I have looked at lots of pivot table related questions and found none that addressed this specific problem. I have a data frame like this:
Drug Timepoint Tumor Volume (mm3)
Capomulin 0 45.000000
5 44.266086
10 43.084291
15 42.064317
20 40.716325
... ... ...
Zoniferol 25 55.432935
30 57.713531
35 60.089372
40 62.916692
45 65.960888
I am trying to pivot the data so that the name of the drug becomes the column headings, timepoint becomes the new index, and the tumor volume is the value. Everything I have looked up online tells me to use:
mean_tumor_volume_gp.pivot(index = "Timepoint",
columns = "Drug",
values = "Tumor Volume (mm3)")
However, when I run this cell, I get the error message:
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-15-788b92ba981e> in <module>
2 mean_tumor_volume_gp.pivot(index = "Timepoint",
3 columns = "Drug",
----> 4 values = "Tumor Volume (mm3)")
KeyError: 'Timepoint'
How is this a key error? The key "Timepoint" is a column in the original DF.
I have a Population column with numbers and a Region column with locations. Im only using pandas. How would I go about finding the total population of a specific location (wellington) within the Region column?
Place = [data[‘Region’] == ‘Wellington’]
an error came up
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [70], in <cell line: 4>()
1 #Q1.e
3 Place = [data['Region']=='Wellington']
----> 4 Place[data['Population']]
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not Series
Try this:
data_groups = data.groupby("Region")['Population'].sum()
Northland 4750
Wellington 7580
WestCoast 1550
If you want to call some specific region, you can do:
data_groups.loc['WestCoast'] # 1550
Use DataFrame.loc with sum:
Place = data.loc[data['Region'] == 'Wellington', 'Population'].sum()
print (Place)
Another idea is convert Region to index, select by Series.loc and then sum:
Place = data.set_index('Region')['Population'].loc['Wellington'].sum()
print (Place)
I'm working on a ML project to predict answer times in stack overflow based on tags. Sample data:
Unnamed: 0 qid i qs qt tags qvc qac aid j as at
0 1 563355 62701.0 0 1235000081 php,error,gd,image-processing 220 2 563372 67183.0 2 1235000501
1 2 563355 62701.0 0 1235000081 php,error,gd,image-processing 220 2 563374 66554.0 0 1235000551
2 3 563356 15842.0 10 1235000140 lisp,scheme,subjective,clojure 1047 16 563358 15842.0 3 1235000177
3 4 563356 15842.0 10 1235000140 lisp,scheme,subjective,clojure 1047 16 563413 893.0 18 1235001545
4 5 563356 15842.0 10 1235000140 lisp,scheme,subjective,clojure 1047 16 563454 11649.0 4 1235002457
I'm stuck at the data cleaning process. I intend to create a new column named 'time_taken' which stores the difference between the at and qt columns.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv("answers.csv")
df['time_taken'] = 0
for i in range(0,263541):
val = df.qt[i]
qtval = val.item()
val = df.at[i]
atval = val.item()
df.time_taken[i] = qtval - atval
I'm getting this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython-input-39-9384be9e5531>", line 1, in <module>
val = df.at[0]
File "D:\Softwares\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexing.py", line 2080, in __getitem__
return super().__getitem__(key)
File "D:\Softwares\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexing.py", line 2027, in __getitem__
return self.obj._get_value(*key, takeable=self._takeable)
TypeError: _get_value() missing 1 required positional argument: 'col'
The problem here lies in the indexing of df.at
Types of both df.qt and df.at are
<class 'pandas.core.indexing._AtIndexer'>
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> respectively.
I'm an absolute beginner in data science and do not have enough experience with pandas and numpy.
There is, to put it mildly, an easier way to do this.
df['time_taken'] = df['at'] - df.qt
The AtIndexer issue comes up because .at is a pandas method. You want to make sure to not name columns any names that are the same as a Python/Pandas method for this reason. You can get around it just by indexing with df['at'] instead of df.at.
Besides that, this operation — if I'm understanding it — can be done with one short line vs. a long for loop.
I have a set of real estate ad data. Several of the lines are about the same real estate, so it's full of duplicates that aren't exactly the same. It looks like this :
0 22c05930-0eb5-11e7-b53d-bbead8ba43fe http://www.avendrealouer.fr/location/levallois... A_VENDRE_A_LOUER APARTMENT False Au rez de chaussée d'un bel immeuble récent,... ["https://cf-medias.avendrealouer.fr/image/_87... 72.0 NaN NaN ... Lamirand Et Associes AGENCY 54178039 Levallois-Perret 92300.0 92 2017-03-22T04:07:56.095 NaN 2017-04-21T18:52:35.733 NaN
1 8d092fa0-bb99-11e8-a7c9-852783b5a69d https://www.bienici.com/annonce/ag440414-16547... BIEN_ICI APARTMENT False Je vous propose un appartement dans la rue Col... ["http://photos.ubiflow.net/440414/165474561/p... 48.0 NaN NaN ... Proprietes Privees MANDATARY 54178039 Levallois-Perret 92300.0 92 2018-09-18T11:04:44.461 NaN 2019-06-06T10:08:10.89 2018-09-25
I want to find records in the dataset belonging to the same entity with recordlinkage. So I read the docs and mimitized the same :
indexer = recordlinkage.Index()
candidate_links = indexer.index(df)
print (len(df), len(candidate_links))
2164 2340366
Each record pair being a candidate match, to classify the candidate record pairs into matches and non-matches, I want to compare the records on all attributes both records have in common. The recordlinkage module has a class named Compare. This class is used to compare the records. The following code shows how I compared attributes :
compare_cl = recordlinkage.Compare()
compare_cl = recordlinkage.Compare()
compare_cl.exact('SURFACE', 'SURFACE', label='SURFACE')
features = compare_cl.compute(pairs, df)
However it gives me back :
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-51-1e55ea540dbd> in <module>
9 #compare_cl.string('address_1', 'address_1', threshold=0.85, label='address_1')
---> 11 features = compare_cl.compute(pairs, df)
NameError: name 'pairs' is not defined
And I can't find what pairs are in the docs ...
