Looping Over Each Unique Value - python

New to python and any help on this would be very much appreciated.
Ok, here's the scenario:
I have a data set that includes customer name, order number, number of evaporators on that specific order number and number of condensers on that specific order number. My objective is to calculate the percentage of orders that include an evaporator and condenser for each customer.
This is the code I came up with so far. The problem is that I can only specify one customer at a time this way. How do I make this run for each unique customer name?
DEvap = []
DComp = []
Evap_Comp = []
for row in data[1:]:
Customer_Name = row[0]
Sales_order_number = row[1]
Compressor = int(row[2])
Evaporator = int(row[3])
Value = int(row[4])
if Customer_Name == "AIRCOOLER CORPORATION" and Evaporator > 0:
if Customer_Name == "AIRCOOLER CORPORATION" and Evaporator > 0 and Compressor >0:
total_evaporators = sum(DEvap)
total_evap_comp = sum(Evap_Comp)
attachment = total_evap_comp/total_evaporators
Here is a snippet of the data set. It includes a column labeled value which I used to append the empty list with.

So you want to only loop through unique customers. This can be accomplished with the use of a set to store the names of customers you already looped through and a continue statement to skip over the repeat customers.
Something like this
customers = set()
for row in data[1:]:
name = row[0]
orderNo = row[1]
compressor = int(row[2])
evaporator = int(row[3])
value = int(row[4])
if name in customers:
# Check no of Compressors and Evaporators here
# If customers have placed multiple orders, only their first one will be checked here
Edit: In reply to your comment, the only way I could think of doing this without modifying the original data set is to create a new data set with the customers name and total orders.
Something like this
totalOrders= {}
for row in data[1:]:
name = row[0]
compressor = int(row[2])
evaporator = int(row[3])
if name in totalOrders:
totalOrders[name][0] += compressor
totalOrders[name][1] += evaporator
totalOrders[name] = [compressor, evaporator]
This code creates a dictionary keyed by customer name with the value being a list [compressors ordered, evaporators ordered]
Multiple orders by the same customer will only update their existing entry in the dictionary. Then its a simple matter of looping through the dictionary and checking if both list values are > 0.
Edit 2:
Sure there is a way to do that:
totalOrders= {}
for row in data[1:]:
name = row[0]
orderNo = row[1]
compressor = int(row[2])
evaporator = int(row[3])
if name not in totalOrders:
totalOrders[name] = []
totalOrders[name].append([orderNo, compressor, evaporator])
Here you have a dictionary keyed by customer name with values being a list of lists.
I would be careful with multi-layered data structures, however. If they get too complex, it can make your code nigh unreadable and make making minor changes to the code quite difficult. Something like this shouldn't be much of a problem, though.
Edit 3:
In your original question, you stated you wanted to find the percentage of customers who bought both a condenser and an evaporator.
This would actually easier to do with the dictionary in my first Edit.
totalOrders= {}
for row in data[1:]:
name = row[0]
compressor = int(row[2])
evaporator = int(row[3])
if name in totalOrders:
totalOrders[name][0] += compressor
totalOrders[name][1] += evaporator
totalOrders[name] = [compressor, evaporator]
evapCond = 0
for customer in totalOrders:
if totalOrders[customer][0] > 0 and totalOrdrs[customer][1] > 0:
evapCond += 1
percentBoth = evapCond/len(totalOrders) * 100
Here percentBoth would be the percentage of customers who bought both a condenser and an evaporator
To do this with the dictionary in my second edit, you would need a nested for loop
totalOrders= {}
for row in data[1:]:
name = row[0]
orderNo = row[1]
compressor = int(row[2])
evaporator = int(row[3])
if name not in totalOrders:
totalOrders[name] = []
totalOrders[name].append([orderNo, compressor, evaporator])
evapCond = 0
for customer in totalOrders:
cond = False
evap = False
for order in totalOrders[customer]:
if totalOrders[customer][order][2] > 0:
cond = True
if totalOrders[customer][order][3] > 0:
evap = True
if cond and evap:
evapCond += 1
percentBoth = evapCond/len(totalOrders) * 100


Getting past ZeroDivisionError in Python

So I'm trying to calculate some salary averages based on job types in Python.
