Firebase Database - How to extract elements from a documents query? - python

I have a python script that is requesting data from the database through the code below:
from datetime import datetime
import re
global dateTimeObj
dateTimeObj =
path = db.collection(u'users').document(u'')
doc_ref = path.collection(u'feedback').order_by(u'time_stamp').stream()
for doc in doc_ref:
a = u'{} => {}'.format(, doc.to_dict())
feedback_1 => {'feedback_sub_item': 'feedback sub item', 'feedback': 'feedback message', 'record_id': '111', 'cycle_id': 'normal', 'rating': 3.5, 'time_stamp': '02/28/2020 16:15:58'}
feedback_2 => {'feedback_sub_item': 'feedback sub item', 'feedback': 'feedback message', 'record_id': '112', 'cycle_id': 'normal', 'rating': 4, 'time_stamp': '02/28/2020 16:16:52'}
My question is, how I can convert this message to extract the parameters from the last feedback based on the time_stamp field?
My desired output is:
Feedback_number = feedback_2
feedback_sub_item = feedback sub item
feedback = feedback message
record_id = 112
cycle_id = normal
rating = 4
time_stamp = 02/28/2020 16:16:52

To extract the dictionary, you can use the split function. Then you can iterate through this dictionary with its keys.
To do this, you can use a 'for' loop to display the values contained in the dictionary.
# a is your last feedback
new_list = a.split("=>")
new_dict = eval(new_list[1])
print("feedback_number = ", new_list[0])
for key in new_dict:
print(key," = ",new_dict[key])
With this exemple your obtain:
feedback_number = feedback_2
feedback_sub_item = feedback sub item
feedback = feedback message
record_id = 112
cycle_id = normal
rating = 4
time_stamp = 02/28/2020 16:16:52
I hope that answers your question


for loop only takes last value in python aws dynamodb

I am trying to insert records into a table, but only last record(result data) from the loop is inserting into the table
Here is the code i tried:
CDates = ['2020-05-10','2020-05-12','2020-05-13','2020-05-16','2020-05-20']
ResultData = {}
for date in CDates:
filterDate = Key('Date').eq(id)
appResponse = appTable.scan(FilterExpression = filterDate)
accResp = table.query(KeyConditionExpression = Key('PrimaryId').eq('Key'),FilterExpression = Key('Date').eq(date))
if len(accResp['Items']) == 0:
ResultData['PrimaryId'] = 'Key'
ResultData['CreatedDate'] = date
ResultData['Type'] = 'Appt'
ResultData['Id'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
Not getting where did I go wrong
You assigned ResultData outside of the loop and changed the values for the same keys every time the loop ran. Try this:
CDates = ['2020-05-10', '2020-05-12', '2020-05-13', '2020-05-16', '2020-05-20']
for date in CDates:
filterDate = Key('Date').eq(id)
appResponse = appTable.scan(FilterExpression=filterDate)
accResp = table.query(
if len(accResp['Items']) == 0:
ResultData = {
'PrimaryId': 'Key',
'CreationDate': date,
'Type': 'Appt',
'Id': str(uuid.uuid4())