try with candidate_links
compute(pairs, x, x_link=None)
Compare the records of each record pair.
Calling this method starts the comparing of records.
pairs (pandas.MultiIndex) – A pandas MultiIndex with the record pairs to compare. The indices in the MultiIndex are indices of the DataFrame(s) to link.
In Python3 and pandas have a dataframe with dozens of columns and lines about food characteristics. Below is a summary:
alimentos = pd.read_csv("alimentos.csv",sep=',',encoding = 'utf-8')
index alimento calorias
0 0 iogurte 40
1 1 sardinha 30
2 2 manteiga 50
3 3 maçã 10
4 4 milho 10
The column "alimento" (food) has the lines "iogurte", "sardinha", "manteiga", "maçã" and "milho", which are food names.
I need to create a new column in this dataframe, which will tell what kind of food is. I gave the name "classificacao"
alimentos['classificacao'] = ""
index alimento calorias classificacao
0 0 iogurte 40
1 1 sardinha 30
2 2 manteiga 50
3 3 maçã 10
4 4 milho 10
Depending on the content found in the "alimento" column I want to automatically fill the rows of the "classificacao" column
For example, when finding "iogurte" fill -> "laticinio". When find "sardinha" -> "peixe". By finding "manteiga" -> "gordura animal". When finding "maçã" -> "fruta". And by finding "milho" -> "cereal"
Please, is there a way to automatically fill the rows when I find these strings?
If you have a mapping of all the possible values in the "alimento" column, you can just create a dictionary and use .map(d), as shown below:
df = pd.DataFrame({'alimento': ['iogurte','sardinha', 'manteiga', 'maçã', 'milho'],
d = {"iogurte":"laticinio", "sardinha":"peixe", "manteiga":"gordura animal", "maçã":"fruta", "milho": "cereal"}
df['classificacao'] = df['alimento'].map(d)
However, in real life often we can't map everything in a dict (because of outliers that occur once in a blue moon, faulty inputs, etc.), and in which case the above would return NaN in the "classificacao" column. This could cause some issues, so think about setting a default value, like "Other" or "Unknown". To to that, just append .fillna("Other") after map(d).
I am new to python and even newer to pandas, but relatively well versed in R. I am using Anaconda, with Python 3.5 and pandas 0.18.1. I am trying to read in an excel file as a dataframe. The file admittedly is pretty... ugly. There is a lot of empty space, missing headers, etc. (I am not sure if this is the source of any issues)
I create the file object, then find the appropriate sheet, then try to read that sheet as a dataframe:
xl = pd.ExcelFile(allFiles[i])
sName = [s for s in xl.sheet_names if 'security exposure' in s.lower()]
df = xl.parse(sName)
{'Security exposure - 21 day lag': Percent of Total Holdings \
0 KMNFC vs. 3 Month LIBOR AUD
1 04-OCT-16
2 Australian Dollar
3 NaN
4 NaN
5 NaN
6 NaN
7 NaN
8 Long/Short Net Exposure
9 Total
10 NaN
11 Long
12 NaN
13 NaN
14 NaN
15 NaN
16 NaN
17 NaN
(This goes on for 20-30 more rows and 5-6 more columns)
I am using Anaconda, and Spyder, which has a 'Variable Explorer'. It shows the variable df to be a dict of the DataFrame type:
However, I cannot use iloc:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython-input-77-d7b3e16ccc56>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'iloc'
Any thoughts? What am I missing?
To be clear, what I am really trying to do is reference the first column of the df. In R this would be df[,1]. Looking around it seems to be not a very popular way to do things, or not the 'correct' way. I understand why indexing by column names, or keys, is better, but in this situation, I really just need to index the dataframes by column numbers. Any working method of doing that would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT (2):
Per a suggestion, I tried 'read_excel', with the same results:
df = pd.ExcelFile(allFiles[i]).parse(sName)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython-input-90-fc40aa59bd20>", line 2, in <module>
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'loc'
df = pd.read_excel(allFiles[i], sheetname = sName)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython-input-91-72b8405c6c42>", line 2, in <module>
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'loc'
The problem was here:
sName = [s for s in xl.sheet_names if 'security exposure' in s.lower()]
which returned a single element list. I changed it to the following:
sName = [s for s in xl.sheet_names if 'security exposure' in s.lower()][0]
which returns a string, and the code then performs as expected.
All thanks to ayhan for pointing this out.