I've managed to extract all necessary information from a csv and store them in variables, but when I come to calculating averages, there's a chance that some of the roles don't have any salaries (for example, the csv includes full time ai scientists but not contracted ai scientists). So when I try to calculate the average for a contracted ai scientist - I get a ZeroDivisionError.
I want Python to see the ZeroDivision Error and ignore it and continue computing averages - this doesn't work in a try/except block and I'm not sure where to proceed from here.
This is my code so far:
ft_ai_scientist = 0
count_ft_ai_scientist = 0
ct_ai_scientist = 0
count_ct_ai_scientist = 0
with open('/Users/xxx/Desktop/ds_salaries.csv', 'r') as f:
csv_reader = f.readlines()
for row in csv_reader:
new_row = row.split(',')
employment_type = new_row[3]
job_title = new_row[4]
salary_in_usd = new_row[7]
if employment_type == 'FT' and job_title == 'AI Scientist':
ft_ai_scientist += int(salary_in_usd)
count_ft_ai_scientist += 1
if employment_type == 'CT' and job_title == 'AI Scientist':
ct_ai_scientist += int(salary_in_usd)
count_ct_ai_scientist += 1
avg_ft_ai_scientist = ft_ai_scientist / count_ft_ai_scientist
avg_ct_ai_scientist = ct_ai_scientist / count_ct_ai_scientist

Openpyxl - combine matching rows of two tables into one long row

In an Excel file I have two large tables. Table A ("Dissection", 409 rows x 25 cols) contains unique entries, each separated by a unique ID. Table B ("Dissection", 234 rows x 39 columns) uses the ID of Table A in the first cell and extends it. To analyze the data in Minitab, all data must be in a single long row, meaning the values of "Damage" have to follow "Dissection". The whole thing looks like this:
Table A - i.e. Dissection
- ID1 [valueTabA] [valueTabA]
- ID2 [valueTabA] [valueTabA]
- ID3 [valueTabA] [valueTabA]
- ID4 [valueTabA] [valueTabA]
Table B - i.e. Damage
- ID1 [valueTabB1] [valueTabB1]
- ID1 [valueTabB2] [valueTabB2]
- ID4 [valueTabB] [valueTabB]
They are supposed to combine something like this:
Table A
- ID1 [valueTabA] [valueTabA] [valueTabB1] [valueTabB1] [valueTabB2] [valueTabB2]
- ID2 [valueTabA] [valueTabA]
- ID3 [valueTabA] [valueTabA]
- ID4 [valueTabA] [valueTabA] [valueTabB] [valueTabB]
What is the best way to do that?
The following describes my two approaches. Both use the same data in the same tables but in two different files, to be able to test both scenarios.
The first approach uses a file, where both tables are in the same worksheet, the second uses a file where both tables are in different worksheets.
