i have this code, first i get the image from a input and then i create a copy in folder in this case 'tareas', then i need to print the name of that image, i can create the copy successfully but i can't get the name of the copy.
if request.method == "POST":
uploaded_file = request.FILES['imagen']
fs = FileSystemStorage()
fs.save(uploaded_file.name, uploaded_file)
caminodelarchivo = "C:/Users/Usuario/Documents/Django/Proyecto/imagenes/tareas"
files = glob.glob(caminodelarchivo)
ultimoarchivo = max(files, key=os.path.getctime)
print ("El nombre es: ", ultimoarchivo)
In your case filename stored in uploaded_file.name why you don't use it?
I'm trying to bulk convert selected images to selected format and save them in user selected directory with their existing name and new format.
def browse():
filez = askopenfilenames(parent=window,title='Choose your images',filetypes=[("image files", ('.png', '.jpg','.jpeg','.gif','.tif','.webp' ))])
global files_list
files_list = list(filez)
def convert():
cformat = combo.get()
userpath = askdirectory(title='Select Folder to Save Converted Images')
for file in files_list:
im = Image.open(file).convert('RGB')
working_name = str(os.path.basename(file))
file_extension = str(os.path.splitext(working_name)[1])
file_extension = file_extension.replace(".", "")
userpath = userpath + "\\"
saving_path = userpath + "Converted_" + working_name
saving_path = saving_path.replace(file_extension, cformat)
im.save(saving_path, quality=95)
I'm doing this by adding "\" to the end of returned string from askdirectory() and adding file names to it.
I have also tried SaveAs() but i don't want to prompt user for every single file.
Is there any solution to skip adding the last slash ?
Because i am losing multi platform compatibility due to file system types(Windows uses "\" and Linux-like systems use "/")
Any advice would be great!
first python script generating folder based on request. second script giving similar image and saving in generated folder. While in multiple request, images is not saving as per request.Only images saving in first folder generated. for example if three concurrent request came it generated 3 folders.but all result is saving in first folder other 2 folders is empty.so second and third user not getting result.
1st Script
#app.route('/imageUploads', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def upload_img():
import secrets
import string
N = 9
res = ''.join(secrets.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits)
for i in range(N))
print("The generated random string : " + str(res))
timesearch = str(res)
randomvariable = timesearch
result = 'static/' + randomvariable
globe = result;
if not gfile.Exists(result):
result = 'static/' + randomvariable
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(result):
for file in files:
os.remove(os.path.join(root, file))
if request.method == 'POST' or request.method == 'GET':
# check if the post request has the file part
if 'file' not in request.files:
print('No file part')
return redirect(request.url)
file = request.files['file']
# if user does not select file, browser also
# submit a empty part without filename
if file.filename == '':
print('No selected file')
return redirect(request.url)
if file and allowed_file(file.filename):
filename = secure_filename(file.filename)
#filename = file.filename
file.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename))
inputloc = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)
recommend(inputloc, extracted_features,randomvariable)
#label = label1.replace("\n", "")
# name = os.path.basename(pred_final[neighbor])
image_path = randomvariable
image_list =[os.path.join(image_path,file) for file in os.listdir(result)
if not file.startswith('.')]
image_list = [k.replace("\\","/") for k in image_list]
images = []
resultImages = []
for i, image in enumerate(image_list):
v = len(image_list)
print(v,"number of images are")
images.append({'path': 'https://localhost:5000/'+image, 'fileName': os.path.basename(image)})
with open('data.json', "w") as f:
json.dump({"resultImages": resultImages}, f)
2nd python script
def get_top_k_similar(image_data, pred, pred_final, k=10):
result = 'static/' + recommend.randomString
# cosine calculates the cosine distance, not similiarity. Hence no need to reverse list
top_k_ind = np.argsort([cosine(image_data, pred_row) \
for ith_row, pred_row in enumerate(pred)])[:k]
for i, neighbor in enumerate(top_k_ind):
image = ndimage.imread(pred_final[neighbor])
name = os.path.basename(pred_final[neighbor])
name = os.path.join('static', recommend.randomString, name)
imsave(name, image)
I made a youtube video download Manager. It download a video but i am facing one issue when i download same video, it doesn't download it again. how can i download it again with same title like pic.png and send pic1.png. How can i do that?
def Download(self):
video_url = self.lineEdit.text()
save_location = self.lineEdit_2.text()
if video_url == '' or save_location == '':
QMessageBox.warning(self, "Data Error", "Provide a Valid Video URL or save Location")
video = pafy.new(video_url)
video_stream = video.streams
video_quality = self.comboBox.currentIndex()
download = video_stream[video_quality].download(filepath=save_location, callback=self.Handel_Progress, )
Ok, this one is interesting.
