I am trying to fetch data from Cassandra from a specific table and trying to insert it into another table in Cassandra after making some changes. Both the tables are located in keyspace "test". When I am trying to get the data from the first table everything works fine and it is able to fetch the data. However, in the future handler which handles the output of the first query, I am trying to insert the data into another table under the same Cassandra instance and it is gettingting failed. I am getting an error from the application stating "cassandra.cluster.NoHostAvailable: ("Unable to connect to any servers using keyspace 'test'", [''])" . I am not sure where I am going wrong
import threading
from threading import Event
from cassandra.query import SimpleStatement
from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
thread_local = threading.local()
cluster_ = Cluster(hosts)
def get_session():
if hasattr(thread_local, "cassandra_session"):
print("got session from threadlocal")
return thread_local.cassandra_session
print(" Connecting to Cassandra Host " + str(hosts))
session_ = cluster_.connect(keyspace)
print(" Connecting and creating session to Cassandra KeySpace " + keyspace)
thread_local.cassandra_session = session_
return session_
class PagedResultHandler(object):
def __init__(self, future):
self.error = None
self.finished_event = Event()
self.future = future
def handle_page(self, rows):
for row in rows:
if self.future.has_more_pages:
def handle_error(self, exc):
self.error = exc
def process_row(row):
session_ = get_session()
stmt = session_.prepare(
"INSERT INTO test.data(customer,snr,rttt, event_time) VALUES (?,?,?,?)")
results = session_.execute(stmt,
[row.customer, row.snr, row.rttt,row.created_time])
session = get_session()
query = "select * from test.data_log"
statement = SimpleStatement(query, fetch_size=1000)
future = session.execute_async(statement)
handler = PagedResultHandler(future)
if handler.error:
raise handler.error
However, when I try to execute the python file the application is throwing an error "cassandra.cluster.NoHostAvailable: ("Unable to connect to any servers using keyspace 'test'", [''])" from getSession() call from "process_row" method. Clearly, the first call to Cassandra is getting succeeded without any issues. There is no connectivity issue and the Cassandra instance is running fine locally. I am able to query the data using cqlsh. If I call the process_row method outside the future handler everything is working fine, I am not sure what needs to be done to make it happen from the Future Handler.
Connecting to Cassandra Host ['']
Connecting and creating session to Cassandra KeySpace test
Row(customer='abcd', snr=100, rttt=121, created_time=datetime.datetime(2020, 8, 8, 2, 26, 51))
Connecting to Cassandra Host ['']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test/check.py", , in <module>
raise handler.error
File "cassandra/cluster.py", line 4579, in cassandra.cluster.ResponseFuture._set_result
File "cassandra/cluster.py", line 4777, in cassandra.cluster.ResponseFuture._set_final_result
File "test/check.py"", in handle_page
File "test/check.py"", in process_row
session_ = get_session()
File "/test/check.py"", in get_session
session_ = cluster_.connect(keyspace)
File "cassandra/cluster.py", line 1715, in cassandra.cluster.Cluster.connect
File "cassandra/cluster.py", line 1772, in cassandra.cluster.Cluster._new_session
File "cassandra/cluster.py", line 2553, in cassandra.cluster.Session.__init__
cassandra.cluster.NoHostAvailable: ("Unable to connect to any servers using keyspace 'test'", [''])
Process finished with exit code 1
Ok so Cassandra recommends the following:
Use at most one Session per keyspace, or use a single Session and explicitely specify the keyspace in your queries
In your code you try to create a session every time the read query has retrieved some rows.
