X and Y are both 3d arrays with dimensions (a,b,c). My goal is to do a dot product.
Consider that case where index i and j are scalar, and (X[i,:,j].T).dot(Y[i,:,j]) would be simple and return a scalar.
However, if I try to do vectorization, i and j become 1d arrays, and (X[i,:,j].T).dot(Y[i,:,j]) return a matrix but I am expecting a 1d array as result. How do I get around this problem ?
Naive implementation using list comprehension:
a,b,c = X.shape
r1 = [(X[i,:,j].T).dot(Y[i,:,j]) for i in range(a) for j in range(c)]
Implementation using np.einsum:
r2 = np.einsum('ijk,ijk->ik', X,Y).flatten()
I'm currently trying to fill a matrix K where each entry in the matrix is just a function applied to two entries of an array x.
At the moment I'm using the most obvious method of running through rows and columns one at a time using a double for-loop:
K = np.zeros((x.shape[0],x.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(x.shape[0]):
for j in range(x.shape[0]):
K[i,j] = f(x[i],x[j])
While this works fine the resulting matrix is a 10,000 by 10,000 matrix and takes very long to calculate. I was wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this built into NumPy?
EDIT: The function in question here is a gaussian kernel:
def gaussian(a,b,sigma):
vec = a-b
return np.exp(- np.dot(vec,vec)/(2*sigma**2))
where I set sigma in advance before calculating the matrix.
The array x is an array of shape (10000, 8). So the scalar product in the gaussian is between two vectors of dimension 8.
You can use a single for loop together with broadcasting. This requires to change the implementation of the gaussian function to accept 2D inputs:
def gaussian(a,b,sigma):
vec = a-b
return np.exp(- np.sum(vec**2, axis=-1)/(2*sigma**2))
K = np.zeros((x.shape[0],x.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(x.shape[0]):
K[i] = gaussian(x[i:i+1], x)
Theoretically you could accomplish this even without any for loop, again by using broadcasting, but here an intermediary array of size len(x)**2 * x.shape[1] will be created which might run out of memory for your array sizes:
K = gaussian(x[None, :, :], x[:, None, :])
Say I have one 2d numpy array X with shape (3,3) and one numpy array Y with shape (3,) where
X = np.array([[0,1,2],
Y = np.array([[1,0,1]])
How can I create a numpy array, Z for example, from multiplying X,Y element-wise and then summation row-wise?
multiplying element-wise would yield: 0,0,2, 3,0,5, 1,0,2
then, adding each row would yield:
Z = np.array([2,8,3])
I have tried variations of
Z = np.sum(X * Y) --> adds all elements of entire array, not row-wise.
I know I can use a forloop but the dataset is very large and so I am trying to find a more efficient numpy-specific way to perform the operation. Is this possible?
You can do the following:
sum_row = np.sum(X*Y, axis=1) # axis=0 for columnwise
What is the most efficient way to compute a sparse boolean matrix I from one or two arrays a,b, with I[i,j]==True where a[i]==b[j]? The following is fast but memory-inefficient:
I = a[:,None]==b
The following is slow and still memory-inefficient during creation:
I = csr((a[:,None]==b),shape=(len(a),len(b)))
The following gives at least the rows,cols for better csr_matrix initialization, but it still creates the full dense matrix and is equally slow:
z = np.argwhere((a[:,None]==b))
Any ideas?
One way to do it would be to first identify all different elements that a and b have in common using sets. This should work well if there are not very many different possibilities for the values in a and b. One then would only have to loop over the different values (below in variable values) and use np.argwhere to identify the indices in a and b where these values occur. The 2D indices of the sparse matrix can then be constructed using np.repeat and np.tile:
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
a = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(400,))
b = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(300,))
## matrix generation after OP
I1 = sparse.csr_matrix((a[:,None]==b),shape=(len(a),len(b)))
##identifying all values that occur both in a and b:
values = set(np.unique(a)) & set(np.unique(b))
##here we collect the indices in a and b where the respective values are the same:
rows, cols = [], []
##looping over the common values, finding their indices in a and b, and
##generating the 2D indices of the sparse matrix with np.repeat and np.tile
for value in values:
x = np.argwhere(a==value).ravel()
y = np.argwhere(b==value).ravel()
rows.append(np.repeat(x, len(x)))
cols.append(np.tile(y, len(y)))
##concatenating the indices for different values and generating a 1D vector
##of True values for final matrix generation
rows = np.hstack(rows)
cols = np.hstack(cols)
data = np.ones(len(rows),dtype=bool)
##generating sparse matrix
I3 = sparse.csr_matrix( (data,(rows,cols)), shape=(len(a),len(b)) )
##checking that the matrix was generated correctly:
print((I1 != I3).nnz==0)
The syntax for generating the csr matrix is taken from the documentation. The test for sparse matrix equality is taken from this post.
