Sum of nodes in a subtree (not binary) - python

I'm currently trying to find the sum of all nodes in a specified subtree. For example if I have a tree
/ \
B(5) C(6)
/ / \
D(3) E(3) F(7)
and I want to know the the sum(C), which should return 17.
This is the code I came up with using recursion, but I can't seem to reach a subtree which has more than 2 levels. E.g. my algorithm doesn't seem to reach G. I'm trying to get better at recursion, but I can't seem to fix this.
def navigate_tree(node,key): #node of the root of subtree, along with its key
children = node.get_children()
if (len(children) ==0):
return node.key
for child in children: #not a binary tree so trying to loop through siblings
key += navigate_tree(child,key) #summing up key recursively
return key

You would be better with an improved interface and being able to lean on the features of collections:
def navigate_tree(node):
children = node.get_children()
key = node.key
for child in children:
key += navigate_tree(child)
return key
# class Node and data A..G elided
The reason why your code appeared not to work, was that you were passing the previous key down to the next level of recursion. However, your code seemed to recurse OK. If you had added some print(node.key) you would have seen that you were visiting all the correct nodes.

You can use recursion with sum:
class Node:
def __init__(self, n, v, c=[]):, self.val, self.children = n, v, c
def get_sum(node):
return node.val+sum(map(get_sum, node.children))
tree = Node('A', 5, [Node('B', 5, [Node('D', 3)]), Node('C', 6, [Node('E', 3), Node('F', 7, [Node('G', 1)])])])
However, if you do not have access to the exact node C, you can apply a simple search as part of the recursive function:
def get_sum(t, node):
def inner_sum(d, s=False):
return d.val*(s or == t)+sum(inner_sum(i, s or == t) for i in d.children)
return inner_sum(node)
print(get_sum('C', tree))


Python - Flat list tree implementation: Given child, get parent?

I'm creating a python class for a tree in which each node has a number of children given by "order" (but each child only has one node). I have a method, children(self,i), which returns the children of a node at index i. I need to implement parent(self, i) which will get the parent of a child at index i.
Here's what I have so far:
class Tree:
def __init__(self, order=2, l=[]):
self._tree = l
self._order = order
def children(self, i):
left = self._tree[(i+1)*self._order-1]
right = self._tree[(i+1)*self._order]
return [left, right]
def parent(self, i):
if i>len(self._tree):
return ValueError
elif i==0:
return None
#get parent of node i
An example tree represented by order=2 and list [45, 2, 123, 1, 8, 40, 456] would look like this:
/ \
2 123
/ \ / \
1 8 40 456
I know that there's probably a way I can reverse the method I used for children(self, i) but I'm not sure how.
You would do the inverse operation:
#get parent of node i
return self._tree[(i-1)//self._order]
Note that your implementation is only working for binary trees (you return two children, not n). Correct it like this:
def children(self, i):
return self._tree[(i*self._order+1):((i+1)*self._order+1)]