To force the code to use at most one session we can create a queue where the child thread sends the row to the main thread and the main thread handles it further by executing the insert query. We do this in the main thread because I've experienced issues by executing queries in child thread.
callback_queue = Queue()
session = cluster_.connect(keyspace)
session.row_factory = dict_factory # because queue doesn't accept a Row instance
class PagedResultHandler(object):
def handle_page(self, rows):
for row in rows:
callback_queue.put(row) # here we pass the row as a dict to the queue
def process_rows():
while True:
row = callback_queue.get() # here we retrieve the row as a dict from the child thread
stmt = session.prepare(
"INSERT INTO test.data(customer,snr,rttt, event_time) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)")
results = session.execute(stmt,
[row['customer'], row['snr'], row['rttt'], row['created_time']])
except Empty:
query = "select * from test.data_log"
statement = SimpleStatement(query, fetch_size=1000)
future = session.execute_async(statement)
handler = PagedResultHandler(future)
process_rows() # for now the code will hang here because we have an infinite loop in this function
if handler.error:
raise handler.error
This will get it to work, but I would replace the while True else you will get into an infinite loop.
Ok so in that case we do 2 things, we can use multithreading and batch inserting. I think if we batch insert parallelism is not required, because that will speed things up from the client side fast enough. multithreading wouldn't add much more speed to it as it is not a cpu intensive task.
session = cluster_.connect(keyspace)
session.row_factory = dict_factory
class Fetcher:
def __init__(self, session):
self.session = session
query = "select * from test.data_log"
self.statement = SimpleStatement(query, fetch_size=1000)
def run(self):
rows = self.session.execute(self.statement)
temp_rows = []
total = 0
for row in rows:
if len(temp_rows) == 1000:
handler = PagedResultHandler(self.session, temp_rows)
temp_rows = []
handler = PagedResultHandler(self.session, temp_rows)
def handle_error(self, err=None):
class PagedResultHandler(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, session, rows):
self.session = session
self.error = None
self.rows = rows
self.finished_event = Event()
def run(self):
batch = BatchStatement(consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM)
stmt = session.prepare("INSERT INTO test.data(id, customer,snr,rttt, event_time) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)")
for row in self.rows:
batch.add(stmt, [1, row['customer'], row['snr'], row['rttt'], row['created_time']])
results = session.execute(batch)
This does script does both batch inserting and multithreading, but again multithreading seems unnecessary.
I'm getting an arguments error from the MySQL module looking for 4 operands. I just don't see which operands it's looking for. It works for some case types and not others. Line numbers of error (trimmed at bottom which refers to MySQL library):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/christoph/PycharmProjects/physicianWorkQueueProject/physicianWorkQueueProject.py", line 158, in <module>
File "/Users/christoph/PycharmProjects/physicianWorkQueueProject/physicianWorkQueueProject.py", line 138, in parse
mysql.connector.errors.DataError: 1241 (21000): Operand should contain 4 column(s)
# This is a prototype pathologist work queue management system
# The program calls out to a database of pathologists, their specialities,
# and an index of case types and their intended specialists
# Usage: Run at your command line. You will then enter case numbers (which aren't validated (currently))
# and case types (which are validated). The program will distribute the entered case as follows:
# If the case is intended for generalists, a system that amounts to names being pulled from a hat
# is employed. When a name is selected (at random), the case is entered into that pathologists' work queue.
# That pathologists' name is not returned to the pool.
# The cycle will then repeat with a random name picked every time, in this same way, for generalist-requiring cases,
# until the entirety of names have been pulled. At this point, all names are returned to the pool and the whole cycle
# begins again
# For the specialist requiring cases, the name-draw system is bypassed and the case is directly entered
# into the pathologists' work queue.
# 16 Aug 2018
# My Real Name
import mysql.connector as mariaDB
import time
import pandas as pd
from random import choice
def distributefairly(inputCaseNumber, inputcasetype):
# function distrbutefairly does a draw out of a hat, with each name being pulled and the pot shrinking until none are
# left at which point all names are added back
c.execute("SELECT physicianName FROM physicianNamesSpecialties;")
originalPhysicianList = c.fetchall()
physicianList = originalPhysicianList
# print("counter at:",count)
chosenPhysician = choice(physicianList)
pos = physicianList.index(chosenPhysician)
cleanedUpChosenPhysician = chosenPhysician[0]
print("This case is going to", cleanedUpChosenPhysician + ".")
