Speaking a print string and JSON data from an API - python

So i'm working with the speech recognition library in python and i'm making calls to an API. I've created a function called speak that outputs audio from the computer. I wanted to know if its possible to have the speech recognition library to actually speak JSON data that it receives from the API. Here is a sample of my code.
import os
import time
import playsound
import speech_recognition as sr
from gtts import gTTS
import requests
import json
import jsonpath
import datetime
url = "APIURL"
key = "APIKEY"
def speak(text, json_response):
for i in range(0,1):
tts = gTTS(text= text, lang = 'en')
file1 = str("hello" + str(i) + ".mp3")
def get_audio():
r =sr.Recognizer()
with sr.Microphone() as source:
audio = r.listen(source)
said = ''
said = r.recognize_google(audio)
except Exception as e:
print("Exception" + str(e))
return said
def print_commands(text):
if "printer state" in text:
response = requests.get(url + 'printer' + key)
# finds specific part of state operational or not
json_response = json.loads(response.text)
if response.status_code == 200:
speak('state:', json_response['state']['text'])
elif response.status_code == 409:
speak("couldn't get any data")
while True:
if __name__ == '__main__':
text = get_audio()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
As of now it will speak the string that says State but nothing else after that I appreciate any help i can get with this.


Why is the AI repeating the function?

When I say "Friday" "take a screenshot" it takes a screenshot. Everything okay. But it repeats this function. It says "I took a screenshot of your main screen" and takes a screenshot again and again. It is only this function. I tried with other functions but there it repeats it only one time - that is an other problem to fix.
Main code:
import functions as FF
import speakandrecognizefunctions as SRF
import datetime
import pyautogui
WAKE_WORD = "friday"
USER = "user"
PATH = "C://MeineDirection"
def success():
def screenshot():
date = datetime.datetime.now()
filename = str(date).replace(":", "-") + "-screenshot.png"
img = pyautogui.screenshot()
SRF.speak("I took a screenshot of your main screen " + USER)
while True:
text = SRF.takecommandbackground()
if text.count(WAKE_WORD) > 0:
SRF.speak("Im listening " + USER)
text = SRF.takecommand()
SCREENSHOT_STRS = ["make a screenshot", "take a screenshot", "screenshot"]
for phrase in SCREENSHOT_STRS:
if phrase in text:
Speech recognition code:
import pyttsx3
import speech_recognition as sr
import config
engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5')
voices = engine.getProperty('voices')
engine.setProperty('voice', voices[1].id)
WAKE_WORD = "friday"
def speak(text):
def takecommand():
r = sr.Recognizer()
with sr.Microphone() as source:
#r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=0.5)
audio = r.listen(source)
said = ""
said = r.recognize_google(audio)
except Exception as e:
speak("I didnt get that !!")
print(f"Exception. Say {WAKE_WORD} and try again " + str(e))
return said.lower()
def takecommandbackground():
r = sr.Recognizer()
with sr.Microphone() as source:
r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration=0.3)
audio = r.listen(source, phrase_time_limit=4)
# print("Recognizing....")
query = r.recognize_google(audio)
#print("user said : ", query)
# speak(query)
except Exception:
#print("Say that again please !! ")
return "none"
return query.lower()
Easy "take a screenshot" will trigger for "take a screenshot" & "screenshot"
Take out "screenshot" from SCREENSHOT_STRS and see what . If that works then you want to break the loop as #jasonharper suggested
You need to break the Loop, because it loops all the Time, or you clear the Text Var.

i'm trying to run this program in Python, but i'm not able to execute def

i'm trying to run this program in Python, but i'm not able to execute def. this is an assistant who shuold be able to catch words from the users and execute orders accordingly
the main question is:
how can I built an run more actions. example:
user said: stevens, what do you think about sports?
the IA (Steven) should be able to catch this string as an input order and execute a function and/or reply accordingly (based upon a pre-existing command line). Possible outputs should be: a. run a mp3 file, print a sentence, run a program
how can I execute def greeting?
this is the whole code:
import gtts
from gtts import gTTS
import warnings
import speech_recognition as sr
import os
import google
import random
def record_audio():
r = sr.Recognizer()
global data
with sr.Microphone() as source:
print('Say something! ')
audio = r.listen(source)
data = r.recognize_google(audio)
except sr.UnknownValueError:
print('I am waiting for your orders')
except sr.RequestError as e:
print('Google speech rec error')
return data
def assistant_responses(text):
myobj = gTTS(text= text, lang= 'en', slow=False)
os.system('start assistant_response.mp3')
def wake_words(text):
WAKE_WORDS = ['stevens', 'hi stevens']
text = text.lower()
for phrase in WAKE_WORDS:
if phrase in text:
return True
return False
def greeting(text):
GREETING_INPUTS = ['hi', 'hey', 'hola', 'ciao', 'hello', 'good morning']
GREETING_RESPONSES = ['hello sir', 'good morning sir', 'how can i help you sir?']
for word in text.split():
if word.lower() in GREETING_INPUTS:
return random.choice(GREETING_RESPONSES) +'.'
return ''
while True:
text = record_audio()
response = greeting(text)
if wake_words(text) == True:
print('Good day sir')
elif greeting(text) == True:
print('Hello sir')
The issue is that you want to have the result of greeting be displayed, but you're not displaying the result anywhere. This is how you currently call greeting:
response = greeting(text)
All this is doing is setting the variable response to something from GREETING_RESPONSES. It's not telling Python to display anything. You have to actually print the response (or do something else with it besides nothing):
response = greeting(text)
Or just:

