Sending message in a separate thread with - python

I am coding a command (/mc, / is the prefix) for my discord bot to get and message a result. But getting the result takes a lot of time. To prevent multiple request at a time, I placed the code of getting the results in a separate function mainmc() (not async) and call mainmc as a thread by creating a new class mainThreadMC(threading.Thread) to start the thread, and create a new class object and start it, so that when there's multiple request the command will run instantly without having to wait for the previous one. But quickly after I run it, I've found out that it's not possible as sending a message needs await or else it won't work. But if you have await in a function the function needs async. That means I have to edit the module threading to make it work? And surely this is not the way to do it. But what should I do?
Here's the code (simplified):
class mainThreadMC(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, threadID, name, ctx,args):
self.threadID = threadID = name
self.args = args
self.ctx = ctx
def run(self):"Starting " +
mainmc(self.ctx,self.args)'Exiting {}')
def mainmc(ctx,args):
# fetching data... creating / editing variable embed
ctx.send(embed=embed) #ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!
# finalize...
async def mc(ctx,*,args=""):
global runno
threadMainMC = mainThreadMC(runno,f"MainMC_{str(runno)}",ctx,args)
(I just want it to work, so if you have some alternative solutions you can also tell me.)
Thanks for helping.


Detect when an (IRC) thread ends which otherwise is silent

I'm attempting to use the python Twitch-Python library for a simple Twitch bot to connect to chat and respond to messages. The bot works as expected, but about 1/6 times the bot fails to connect and the program simply ends. As explained on this error page, it seems to be because the thread ends and doesn't return anything at all
I have moved the Chat class into my own code, and have the following:
def __init__(self, channel: str, nickname: str, oauth: str, helix: Optional['twitch.Helix'] = None):
self.helix: Optional['twitch.Helix'] = helix
self.irc = tc.IRC(nickname, password=oauth)
self.irc.start() = channel.lstrip('#')
self.joined: bool = False
The class is called with two different functions elsewhere, like so:
def handle_message(self, message : -> None:
print(message.sender, message.text)
def main(self):
ircConn = TCH(channel='#CHANNEL NAME", nickname="BOT NAME", oauth="SAMPLEOAUTH")
The issue is that about 1 in 6 times, the subscribe() doesn't actually do anything and the program ends. I'd like to find a way to detect when it fails, so that I may attempt a retry, but nothing I've found works. The function/class doesn't return anything, adding an on_error or on_completed argument to the subscribe() doesn't call anything, and using sys.excepthook also doesn't catch it failing.
Additionally, the IRC thread always prints True for irc.is_alive(), even when it fails afterwards.
How can I catch the thread failing? Thank you.