Scenario: both tables are in the same worksheet, where I'm trying to move the row as a range
current_row = 415 # start without headers of table A
current_line = 2 # start without headers of table B
for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=415, max_row=647):
# loop through damage
id_A = ws.cell(row=current_row, column=1).value
max_col = 25
for line in ws.iter_rows(min_row=2, max_row=409):
# loop through dissection
id_B = ws.cell(row=current_line, column=1).value
if id_A == id_B:
copy_range = ((ws.cell(row=current_line, column=2)).column_letter + str(current_line) + ":" +
(ws.cell(row=current_line, column=39)).column_letter + str(current_line))
ws.move_range(copy_range, rows=current_row, cols=max_col+1)
print("copied range: " + copy_range +" to: " + str(current_row) + ":"+str(max_col+1))
count += 1
if current_line > 409:
current_line = 2
current_line += 1
current_row += 1
-> Here I'm struggling to append the range to the right row of Table A, without overwriting the previous row (see example ID1 above)
Scenario: both tables are located in separated sheets
dissection = wb["Dissection"]
damage = wb["Damage"]
recovery = wb["Recovery"]
current_row, current_line = 2, 2
for row in damage.iter_rows():
# loop through first table
id_A = damage.cell(row=current_row, column=1).value
for line in dissection.iter_rows():
# loop through second table
id_B = dissection.cell(row=current_line, column=1).value
copyData = []
if id_A == id_B:
for col in range(2, 39):
# add data to the list, skipping the ID
copyData.append(damage.cell(row=current_line, column=col).value)
# print(copyData) for debugging purposes
for item in copyData:
column_count = dissection.max_column
dissection.cell(row=current_row, column=column_count).value = item
column_count += 1
current_row += 1
if not current_line > 409:
# prevent looping out of range
current_line += 1
current_line = 2
-> Same problem as in 1., at some point it's not adding the damage values to copyData anymore but None instead, and finally it's just not pasting the items (cells stay blank)
I've tried everything excel related that I could find, but unfortunately nothing worked. Would pandas be more useful here or am I just not seeing something?
Thanks for taking the time to read this :)
I highly recommend using pandas for situations like this. It is still a bit unclear how your data is formatted in the excel file, but given your second option I assume that the tables are both on different sheets in the excel file. I also assume that the first row contains the table title (e.g. Table A - i.e. Dissection). If this is not the case, just remove skiprows=1:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.concat(pd.read_excel("filename.xlsx", sheet_name=None, skiprows=1, header=None), axis=1, ignore_index=True)
df.to_excel('combined_data.xlsx) #save to excel
read_excel will load the excel file into a pandas dataframe. sheet_name=None indicates that all sheets should be loaded into an OrderedDict of dataframes. pd.concat will concatenate these dataframes into one single dataframe (axis=1 indicates the axis). You can explore the data with df.head(), or save the dataframe to excel with df.to_excel.
I ended up using the 2. scenario (one file, two worksheets) but this code should be adaptable to the 1. scenario (one file, one worksheet) as well.
I copied the rows of Table B using code taken from here.
And handled the offset with code from here.
Also, I added a few extras to my solution to make it more generic:
import openpyxl, os
from openpyxl.utils import range_boundaries
# Introduction
print("Welcome!\n[!] Advice: Always have a backup of the file you want to sort.\n[+] Please put the file to be sorted in the same directory as this program.")
print("[+] This program assumes that the value to be sorted by is located in the first column of the outgoing table.")
# File listing
while True:
files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]
valid_types = ["xlsx", "xltx", "xlt", "xls"]
print("\n[+] Current directory: " + os.getcwd())
print("[+] Excel files in the current directory: ")
for f in files:
if str(f).split(".")[1] in valid_types:
file = input("\nWhich file would you like to sort: ")
ending = file.split(".")[1]
except IndexError:
print("please only enter excel files.")
if ending in valid_types:
print("Please only enter excel files")
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(file)
# Handling Worksheets
print("\nAvailable Worksheets: " + str(wb.sheetnames))
print("Which file would you like to sort? (please copy the name without the parenthesis)")
outgoing_sheet = wb[input("Outgoing sheet: ")]
print("\nAvailable Worksheets: " + str(wb.sheetnames))
print("Which is the receiving sheet? (please copy the name without the parenthesis)")
receiving_sheet = wb[input("Receiving sheet: ")]
# Declaring functions
def copy_row(source_range, target_start, source_sheet, target_sheet):
# Define start Range(target_start) in the new Worksheet
min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = range_boundaries(target_start)
# Iterate Range you want to copy
for row, row_cells in enumerate(source_sheet[source_range], min_row):
for column, cell in enumerate(row_cells, min_col):
# Copy Value from Copy.Cell to given Worksheet.Cell
target_sheet.cell(row=row, column=column).value = cell.value
def ask_yes_no(prompt):
:param prompt: The question to be asked
:return: Value to check
while True:
answer = input(prompt + " (y/n): ")
if answer == "y":
return True
elif answer == "n":
return False
print("Please only enter y or n.")