if len(physicianList) == 0:
def reset():
# this resets the counter the distributefairly module calls
global count
global physicianList
count = 0
c.execute("SELECT physicianName FROM physicianNamesSpecialties;")
physicianList = c.fetchall()
def increment():
# increments the counter of the distributefairly module
global count
count +=
def print_count():
def insert(cleanedUpPhysResult):
# adds inputted cases into the workQueue table
global inputCaseNumber
global inputCaseType
ts = time.gmtime()
readableTs = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ts)
c2.execute("INSERT INTO workQueue (name, caseNumber, timestamp, tableCaseType) values (%s,%s,%s,%s)", (cleanedUpPhysResult, inputCaseNumber, readableTs, str(inputCaseType)))
def select():
# this outputs the workQueue after every addition
sql = "SELECT * FROM workQueue"
rWQ = c2.fetchall()
print(pd.DataFrame(rWQ, columns= ['Name','Case Number','Time Stamp','Specialty','Row ID'])) # .set_index('Row ID')
def startup():
# create()
global inputCaseType
global inputCaseNumber
inputCaseNumber = input("Enter Case Number: ")
inputCaseType = input("Enter case type (use proper abbreviations): ")
def parse():
global inputCaseNumber
global inputCaseType
caseInputsql_cmd = "SELECT specialtyRequiredToProcess,Description FROM caseTypes WHERE caseTypeName='{}'".format(inputCaseType)
rows_returned = c.fetchall()
if not rows_returned:
print("No match to table of specimen types returned. Check the case type abbreviation and try again.")
for row in rows_returned:
r = row[0]
d = row[1]
print("This is a", r, "service case. It is a", d,"type case.")
if r != "GENERALIST":
getPhysiciansql_cmd = "SELECT physicianName FROM physicianNamesSpecialties WHERE (specialty, specialty2, specialty3, specialty4) ='{}'".format(r)
physResult = choice(c.fetchall())
cleanedUpPhysResult = physResult[0]
print("This case is going to", cleanedUpPhysResult+".")
distributefairly(inputCaseNumber, inputCaseType)
conn = mariaDB.connect(host='xxxxx', user='xxxxx',password='xxxxxx',db='lookupDB')
conn2 = mariaDB.connect(host='xxxxxxl', user='xxxxx',password='xxxxxxx',db='workQueue')
c = conn.cursor()
c2 = conn2.cursor()
count = 0
while True:
This line of code .execute(...) will fail:
getPhysiciansql_cmd =
"SELECT physicianName FROM physicianNamesSpecialties WHERE (specialty, specialty2, specialty3, specialty4) ='{}'".format(r)
My Var r holds this data:
print("This is a", r, "service case. It is a", d,"type case.")
This is a THORACIC service case. It is a TRANSBRONCHIAL WANG NEEDLE ASPIRATION type case.
My Var getPhysiciansql_cmd holds this data:
getPhysiciansql_cmd = SELECT physicianName FROM
physicianNamesSpecialties WHERE (specialty, specialty2, specialty3, specialty4) ='THORACIC'
I think this is just a matter of how I'm using the WHERE clause. I saw somewhere that the WHERE with multiple fields is written, you use parens around the fields. I've experimented in reducing this to the bare minimum and using the OR operator in the WHERE clause and I have successfully received a proper response.
