What is the accurates method in Python 3 for timings.
I'm writing a script which communicates with a CAN-Bus and the timings are important for this bustype. At the moment i dont have problems, everything works fine. But i'm trying to tweak the script for a more accurate timing.
For example i use this method:
from time import time as get_time
def timing_is_all(miliseconds):
miliseconds /= 1000
start = get_time()
while get_time() - start < milisecond:
I want to call it for 10 miliseconds:
Whould it be wiser to use a thread, which runs in the background and changes a global var? Or is the build in function sleep already as close as it gets for timings?
I know realtime is not possible on a system with a OS etc. I'm just looking for "close" method.
I applied the following code (https://circuitpython.readthedocs.io/projects/ads1x15/en/latest/examples.html) to read voltage.
In the last line of python code, I have set time.sleep command as (1/3300 s)
I have following queries:
In the time column, time-step comes out to be approximately (0.02 s). However expected time-step is (1/3300)s. Why does this occur?
How do I ensure that the time-step i.e sampling frequency between two successive time data points remains exactly at 3300 Hz. ?
How do I ensure that 1st time-data point starts with "0"?
Can somebody please clarify my doubts!
The sampling rate of the ADS1015 is meant to be 3300S/sec only in continuous mode, and sampling one channel at a time.
There are 2 steps here:
Ensure your ADC is in continuous sampling mode.
Putting it in continuous mode would be something like "adc.mode = 0", provided your library supports it. I have used this one https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_ADS1X15 and it does support it.
Ensure that the Data rate in the config register is set to 3300. (page 16 on the datasheet at https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/ads1015.pdf)
Purely that would also mostly not be enough, getting to the full potential of the ADC would also need a compatible processor that can handle large amounts of data on its i2c bus. Something like a raspberry pi is mostly not powerful enough.
Using faster languages like C/C++ would also help.
You have at least 3 problems and need to read the time module docs.
time.time is not guaranteed to be accurate to more than a second. In the following, in IDLE Shell on Win 10, multiple time.time() calls give same time.
>>> for i in range(30):
print(time.perf_counter(), time.time(), time.perf_counter())
8572.4002846 1607086901.7035756 8572.4002855
8572.4653746 1607086901.756807 8572.4653754
8572.4706208 1607086901.7724454 8572.4706212
8572.4755909 1607086901.7724454 8572.4755914
8572.4806756 1607086901.7724454 8572.4806759
... # time.time continues repeating 3 or 4 times.
time.sleep(t) has a minimum system-dependent interval, even if t is much smaller. On Windows, it is about .015 seconds. There is no particular upper limit if there is other system activity.
>>> for i in range(5):
Printing to IDLE's shell is slower than running a program direct with Python (from command line) and printing to the system console. For one thing, IDLE runs user code in a separate process, adding interprocess overhead. For another, IDLE is a GUI program and the GUI framework, tk via tkinter, add more overhead. IDLE is designed for learning Python and developing Python programs. It is not optimized for running Python programs.
If user code outputs to a tkinter GUI it creates in the same process, avoiding the interprocess delay, the minimum interval is much shorter, about .0012 seconds in this particular example.
>>> import tkinter as tk
>>> r = tk.Tk()
>>> t = tk.Text(r)
>>> t.pack()
>>> for i in range(5):
t.insert('insert', f'{time.perf_counter()}\n')
# In the text widget...
Input: array of float time values (in seconds) relative to program start. [0.452, 0.963, 1.286, 2.003, ... ]. They are not evenly spaced apart.
Desired Output: Output text to console at those times (i.e. printing '#')
My question is what is the best design principle to go about this. Below is my naive solution using time.time.
times = [0.452, 0.963, 1.286, 2.003]
start_time = time.time()
for event_time in times:
while 1:
if time.time() - start_time >= event_time:
print '#'
The above feels intuitively wrong using that busy loop (even if its in its own thread).
I'm leaning towards scheduling but want to make sure there aren't better design options: Executing periodic actions in Python
There is also the timer object: timers
Edit: Events only need 10ms precision, so +/- 10ms from exact event time.
A better pattern than busy waiting might be to use time.sleep(). This suspends execution rather than using the CPU.
time_diffs = [0.452, 0.511, 0.323, 0.716]
for diff in time_diffs:
print '#'
Threading can also be used to similar effect. However both of these solutions only work if the action you want to perform each time the program 'restarts' takes negligible time (perhaps not true of printing).
That being said no pattern is going to work if you are after 10ms precision and want to use Python on a standard OS. I recommend this question on Real time operating via Python which explains both that GUI events (i.e. printing to a screen) are too slow and unreliable for that level of precision, that your typical OSs where Python is run do not guarantee that level of precision and that Python's garbage collection and memory management also play havoc if you want 'real-time' events.