def ask_integer(prompt):
while True:
answer = int(input(prompt + ": "))
except ValueError:
print("Please only enter integers (e.g. 1, 2 or 3).")
return answer
def scan_empty(index):
print("Scanning for empty cells...")
scan, fill = False, False
min_col = outgoing_sheet.min_column
max_col = outgoing_sheet.max_column
cols = range(min_col, max_col+1)
break_loop = False
count = 0
if not scan:
search_index = index
for row in outgoing_sheet.iter_rows():
for n in cols:
cell = outgoing_sheet.cell(row=search_index, column=n).value
if cell:
choice = ask_yes_no("\n[!] Empty cells found, would you like to fill them? (recommended)")
if choice:
fill = input("Fill with: ")
scan = True
break_loop = True
print("[!] Attention: This can produce to mismatches in the sorting algorithm.")
confirm = ask_yes_no("[>] Are you sure you don't want to fill them?\n[+] Hint: You can also enter spaces.\n(n)o I really don't want to\noka(y) I'll enter something, just let me sort already.\n")
if confirm:
fill = input("Fill with: ")
scan = True
break_loop = True
print("You have chosen not to fill the empty cells.")
scan = True
break_loop = True
if break_loop:
search_index += 1
if fill:
search_index = index
for row in outgoing_sheet.iter_rows(max_row=outgoing_sheet.max_row-1):
for n in cols:
cell = outgoing_sheet.cell(row=search_index, column=n).value
if cell:
elif cell != int(0):
count += 1
outgoing_sheet.cell(row=search_index, column=n).value = fill
search_index += 1
print("Filled " + str(count) + " cells with: " + fill)
return fill, count
# Declaring basic variables
first_value = ask_yes_no("Is the first row containing values the 2nd in both tables?")
if first_value:
current_row, current_line = 2, 2
current_row = ask_integer("Sorting table first row")
current_line = ask_integer("Receiving table first row")
verbose = ask_yes_no("Verbose output?")
reset = current_line
rec_max = receiving_sheet.max_row
count = 0
print("\nSorting: " + str(outgoing_sheet.max_row - 1) + " rows...")
for row in outgoing_sheet.iter_rows():
# loop through first table - Table you want to sort
id_A = outgoing_sheet.cell(row=current_row, column=1).value
if verbose:
print("\nCurrently at: " + str(current_row - 1) + "/" + str(outgoing_sheet.max_row - 1) + "")
print("Sorting now: " + id_A)
except TypeError:
# Handling None type exceptions
for line in receiving_sheet.iter_rows():
# loop through second table - The receiving table
id_B = receiving_sheet.cell(row=current_line, column=1).value
if id_A == id_B:
# calculate the offset
offset = max((row.column for row in receiving_sheet[current_line] if row.value is not None)) + 1
except ValueError:
# typical "No idea why, but it doesn't work without it" - code
start_paste_from = receiving_sheet.cell(row=current_line, column=offset).column_letter + str(current_line)
copy_Range = ((outgoing_sheet.cell(row=current_row, column=2)).column_letter + str(current_row) + ":" +
(outgoing_sheet.cell(row=current_row, column=outgoing_sheet.max_column)).column_letter + str(current_row))
# Don't copy the ID, alternatively set damage.min_column for the first and damage.max_column for the second
copy_row(copy_Range, start_paste_from, outgoing_sheet, receiving_sheet)
count += 1
current_row += 1
if verbose:
print("Copied " + copy_Range + " to: " + str(start_paste_from))
if not current_line > rec_max:
# prevent looping out of range
current_line += 1
current_line = reset
print("\nSorted: " + str(count) + " rows.")