Python 3.7 KeyError

I like to retrieve information from NewsApi and ran into an issue. Enclosed the code:
from NewsApi import NewsApi
import pandas as pd
import os
import datetime as dt
from datetime import date
def CreateDF(JsonArray,columns):
dfData = pd.DataFrame()
for item in JsonArray:
itemStruct = {}
for cunColumn in columns:
itemStruct[cunColumn] = item[cunColumn]
# dfData = dfData.append(itemStruct,ignore_index=True)
# dfData = dfData.append({'id': item['id'], 'name': item['name'], 'description': item['description']},
# ignore_index=True)
# return dfData
return itemStruct
def main():
# access_token_NewsAPI.txt must contain your personal access token
with open("access_token_NewsAPI.txt", "r") as f:
myKey =[:-1]
#myKey = 'a847cee6cc254d8495632f83d5c77d39'
api = NewsApi(myKey)
# get sources of news
# columns = ['id', 'name', 'description']
# rst_source = api.GetSources()
# df = CreateDF(rst_source['sources'], columns)
# df.to_csv('source_list.csv')
# # get news for specific country
# rst_country = api.GetHeadlines()
# columns = ['author', 'publishedAt', 'title', 'description','content', 'url']
# df = CreateDF(rst_country['articles'], columns)
# df.to_csv('Headlines_country.csv')
# get news for specific symbol
symbol = "coronavirus"
sources = ''
columns = ['author', 'publishedAt', 'title', 'description', 'content', 'source']
limit = 500 # maximum requests per day
i = 1
startDate = dt.datetime(2020, 3, 1, 8)
# startDate = dt.datetime(2020, 3, 1)
df = pd.DataFrame({'author': [], 'publishedAt': [], 'title': [], 'description': [], 'content':[], 'source': []})
while i < limit:
endDate = startDate + dt.timedelta(hours=2)
rst_symbol = api.GetEverything(symbol, 'en', startDate, endDate, sources)
rst = CreateDF(rst_symbol['articles'], columns)
df = df.append(rst, ignore_index=True)
# DF.join(df.set_index('publishedAt'), on='publishedAt')
startDate = endDate
i += 1
I got following error:
rst = CreateDF(rst_symbol['articles'], columns)
KeyError: 'articles'
In this line:
rst = CreateDF(rst_symbol['articles'], columns)
I think there is some problem regarding the key not being found or defined - does anyone has an idea how to fix that? I'm thankful for every hint!
I found the solution after I tried a few of your hints. Apparently, the error occurred when the NewsAPI API key ran into a request limit. This happened every time, until I changed the limit = 500 to limit = 20. For some reason, there is no error with a new API Key and reduced limit.
Thanks for your help guys!
Probably 'articles' is not one of your columns in rst_symbol object.
The python documentation [2] [3] doesn't mention any method named NewsApi() or GetEverything(), but rather NewsApiClient() and get_everything(), i.e.:
from newsapi import NewsApiClient
# Init
newsapi = NewsApiClient(api_key='xxx')
# /v2/top-headlines
top_headlines = newsapi.get_top_headlines(q='bitcoin',
# /v2/everything
all_articles = newsapi.get_everything(q='bitcoin',
# /v2/sources
sources = newsapi.get_sources()

