How to show seaborn plots in an Flutter App - python

is it possible to show a plot(Distplot,Heatmap etc.), created with seaborn, in a Flutter App.
-> The App should be capable of changing the plots data
I did't find anything towards this topic, so it could be an interesting conversation.


Use Matplotlib on django site

I am thinking of starting a new django project for plotting stock prices and displaying them onto the site. I know matplotlib pretty well and was wondering if I could plot the chart and somehow push it to the site with the usual matplotlib features like zoom etc.
I have seen this done where that images are pushed but I am wondering if I could push the chart with its functionality provided by matplotlib and I can't seem to find an answer anywhere so maybe it isn't possible?
I've never used it personally, but mpld3 appears to do what you are asking.

Plotly in flask app to measure realtime data

I am measuring data from a raspberry pi and want to utilize plotly offline (or any doable graphing package to be honest) to chart the measured data in real time to a flask app with plotly charts embedded.
Honestly I don't even need to use plotly. I have found that the support and documentation is quite unclear for my intents and purposes. I just want my flask app to take the measured data and plot it real time in a web browser. What are the best tools for this? I have never done any front end web programming before so I am quite lost.
You can use dash to update plotly charts: dash live updates.
Dash open source is MIT licensed and can be embedded into existing or new webapp.

Pyqt5/Pyside application with Ipywidgets and Interactive figures

I’m building a GUI (pyqt or pyside) to easily create complex figures (e.g. with plotly) for users.
So far so good, I run the data processing and produce plotly figures that are exported as html and read by QwebEngineView. I even created a qt widget for layout editing by the user (see image below).
The problem with this is the long delay (few seconds) in the process of:
updating the layout -> exporting to a temp html file → open and rendering the file on GUI.
I want to make a better GUI experience with layout editing.
Following this great Jon Mease talk I discovered my plotly figures could be updated in real time using the also great ipywidgets, but only on Jupyter notebooks / lab environment. That is, exporting the widgets+figure to a html file renders all elements, but since the python backend will be lacking for the widgets (in the standalone html file), they won’t interact with the figure’s layout.
However, my application IS running on a python process, so I have the feeling this should be a solvable problem somehow...
Qtconsole won’t render ipywidgets, so I can’t use it to expose my figures in the GUI.
Voila renders Jupyter notebooks with interactive widgets, I’m not sure however if I could access it and incorporate it to the GUI. It says it can work both as a “standalone tornado application” or as a “server extension to notebook or jupyter_server”.
I’m aware there’s probably not a final solution to that, but I would appreciate any suggestions on how to approach this problem! Thanks!
I ended up creating a solution for the problem: QtVoila
It is basically an extended QWebEngineView that manages and renders a Voila process, with some extra functionalities.
Here's a blog post explaining it:

Dynamic Chart in Python

I am essentially trying to replicate the google finance chart, but for sensor data. I would like to embed the chart in a GUI and have it update on a timer (which samples the sensor for it's value). I would like to incorporate panning, resizing, and adding moving averages, much like the google finance charts, all of which is updated at some steady interval.
Much of my code base is already in python, so I would like to stick with it. Can this be done with Python?
I have checked out matplotlib, but I am not sure if it can do dynamic charts. I am using wxPython to create the GUI.
I recently came across Chaco from Enthought.
It is an open source framework written in Python that binds with wx, Qt etc and more usable than matplotlib for building full applications. Very usable and easily customizable. You can use the packaged panning, zooming tools or build your own.
I would suggest downloading the epd-free package to ensure you get all dependencies if you choose to move ahead with it.
I just implement a method to draw dynamic charts in ipython notebook, you can check my blog post here :
and bellow is a screenshot:

can we display glass bar chart in python with google app engine

i am using bar chat and i want to use glass bar chart instead of that
tutorials are given for PHP only.
Disclaimer: I don't know, what is "glass bar chart".
You cannot (or at least it is not effective to) generate graphics (charts) on the AppEngine servers. However, if you want to display bar charts or any other kind of plots and charts in your AppEngine applications, you have two other solutions:
A) Use an external chart plotting service to produce plots. Google Charts is a popular choice. There are some Python libraries which can help here:
B) Plot anything on the client (use Javascript to plot charts). There are some Javascript libraries which may help you:
and many others
Generally, A is easier and more accessible, but B can produce more eye-candy. If you need interactive charts, you should choose B.