print("Saving the file to: " + os.getcwd())
Note: The values of table B ("Damage") are sorted according to the ID, although that is not required. However, if you choose to do so, this can be done using pandas.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel("excel/separated.xlsx","Damage")
# open the correct worksheet

How to compare these data sets from a csv? Python 2.7

I have a project where I'm trying to create a program that will take a csv data set from www.transtats.gov which is a data set for airline flights in the US. My goal is to find the flight from one airport to another that had the worst delays overall, meaning it is the "worst flight". So far I have this:
`import csv
with open('826766072_T_ONTIME.csv') as csv_infile: #import and open CSV
reader = csv.DictReader(csv_infile)
total_delay = 0
flight_count = 0
flight_numbers = []
delay_totals = []
dest_list = [] #create empty list of destinations
for row in reader:
if row['ORIGIN'] == 'BOS': #only take flights leaving BOS
if row['FL_NUM'] not in flight_numbers:
if row['DEST'] not in dest_list: #if the dest is not already in the list
dest_list.append(row['DEST']) #append the dest to dest_list
for number in flight_numbers:
for row in reader:
if row['ORIGIN'] == 'BOS': #for flights leaving BOS
if row['FL_NUM'] == number:
if float(row['CANCELLED']) < 1: #if the flight is not cancelled
if float(row['DEP_DELAY']) >= 0: #and the delay is greater or equal to 0 (some flights had negative delay?)
total_delay += float(row['DEP_DELAY']) #add time of delay to total delay
flight_count += 1 #add the flight to total flight count
for row in reader:
for number in flight_numbers:
I was thinking that I could create a list of flight numbers and a list of the total delays from those flight numbers and compare the two and see which flight had the highest delay total. What is the best way to go about comparing the two lists?
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but I think you should use dict for this purpose, where key is a 'FL_NUM' and value is total delay.
In general I want to eliminate loops in Python code. For files that aren't massive I'll typically read through a data file once and build up some dicts that I can analyze at the end. The below code isn't tested because I don't have the original data but follows the general pattern I would use.
Since a flight is identified by the origin, destination, and flight number I would capture them as a tuple and use that as the key in my dict.
from collections import defaultdict
flight_delays = defaultdict(list) # look this up if you aren't familiar
for row in reader:
if row['ORIGIN'] == 'BOS': #only take flights leaving BOS
if row['CANCELLED'] > 0:
flight = (row['ORIGIN'], row['DEST'], row['FL_NUM'])
# Finished reading through data, now I want to calculate average delays
worst_flight = ""
worst_delay = 0
for flight, delays in flight_delays.items():
average_delay = sum(delays) / len(delays)
if average_delay > worst_delay:
worst_flight = flight[0] + " to " + flight[1] + " on FL#" + flight[2]
worst_delay = average_delay
A very simple solution would be. Adding two new variables:
max_delay = 0
delay_flight = 0
# Change: if float(row['DEP_DELAY']) >= 0: FOR:
if float(row['DEP_DELAY']) > max_delay:
max_delay = float(row['DEP_DELAY'])
delay_flight = #save the row number or flight number for reference.

Find which city has the highest number of trips

In a csv file, bikeshare data is available for three different cities: NYC, Chicago, Washington. I Need to find which city has the highest number of trips, and also which city has the highest proportion of trips made by subscribers (User_type).
Below is my code:
def number_of_trips(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f_in:
# set up csv reader object
reader = csv.DictReader(f_in)
# initialize count variables
ny_trips = 0
wh_trips = 0
ch_trips = 0
n_usertype = 0
# tally up ride types
for row in reader:
if row['city'] == 'NYC':
ny_trips += 1
elif row['city'] == 'Chicago':
ch_trips += 1
wh_trips +=1
if wh_trips < ny_trips > ch_trips:
city = 'NYC'
elif ny_trips < wh_trips > ch_trips:
city = 'Chicago'
city = 'Washington'
return city
# return tallies as a tuple
return(city, n_customers, n_total)
This is throwing an error: KeyError: 'city'.
