I have a csv with 500+ rows where one column "_source" is stored as JSON. I want to extract that into a pandas dataframe. I need each key to be its own column. #I have a 1 mb Json file of online social media data that I need to convert the dictionary and key values into their own separate columns. The social media data is from Facebook,Twitter/web crawled... etc. There are approximately 528 separate rows of posts/tweets/text with each having many dictionaries inside dictionaries. I am attaching a few steps from my Jupyter notebook below to give a more complete understanding. need to turn all key value pairs for dictionaries inside dictionaries into columns inside a dataframe
Thank you so much this will be a huge help!!!
I have tried changing it to a dataframe by doing this
source = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(source, orient='columns')
And it returns something like this... I thought it might unpack the dictionary but it did not.
#0 {'sub_organization_id': 'default', 'uid': 'aba...
#1 {'sub_organization_id': 'default', 'uid': 'ab0...
#2 {'sub_organization_id': 'default', 'uid': 'ac0...
below is the shape
#source.shape (528, 1)
below is what the an actual "_source" row looks like stretched out. There are many dictionaries and key:value pairs where each key needs to be its own column. Thanks! The actual links have been altered/scrambled for privacy reasons.
{'sub_organization_id': 'default',
'uid': 'ac0fafe9ba98327f2d0c72ddc365ffb76336czsa13280b',
'project_veid': 'default',
'campaign_id': 'default',
'organization_id': 'default',
'meta': {'rule_matcher': [{'atribs': {'website': '',
'source': 'Explicit',
'version': '1.1',
'type': 'crawl'},
'results': [{'rule_type': 'hashtag',
'rule_tag': 'Far',
'description': None,
'project_veid': 'A7180EA-7078-0C7F-ED5D-86AD7',
'campaign_id': '2A6DA0C-365BB-67DD-B05830920',
'value': '#Far',
'organization_id': None,
'sub_organization_id': None,
'appid': 'ray',
'project_id': 'CDE2F42-5B87-C594-C900E578C',
'rule_id': '1838',
'node_id': None,
'metadata': {'campaign_title': 'AF',
'project_title': 'AF '}}]}],
'render': [{'attribs': {'website': '',
'version': '1.0',
'type': 'Page Render'},
'results': [{'render_status': 'success',
'path': '',
'image_hash': 'bb7674b8ea3fc05bfd027a19815f82c',
'url': '',
'load_time': 32}]}]},
'norm_attribs': {'website': '',
'version': '1.1',
'type': 'crawl'},
'project_id': 'default',
'system_timestamp': '2019-02-22T19:04:53.569623',
'doc': {'appid': 'subtter',
'links': [],
'response_url': '',
'url': '',
'status_code': 200,
'status_msg': 'OK',
'encoding': 'utf-8',
'attrs': {'uid': '2ab8f2651cb32261b911c990a8b'},
'timestamp': '2019-02-22T19:04:53.963',
'crawlid': '7fd95-785-4dd259-fcc-8752f'},
'type': 'crawl',
'norm': {'body': '\n',
'domain': '',
'author': 'crawl',
'url': '',
'timestamp': '2019-02-22T19:04:53.961283+00:00',
'id': '7fc5-685-4dd9-cc-8762f'}}
before you post make sure the actual code works for the data attached. Thanks!
The below code I tried but it did not work there was a syntax error that I could not figure out.[_source].apply(json.loads))[_source].apply(json.loads))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Whoever can help me with this will be a saint!