Error while grabbing the table data from a website

I am trying to grab some stock related data from the web for my project.I encountered couple of problems.
Problem 1:
I tried to grab the table from this site
It worked but the columns aren't grabbed in order.For eg: Column 'Company Name' has values of 'Open price'. How can I solve this?
Problem 2:
I also tried to grab a company specific data from under 'Price History' tab.
This time I got an error while grabbing the table data.The error I got was:[key].append(cols[index].get_text())
IndexError: list index out of range
The code is as shown below:
import logging
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas
module_logger = logging.getLogger('mainApp.dataGrabber')
class DataGrabberTable:
''' Grabs the table data from a certain url. '''
def __init__(self, url, csvfilename, columnName=[], tableclass=None):"Inside 'DataGrabberTable' constructor.")
self.pgurl = url
self.tableclass = tableclass
self.csvfile = csvfilename
self.columnName = columnName
self.tableattrs = {'class':tableclass} #to be passed in find()"Done.")
def run(self):
'''Call this to run the datagrabber. Returns 1 if error occurs.'''"Inside ''.")
self.rawpgdata = (requests.get(self.pgurl, timeout=5)).text
except Exception as e:
module_logger.warning('Error occured: {0}'.format(e))
return 1'Headers from the server:\n {0}'.format(self.rawpgdata.headers))
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.rawpgdata, 'lxml')'Connected and parsed the data.')
table = soup.find('table',attrs = self.tableattrs)
rows = table.find_all('tr')[1:]
#initializing a dict in a format below
# data = {'col1' : [...], 'col2' : [...], }
#col1 and col2 are from columnName list = {} = dict(zip(self.columnName, [list() for i in range(len(self.columnName))]))'Inside for loop.')
for row in rows:
cols = row.find_all('td')
index = 0
for key in
if index > len(cols): break[key].append(cols[index].get_text())
index += 1'Completed the for loop.')
self.dataframe = pandas.DataFrame( #make pandas dataframe'writing to file {0}'.format(self.csvfile))
self.dataframe.to_csv(self.csvfile)'written to file {0}'.format(self.csvfile))"Done.")
return 0
def getData(self):
""""Returns 'data' dictionary."""
# Usage example
def main():
url = ""
classname = "table"
fname = "data/sharesansardata.csv"
cols = [str(i) for i in range(18)] #make a list of columns
'''cols = [
'S.No', 'Company Name', 'Symbol', 'Open price', 'Max price',
'Min price','Closing price', 'Volume', 'Previous closing',
'Diff percent', 'Range', 'Range percent', '90 days', '180 days',
'360 days', '52 weeks high', '52 weeks low']'''
d = DataGrabberTable(url, fname, cols, classname)
if is 1:
print('Data grabbing failed!')
print('Data grabbing done.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Few suggestions would help.Thank you!
Your col list is missing an element there are 19 columns, not 18:
>>> len([str(i) for i in range(18)])
Besides you seem to over complicate things. The following should do:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
price_response = requests.get('')
price_table = BeautifulSoup(price_response.text, 'lxml').find('table', {'class': 'table'})
price_rows = [[cell.text for cell in row.find_all(['th', 'td'])] for row in price_table.find_all('tr')]
price_df = pd.DataFrame(price_rows[1:], columns=price_rows[0])
com_df = None
for symbol in price_df['Symbol']:
comp_response = requests.get('' % symbol)
comp_table = BeautifulSoup(comp_response.text, 'lxml').find('table', {'class': 'table'})
com_header, com_value = list(), list()
for tbody in comp_table.find_all('tbody'):
comp_row = tbody.find('tr')
com_header.append(comp_row.find('th').text.strip().replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' '))
com_value.append(comp_row.find('td').text.strip().replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' '))
df = pd.DataFrame([com_value], columns=com_header)
com_df = df if com_df is None else pd.concat([com_df, df])

Read data from OECD API into python (and pandas)