I am very new to python - please guide me on how to achieve above the requirements.
You should consider using the pandas library.
import pandas as pd
## Reading the CSV
df = pd.read_cvs('file')
## Counting the values of each city entry (assuming 'city' is a column header)
For the second piece, you can use a pivot table with the len as the aggfunc value. The documentation for pd.pivot_table is shown here.

Odd Column returns when scraping with lxml

I am learning python and trying to build a scraper to glean parts data from a suppliers site. My issue now is that I am getting different column counts from my parsed table rows where I know that each row has the same column count. The issue has to be something I am overlooking and after two days of trying different things I am asking for a few more sets of eyes on my code to locate my error. Not having much python coding experience is no doubt my biggest hurdle.
First, the data. Rather than paste the html I have stored in my database, I'll give you a link to the live site I have crawled and stored in my db. The first link is this one.
The issue is that I get mostly correct results. However, every so often I get the values skewed in the column count. I can't seem to locate the cause.
Here is an example of the flawed result:
Record: 1 Section:Passenger / Light Truck Make: ACURA SubMake:
Model: CL SubModel: Year: 1997 Engine: L4 1.6L 1590cc
Rec:1 Row 6 Col 1 part Air Filter
Rec:1 Row 6 Col 2 2
Rec:1 Row 6 Col 3 part_no 46395
Rec:1 Row 6 Col 4 filter_loc
Rec:1 Row 6 Col 5 engine
Rec:1 Row 6 Col 6 vin_code V6 3.0L 2997cc
Rec:1 Row 6 Col 7 comment Engine Code J30A1
** Note that the engine value has been shifted to the vin_code field.
And proof it works some of the time:
Record: 2 Section:Passenger / Light Truck Make: ACURA SubMake:
Model: CL SubModel: Year: 1998 Engine: L4 1.6L 1590cc
Rec:3 Row 4 Col 1 part Oil Filter
Rec:3 Row 4 Col 2 2
Rec:3 Row 4 Col 3 part_no 51334
Rec:3 Row 4 Col 4 filter_loc
Rec:3 Row 4 Col 5 engine L4 2.3L 2254cc
Rec:3 Row 4 Col 6 vin_code
Rec:3 Row 4 Col 7 comment Engine Code F23A1
** Note the fields line up in this record...
I suspect either there is something in the table cells my parser is not looking for or I have missed something trivial.
Here is the important portion of my code:
# Per Query
while records:
# Per Query Loop
#print str(records)
for record in records:
print 'Record Count:'+str(rec_cnt)
items = ()
item = {}
source = record['doc']
page = html.fromstring(source)
for rows in page.xpath('//div/table'):
#records = []
item = {}
cntx = 0
for row in list(rows):
cnty = 0 # Column Counter
found_oil = 0 # Found oil filter record flag
data = {} # Data
# Data fields
field_data = {'part':'', 'part_no':'', 'filter_loc':'', 'engine':'', 'vin_code':'', 'comment':'', 'year':''}
print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
print 'Record: '+str(record['id']), 'Section:'+str(record['section']), 'Make: '+str(record['make']), 'SubMake: '+str(record['submake'])
print 'Model: '+str(record['model']), 'SubModel: '+str(record['submodel']), 'Year: '+str(record['year']), 'Engine: '+str(record['engine'])