I had to do something like that a while back. Basically I used a function that completely flattened out the json to identify the keys that would be turned into the columns, then iterated through the json to reconstruct a row and append each row into a "results" dataframe. So with the data you provided, it created 52 column row and looking through it, looks like it included all the keys into it's own column. Anything nested, for example: 'meta': {'rule_matcher':[{'atribs': {'website': ...]} should then have a column name where the '.' denotes those nested keys
data_source = {'sub_organization_id': 'default',
'uid': 'ac0fafe9ba98327f2d0c72ddc365ffb76336czsa13280b',
'project_veid': 'default',
'campaign_id': 'default',
'organization_id': 'default',
'meta': {'rule_matcher': [{'atribs': {'website': '',
'source': 'Explicit',
'version': '1.1',
'type': 'crawl'},
'results': [{'rule_type': 'hashtag',
'rule_tag': 'Far',
'description': None,
'project_veid': 'A7180EA-7078-0C7F-ED5D-86AD7',
'campaign_id': '2A6DA0C-365BB-67DD-B05830920',
'value': '#Far',
'organization_id': None,
'sub_organization_id': None,
'appid': 'ray',
'project_id': 'CDE2F42-5B87-C594-C900E578C',
'rule_id': '1838',
'node_id': None,
'metadata': {'campaign_title': 'AF',
'project_title': 'AF '}}]}],
'render': [{'attribs': {'website': '',
'version': '1.0',
'type': 'Page Render'},
'results': [{'render_status': 'success',
'path': '',
'image_hash': 'bb7674b8ea3fc05bfd027a19815f82c',
'url': '',
'load_time': 32}]}]},
'norm_attribs': {'website': '',
'version': '1.1',
'type': 'crawl'},
'project_id': 'default',
'system_timestamp': '2019-02-22T19:04:53.569623',
'doc': {'appid': 'subtter',
'links': [],
'response_url': '',
'url': '',
'status_code': 200,
'status_msg': 'OK',
'encoding': 'utf-8',
'attrs': {'uid': '2ab8f2651cb32261b911c990a8b'},
'timestamp': '2019-02-22T19:04:53.963',
'crawlid': '7fd95-785-4dd259-fcc-8752f'},
'type': 'crawl',
'norm': {'body': '\n',
'domain': '',
'author': 'crawl',
'url': '',
'timestamp': '2019-02-22T19:04:53.961283+00:00',
'id': '7fc5-685-4dd9-cc-8762f'}}
def flatten_json(y):
out = {}
def flatten(x, name=''):
if type(x) is dict:
for a in x:
flatten(x[a], name + a + '_')
elif type(x) is list:
i = 0
for a in x:
flatten(a, name + str(i) + '_')
i += 1
out[name[:-1]] = x
return out
flat = flatten_json(data_source)
import pandas as pd
import re
results = pd.DataFrame()
special_cols = []
columns_list = list(flat.keys())
for item in columns_list:
row_idx = re.findall(r'\_(\d+)\_', item )[0]
column = re.findall(r'\_\d+\_(.*)', item )[0]
column = re.sub(r'\_\d+\_', '.', column)
row_idx = int(row_idx)
value = flat[item]
results.loc[row_idx, column] = value
for item in special_cols:
results[item] = flat[item]
print (results.to_string())
atribs_website atribs_source atribs_version atribs_type results.rule_type results.rule_tag results.description results.project_veid results.campaign_id results.value results.organization_id results.sub_organization_id results.appid results.project_id results.rule_id results.node_id results.metadata_campaign_title results.metadata_project_title attribs_website attribs_version attribs_type results.render_status results.path results.image_hash results.url results.load_time sub_organization_id uid project_veid campaign_id organization_id norm_attribs_website norm_attribs_version norm_attribs_type project_id system_timestamp doc_appid doc_response_url doc_url doc_status_code doc_status_msg doc_encoding doc_attrs_uid doc_timestamp doc_crawlid type norm_body norm_domain norm_author norm_url norm_timestamp norm_id
0 Explicit 1.1 crawl hashtag Far NaN A7180EA-7078-0C7F-ED5D-86AD7 2A6DA0C-365BB-67DD-B05830920 #Far NaN NaN ray CDE2F42-5B87-C594-C900E578C 1838 NaN AF AF 1.0 Page Render success bb7674b8ea3fc05bfd027a19815f82c 32.0 default ac0fafe9ba98327f2d0c72ddc365ffb76336czsa13280b default default default 1.1 crawl default 2019-02-22T19:04:53.569623 subtter 200 OK utf-8 2ab8f2651cb32261b911c990a8b 2019-02-22T19:04:53.963 7fd95-785-4dd259-fcc-8752f crawl \n crawl 2019-02-22T19:04:53.961283+00:00 7fc5-685-4dd9-cc-8762f
This question is regarding the use of todoist python api.
