Web-Scraping, render JavaScript before getting html - python

I am trying to do my first web scraper. What I want to do is to get the status of RainbowSix's servers. Inspecting the webpage I found how to look for the state of the PC servers:
<div class="col-sm-2 col-md-2" id="dvPC">
<img class="" id="onlinePC" src="https://.../online.png"/>
<img class="hidden" id="interruptedPC" src="https://.../interrupted.png"/>
<img class="hidden" id="degradedPC" src="https://.../degradation.png"/>
<img class="hidden" id="maintenancePC" src="https://.../maintenance.png"/>
<span class="consoleTitle online" id="hdPC" style="width: 50px;"> PC </span>
Here, as the server is online, the img with "onlinePC" id has no class "hidden" and the span class is "consoleTitle online", otherwise it would be "consoleTitle interrupted" (or any of the other options).
So, my code (not finished, of course):
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = 'https://.../status/'
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html5lib")
div = soup.find('div', attrs={'id':'dvPC'}) #Here I look for the div with the PC status, because the webpage also shows the status of PS4 and Xbox servers.
Output print(div):
<div class="col-sm-2 col-md-2" id="dvPC">
<img class="hidden" id="onlinePC" src="https://.../online.png"/>
<img class="hidden" id="interruptedPC" src="https://.../interrupted.png"/>
<img class="hidden" id="degradedPC" src="https://.../degradation.png"/>
<img class="hidden" id="maintenancePC" src="https://.../maintenance.png"/>
<span class="consoleTitle" id="hdPC" style="width: 50px;"> PC </span>
As you can see, everything is hidden and the span class is incomplete. I guess there is a script who determines the hidden images and the span class. How can I "render" that script to get the correct html output?
Hope I am being clear.