I'm trying to download data from OECD API ( into python.
I managed to download data in SDMX-JSON format (and transform it to JSON) so far:
def make_OECD_request(dsname, dimensions, params = None, root_dir = OECD_ROOT_URL):
"""Make URL for the OECD API and return a response"""
"""4 dimensions: location, subject, measure, frequency"""
if not params:
params = {}
dim_args = ['+'.join(d) for d in dimensions]
dim_str = '.'.join(dim_args)
url = root_dir + '/' + dsname + '/' + dim_str + '/all'
print('Requesting URL ' + url)
return rq.get(url = url, params = params)
response = make_OECD_request('MEI'
, [['USA', 'CZE'], [], [], ['M']]
, {'startTime': '2009-Q1', 'endTime': '2010-Q1'})
if (response.status_code == 200):
json = response.json()
How can I transform the data set into pandas.DataFrame? I tried pandas.read_json() and pandasdmx library, but I was not able to solve this.
The documentation the original question points to does not (yet?) mention that the API accepts the parameter contentType, which may be set to csv. That makes it trivial to use with Pandas.
import pandas as pd
def get_from_oecd(sdmx_query):
return pd.read_csv(
The function to automatically download the data from OECD API is now available in my Python library CIF (abbreviation for the Composite Indicators Framework, installable via pip):
from cif import cif
data, subjects, measures = cif.createDataFrameFromOECD(countries = ['USA'], dsname = 'MEI', frequency = 'M')
Original answer:
If you need your data in Pandas DataFrame format, it is IMHO better to send your request to OECD with additional parameter 'dimensionAtObservation': 'AllDimensions', which results in more comprehensive JSON file.
Use following functions to download the data:
import requests as rq
import pandas as pd
import re
def make_OECD_request(dsname, dimensions, params = None, root_dir = OECD_ROOT_URL):
# Make URL for the OECD API and return a response
# 4 dimensions: location, subject, measure, frequency
if not params:
params = {}
dim_args = ['+'.join(d) for d in dimensions]
dim_str = '.'.join(dim_args)
url = root_dir + '/' + dsname + '/' + dim_str + '/all'
print('Requesting URL ' + url)
return rq.get(url = url, params = params)
def create_DataFrame_from_OECD(country = 'CZE', subject = [], measure = [], frequency = 'M', startDate = None, endDate = None):
# Request data from OECD API and return pandas DataFrame
# country: country code (max 1)
# subject: list of subjects, empty list for all
# measure: list of measures, empty list for all
# frequency: 'M' for monthly and 'Q' for quarterly time series
# startDate: date in YYYY-MM (2000-01) or YYYY-QQ (2000-Q1) format, None for all observations
# endDate: date in YYYY-MM (2000-01) or YYYY-QQ (2000-Q1) format, None for all observations
# Data download
response = make_OECD_request('MEI'
, [[country], subject, measure, [frequency]]
, {'startTime': startDate, 'endTime': endDate, 'dimensionAtObservation': 'AllDimensions'})
# Data transformation
if (response.status_code == 200):
responseJson = response.json()
obsList = responseJson.get('dataSets')[0].get('observations')
if (len(obsList) > 0):
print('Data downloaded from %s' % response.url)
timeList = [item for item in responseJson.get('structure').get('dimensions').get('observation') if item['id'] == 'TIME_PERIOD'][0]['values']
subjectList = [item for item in responseJson.get('structure').get('dimensions').get('observation') if item['id'] == 'SUBJECT'][0]['values']
measureList = [item for item in responseJson.get('structure').get('dimensions').get('observation') if item['id'] == 'MEASURE'][0]['values']
obs = pd.DataFrame(obsList).transpose()
obs.rename(columns = {0: 'series'}, inplace = True)
obs['id'] = obs.index
obs = obs[['id', 'series']]
obs['dimensions'] = obs.apply(lambda x: re.findall('\d+', x['id']), axis = 1)
obs['subject'] = obs.apply(lambda x: subjectList[int(x['dimensions'][1])]['id'], axis = 1)
obs['measure'] = obs.apply(lambda x: measureList[int(x['dimensions'][2])]['id'], axis = 1)
obs['time'] = obs.apply(lambda x: timeList[int(x['dimensions'][4])]['id'], axis = 1)
obs['names'] = obs['subject'] + '_' + obs['measure']
data = obs.pivot_table(index = 'time', columns = ['names'], values = 'series')
print('Error: No available records, please change parameters')
print('Error: %s' % response.status_code)
You can create requests like these:
data = create_DataFrame_from_OECD(country = 'CZE', subject = ['LOCOPCNO'])
data = create_DataFrame_from_OECD(country = 'USA', frequency = 'Q', startDate = '2009-Q1', endDate = '2010-Q1')
data = create_DataFrame_from_OECD(country = 'USA', frequency = 'M', startDate = '2009-01', endDate = '2010-12')
data = create_DataFrame_from_OECD(country = 'USA', frequency = 'M', subject = ['B6DBSI01'])
data = create_DataFrame_from_OECD(country = 'USA', frequency = 'Q', subject = ['B6DBSI01'])
You can recover the data from the source using code like this.
from urllib.request import urlopen
import json
URL = ''
response = urlopen(URL).read()
responseDict = json.loads(str(response)[2:-1])
print (responseDict.keys())
print (len(responseDict['dataSets']))
Here is the output from this code.
dict_keys(['header', 'structure', 'dataSets'])
If you are curious about the appearance of the [2:-1] (I would be) it's because for some reason unknown to me the str function leaves some extraneous characters at the beginning and end of the string when it converts the byte array passed to it. json.loads is documented to require a string as input.
This is the code I used to get to this point.
>>> from urllib.request import urlopen
>>> import json
>>> URL = ''
>>> response = urlopen(URL).read()
>>> len(response)
>>> response[:50]
>>> str(response[:50])
>>> str(response[-50:])
I understand that this is not a complete solution as you must still crack into the dataSets structure for the data to put into pandas. It's a list but you could explore it starting with this sketch.
The latest release of pandasdmx ( fixes previous issues accessing OECD data in sdmx-json.