The real problem begins here.
download = video_stream[video_quality].download(filepath=save_location, callback=self.Handel_Progress, )
Here, you are calling download function of video_stream object which takes filepath as an argument for file location but does not take the filename, because, obviously, the file would be saved with the actual name.
Root Cause of your problem:
If you look into the definition of download function, you would find that if a file exists with the same name, it would not download the file at all.
Now comes the part, how do you make sure it downloads, no matter what:
There are two things you need to do:
Check if a file with same name exists or not, and if does, then add 1 in the end of the file name just before the extension. So if abc.mp4 exists, then save abc1.mp4.
[I will tell you how to handle the scenario when abc.mp4, abc1.mp4 and so on exists, but for now, let's get back to the problem.]
How to pass the file name (abc1.mp4) to the download method?
Following piece of code would handle both.
I have added comments for your understanding.
import os
import re
import pafy
from pafy.util import xenc
# this function is used by pafy to generate file name while saving,
# so im using the same function to get the file name which I will use to check
# if file exists or not
def generate_filename(title, extension):
max_length = 251
""" Generate filename. """
ok = re.compile(r'[^/]')
if os.name == "nt":
ok = re.compile(r'[^\\/:*?"<>|]')
filename = "".join(x if ok.match(x) else "_" for x in title)
if max_length:
max_length = max_length + 1 + len(extension)
if len(filename) > max_length:
filename = filename[:max_length - 3] + '...'
filename += "." + extension
return xenc(filename)
def get_file_name_for_saving(save_location, full_name):
file_path_with_name = os.path.join(save_location, full_name)
# file exists, add 1 in the end, otherwise return filename as it is
if os.path.exists(file_path_with_name):
split = file_path_with_name.split(".")
file_path_with_name = ".".join(split[:-1]) + "1." + split[-1]
return file_path_with_name
def Download(self):
video_url = self.lineEdit.text()
save_location = self.lineEdit_2.text()
if video_url == '' or save_location == '':
QMessageBox.warning(self, "Data Error", "Provide a Valid Video URL or save Location")
# video file
video = pafy.new(video_url)
# available video streams
video_stream = video.streams
video_quality = self.comboBox.currentIndex()
# video title/name
video_name = video.title
# take out the extension of the file from video stream
extension = video_stream[video_quality].extension
# fullname with extension
full_name = generate_filename(video_name, extension)
final_path_with_file_name = get_file_name_for_saving(save_location, full_name)
download = video_stream[video_quality].download(filepath=final_path_with_file_name,
callback=self.Handel_Progress, )
Let me know if you face any issues.
write a python program to create a .html file in a directory, the directory can be created correctly, use function open to create this .html file and try to write some content in this file,but the .html file can not be created,
def save_public_figure_page(self,type,p_f_name):
glovar.date = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime())
p_f_page_file_directory = os.path.join("dataset", "html",type,glovar.date,p_f_name)
html_user_page = glovar.webdriver_browser.page_source
p_f_page_file = os.path.join(p_f_page_file_directory,type + "_" + p_f_name + ".html")
html_file = open(p_f_page_file, "w", encoding='utf-8')
the directory_create function in data_storage is:
#create the file storage directory
def directory_create(path):
directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),path)
if not os.path.exists(directory):
it errors:
<class 'FileNotFoundError'> at /public_figure_name_sub
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'dataset\\html\\public_figure\\20170404\\Donald Trump \\public_figure_Donald Trump .html'
the current directory is under /dataset/, I found the directory:
F:\MyDocument\F\My Document\Training\Python\PyCharmProject\FaceBookCrawl\dataset\html\public_figure\20170404\Donald Trump
has been created correctly,but the file——public_figure_Donald Trump .html can not be created correctly,could you please tell me the reason and how to correct
As suggested by Jean-François Fabre, your file has a space just before the ".html".