Function finding the deepest sum of a binary search tree

I'm trying to make a function in python were I don't want to change the BST class at all to do this. The function is to find the sum of the path of the root to the node with the highest depth. If there is multiple nodes that have the same depth I'm looking for the maximum sum of that and return it.
What I got so far (Using a basic BST Class)
class BTNode(object):
def __init__(self, data, left=None, right=None): = data
self.left = left
self.right = right
After trying to make an algorithm to solve this for a while, I came up with a couple above but they were fails and I didn't know how to code it.
I think this would work:
We start from the root. (The base case I think should be whenever we hit a leaf as in when there is no child in a node so no left or right child, and also when there is a left no right, or when there is a right no left)
I check the left subtree first and get the depth of it, we'll call it depth_L as well with the sum. Then I check the right subtree and we will call it depth_R then get the depth of it and its sum.
The second condition would be to check if they are equal, if they are equal then its easy and we just take the max sum of either two depths. Else we would see who has the highest depth and try to get the sum of it.
Now were I don't know how to do is a couple things.
1: I never learned optional parameters so I'm trying to avoid that while trying this exercise but I don't think I can and I'd really appreciate someone could show me some cool helper functions instead.
2: Its not the total sum of the right side or the left side its the path that I need. Its kind of confusing to think of a way to get just the path
(Heres my renewed attempt using the algorithm above):
def deepest_sum(self, bsum = 0, depth = 0):
# The root is in every path so
bsum = bsum +
depth = depth + 1
# Base case whenever we find a leaf
if self.left == None and self.right == None:
result = bsum,depth
elif self.left is not None and self.right is None:
elif self.left is None and self.right is not None:
# Getting the left and right subtree's depth as well as their
# sums, but once we hit a leaf it will stop
# These optional parameters is messing me up
if self.left:
(sums1, depth_L) = self.left.deepest_sum(bsum,depth)
if self.right:
(sums2, depth_R) = self.right.deepest_sum(bsum,depth)
# The parameter to check if they are equal, the highest goes through
if depth_L == depth_R:
result = max(sums1, sums2), depth_R
if depth_L > depth_R:
result = sums1, depth_L
result = sums2, depth_R
return result
Stuck on the parts i mentioned. Heres an example:
>>> BST(8, BST(7, BST(10), BST(11)), BST(6, BST(11), BST(9, None, BST(14)))
37 (depth 3 is the highest so 8 + 6 + 9 + 14 is the path)
Sorry i put BST i just forgot, its a binary Tree not BST.
I know mine gives a tuple but I can always make a helper function to fix that, I just thought it'd be easier keeping track of the nodes.
You could simplify the implementation quite a bit if the function doesn't need to be a method of BTNode. Then you could keep track of the depth & sum, iterate past the leaf and return the current depth and sum. Additionally if you return (depth, sum) tuples you can compare them directly against each other with max:
class BTNode(object):
def __init__(self, data, left=None, right=None): = data
self.left = left
self.right = right
def deepest_sum(node, depth=0, current=0):
# Base case
if not node:
return (depth, current)
depth += 1
current +=
return max(deepest_sum(node.left, depth, current),
deepest_sum(node.right, depth, current))
tree = BTNode(8, BTNode(7, BTNode(10), BTNode(11)), BTNode(6, BTNode(11), BTNode(9, None, BTNode(14))))
(4, 37)

How to implement 'range' with a python BST

My code at the moment allows me to search for a specific node, I would like to edit it so that I can search within a range of numbers. For example, I have a price list of apples, and I would like to add all apples to a list/dictionary that cost between $2-$4 or something like that.
Here is my current code
def valueOf(self, key):
node = self._bstSearch(self._root, key)
assert node is not None, "Invalid map key."
return node.value
def _bstSearch(self, subtree, target):
if subtree is None:
return None
elif target < subtree.key:
return self._bstSearch( subtree.left, target)
elif target > subtree.key:
return self._bstSearch(subtree.right, target)
return subtree
I think I should be editing target to change it from a single item search to a ranged item search but I'm not 100% sure how to
Using recursive in-order traversal:
def range(self, a, b):
return self._traverse_range(self._root, a, b)
def _traverse_range(self, subtree, a, b, cumresult=None):
if subtree is None:
# Cumulative variable.
if cumresult is None:
cumresult = []
# Traverse LEFT subtree if it is possible to find values in required range there.
if subtree.key > a:
self._traverse_range(subtree.left, a, b, cumresult)
# Push VALUE if it is in our range.
if a <= subtree.key <= b: # Change to strict "< b" to act like python's range
# Traverse RIGHT subtree if it is possible to find values in required range there.
if subtree.key < b:
self._traverse_range(subtree.right, a, b, cumresult)
return cumresult