import mysql.connector as mariaDB
conn = mariaDB.connect(host='xxxxx', user='xxxx',password='xxxxx',db='lookupDB')
conn2 = mariaDB.connect(host='xxxxx', user='xxxx',password='xxxxxx',db='workQueue')
c = conn.cursor()
c2 = conn2.cursor()
inputSpecialty = input("specialty? ")
r = inputSpecialty
c.execute("SELECT physicianName FROM physicianNamesSpecialties WHERE specialty = %s OR specialty2 = %s OR specialty3 = %s OR specialty4 = %s", (r,r,r,r))
physResult = c.fetchall()
cleanedUpPhysResult = physResult
specialty? THORACIC
[('Song',), ('Han',), ('He',), ('Goldfischer',)]
I have a rather large program which loads some data from an excel file and populates a form, this can take a long time due to the size of the file so I have been moving the loading function onto a separate thread, the only problem is for some reason in this new thread I am not getting an automatic stack trace in the console whenever an error occurs. It has just been failing silently which is making debugging it a real pain.
I am using pydev in eclipse, I wrote the following test case to be sure everything is working correctly.
from PyQt4 import QtCore
class OtherThread(QtCore.QThread):
def __init__(self):
super(OtherThread, self).__init__()
def run(self):
except Exception as e:
print("exception caught in other thread: \n{0}".format(e))
class MainThread():
def __init__(self):
self.otherThread = OtherThread()
def run(self):
except Exception as e:
print("exception caught in main thread: \n{0}".format(e))
def main():
mainThread = MainThread()
if __name__ == '__main__':
When I run this both exceptions are caught properly and when I comment out the try block in the tread object it also works just fine, I get my stack trace as expected. I am really at a loss as to what is going on. Is there something I could have done to cause this behavior?
Here is the code of the program I am working on.
def run(self):
print("excel thread running")
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(self.path)
worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name('PNA Form')
currentRow = 13 # start grabbing pna data
numRowStart = currentRow
newPartCol= 0
oldPartCol = 10
descriptionCol = 2
numberOfRows = worksheet.nrows - 1
print("number of rows = {0}".format(numberOfRows))
PNA = []
current_color = False
while (currentRow < numberOfRows):
print("about to parse excel rows")
newPartCell = int(worksheet.cell(currentRow,newPartCol).value)
oldPartCell = int(worksheet.cell(currentRow,oldPartCol).value)
descriptionCell = QtCore.QString(worksheet.cell(currentRow,descriptionCol).value)
print("excel rows parsed: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}".format(oldPartCell,newPartCell,descriptionCell,current_color))
print("running line excel row {0}: {1}".format(currentRow, str(descriptionCell)))
if not self.isStrikethrough(currentRow,0): #make sure the line does not have strike through
#self.guiHandel.BOMVal.addPNARow(oldPN = oldPartCell, newPN = newPartCell, disc = descriptionCell)
print("about to emit pna row tracker for {0}".format(descriptionCell))
print("thread still running after pna row tracker emit")
if (oldPartCell != "" and not self.isStrikethrough(currentRow,0)):
current_color = not current_color
#self.guiHandel.pnaVerticalLayoutScroll.addWidget(PNACell(oldPartCell,newPartCell,descriptionCell,color = current_color))
print("about to emit addPNARow: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}".format(oldPartCell,newPartCell,descriptionCell,current_color))
#self.guiHandel.widgetStack.append(PNACell(oldPartCell,newPartCell,descriptionCell,color = current_color))
print("thread still running after add pna row emit")
currentRow += 1
print("currentRow =",currentRow)
Here is the console output when it fails.
slot add pna row tracker called
running is about to return
about to emit addPNARow: 28458820, 28489881, INST CSTR-ASM,DIESEL,KM,UP,GAT, False
thread still running after add pna row emit
('currentRow =', 29slot add pna row called)
about to parse excel rows
Added addPNARow: 28458820, 28489881, INST CSTR-ASM,DIESEL,KM,UP,GAT, False
excel progress update called ------- progress = 20
When running through a debugger it stops at this line:
newPartCell = int(worksheet.cell(currentRow,newPartCol).value)
I tried wrapping it in a try block but it never got to the exception. The cell it is trying to read is blank.