print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
# Rules for extracting data columns
# 1. First column always has a link to the bullet image
# 2. Second column is part name
# 3. Third column always empty
# 4. Fourth column is part number
# 5. Fith column is empty
# 6. Sixth column is part location
# 7. Seventh column is always empty
# 8. Eigth column is engine size
# 9. Ninth column is vin code
# 10. Tenth column is COmment
# 11. Eleventh column does not exist.
for column in row.xpath('./td[#class="blackmedium"][text()="0xa0"] | ./td[#class="blackmedium"][text()="\n"]/text() | ./td[#class="blackmeduim"]/img[#src]/text() | ./td[#class="blackmedium"][text()=""]/text() | ./td[#class="blackmedium"]/b/text() | ./td[#class="blackmedium"]/a/text() |./td[#class="blackmedium"]/text() | ./td[#class="blackmedium"][text()=" "]/text() | ./td[#class="blackmedium"][text()="&#160"]/text() | ./td[#class="blackmedium"][text()=None]/text()'):
#' | ./td[position()>1]/a/text() | ./td[position()>1]/text() | self::node()[position()=1]/td/text()'):
if ('Oil Filter' == column.strip() or 'Air Filter' == column.strip()) and found_oil == 0:
found_oil = 1
if found_oil == 1:
print 'Rec:'+str(rec_cnt), 'Row '+str(cntx), 'Col '+str(cnty), _fields[cnty], column.strip()
#cnty+= 1
print 'Rec: '+str(rec_cnt), 'Col: '+str(cnty)
field_data[ str(_fields[cnty]) ] = str(column.strip())
#cnty = cnty+1
# Save data to db dest table
if found_oil == 1:
data['source_id'] = record['id']
data['section_id'] = record['section_id']
data['section'] = record['section']
data['make_id'] = record['make_id']
data['make'] = record['make']
data['submake_id'] = record['submake_id']
data['submake'] = record['submake']
data['model_id'] = record['model_id']
data['model'] = record['model']
data['submodel_id'] = record['submodel_id']
data['submodel'] = record['submodel']
data['year_id'] = record['year_id']
data['year'] = record['year']
data['engine_id'] = record['engine_id']
data['engine'] = record['engine']
data['part'] = field_data['part']
data['part_no'] = field_data['part_no']
data['filter_loc'] = field_data['filter_loc']
data['vin_code'] = field_data['vin_code']
data['comment'] = conn.escape_string(field_data['comment'])
data['url'] = record['url']
print 'Filed Data:'
print field_data
#End main per query loop
delay() # delay if wait was passed on cmd line
records = get_data()
has_offset = 1
#End Queries
Thank you all for your help and your eyes...
Usually when I run into a problem like this, I do two things:
Break the problem down into smaller chunks. Use python functions or classes to perform subsets of functionality so that you can test the functions individually for correctness.
Use the Python Debugger to inspect the code as it runs to understand where it's failing. For example, in this case, I would add import pdb; pdb.set_trace() before the line that says cnty+=1.
Then, when the code runs, you'll get an interactive interpreter at that point and you can inspect the various variables and discover why you're not getting what you expect.
A couple of tips for using pdb:
Use c to allow the program to continue (until the next breakpoint or set_trace); Use n to step to the next line in the program. Use q to raise an Exception (and usually abort).
Can you pass the details of your scrapping process? The intermittent failures could be based on the parsing of the html data.
The problem seems to be that your xpath expression searches for text nodes. No matches are found for empty cells, causing your code to "skip" columns. Try iterating over the td elements themselves, and then "look down" from the element to its contents. To get you started:
# just iterate over child elements of the row, which are always td
# use enumerate to easily get a counter for the columns
for col_no, td in enumerate(row, start=1):
# use the xpath function string() to get the string value for the element
# this will yield an empty string for empty elements
print col_no, td.xpath('string()')
Note that the use of the string() xpath function may in some cases be not enough/too simple for what you want. In your example, you may find something like <td><a>51334</a><sup>53</sup></td> (see oil filter). My example would give you "5133453", where you would seem to need "51334" (not sure if that was intentional or if you hadn't noticed the "missing" part, if you do want only the in the hyperlink, use td.findtext('a'))