Looping through scraped data and outputting the result

I am trying to e the BBC football results website to get teams, shots, goals, cards and incidents. I currently have 3 teams data passed into the URL.
I writing the script in Python and using the Beautiful soup bs4 package. When outputting the results to screen, the first team is printed, the the first and second team, then the first, second and third team. So the first team is effectively being printed 3 times, When I am trying to get the 3 teams just once.
Once I have this problem sorted I will write the results to file. I am adding the teams data into data frames then into a list (I am not sure if this is the best method).
I am sure if is something to do with the for loops, but I am unsure how to resolve the problem.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
import pandas as pd
out_list = []
for numb in('EFBO839787', 'EFBO839786', 'EFBO815155'):
url = '' + numb + '?teamview=false'
teams_list = []
inner_page = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
soupb = BeautifulSoup(inner_page, 'lxml')
for report in soupb.find_all('td', 'match-details'):
home_tag = report.find('span', class_='team-home')
home_team = home_tag and ''.join(home_tag.stripped_strings)
score_tag = report.find('span', class_='score')
score = score_tag and ''.join(score_tag.stripped_strings)
shots_tag = report.find('span', class_='shots-on-target')
shots = shots_tag and ''.join(shots_tag.stripped_strings)
away_tag = report.find('span', class_='team-away')
away_team = away_tag and ''.join(away_tag.stripped_strings)
df = pd.DataFrame({'away_team' : [away_team], 'home_team' : [home_team], 'score' : [score], })
for shots in soupb.find_all('td', class_='shots'):
home_shots_tag = shots.find('span',class_='goal-count-home')
home_shots = home_shots_tag and ''.join(home_shots_tag.stripped_strings)
away_shots_tag = shots.find('span',class_='goal-count-away')
away_shots = away_shots_tag and ''.join(away_shots_tag.stripped_strings)
dfb = pd.DataFrame({'home_shots': [home_shots], 'away_shots' : [away_shots] })
for incidents in soupb.find("table", class_="incidents-table").find("tbody").find_all("tr"):
home_inc_tag = incidents.find("td", class_="incident-player-home")
home_inc = home_inc_tag and ''.join(home_inc_tag.stripped_strings)
type_inc_goal_tag = incidents.find("td", "span", class_="incident-type goal")
type_inc_goal = type_inc_goal_tag and ''.join(type_inc_goal_tag.stripped_strings)
type_inc_tag = incidents.find("td", class_="incident-type")
type_inc = type_inc_tag and ''.join(type_inc_tag.stripped_strings)
time_inc_tag = incidents.find('td', class_='incident-time')
time_inc = time_inc_tag and ''.join(time_inc_tag.stripped_strings)
away_inc_tag = incidents.find('td', class_='incident-player-away')
away_inc = away_inc_tag and ''.join(away_inc_tag.stripped_strings)
df_incidents = pd.DataFrame({'home_player' : [home_inc],'event_type' : [type_inc_goal],'event_time': [time_inc],'away_player' : [away_inc]})
print "end"
print out_list
I am new to python and stack overflow, any suggestions on formatting my questions is also useful.
Thanks in advance!
Those 3 for loops should be inside your main for loop.
out_list = []
for numb in('EFBO839787', 'EFBO839786', 'EFBO815155'):
url = '' + numb + '?teamview=false'
teams_list = []
inner_page = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
soupb = BeautifulSoup(inner_page, 'lxml')
for report in soupb.find_all('td', 'match-details'):
# your code as it is
for shots in soupb.find_all('td', class_='shots'):
# your code as it is
for incidents in soupb.find("table", class_="incidents-table").find("tbody").find_all("tr"):
# your code as it is
It works just fine - shows up a team just once.
Here's output of first for loop:
[{'score': ['1-3'], 'away_team': ['Man City'], 'home_team': ['Dynamo Kiev']},
{'score': ['1-0'], 'away_team': ['Zenit St P'], 'home_team': ['Benfica']},
{'score': ['1-2'], 'away_team': ['Boston United'], 'home_team': ['Bradford Park Avenue']}]
This looks like a printing problem, at what indentation level are you printing out_list ?
It should be at zero indentation, all the way to the left in your code.
Either that, or you want to move out_list into the top most for loop so that it's re-assigned after every iteration.