What is going on here? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Answer to the question found here: error in pyqt qthread not printed
Basically you need to manually encapsulate the entire run method of the QThread object and then manually rethrow errors to stderr
I am using sqlite3 python modules and th following code returns the error
> Exception in Tkinter callback Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "C:\Python34\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1533, in __call__
> return self.func(*args) File "C:\MonitorSoft\MonitorSoft.py", line 199, in LoadSQL
> CurFiles.execute('SELECT * FROM Files WHERE CheckSum = ?', (WinRedactor.Table.item(WinRedactor.Table.selection()[0],
> option='values')[3],))
> sqlite3.InterfaceError: Error binding parameter 0 - probably
> unsupported type.
def LoadSQL(event):
con = sqlite3.connect('C:/MonitorSoft/SoftMon.db')
CurPackets = con.cursor()
CurFiles = con.cursor()
CurFilesIn = con.cursor()
curFilesPackets = con.cursor()
CurPackets.execute('SELECT * FROM Packets WHERE PacketName = ?', (WinRedactor.Combobox.get(),))
for RowPackets in CurPackets:
if WinRedactor.Combobox.get() !='NULL':
while WinRedactor.Table.selection() != '':
CurFilesIn.execute('INSERT INTO Files (id, FilePath, FileName, Size, CheckSum) VALUES(NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?)',((WinRedactor.Table.item(WinRedactor.Table.selection()[0], option='values')[0]), (WinRedactor.Table.item(WinRedactor.Table.selection()[0], option='values')[1]), (WinRedactor.Table.item(WinRedactor.Table.selection()[0], option='values')[2]),(WinRedactor.Table.item(WinRedactor.Table.selection()[0], option='values')[3])))
CurFiles.execute('SELECT * FROM Files WHERE CheckSum = ?', (WinRedactor.Table.item(WinRedactor.Table.selection()[0], option='values')[3],))
for RowFiles in CurFiles:
if RowFiles[4] == (WinRedactor.Table.item(WinRedactor.Table.selection()[0], option='values')[3]):
curFilesPackets.execute('INSERT INTO FilesPackets (IDFile, IDPacket) VALUES(?,?)',((RowFiles[0]), (RowPackets[0])))
BtnLoadSQL = Button(WinRedactor)
BtnLoadSQL["text"] = "LOAD SQL"
What the problem?
Concluded the data as you wrote.
The data are the same everywhere.
The error appears randomly on different lines.
Here's an example of what gives the output as you wrote:
selection is ('I04C', 'I04D', 'I04E', 'I04F', 'I050', 'I051', 'I052', 'I053', 'I054', 'I055', 'I056', 'I057', 'I058', 'I059', 'I05A', 'I05B', 'I05C', 'I05D', 'I05E', 'I05F', 'I060', 'I061', 'I062', 'I063', 'I064', 'I065', 'I066', 'I067', 'I068', 'I069', 'I06A', 'I06B', 'I06C', 'I06D', 'I06E', 'I06F', 'I070', 'I071', 'I072', 'I073', 'I074', 'I075', 'I076', 'I077', 'I078', 'I079', 'I07A', 'I07B', 'I07C', 'I07D', 'I07E', 'I07F', 'I080', 'I081', 'I082', 'I083', 'I084', 'I085', 'I086', 'I087', 'I088', 'I089', 'I08A', 'I08B', 'I08C', 'I08D', 'I08E', 'I08F', 'I090', 'I091', 'I092', 'I093', 'I094', 'I095', 'I096', 'I097', 'I098', 'I099', 'I09A', 'I09B', 'I09C', 'I09D', 'I09E', 'I09F', 'I0A0', 'I0A1', 'I0A2', 'I0A3', 'I0A4', 'I0A5', 'I0A6', 'I0A7', 'I0A8', 'I0A9', 'I0AA', 'I0AB', 'I0AC', 'I0AD', 'I0AE', 'I0AF', 'I0B0', 'I0B1', 'I0B2', 'I0B3', 'I0B4', 'I0B5', 'I0B6', 'I0B7', 'I0B8', 'I0B9', 'I0BA', 'I0BB', 'I0BC', 'I0BD', 'I0BE', 'I0BF', 'I0C0', 'I0C1', 'I0C2', 'I0C3', 'I0C4', 'I0C5', 'I0C6', 'I0C7', 'I0C8', 'I0C9', 'I0CA')
