How to drop all tables including dependent object - python

When I'm trying to remove all tables with:
I'm getting following error:
ERROR:libdl.database_operations:Cannot drop table: (psycopg2.errors.DependentObjectsStillExist) cannot drop sequence <schema>.<sequence> because other objects depend on it
DETAIL: default for table <schema>.<table> column id depends on sequence <schema>.<sequence>
HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.
Is there an elegant one-line solution for that?

import psycopg2
from psycopg2 import sql
cnn = psycopg2.connect('...')
cur = cnn.cursor()
select s.nspname as s, t.relname as t
from pg_class t join pg_namespace s on s.oid = t.relnamespace
where t.relkind = 'r'
and s.nspname !~ '^pg_' and s.nspname != 'information_schema'
order by 1,2
tables = cur.fetchall() # make sure they are the right ones
for t in tables:
sql.SQL("drop table if exists {}.{} cascade")
.format(sql.Identifier(t[0]), sql.Identifier(t[1])))
cnn.commit() # goodbye


Python SQLite getting names of the tables that contain columns with specific name

There's a database with multiple tables. Is there a way to print out table names that contain columns related to customers, for example: customer_ID?
What I need to do is:
There're two tables named "payment" and "customer" that have columns "customer_ID", so names of tables "payment" and "customer" have to be printed.
You can use exists with a subquery:
select from sqlite_master m where m.type = 'table' and exists
(select 1 from pragma_table_info( m1 where = 'customer_ID')
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('test_db.db')
r = list(conn.cursor().execute('''select from sqlite_master m where m.type = 'table' and exists
(select 1 from pragma_table_info( m1 where = 'customer_ID')'''))
Here is a custom generator function to get the tables that contain at least one of the given column names:
def getTableNames(path, cols):
con = sqlite3.connect(path)
for (tableName, ) in con.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';").fetchall():
if any(col for col in [fields[1] for fields in con.execute(f"PRAGMA table_info({tableName})").fetchall()] if
col in cols):
yield tableName
Then call:
>>> list(getTableNames(path, ['customer_ID']))
The idea is to first get list of the tables, and then to get all the columns for any table that exists in sqlite, then to filter out the tables that contain any of the columns from the given list of the columns.

loop over all tables in mysql databases

I am new with MySQL and I need some help please. I am using MySQL connector to write scripts.
I have database contain 7K tables and I am trying to select some values from some of these tables
cursor.execute( "SELECT SUM(VOLUME) FROM stat_20030103 WHERE company ='Apple'")
for (Volume,) in cursor:
This works for one table e.g (stats_20030103). However I want to sum all volume of all tables .startwith (stats_2016) where the company name is Apple. How I can loop over my tables?
I'm not an expert in MySQL, but here is something quick and simple in python:
# Get all the tables starting with "stats_2016" and store them
cursor.execute("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'stats_2016%'")
tables = [v for (v, ) in cursor]
# Iterate over all tables, store the volumes sum
all_volumes = list()
for t in tables:
cursor.execute("SELECT SUM(VOLUME) FROM %s WHERE company = 'Apple'" % t)
# Get the first row as is the sum, or 0 if None rows found
all_volumes.append(cursor.fetchone()[0] or 0)
# Return the sum of all volumes
You can probably use select * from information_schema.tables to get all tables name into your query.
I'd try to left-join.
SELECT tables.*,, SUM(stat.volume) AS volume
FROM information_schema.tables AS tables LEFT JOIN mydb.stat_20030103 AS stat
WHERE tables.schema = "mydb" GROUP BY;
This will give you all results at once. Maybe MySQL doesn't support joining from metatables, in which case you might select it into a temporary table.
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE mydb.tables SELECT name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE schema = "mydb"
See MySQL doc on information_schema.table.