I want to thank everyone who has given aid to me these past few days. All your input has resulted in a working application that I am now using. I wanted to post the resulting changes to my code so those who look here may find an answer or at least information on how they may also tackle their issue. Below is the rewritten portion of my code that solved the issues I was having:
# get_column_index()
# returns a dict of column names/column number pairs
def get_column_index(row):
index = {}
col_no = 0
td = None
name = ''
for col_no, td in enumerate(row, start=0):
mystr = str(td.xpath('string()').encode('ascii', 'replace'))
name = str.lower(mystr).replace(' ', '_')
idx = name.replace('.', '')
index[idx] = col_no
if int(options.verbose) > 2:
print 'Field Index:', str(index)
return index
def run():
global has_offset
records = get_data()
#print 'Records', records
rec_cnt = 0
# Per Query
while records:
# Per Query Loop
#print str(records)
for record in records:
if int(options.verbose) > 0:
print 'Record Count:'+str(rec_cnt)
items = ()
item = {}
source = record['doc']
page = html.fromstring(source)
col_index = {}
for rows in page.xpath('//div/table'):
#records = []
item = {}
cntx = 0
for row in list(rows):
data = {} # Data
found_oil = 0 #found proper part flag
# Data fields
field_data = {'part':'', 'part_no':'', 'part_note':'', 'filter_loc':'', 'engine':'', 'vin_code':'', 'comment':'', 'year':''}
if int(options.verbose) > 0:
print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
print 'Row'+str(cntx), 'Record: '+str(record['id']), 'Section:'+str(record['section']), 'Make: '+str(record['make']), 'SubMake: '+str(record['submake'])
print 'Model: '+str(record['model']), 'SubModel: '+str(record['submodel']), 'Year: '+str(record['year']), 'Engine: '+str(record['engine'])
print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
# get column indexes
if cntx == 1:
col_index = get_column_index(row)
if col_index != None and cntx > 1:
found_oil = 0
for col_no, td in enumerate(row):
if ('part' in col_index) and (col_no == col_index['part']):
part = td.xpath('string()').strip()
if 'Oil Filter' == part or 'Air Filter' == part or 'Fuel Filter' == part or 'Transmission Filter' == part:
found_oil = 1
field_data['part'] = td.xpath('string()').strip()
# Part Number
if ('part_no' in col_index) and (col_no == col_index['part_no']):
field_data['part_no'] = str(td.xpath('./a/text()')).strip().replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace("'", '')
field_data['part_note'] = str(td.xpath('./sup/text()')).strip().replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace("'", '')
# Filter Location
if ('filterloc' in col_index) and (col_no == col_index['filterloc']):
field_data['filter_loc'] = td.xpath('string()').strip()
# Engine
if ('engine' in col_index) and (col_no == col_index['engine']):
field_data['engine'] = td.xpath('string()').strip()
if ('vin_code' in col_index) and (col_no == col_index['vin_code']):
field_data['vin_code'] = td.xpath('string()').strip()
if ('comment' in col_index) and (col_no == col_index['comment']):
field_data['comment'] = td.xpath('string()').strip()
if int(options.verbose) == 0:
print ','
if int(options.verbose) > 0:
print 'Field Data: ', str(field_data)
elif int(options.verbose) == 0:
print '.'
# Save data to db dest table
if found_oil == 1:
data['source_id'] = record['id']
data['section_id'] = record['section_id']
data['section'] = record['section']
data['make_id'] = record['make_id']
data['make'] = record['make']
data['submake_id'] = record['submake_id']
data['submake'] = record['submake']
data['model_id'] = record['model_id']
data['model'] = record['model']
data['submodel_id'] = record['submodel_id']
data['submodel'] = record['submodel']
data['year_id'] = record['year_id']
data['year'] = record['year']
data['engine_id'] = record['engine_id']
data['engine'] = field_data['engine'] #record['engine']
data['part'] = field_data['part']
data['part_no'] = field_data['part_no']
data['part_note'] = field_data['part_note']
data['filter_loc'] = field_data['filter_loc']
data['vin_code'] = field_data['vin_code']
data['comment'] = conn.escape_string(field_data['comment'])
data['url'] = record['url']
found_oil = 0
if int(options.verbose) > 2:
print 'Data:', str(data)
#End main per query loop
delay() # delay if wait was passed on cmd line
records = get_data()
has_offset = 1
#End Queries