Youtube V3 API doesn't sort video

So I have been using youtube api to scrape a channel. Everything was working fine until 3 days ago (03/15/2019) when the result isn't sorted anymore. It seems that no matter what I put in the order parameter, the results are all the same. Can anyone tell me why it isn't working? Here's the code snippet:
import re
import os
import json
import MySQLdb
from pytube import YouTube
import urllib
import isodate
import sys
def get_all_video_in_channel(channel_id):
api_key = '<MY KEY>'
video_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet,contentDetails&id={}&key={}'
first_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?key={}&channelId={}&part=snippet,id&order=date&maxResults=50'.format(api_key, channel_id) #order by date but won't work
res = []
url = first_url
while True:
inp = urllib.urlopen(url)
resp = json.load(inp)
vidIds = []
for jobject in resp['items']:
if jobject['id']['kind'] == "youtube#video":
vidreq = urllib.urlopen(video_url.format(",".join(vidIds),api_key))
vidres = json.load(vidreq)
for vidjson in vidres['items']:
if (len(res) >= 50):
next_page_token = resp['nextPageToken']
url = first_url + '&pageToken={}'.format(next_page_token)
return res
c_id = 'UCycyxZMoPwg9cuRDMyQE7PQ'
episodes = get_all_video_in_channel(c_id)
Edit: I did some more research and people say that the API indeed is not working properly due to Youtube doing something with deleting the New Zealand shooting video and it will soon be working properly again.
I recommend you to see the answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/55220182/8327971. This is a known and acknowledged issue by Google: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/128673552.

How to get output from google microphone search to python script?

I am currently using google to transcribe speech to text. But it is too slow. I would like to use the google microphone search box output instead (since it is almost real time). I have been reading Selenium examples but can't find anything returning the voice search text.
My existing code:
import time, wave, pymedia.audio.sound as sound
import pyautogui
import pyaudio,os
import speech_recognition as sr
f1= wave.open( 'HelloWorld.wav', 'rb' )
sampleRate1= f1.getframerate()
channels1= f1.getnchannels()
format= sound.AFMT_S16_LE
snd1= sound.Output( sampleRate1, channels1, format )
s1= f1.readframes( 800000 )
def hello():
snd1.play( s1 )
def mainfunction(source):
audio = r.listen(source)
user = (r.recognize_google(audio, language = "en-us", show_all=False))
if user == "hello world":
if __name__ == "__main__":
r = sr.Recognizer()
with sr.Microphone() as source:
while 1:
r.pause_threshold = 0.5
r.energy_threshold = 150
r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source, duration = 0.5)

How can i make the python to wait till i complete speaking?

I am writing a program to recognise the speech from a microphone and the code will process accordingly. The code I wrote for this purpose is below.
import speech_recognition as sr
import webbrowser
import pyttsx
from time import sleep
engine = pyttsx.init()
engine.setProperty('rate', 70)
r = sr.Recognizer()
def recognize(audio):
return r.recognize(audio)
except LookupError, e:
print e
return ''
with sr.Microphone() as source:
while True:
engine.say("Hi How can i help you ?")
print "Start Speaking"
audio = r.listen(source)
words = recognize(audio)
print("You said " + words)
if words == "Facebook":
engine.say("Shall i open the Facebook page for you ?")
audio = r.listen(source)
words = recognize(audio)
if words == "Yes":
elif words == "stop":
Here I tried sleep also but before the engine speaks I can see the text Start Speaking getting printed. Instead of Sleep, is there any nice way to capture the speech in microphone and wait till say something or for a long silence?
This method:
waits for speech to complete. You need to use it not just after engine.say("Shall i open the Facebook page for you ?"), but also after engine.say("Hi How can i help you ?")
instead of sleep
I normally use global variables which are frowned upon but the following is correct I think? The following two def's should help...
# contains reusable print and speech
def output_modes(output):
engine = pyttsx3.init()
print(f"Output: {output}")
# contains reusable grabbing audio
def input_modes():
r1 = sr.Recognizer()
mic1 = sr.Microphone()
with mic1:
output = r1.recognize_google(r1.listen(mic1))
except sr.UnknownValueError:
output = "Unknown Error M1"
except sr.RequestError as e:
output = "Error M2; {0}".format(e)
You should be able to write a While loop that can call on input_modes() to listen or output_modes to speak for example
def interact():
if input == 'Hello':
output = 'Hi there'