To solve this, use trim() in the variable p_f_name in your 7th line:
# Added trim() to p_f_name
p_f_page_file = os.path.join(p_f_page_file_directory,type +
"_" + p_f_name.trim() + ".html")
This will create the file:
public_figure_Donald Trump.html
instead of
public_figure_Donald Trump .html
PD: Anyway your filename has a lot of spaces between Donald and Trump. I don't know where the file name comes but you might want to fix it.
Function save_public_figure_page
class public_figure:
def save_public_figure_page(self, type, p_f_name):
glovar.date = time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime())
p_f_name = p_f_name.trim() # Trim the name to get rid of extra spaces
p_f_page_name = '{t}_{pfn}.html'.format(t=type, pfn=p_f_name)
p_f_page_file_directory = os.path.join(
directory, # Add the directory from the data_storage.directory property
"dataset", "html",
type, glovar.date, p_f_name,
if data_storage.directory_create(self.p_f_page_file_directory):
html_user_page = glovar.webdriver_browser.page_source
p_f_page_file = os.path.join(p_f_page_file_directory, p_f_page_name)
html_file = open(p_f_page_file, "w", encoding='utf-8')
directory_create method of data_storage
#create the file storage directory
class data_storage:
def directory_create(self, path):
self.directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), path)
if not os.path.exists(self.directory):
return True
return True
I'm building a web app in Django.
I have a form that sends a file to views.py.
def addCancion(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form2 = UploadSong(request.POST, request.FILES)
if form2.is_valid():
path = '%s' % (request.FILES['file'])
ruta = "http://domain.com/static/canciones/%s" % path
usuario = Usuario.objects.get(pk=request.session['persona'])
song = Cancion(autor=usuario, cancion=ruta)
return HttpResponse(ruta)
return HttpResponse("-3")
return HttpResponse("-2")
return HttpResponse("-1")
I'm trying to upload only the MP3 files, but I don't know how to make this filter.
I tried a class named "ContentTypeRestrictedFileField(FileField):" and doesn't work.
How can I get the file type in views.py?
You could also use the clean() method from the form, which is used to validate it. Thus, you can reject files that are not mp3. Something like this:
class UploadSong(forms.Form):
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = super(UploadSong, self).clean()
file = cleaned_data.get('file')
if file:
filename = file.name
print filename
if filename.endswith('.mp3'):
print 'File is a mp3'
print 'File is NOT a mp3'
raise forms.ValidationError("File is not a mp3. Please upload only mp3 files")
return file
with import mimetypes, magic:
magic.from_buffer(form.cleaned_data['file'].read(), mime=True)
gives you the extension as '.pdf' for example
for get direct of request:
import os
extesion = os.path.splitext(str(request.FILES['file_field']))[1]
or get extesion in db - model.
import os
file = FileModel.objects.get(pk=1) # select your object
file_path = file.db_column.path # db_column how you save name of file.
extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1]
You mean this:
u_file = request.FILES['file']
extension = u_file.split(".")[1].lower()
path = '%s' % u_file
ruta = "http://example.com/static/canciones/%s" % path
usuario = Usuario.objects.get(pk=request.session['persona'])
song = Cancion(autor=usuario, cancion=ruta)
return HttpResponse(content_type)
You can use request.FILES["file_field_name"].content_type
my_file = request.FILES["file_field_name"]
if my_file.content_type != 'text/csv':
print("Your file must be a CSV type")
Using FileType.py library.
kind = filetype.guess('tests/fixtures/sample.jpg')
if kind is None:
print('Cannot guess file type!')
print('File extension: %s' % kind.extension)
print('File MIME type: %s' % kind.mime)
Using MimeTypes().guess_extension() method. Check snippet below.
# guess the file extension
mime = magic.from_buffer(file_obj.read(), mime=True)
extension = mimetypes.MimeTypes().guess_extension(mime)
>>> print extension