After adding an item (that's what a task is called in the api) I get these weird looking IDs. I say weird because a regular id is just an integer. But these IDs are not usable in anyway, I can't do api.items.get_by_id() with this id. What is going on? How do I get out from this weird state?
'reply email': 'b5b4eb2c-b28f-11e9-bd8d-80e6500af142',
I printed out a few more IDs, and all the integer ones work well with all API calls, the UUID ones throw an exception.
You have to use api.commit() to do the Sync and have the final id. The id you're trying to use is just a temporary id while the sync is not done.
>>> import todoist; import os; token = os.environ.get('token'); api = todoist.TodoistAPI(token); item=api.items.add('test');
>>> item
Item({'content': 'test',
'id': '3b4d77c0-b891-11e9-a080-2afbabeedbe3',
'project_id': 1490600000})
>>> api.commit()
{'full_sync': False, 'sync_status': {'3b4d793c-b891-11e9-a080-2afbabeaeaef': 'ok'}, 'temp_id_mapping': {'3b4d77c0-b891-11e9-a080-2afbabeaeaef': 3331113774}, 'labels': [], 'project_notes': [], 'filters': [], 'sync_token': 'EEVprctG1E39VDqJfu_cwyhpO6rkOaavyU5r70Eu0nY1ZjsWSjssGr4qLLLikucJAu_Zakld7DniBsEyZ7i820dqcZNcOAbUcbzHFpMpSjzr-GALTA', 'day_orders': {}, 'projects': [], 'collaborators': [], 'day_orders_timestamp': '1564672738.25', 'live_notifications_last_read_id': 2259500000, 'items': [{'legacy_project_id': 1484800000, 'day_order': -1, 'assigned_by_uid': 5050000, 'labels': [], 'sync_id': None, 'section_id': None, 'in_history': 0, 'child_order': 3, 'date_added': '2019-08-06T21:29:18Z', 'id': 3331113774, 'content': 'test2', 'checked': 0, 'user_id': 5050000, 'due': None, 'priority': 1, 'parent_id': None, 'is_deleted': 0, 'responsible_uid': None, 'project_id': 1490600000, 'date_completed': None, 'collapsed': 0}], 'notes': [], 'reminders': [], 'due_exceptions': [], 'live_notifications': [], 'sections': [], 'collaborator_states': []}
>>> item
Item({'assigned_by_uid': 5050000,
'checked': 0,
'child_order': 3,
'collapsed': 0,
'content': 'test',
'date_added': '2019-08-06T21:29:18Z',
'date_completed': None,
'day_order': -1,
'due': None,
'id': 3331100000,
'in_history': 0,
'is_deleted': 0,
'labels': [],
'legacy_project_id': 148400000,
'parent_id': None,
'priority': 1,
'project_id': 1490660000,
'responsible_uid': None,
'section_id': None,
'sync_id': None,
'user_id': 5050000})
I am trying to scrape some ticketing inventory info using Stubhub's API, but I cannot seem to figure out how to loop through the get request.