How to extract the data from encoded HTML class using python

How can I retrieve the page encoded div class of a webpage (title html tag) using Python?
Here my sample html code.
You need to use requests to make a request (it will automatically decode the page, in most cases), and beautifulsoup to extract the data from the HTML.
Update after OP clarifications. CSS classes are not dynamically updating, they're the same (that's what I noticed). Since they're the same, you can:
grab a container with all needed data (a container (CSS selector) that wraps needed data)
for result in soup.select(".pSzOP-AhqUyc-qWD73c.GNzUNc span"):
# ...
use regex to filter (find) all needed data via re.findall() and capture group (.*): only this match will be captured and returned. .*: means to capture everything.
if re.findall(r"^Telephone\s?:\s?(.*)", result.text):
# ...
Have a look at the SelectorGadget Chrome extension to grab CSS selectors by clicking on the desired element in your browser. On that note, there's a dedicated web scraping with CSS selectors blog post of mine.
Code and example in the online IDE:
import requests, re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = requests.get("https://sites.google.com/a/arden.solihull.sch.uk/futures/home")
soup = BeautifulSoup(html.text, "html.parser")
# all regular expressions for this task
# https://regex101.com/r/cxdxgq/1
for result in soup.select(".pSzOP-AhqUyc-qWD73c.GNzUNc span"):
if re.findall(r"^Careers\s?.*\s?:\s?(.*)", result.text):
name = "".join(re.findall(r"^Careers\s?.*\s?:\s?(.*)", result.text.strip()))
if re.findall(r"^Telephone\s?:\s?(.*)", result.text):
telephone = "".join(re.findall(r"^Telephone\s?:\s?(.*)", result.text.strip()))
if re.findall(r"^Email\s?:\s?(.*)", result.text):
email = "".join(re.findall(r"^Email\s?:\s?(.*)", result.text.strip()))
# to scrape the role you can do the same thing with regex. Test on regex101.com
Mrs A. Fallis
01564 773348
Mr S. Brady
01564 7733478
First solutions without OP clarifications (shows only extraction part since you haven't provided a website URL):
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = """
<div class="L581yb VICjCf" hjdwnd-ahquyc-r6poud="" jndksc="" l6ctce-pszop"="" l6ctce-purzt="" tabindex=" == $0
<div class=">
<div class="hJDwNd-AhqUyc-WNfPc purZT-AhqUyC-I15mzb PSzOP-AhqUyc-qWD73c JNdks <div class=" jndksc-smkayb"="">
<div class="" f570id"="" jsaction="zXBUYD: ZTPCnb; 2QF9Uc: Qxe3nd;
jsname=" jscontroller="SGWD4d">
<div class="oKdM2C KzvoMe">
<div class="hJDwNd-AhqUyc-WNFPC PSzOP-AhqUyc- qWD73c jXK9ad D2fZ2 Oj CsFc whaque GNzUNC" id="h.7f5e93de0cf8a767_49">
<div class="]XK9ad-SmkAyb">
<div class="ty]Ctd mGzaTb baZpAe">
<div class="GV3q8e aP9Z7e" id="h.p_9livxd801krd">
<h3 class="CDt4ke zfr3Q OmQG5e" dir="ltr" id="h.p_9livxd801krd" tabindex="-1">
<div class="GV3q8e aP9z7e" id="h.p JrEgQYpyORCF">
<h3 class="CDt 4Ke zfr3Q OmQG5e" dir="ltr" id="h.p_JrEgQYPYORCF" tabindex="-1">
<div class="CjVfdc" jsaction="touchstart:UrsOsc; click:Kjs
qPd; focusout:QZoaz; mouseover:yOpDld; mouseout:dq0hvd;fvlRjc:jbFSO
d;CrflRd:SzACGe;" jscontroller="Ae65rd">
<div class="PPHIP rviiZ" jsname="haAclf">
<span style="font-family: 'Oswald'; font-weight: 500;">
Telephone : 01564 773348
<div class="GV3q8e aP9z7e" id="h.p_sylefz-BOSBX">
><h3 id="h.p_sylefz-BOSBX" dir="ltr" class="CDt 4Ke zfr3Q OmQG5e"
# pass HTML to BeautifulSoup object and assign a html.parser as a HTML parser
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
# grab a phone number (only first occurrence will be extracted)
# https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/#css-selectors
print(soup.select_one('.CjVfdc span').text.strip())
# Telephone : 01564 773348
# extract <div> element with .L581yb class. returns a list()
[<div class="L581yb VICjCf" hjdwnd-ahquyc-r6poud="" jndksc="" l6ctce-pszop"="" l6ctce-purzt="" tabindex=" == $0
<div class=">
# extract <div> element with .hJDwNd-AhqUyc-WNfPc class. returns a list()
[<div class="hJDwNd-AhqUyc-WNfPc purZT-AhqUyC-I15mzb PSzOP-AhqUyc-qWD73c JNdks <div class=" jndksc-smkayb"="">
<div class="" f570id"="" jsaction="zXBUYD: ZTPCnb; 2QF9Uc: Qxe3nd;
jsname=" jscontroller="SGWD4d">
<div class="oKdM2C KzvoMe">
<div class="hJDwNd-AhqUyc-WNFPC PSzOP-AhqUyc- qWD73c jXK9ad D2fZ2 Oj CsFc whaque GNzUNC" id="h.7f5e93de0cf8a767_49">
<div class="]XK9ad-SmkAyb">
<div class="ty]Ctd mGzaTb baZpAe">
<div class="GV3q8e aP9Z7e" id="h.p_9livxd801krd">
<h3 class="CDt4ke zfr3Q OmQG5e" dir="ltr" id="h.p_9livxd801krd" tabindex="-1">
<div class="GV3q8e aP9z7e" id="h.p JrEgQYpyORCF">
<h3 class="CDt 4Ke zfr3Q OmQG5e" dir="ltr" id="h.p_JrEgQYPYORCF" tabindex="-1">
<div class="CjVfdc" jsaction="touchstart:UrsOsc; click:Kjs
qPd; focusout:QZoaz; mouseover:yOpDld; mouseout:dq0hvd;fvlRjc:jbFSO
d;CrflRd:SzACGe;" jscontroller="Ae65rd">
<div class="PPHIP rviiZ" jsname="haAclf">
<span style="font-family: 'Oswald'; font-weight: 500;">
Telephone : 01564 773348
<div class="GV3q8e aP9z7e" id="h.p_sylefz-BOSBX">
><h3 id="h.p_sylefz-BOSBX" dir="ltr" class="CDt 4Ke zfr3Q OmQG5e"