Converting code using asyncio.Future futures to anyio

I'm trying to convert a low-level library that is currently targeted to be used via asyncio to anyio.
However, I'm having a hard time figuring out the best way to do so, since the library uses
asyncio.Future futures to represent asynchronous interaction with two worker threads.
Since the logic in the threads is much more complicated than what I'm showing here, converting them to async code is not an option for me at this point. It's also not standard network communication, so I cannot just use an existing anyio based library instead.
The only solution I can come up with is using a thread safe result return Queue.queue that gets created with every sent message. SendMsgAsync would create the return queue, and store a copy of the queue and the message in pending_msgs and send the message via the send_queue to the send_thread. Then it would try to get the result from the result queue, async sleeping in between.
Once a reply is received, the recv_thread would put the reply into the result queue belonging to the original message (fetched from pending_msgs), causing SendMsgAsync to finish.
But polling the queue in SendMsgAsync doesn't seem like the right thing to do.
anyio does have anyio.create_memory_object_stream() that seems to be a form of async queue, but the documentation doesn't state whether these streams are thread safe, so I'm doubtful that I can use them between the event loop and my thread.
With futures this would be much more elegant.
I was also wondering whether I could use concurrent.futures, but I could not find any examples where those can be used with anyio after manually creating them. It seems anyio can return and check them, but apparently only when they are bound to a started task. But since I do not need a new task running in the event loop (just a pseudo-task, the result of which is monitored) I don't know how to elegantly solve this. In a nutshell, a way to make anyio async await a concurrent.futures object I created myself would solve my issue, but I have the feeling this is not compatible with the anyio paradigm of doing async.
Any ideas how to interface this code with anyio are highly appreciated.
Here is a simplification of the code I have:
import asyncio
import queue
from functools import partial
import threading
send_queue:queue.Queue = queue.Queue(10) ## used to send messages to send_thread_fun
pending_msgs:dict = dict() ## stored messages waiting for replies
## message classes
class msg_class:
def __init__(self, uuid) -> None:
self.uuid:str = uuid
class reply_class(msg_class):
def __init__(self, uuid, success:bool) -> None:
self.success = success
## container class for stored messages
class stored_msg_class:
def __init__(self, a_msg:msg_class, future:asyncio.Future) -> None:
self.msg = a_msg
self.future = future
## async send function as interface to outside async world
async def SendMsgAsyncAndGetReply(themsg:msg_class, loop:asyncio.AbstractEventLoop):
afuture:asyncio.Future = SendMsg(themsg, loop)
return await afuture
## this send function is only called internally
def SendMsg(themsg:msg_class, loop:asyncio.AbstractEventLoop):
msg_future = loop.create_future()
msg_future.add_done_callback(lambda fut: partial(RemoveMsg_WhenFutureDone, uuid=themsg.uuid) ) ## add a callback, so that the command is removed from the pending list if the future is cancelled externally. This is also called when the future completes, so it must not have negative effects then either
pending_asyncmsg = stored_msg_class(themsg, msg_future)
pending_msgs[themsg.uuid] = pending_asyncmsg
return pending_asyncmsg.future
## Message status updates
def CompleteMsg(pendingmsg:stored_msg_class, result:any) -> bool:
future = pendingmsg.future
hdl:asyncio.Handle = future.get_loop().call_soon_threadsafe(future.set_result, result)
def FailMsg(pendingmsg:stored_msg_class, exception:Exception):
future = pendingmsg.future
hdl:asyncio.Handle = future.get_loop().call_soon_threadsafe(future.set_exception, exception)
def CancelMsg(pendingmsg:stored_msg_class):
future = pendingmsg.future
hdl:asyncio.Handle = future.get_loop().call_soon_threadsafe(future.cancel)
def RemoveMsg_WhenFutureDone(future:asyncio.Future, uuid):
## called by future callback once a future representing a pending msg is cancelled and if a result or an exception is set
s_msg:stored_msg_class = pending_msgs.pop(uuid, None)
## the thread functions:
def send_thread_fun():
while (True):
a_msg:msg_class = send_queue.get()
## ...
def recv_thread_fun():
a_reply:reply_class = receive()
pending_msg:stored_msg_class = pending_msgs.pop(a_reply.uuid, None)
if (pending_msg is not None):
if a_reply.success:
CompleteMsg(pending_msg, a_reply)
FailMsg(pending_msg, Exception(a_reply))
## ...
## low level functions
def send(a_msg:msg_class):
def receive() -> msg_class:
return hardware_recv()
## using the async message interface:
def main():
tx_thread = threading.Thread(target=send_thread_fun, name="send_thread", daemon=True)
rx_thread = threading.Thread(target=recv_thread_fun, name="recv_thread", daemon=True)
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
except RuntimeError as ex:
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
msg1 = msg_class("123")
msg2 = msg_class("456")
m1 = SendMsgAsyncAndGetReply(msg1, loop)
m2 = SendMsgAsyncAndGetReply(msg2, loop)
r12 = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(m1, m2))

Call to async endpoint gets blocked by another thread

I have a tornado webservice which is going to serve something around 500 requests per minute. All these requests are going to hit 1 specific endpoint. There is a C++ program that I have compiled using Cython and use it inside the tornado service as my processor engine. Each request that goes to /check/ will trigger a function call in the C++ program (I will call it handler) and the return value will get sent to user as response.
This is how I wrap the handler class. One important point is that I do not instantiate the handler in __init__. There is another route in my tornado code that I want to start loading the DataStructure after an authroized request hits that route. (e.g. /reload/)
executors = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4)
class CheckerInstance(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.handler = None
self.is_loading = False
self.is_live = False
def init(self):
if not self.handler:
self.handler = pDataStructureHandler()
def renew(self):
self.handler = None
class CheckHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
async def get(self):
query = self.get_argument("q", None).encode('utf-8')
answer = query
if not checker_instance.is_live:
self.write(dict(answer=self.get_argument("q", None), confidence=100))
checker_response = await checker_instance.get_response(query)
answer = checker_response[0]
confidence = checker_response[1]
self.write(dict(correct=answer, confidence=confidence, is_cache=is_cache))
def on_connection_close(self):
class InstanceReloadHandler(BasicAuthMixin, tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def prepare(self):
self.get_authenticated_user(check_credentials_func=credentials.get, realm='Protected')
def new_file_exists(self):
return True
def can_reload(self):
return not checker_instance.is_loading
def get(self):
error = False
message = None
if not self.can_reload():
error = True
message = 'another job is being processed!'
if not self.new_file_exists():
error = True
message = 'no new file found!'
tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().run_in_executor(executors, checker_instance.renew)
message = 'job started!'
success=not error, message=message
def on_connection_close(self):
def main():
app = tornado.web.Application(
(r"/", MainHandler),
(r"/check", CheckHandler),
(r"/reload", InstanceReloadHandler),
(r"/health", HealthHandler),
(r"/log-event", SubmitLogHandler),
checker_instance = CheckerInstance()
I want this service to keep responding after checker_instance.renew starts running in another thread. But this is not what happens. When I hit the /reload/ endpoint and renew function starts working, any request to /check/ halts and waits for the reloading process to finish and then it starts working again. When the DataStructure is being loaded, the service should be in fake mode and respond to people with the same query that they send as input.
I have tested this code in my development environment with an i5 CPU (4 CPU cores) and it works just fine! But in the production environment (3 double-thread CPU cores) the /check/ endpoint halts requests.
It is difficult to fully trace the events being handled because you have clipped out some of the code for brevity. For instance, I don't see a get_response implementation here so I don't know if it is awaiting something itself that could be dependent on the state of checker_instance.
One area I would explore is in the thread-safety (or seeming absence of) in passing the checker_instance.renew to run_in_executor. This feels questionable to me because you are mutating the state of a single instance of CheckerInstance from a separate thread. While it might not break things explicitly, it does seem like this could be introducing odd race conditions or unanticipated copies of memory that might explain the unexpected behavior you are experiencing
If possible, I would make whatever load behavior you have that you want to offload to a thread be completely self-contained and when the data is loaded, return it as the function result which can then be fed back into you checker_instance. If you were to do this with the code as-is, you would want to await the run_in_executor call for its result and then update the checker_instance. This would mean the reload GET request would wait until the data was loaded. Alternatively, in your reload GET request, you could ioloop.spawn_callback to a function that triggers the run_in_executor in this manner, allowing the reload request to complete instead of waiting.