Old Answer:
I don't know about performance, but at least you can avoid constructing the full dense matrix by using a simple generator expression. Here some code that uses two 1d arras of random integers to first generate the sparse matrix the way that the OP posted and then uses a generator expression to test all elements for equality:
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
a = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(400,))
b = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(300,))
## matrix generation after OP
I1 = sparse.csr_matrix((a[:,None]==b),shape=(len(a),len(b)))
## matrix generation using generator
data, rows, cols = zip(
*((True, i, j) for i,A in enumerate(a) for j,B in enumerate(b) if A==B)
I2 = sparse.csr_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=(len(a), len(b)))
##testing that matrices are equal
## from https://stackoverflow.com/a/30685839/2454357
print((I1 != I2).nnz==0) ## --> True
I think there is no way around the double loop and ideally this would be pushed into numpy, but at least with the generator the loops are somewhat optimised ...
You could use numpy.isclose with small tolerance:
Or pandas.DataFrame.eq:
Note this returns an array of True False.
I've got some numpy 2d arrays:
x, of shape(N,T)
W, of shape(V,D)
they are described as the following:
"Minibatches of size N where each sequence has length T. We assume a vocabulary of V words, assigning each to a vector of dimension D."(This is a question from cs231 A3.)
I want an output array of shape(N, T, D), where i can match the N elements to the desired vectors.
First I came out with the solution using a loop to run through all the elements in the first row of x:
for n in range(N):
out[n, :, :] = W[x[n, :]]
Then I go on to experiment with the second solution:
out = W[x]
Both solutions gave me the right answer, but why does the second solution work? Why can I index a 3d array in a 2d array?
Consider the following simple example:
X = numpy.zeros([10, 4]) # 2D array
x = numpy.arange(0,10) # 1D array
X[:,0] = x # WORKS
X[:,0:1] = x # returns ERROR:
# ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (10) into shape (10,1)
X[:,0:1] = (x.reshape(-1, 1)) # WORKS
Can someone explain why numpy has vectors of shape (N,) rather than (N,1) ?
What is the best way to do the casting from 1D array into 2D array?
Why do I need this?
Because I have a code which inserts result x into a 2D array X and the size of x changes from time to time so I have X[:, idx1:idx2] = x which works if x is 2D too but not if x is 1D.
Do you really need to be able to handle both 1D and 2D inputs with the same function? If you know the input is going to be 1D, use
X[:, i] = x
If you know the input is going to be 2D, use
X[:, start:end] = x
If you don't know the input dimensions, I recommend switching between one line or the other with an if, though there might be some indexing trick I'm not aware of that would handle both identically.
Your x has shape (N,) rather than shape (N, 1) (or (1, N)) because numpy isn't built for just matrix math. ndarrays are n-dimensional; they support efficient, consistent vectorized operations for any non-negative number of dimensions (including 0). While this may occasionally make matrix operations a bit less concise (especially in the case of dot for matrix multiplication), it produces more generally applicable code for when your data is naturally 1-dimensional or 3-, 4-, or n-dimensional.
I think you have the answer already included in your question. Numpy allows the arrays be of any dimensionality (while afaik Matlab prefers two dimensions where possible), so you need to be correct with this (and always distinguish between (n,) and (n,1)). By giving one number as one of the indices (like 0 in 3rd row), you reduce the dimensionality by one. By giving a range as one of the indices (like 0:1 in 4th row), you don't reduce the dimensionality.
Line 3 makes perfect sense for me and I would assign to the 2-D array this way.
Here are two tricks that make the code a little shorter.
X = numpy.zeros([10, 4]) # 2D array
x = numpy.arange(0,10) # 1D array
X.T[:1, :] = x
X[:, 2:3] = x[:, None]