task in the cron.yaml
- description: expire job entities after 30 days
url: /cron/job-expire
schedule: every day 00:00
...and the /cron/job-expire url is handled by:
class CronJobExpire(BaseHandler):
def get(self):
jobs = Job.query(Job.published == "on").fetch()
now =
for job in jobs:
if job.expire < now or job.expire == now:
job.published = "off"
The aim of the CronJobExpire handler above is to:
Check through the list of Job entities which are currently published == "on", then
check if their expire dates are 'now' or '< now', and if this is True, set published == "off".
This doesn't work. I am following the documentation. Any help would be appreciated - thank you.
You need to save the jobs that you changed:
class CronJobExpire(BaseHandler):
def get(self):
jobs = Job.query(Job.published == "on").fetch()
now =
for job in jobs:
if job.expire <= now:
job.published = "off"
Also, I suggest fetching only the expired jobs:
now =
jobs = Job.query(Job.published == "on", Job.expire <= now).fetch()
for job in jobs:
job.published = "off"
Or, to reduce API calls and therefore improve speed:
now =
jobs = Job.query(Job.published == "on", Job.expire <= now).fetch()
for job in jobs:
job.published = "off"
Lastly, consider making Job.published a boolean:
published = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=True)