I basically want to loop through multiple events. The eventid_list is a list of eventids. The code I have is below:
inventory_url = ''
for eventid in eventid_list:
data = {'eventid': eventid, 'rows':500}
inventory = requests.get(inventory_url, headers=headers, params=data)
inv = inventory.json()
listing_df = pd.DataFrame(inv['listing'])
When I run this, the dataframe only returns results for one event, instead of multiple. What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: print(inv) outputs something like this:
'eventId': 102994860,
'totalListings': 82,
'totalTickets': 236,
'minQuantity': 1,
'maxQuantity': 6,
'listing': [
'listingId': 1297697413,
'currentPrice': {'amount': 108.58, 'currency': 'USD'},
'listingPrice': {'amount': 88.4, 'currency': 'USD'},
'sectionId': 1638686,
'row': 'E',
'quantity': 6,
'sellerSectionName': 'FRONT MEZZANINE RIGHT',
'sectionName': 'Front Mezzanine Sides',
'seatNumbers': '2,4,6,8,10,12',
'zoneId': 240236,
'zoneName': 'Front Mezzanine',
'deliveryTypeList': [5],
'deliveryMethodList': [23, 24, 25],
'isGA': 0,
'dirtyTicketInd': False,
'splitOption': '2',
'ticketSplit': '1',
'splitVector': [1, 2, 3, 4, 6],
'sellerOwnInd': 0,
'score': 0.0
'listingId': 1297697417,
'currentPrice': {'amount': 108.58, 'currency': 'USD'},
'listingPrice': {'amount': 88.4, 'currency': 'USD'},
'sectionId': 1638686,
'row': 'D',
'quantity': 3,
'sellerSectionName': 'FRONT MEZZANINE RIGHT',
'sectionName': 'Front Mezzanine Sides',
'seatNumbers': '2,4,6',
'zoneId': 240236,
'zoneName': 'Front Mezzanine',
'deliveryTypeList': [5],
'deliveryMethodList': [23, 24, 25],
'isGA': 0,
'dirtyTicketInd': False,
'splitOption': '2',
'ticketSplit': '1',
'splitVector': [1, 3],
'sellerOwnInd': 0,
'score': 0.0
I'm guessing inventory.json()['listing'] is a list of events. If so, you can try this:
inventory_url = ''
def get_event(eventid):
"""Given an event id returns inventory['listing']"""
data = {'eventid': eventid, 'rows':500}
inventory = requests.get(inventory_url, headers=headers, params=data)
return inventory.json().get('listing', [])
# Concatenate output of all events
events = itertools.flatten(get_event(eventid) for eventid in eventid_list)
listing_df = pd.DataFrame(list(events))
This is just a starting point, you will have to deal with cases where inventory.statos_code != 200. The result probably is not very useful, so you may have to flat some of the attributes for the listing items line currentPrice and listingPrice:
I have several lists of data which looks like this:
ISIN Currency Rates
26545555 Eur 0.12345
56554455 Eur 0.25665
75884554 Eur 0.89654
I want to save this data into a dictionary or json like format.
So I am trying to store the following data:
id: 0, ISIN: 26545555, Currency: Eur, Rates: 0.12345
id: 1, ISIN: 56554455, Currency: Eur, Rates: 0.25665
The problem is I am trying to use the following dictionary:
dict_data = {'id': '', 'ISIN': '', 'Currency': ''}
But when I try to append data it doesn't store all of the data.
I am getting the data from an Excel sheet using Pandas. If you think I should use something else, please let me know.
You should use list of dicts:
{'id': 0, 'ISIN': '', 'Currency': ''},
{'id': 1, 'ISIN': '', 'Currency': ''}
or if you want dict:
0: {'ISIN': '', 'Currency': ''},
1: {'ISIN': '', 'Currency': ''}
or(partly based on Marco's suggestion):
0: [26545555, 'Eur', 0.12345],
1: [26545555, 'Eur', 0.12345]
But personally I prefer second variant if you will need to access elements by ID.
One item is a dict, and group all data in a list
{'id': 0, 'ISIN': '', 'Currency': ''},
{'id': 1, 'ISIN': '', 'Currency': ''}
I have a List and inside the list i got a dict and i want to sort the list by a value of the dict.
How does this work?
[{'id': 0, 'thread': 'First',
'post': [
{'id': 0, 'title': 'MyPost', 'time': '2015-11-07 01:06:08.939687'}]
{'id': 1, 'thread': 'Second',
'post': [
{'id': 0, 'title': 'MyPost', 'time': '2015-11-07 01:06:42.933263'}]},
{'id': 2, 'name': 'NoPosts', 'post': []}]
I would like to sort my Threadlist by time of the first post, is that possible?
You can pass sort or sorted a key function:
In [11]: def key(x):
return x["post"][0]["time"] # return ISO date string
except IndexError:
return "Not a date string" # any letter > all date strings
In [12]: sorted(d, key=key)
[{'id': 0,
'post': [{'id': 0, 'time': '2015-11-07 01:06:08.939687', 'title': 'MyPost'}],
'thread': 'First'},
{'id': 1,
'post': [{'id': 0, 'time': '2015-11-07 01:06:42.933263', 'title': 'MyPost'}],
'thread': 'Second'},
{'id': 2, 'name': 'NoPosts', 'post': []}]