Kombu-python - force blocking/synchronous behavior (or processing a message only when the previous finished)

I have Kombu processing a rabbitmq queue and calling django functions/management commands etc. My problem is that I have an absolute requirement for correct order of execution. tha handler for message 3 can never run before the handler for message1 and 2 is finished. I need to ensure Kombu doesn't process another message before I finish processing the previous one:
Consider this base class
class UpdaterMixin(object):
# binding management commands to event names
# override in subclass
event_handlers = {}
app_name = '' #override in subclass
def __init__(self):
if not self.app_name or len(self.event_handlers) == 0:
print('app_name or event_handlers arent implemented')
raise NotImplementedError()
self.connection_url = settings.BROKER_URL
self.exchange_name = settings.BUS_SETTINGS['exchange_name']
self.exchange_type = settings.BUS_SETTINGS['exchange_type']
self.routing_key = settings.ROUTING_KEYS[self.app_name]
def start_listener(self):'started %s updater listener' % self.app_name)\\
with Connection(self.connection_url) as connection:
exchange = Exchange(self.exchange_name, self.exchange_type, durable=True)
queue = Queue('%s_updater' % self.app_name, exchange=exchange, routing_key=self.routing_key)
with connection.Consumer(queue, callbacks=[self.process_message]) as consumer:
while True:'Consuming events')
def process_message(self, body, message):'data received: %s' % body)
handler = self.event_handlers[body['event']]'Executing management command: %s' % str(handler))
data = json.dumps(body)
call_command(handler, data, verbosity=3, interactive=False)
Is there a way to force kombu for this kind of behavior? I don't care if the lock would be in not draining another event until processing is done or not running another process_message until the previous is finished, or any other method to acheive this. I just need to make sure execution order is strictly maintained.
I'll be glad for any help with this.
Just figured out the since python is single threaded by default, then this code is blocking/synchronous by default unless I explicitly rewrite it to be async. If anyone bumps into this return message from listener

Using (3.0.5) with python (2.6) alongside Apache ActiveMQ (5.5.1). I have got the basic example working without any problems, but now I want to return the received message (in on_message()) to a variable outside the MyListener class.
I can imagine this is a pretty standard task, but my general python skills aren't good enough to work out how to do it. I've trawled google for a more advanced example and read up on global variables, but I still can't seem to get the message into a variable rather than just printing it to screen.
Any help, hugely appreciated!
Since the listener will be called in receiver thread, you should do a thread handoff if you want to process the message in other thread (main thread, for example).
One simple example of thread handoff is using a shared variable with locking and update that variable when message is received by the receiver thread. And, read that variable in the other thread but you need to use proper synchronization mechanism to make sure that you don't override the message, and you will not run into deadlocks.
Here is the sample code to use some global variable with locking.
rcvd_msg = None
lock = thread.Condition()
# executed in the main thread
with lock:
while rcvd_msg == None:
# read rcvd_msg
rcvd_msg = None
class Listener(ConnectionListener):
def on_message(self, headers, message):
# executed in the receiver thread
global rcvd_msg, lock
with lock:
while rcvd_msg != None:
rcvd_msg = message
Hope that helps!!
All you have to do, is a slight change of the listener class:
class MyListener(object):
msg_list = []
def __init__(self):
self.msg_list = []
def on_error(self, headers, message):
self.msg_list.append('(ERROR) ' + message)
def on_message(self, headers, message):
And in the code, where u use
conn = stomp.Connection()
lst = MyListener()
conn.set_listener('', lst)
conn.subscribe(destination='/queue/test', id=1, ack='auto')
messages = lst.msg_list
return render(request, 'template.html', {'messages': messages}) how to return message from listener - a link to stackoverflow similar question