Python recursion - how to exit early

I've been playing with BST (binary search tree) and I'm wondering how to do an early exit. Following is the code I've written to find kth smallest. It recursively calls the child node's find_smallest_at_k, stack is just a list passed into the function to add all the elements in inorder. Currently this solution walks all the nodes inorder and then I have to select the kth item from "stack" outside this function.
def find_smallest_at_k(self, k, stack, i):
if self is None:
return i
if (self.left is not None):
i = self.left.find_smallest_at_k(k, stack, i)
print(stack, i)
i += 1
if i == k:
print(stack[k - 1])
print "Returning"
if (self.right is not None):
i = self.right.find_smallest_at_k(k, stack, i)
return i
It's called like this,
our_stack = []
self.root.find_smallest_at_k(k, our_stack, 0)
return our_stack[k-1]
I'm not sure if it's possible to exit early from that function. If my k is say 1, I don't really have to walk all the nodes then find the first element. It also doesn't feel right to pass list from outside function - feels like passing pointers to a function in C. Could anyone suggest better alternatives than what I've done so far?
Passing list as arguments: Passing the list as argument can be good practice, if you make your function tail-recursive. Otherwise it's pointless. With BST where there are two potential recursive function calls to be done, it's a bit of a tall ask.
Else you can just return the list. I don't see the necessity of variable i. Anyway if you absolutely need to return multiples values, you can always use tuples like this return i, stack and this i, stack = root.find_smallest_at_k(k).
Fast-forwarding: For the fast-forwarding, note the right nodes of a BST parent node are always bigger than the parent. Thus if you descend the tree always on the right children, you'll end up with a growing sequence of values. Thus the first k values of that sequence are necessarily the smallest, so it's pointless to go right k times or more in a sequence.
Even in the middle of you descend you go left at times, it's pointless to go more than k times on the right. The BST properties ensures that if you go right, ALL subsequent numbers below in the hierarchy will be greater than the parent. Thus going right k times or more is useless.
Code: Here is a pseudo-python code quickly made. It's not tested.
def findKSmallest( self, k, rightSteps=0 ):
if rightSteps >= k: #We went right more than k times
return []
leftSmallest = self.left.findKSmallest( k, rightSteps ) if self.left != None else []
rightSmallest = self.right.findKSmallest( k, rightSteps + 1 ) if self.right != None else []
mySmallest = sorted( leftSmallest + [] + rightSmallest )
return mySmallest[:k]
EDIT The other version, following my comment.
def findKSmallest( self, k ):
if k == 0:
return []
leftSmallest = self.left.findKSmallest( k ) if self.left != None else []
rightSmallest = self.right.findKSmallest( k - 1 ) if self.right != None else []
mySmallest = sorted( leftSmallest + [] + rightSmallest )
return mySmallest[:k]
Note that if k==1, this is indeed the search of the smallest element. Any move to the right, will immediately returns [], which contributes to nothing.
As said Lærne, you have to care about turning your function into a tail-recursive one; then you may be interested by using a continuation-passing style. Thus your function could be able to call either itself or the "escape" function. I wrote a module called tco for optimizing tail-calls; see
Hope it can help.
Here is another approach: it doesn't exit recursion early, instead it prevents additional function calls if not needed, which is essentially what you're trying to achieve.
class Node:
def __init__(self, v):
self.v = v
self.left = None
self.right = None
def find_smallest_at_k(root, k):
res = [None]
count = [k]
def helper(root):
if root is None:
count[0] -= 1
if count[0] == 0:
print("found it!")
res[0] = root
if count[0] > 0:
print("visiting right")
return res[0].v
If you want to exit as soon as earlier possible, then use exit(0).
This will make your task easy!

Traversing a non-binary tree

I've made custom class for nodes
class NodeTree(object):
def __init__(self, name = None, children = None): = name
self.children = children
and defined a function that make a tree(a node containing its children nodes)
def create_tree(d):
x = NodeTree()
for a in d.keys():
if type(d[a]) == str: = d[a]
if type(d[a]) == list:
if d[a] != []:
for b in d[a]:
return x
The input is a dict with one argument for the node name and a list with its children in the same form as the parent.
The function work fine and I've made method that prove it but I can't find a way to traverse it right and get the height of the tree. I don't know if "height" it's the right term cause I know it may be ambivalent, I need to count the node as a measure unit, like this:
| |
child child
The height of this tree is 2, I've tried everything, from counters to tag in the class, everything seems to degenerate an I never get the right height.
How should I approach that?
To create a recursive height method for your tree that determines the height of the node (that is, the maximum number of nodes in a path from that node to a leaf):
def height(self):
if not self.children: # base case
return 1
else: # recursive case
return 1 + max(child.height() for child in self.children)
Other tree traversals can also be done recursively. For example, here's a generator method that yields the names of the trees nodes in "pre-order" (that is, with each parent preceding its children and decedents):
def preorder(self):
for child in self.children:
yield from child.preorder() # Python 3.3 only!
The yield from syntax in that loop is new in Python 3.3. You can get the same results in earlier versions with this:
for descendent in child.preorder():
yield descendent