first selection is I04C
values are ('C:\\WINDOWS\\Resources\\Themes\\Luna\\Shell\\Metallic', 'shellstyle.dll', '362496', '05b3f32c7f3bd125446d024a30373c9d')
checksum: 05b3f32c7f3bd125446d024a30373c9d
selection is ('I04D', 'I04E', 'I04F', 'I050', 'I051', 'I052', 'I053', 'I054', 'I055', 'I056', 'I057', 'I058', 'I059', 'I05A', 'I05B', 'I05C', 'I05D', 'I05E', 'I05F', 'I060', 'I061', 'I062', 'I063', 'I064', 'I065', 'I066', 'I067', 'I068', 'I069', 'I06A', 'I06B', 'I06C', 'I06D', 'I06E', 'I06F', 'I070', 'I071', 'I072', 'I073', 'I074', 'I075', 'I076', 'I077', 'I078', 'I079', 'I07A', 'I07B', 'I07C', 'I07D', 'I07E', 'I07F', 'I080', 'I081', 'I082', 'I083', 'I084', 'I085', 'I086', 'I087', 'I088', 'I089', 'I08A', 'I08B', 'I08C', 'I08D', 'I08E', 'I08F', 'I090', 'I091', 'I092', 'I093', 'I094', 'I095', 'I096', 'I097', 'I098', 'I099', 'I09A', 'I09B', 'I09C', 'I09D', 'I09E', 'I09F', 'I0A0', 'I0A1', 'I0A2', 'I0A3', 'I0A4', 'I0A5', 'I0A6', 'I0A7', 'I0A8', 'I0A9', 'I0AA', 'I0AB', 'I0AC', 'I0AD', 'I0AE', 'I0AF', 'I0B0', 'I0B1', 'I0B2', 'I0B3', 'I0B4', 'I0B5', 'I0B6', 'I0B7', 'I0B8', 'I0B9', 'I0BA', 'I0BB', 'I0BC', 'I0BD', 'I0BE', 'I0BF', 'I0C0', 'I0C1', 'I0C2', 'I0C3', 'I0C4', 'I0C5', 'I0C6', 'I0C7', 'I0C8', 'I0C9', 'I0CA')
first selection is I04D
values are ('C:\\WINDOWS\\Resources\\Themes\\Luna\\Shell\\NormalColor', 'shellstyle.dll', '361472', '23ecf1c97b1eb5d94a25dc677ec464e5')
checksum: 23ecf1c97b1eb5d94a25dc677ec464e5
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python34\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1533, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
File "C:\MonitorSoft\MonitorSoft.py", line 213, in LoadSQL
CurFiles.execute('SELECT * FROM Files WHERE CheckSum = ?', (checksum,))
sqlite3.InterfaceError: Error binding parameter 0 - probably unsupported type.
This is the last two conclusions, at last, as you can see there is a bug.
To solve this, the very first step should be to print out all of your immediate values, so you can verify they are what you think they are. As a side effect, this makes your select statement much easier to read.
For example:
selection = WinRedactor.Table.selection()
print("selection is", selection)
first_selection = selection[0]
print("first selection is", first_selection)
values = WinRedactor.Table.item(first_selection, option='values')
print("values are", values)
checksum = values[3]
print("checksum:", checksum)
CurFiles.execute('SELECT * FROM Files WHERE CheckSum = ?', (checksum,))
My guess is, you'll be surprised at what you see. At the very least, you've have more data to put into your question so that we know precisely what the data is.