Python read forms in webpage

I read some webpage contents in html that has the following form:
<div class="cart">
<div class="cart-title">
<img src="https://ug3.technion.ac.il/rishum/img/regCourses.png" width="50" height="50" alt="My Courses">
המקצועות שלי
</div><div class="entry-spacer"></div><div class="cart-entry">
<div class="course-number">
<div class="course-name">
אלגברה מודרנית ח
<div class="course-points">
2.5 נק'
<div class="entry-group">
קבוצה 11
</div><div class="change-group">
שנה קבוצה ל
<select name="UPG104134" onchange="showWaitAndSubmit('regCart')" class="change-group-options">
<option value=""> </option><option>12</option><option>13</option><option>21</option><option>22</option><option>23</option>
</div><div class="more-actions">
<div class="clear"></div></div><div class="entry-spacer"></div><div class="cart-entry">
<div class="course-number">
<div class="course-name">
ארגון ותכנות המחשב
<div class="course-points">
3 נק'
<div class="entry-group">
קבוצה 22
</div><div class="change-group">
שנה קבוצה ל
<select name="UPG234118" onchange="showWaitAndSubmit('regCart')" class="change-group-options">
<option value=""> </option><option>11</option><option>12</option><option>13</option><option>14</option><option>21</option>
</div><div class="more-actions">
<div class="clear"></div></div><div>
Now the question is how can I read the courses numbers which appear in blue in my image??
Here's an example of how course number appears in the webpage:
<div class="course-number">
and I want to read: 104134 in this example
First, I'd advise using BeautifulSoup for parsing the HTML and then, off the top of my head, you should dig in for those div tags with that class name like this.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
r = requests.get(<your-target>)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'lxml')
numbers = [i.a.text for i in soup.find_all('div', attrs={"class": "course-number"})]
I didn't check this, but if it doesn't really work, with that in mind you should find a solution. Check BeautifulSoup's documentation for more information.
Note that in the previous loop, if i does not have an a tag it will throw an error, so if you don't trust the structure of the website will always be the same, better do a normal for-loop and have a try-except or deal with that in some way.
Beware that the previous method will obtain all div tags with class course-number. You may want only a subset of those, so you should either apply more filtering or traverse the HTML tree first until you get to the root of your target content.

How to get parents of an element with xpath in selenium (python)

I have a script that takes all the images I want on a webpage, then I have to take the link that enclose the image.
I actually click on every image, take the current page link and then I go back and continue with the work. This is slow but I have an a tag that "hug" my image, I don't know how to retrieve that tag. With the tag it could be easier and faster. I attach the html code and my python code!
HTML code
<div class="col-xl col-lg col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-6">
<a href="URL I WANT TO GET ">
<span class="year">2017</span>
<span class="quality">4K</span>
<span class="imdb">6.7</span>
<img width="190" height="279" src="THE IMAGE URL" class="img-full wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy"> <h2>TITLE</h2>
<div class="col-xl col-lg col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-6">
<a href="URL I WANT TO GET 2">
<span class="year">2019</span>
<span class="quality">4K</span>
<span class="imdb">8.0</span>
<img width="190" height="279" src="THE IMAGE URL 2" class="img-full wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy"> <h2>TITLE</h2>
Python code
WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'div.archivePaging'))) # a div to see if page is loaded
movies_buttons = self.driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('img.img-full.wp-post-image')
print("Getting all the links!")
for movie in movies_buttons:
self.driver.execute_script("arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", movie)
WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, 'infoFilmSingle')))
WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'div.archivePaging')))
Note that this code don't work now because i'm calling a movie object of an old page but that's not a problem because if i would just see the link i don't need to change page and so the session don't change.
An example based on what I understand you want to do - You wanna get the parent a tags href
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=r'C:\Program Files\ChromeDriver\chromedriver.exe')
html_content = """
<div class="col-xl col-lg col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-6">
<a href="https://www.link1.de">
<span class="year">2017</span>
<span class="quality">4K</span>
<span class="imdb">6.7</span>
<img width="190" height="279" src="THE IMAGE URL" class="img-full wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy"> <h2>TITLE</h2>
<div class="col-xl col-lg col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-6">
<a href="https://www.link2.de">
<span class="year">2019</span>
<span class="quality">4K</span>
<span class="imdb">8.0</span>
<img width="190" height="279" src="THE IMAGE URL 2" class="img-full wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy"> <h2>TITLE</h2>
Locate the image elements with its class and and walk up the element structur with .. in this case /../..
aTags = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//img[contains(#class,'img-full wp-post-image')]/../..")
for ele in aTags:

Python Scrapy - dynamic HTML, div and span content needed

So I'm new to Scrapy and am looking to do something which is proving a little too ambitious. I'm hoping somebody out there can help guide me on how to gather and parse the info I'm after from this website.
I need to obtain the following:
4810 (this is generated dynamically)
Business name
0800 111111
Is this even possible using scrapy?
Many thanks in advance.
<div class="mbg">
<a href="http://www.domain.com" aria-label="label1"> <span class="nw1">Label13345</span>
<span class="mbg-l">
<div id="bsi-c" class=" bsi-c-uk-bislr">
<div class="bsi-cnt">
<div class="bsi-ttl section-ttl">
<div class="rd-sep"></div>
<div class="bsi-bn">Business name</div>
<div class="bsi-cic">
<div id="bsi-ec" class="u-flL">
<span class="bsi-arw"></span>
<span class="bsi-cdt">Contact details</span>
<div id="e8" class="u-flL bsi-ci">
<div class="bsi-c1">
<div class="bsi-c2">
<span class="bsi-lbl">Phone:</span>
<span>0800 111111</span>
<span class="bsi-lbl">Email:</span>
An example of parsing the already received page might look something like this:
import lxml.html
page="""<div><span> . . .</span></div> """
doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(page)
# get label1 4810
label = doc.cssselect('.mbg .mbg-l a')[0].text_content()
# get address
addres = doc.cssselect('.u-flL .bsi-c1')[0].text_content()
# get phone
phone = doc.cssselect('.bsi-c2 .bsi-lbl')[0].text_content()
# get mail
mail = doc.cssselect('.bsi-c2 .bsi-lbl')[1].text_content()
if a page must be retrieved from the network can make so:
import requests, lxml.html
page = requests.get('site_.com')
doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(page.text)
phone = doc.cssselect('.bsi-c2 .bsi-lbl')[0].text_content()

Extract link in beautiful soup [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
retrieve links from web page using python and BeautifulSoup [closed]
(16 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am new to beautiful soup and am trying to figure out how to pull a website from a nested array. The website can be found twice under the "track-visit-website" class.
This is NOT a duplicate of the question asking about how to pull hrefs. I've done that successfully on this page. I am trying to isolate the actual company website.
I've tried several codes, but can't get it to work. Here is an example:
print(item.contents[2].find_all("a", {"class": "track-visit-website"})[0].a)
The site is YP.com Septic Search
Here's the code from the one of the items on the site:
<div class="info">
<h3 class="n">
<div class="info-section info-primary">
<p class="adr" itemprop="address" itemtype="http://schema.org/PostalAddress" itemscope="">
<span class="street-address" itemprop="streetAddress">2806 Farview Dr</span>
<span class="locality" itemprop="addressLocality">Fort Collins, </span>
<span itemprop="addressRegion">CO</span>
<span itemprop="postalCode">80524</span>
<div class="phones phone primary" itemprop="telephone">(970) 829-0852</div>
<div class="info-section info-secondary">
<div class="categories">
<div class="links">
<a class="track-visit-website" data-analytics="{"click_id":6,"act":2,"dku":"http://www.affordablesepticanddraincleaning.com","FL":"url","TL":"off","target":"website","LOC":"http://www.affordablesepticanddraincleaning.com"}" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="http://www.affordablesepticanddraincleaning.com" data-impressed="1">Website</a>
<a class="track-map-it directions" data-analytics="{"click_id":13,"target":"website","act":4}" href="/listings/1000775636908/directions" data-impressed="1">Directions</a>
<a class="track-more-info" data-analytics="{"click_id":7,"target":"moreInfo","act":1,"FL":"list"}" href="/fort-collins-co/mip/affordable-septic-drain-cleaning-llc-505109997?lid=1000775636908" data-impressed="1">More Info</a>
Copy this code snippet to a python file and run it
import re
content = """
<div class="info">
<h3 class="n">
<div class="info-section info-primary">
<p class="adr" itemprop="address" itemtype="http://schema.org/PostalAddress" itemscope="">
<span class="street-address" itemprop="streetAddress">2806 Farview Dr</span>
<span class="locality" itemprop="addressLocality">Fort Collins, </span>
<span itemprop="addressRegion">CO</span>
<span itemprop="postalCode">80524</span>
<div class="phones phone primary" itemprop="telephone">(970) 829-0852</div>
<div class="info-section info-secondary">
<div class="categories">
<div class="links">
<a class="track-visit-website" data-analytics="{"click_id":6,"act":2,"dku":"http://www.affordablesepticanddraincleaning.com","FL":"url","TL":"off","target":"website","LOC":"http://www.affordablesepticanddraincleaning.com"}" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="http://www.affordablesepticanddraincleaning.com" data-impressed="1">Website</a>
<a class="track-map-it directions" data-analytics="{"click_id":13,"target":"website","act":4}" href="/listings/1000775636908/directions" data-impressed="1">Directions</a>
<a class="track-more-info" data-analytics="{"click_id":7,"target":"moreInfo","act":1,"FL":"list"}" href="/fort-collins-co/mip/affordable-septic-drain-cleaning-llc-505109997?lid=1000775636908" data-impressed="1">More Info</a>
websites = set(re.findall(r'http://[a-zA-Z0-9\.]*\.[a-z]{2,}',content)) # find all urls in the content
websites = list(websites)
print(websites) # or in python2 => print websites
Now find a way to incorporate that into your code, get the html, save it as content, regex it and save to file
Web scraping you have to know regex
read up on regex, a good tutorial is here regex tutorial