UPDATE a field with a value from another table

I need to update a field with a value from another table in MySQL, using Python Connector (not that important though). I need to select a value from one table based on a matching criteria and insert the extracted column back into the previous table based on the same matching criteria.
I have the following, which doesn't work of cource.
for match_field in list:
cursor_importer.execute(UPDATE table1 SET table1_field =
(SELECT field_new FROM table2 WHERE match_field = %s)
WHERE match_field = %s LIMIT 1,
(match_field, match_field ))
You can use UPDATE with JOINS.
Below is an example in MySQL:
UPDATE table1 a JOIN table2 b ON a.match_field = b.match_field
SET a.table1_field = b.field_new
WHERE a.match_field = 'filter criteria'

sqlite3 index table in python

I have created this table in python 2.7 . I use it to store unique pairs name and value. In some queries I search for names and in others I search for values. Lets say that SELECT queries are 50-50. Is there any way to create a table that will be double index (one index on names and another for values) so my program will seek faster the data ?
Here is the database and table creation:
import sqlite3
#-------------------------db creation ---------------------------------------#
db1 = sqlite3.connect('/my_db.db')
cursor = db1.cursor()
cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_table")
sql = '''CREATE TABLE my_table (
value INT
sql = ("CREATE INDEX index_my_table ON my_table (name);")
Or is there any other faster struct for faster value seek ?
You can create another index...
sql = ("CREATE INDEX index_my_table2 ON my_table (value);")
I think the best way for faster research is to create a index on the 2 fields.
like: sql = ("CREATE INDEX index_my_table ON my_table (Field1, field2)")
Multi-Column Indices or Covering Indices.
see the (great) doc here:

Merge tables from two different databases - sqlite3/Python

I have two different SQLite databases XXX and YYY.
XXX contains table A and YYY contains B respectively.
A and B have same structure(columns).
How to append the rows of B in A in Python - SQLite API.
After appending A contains rows of A and rows of B.
You first get a connection to the database using sqlite3.connect, then create a cursor so you can execute sql. Once you have a cursor, you can execute arbitrary sql commands.
import sqlite3
# Get connections to the databases
db_a = sqlite3.connect('database_a.db')
db_b = sqlite3.connect('database_b.db')
# Get the contents of a table
b_cursor = db_b.cursor()
b_cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM mytable')
output = b_cursor.fetchall() # Returns the results as a list.
# Insert those contents into another table.
a_cursor = db_a.cursor()
for row in output:
a_cursor.execute('INSERT INTO myothertable VALUES (?, ?, ...etc..., ?, ?)', row)
# Cleanup
Caveat: I haven't actually tested this, so it might have a few bugs in it, but the basic idea is sound, I think.
This is a generalized function and should be customized to your particular environment. To do this, you may structure the "dynamically determine SQL expression requirements" section with the static SQL parameters (rather than PRAGMA table_info). This should improve performance.
import sqlite3
def merge_tables(cursor_new: sqlite3.Cursor, cursor_old: sqlite3.Cursor, table_name: str, del_old_table: bool = False) -> None:
This function merges the content of a specific table from an old cursor into a new cursor.
:param cursor_new: [sqlite3.Cursor] the primary cursor
:param cursor_old: [sqlite3.Cursor] the secondary cursor
:param table_name: [str] the name of the table
:return: None
# dynamically determine SQL expression requirements
column_names = cursor_new.execute(f"PRAGMA table_info({table_name})").fetchall()
column_names = tuple([x[1] for x in column_names][1:]) # remove the primary keyword
values_placeholders = ', '.join(['?' for x in column_names]) # format appropriately
# SQL select columns from table
data = cursor_old.execute(f"SELECT {', '.join(column_names)} FROM {table_name}").fetchall()
# insert the data into the primary cursor
cursor_new.executemany(f"INSERT INTO {table_name} {column_names} VALUES ({values_placeholders})", data)
if (cursor_new.connection.commit() == None):
# With Ephemeral RAM connections & testing, deleting the table may be ill-advised
if del_old_table:
cursor_old.execute(f"DELETE FROM {table_name}") # cursor_old.execute(f'DROP TABLE {table_name}')
print(f"Table {table_name} merged from {cursor_old.connection} to {cursor_new.connection}") # Consider
return None