I am using python's sched module to run a task periodically, and I think I have come across a bug.
I find that it relies on the time of the system on which the python script is run. For example, let's say that I want to run a task every 5 seconds. If I forward the system time, the scheduled task will run as expected. However, if I rewind the system time to, say 1 day, then the next scheduled task will run in 5 seconds + 1 day.
If you run the script below and then change your system time by a few days back, then you can reproduce the issue. The problem can be reproduced on Linux and Windows.
import sched
import time
import threading
period = 5
scheduler = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)
def check_scheduler():
print time.time()
scheduler.enter(period, 1, check_scheduler, ())
if __name__ == '__main__':
print time.time()
scheduler.enter(period, 1, check_scheduler, ())
thread = threading.Thread(target=scheduler.run)
Anyone has any python solution around this problem?
From the sched documentation:
class sched.scheduler(timefunc, delayfunc)
The scheduler class defines a generic interface to scheduling events. It needs two functions to actually deal with the “outside
world” — timefunc should be callable without arguments, and return a
number (the “time”, in any units whatsoever). The delayfunc function
should be callable with one argument, compatible with the output of
timefunc, and should delay that many time units. delayfunc will also
be called with the argument 0 after each event is run to allow other
threads an opportunity to run in multi-threaded applications.
The problem you have is that your code uses time.time() as timefunc, whose return value (when called without arguments) is the current system time and is thus affected by re-winding the system clock.
To make your code immune to system time changes you'd need to provide a timefunc which doesn't depend on the system time, start/current timestamps, etc.
You can write your own function, for example one returning the number of seconds since your process is started, which you'd have to actually count in your code (i.e. don't compute it based on timestamp deltas). The time.clock() function might help, if it's based on CPU time counters, but I'm not sure if that's true or not.
There is a significant difference between my question and the given one. If I implement sleep as given on the link (which some people think my question is a duplicate of another one) then my whole app will hang for certain time. On the other hand I am looking for a scheduler so that my app will not hang but just after a certain period of time a .wav file will run. Meanwhile I would be able to do anything using my app. Hope that makes sense.
I am going to build an alarm clock. I think I can do this according to this Algorithm...
take current time using time.clock()
compare current time with the given time.
if current time is not given time then continue taking current time and compare whether current time is the given time or not.
if current time is the given time then play the .wav file.
The problem with this program is it will continuously run until the given time. So I am looking for better idea. Let's say if there is any Python module/class/function which can play a sound file on a given time. Is there any Python module/class/function which can wake up on a given time? Or my algorithm is used usually for all alarm clocks?
As far as I know there is not a good Python module to do this. What you are looking for though is a cron job. It allows you to schedule specific scripts to run at certain times. So your Python script would end up just being the code to play the .wav, and then you would need to create a cron job to tell your computer to execute that script at a certain time each day.
Have a look at the sched module.
Here's an example on how to use it:
import sched, time, datetime
def print_time():
print("The time is now: {}".format(datetime.datetime.now()))
# Run 10 seconds from now
when = time.time() + 10
# Create the scheduler
s = sched.scheduler(time.time)
s.enterabs(when, 1, print_time)
# Run the scheduler
print("Executing s.run()")
print("s.run() exited")
The time is now: 2015-06-04 11:52:11.510234
Executing s.run()
The time is now: 2015-06-04 11:52:21.512534
s.run() exited
Using python for starting modelling/simulation runs (tuflow) and logging the runs to db
Currently on windows , python 2.7 and using timeit() .
Is it better to stick with using timeit() or to switch to using time.clock() ?
Simulation/modelling runs can be anything from a couple of minutes to a week+.
Need reasonably accurate runtimes.
I know time.clock has been depreciated on 3.3+ but I can't see this code getting moved to 3 for a long while.
self.starttime = timeit.default_timer()
run sim()
self.endtime = timeit.default_timer()
self.runtime = self.starttime - self.endtime
timeit's `timeit() function performs the code multiple times and takes the best, so it's not a great choice for lengthy runs. But your code just uses the timer, whose documentation warns that it measures elapsed time, so you will need to ensure standard running conditions in so far as you can. If you want to measure actual CPU usage, that's tricker.
When you say "reasonably accurate" times, one percent of two minutes is 2.4 seconds. The precision of time.clock() or the default timer is never going to be less than a second. Is that accurate enough?
To mitigate any possibility of migration to Python 3 you can define your own timing function. On Python 2 it can use time.clock() but at least you will only have one place to alter code if you do migrate.