I'm currently working on a small piece of code and I seem to have run into a roadblock. I was wondering if it's possible to (because I cannot, for the life of me, figure it out) find the most common occurrence of a character that follows a specific character or string?
For example, say I have the following sentence:
"this is a test sentence that happens to be short"
How would could I determine, for example, the most common character that occurs after the letter h?
In this specific example, doing it by hand, I get something like this:
{"i": 1, "a": 2, "o": 1}
I'd then like to be able to get the key of the highest value--in this case, a.
Using Counter from collections, I've been able to find the most common occurrence of a specific word or character, but I'm not sure how to do this specific implementation of doing the most common occurrence after. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
(The code I wrote to find the most common occurrence of a letter in a file:
Counter(text).most_common(1), which does include white spaces )
How would this be done with words? For example, if I had the sentence: "whales are super neat, but whales don't make good pets. whales are cool."
How would I find the most common character that occurs after the words whales?
In this instance, removing white spaces, the most common character would be a
Just split them by your character and then get the letter after it
import collections
sentence = "this is a test sentence that happens to be short"
character = 'h'
letters_after_some_character = [part[0] for part in str.split(character)[1:] if part[0].isalpha()]
If you want a solution without using regex:
import collections
sentence = "this is a test sentence that happens to be short"
characters = [sentence[i] for i in range(1,len(sentence)) if sentence[i-1] == 'h']
most_common_char = collections.Counter(characters).most_common(1)
Using the Counter class we can try:
import collections
s = "this is a test sentence that happens to be short"
s = re.sub(r'^.*n|\s*', '', s)
The above would print o as it is the most frequent character occurring after the last n. Note that we also strip off whitespace before calling collections count.
I have a string (text_string) from which I want to find words based on my so called key_words. I want to store the result in a list called expected_output.
The expected output is always the word after the keyword (the number of spaces between the keyword and the output word doesn't matter). The expected_output word is then all characters until the next space.
Please see the example below:
text_string = "happy yes_no!?. why coding without paus happy yes"
key_words = ["happy","coding"]
expected_output = ['yes_no!?.', 'without', 'yes']
expected_output explanation:
yes_no!?. (since it comes after happy. All signs are included until the next space.)
without (since it comes after coding. the number of spaces surronding the word doesn't matter)
yes (since it comes after happy)
You can solve it using regex. Like this e.g.
import re
expected_output = re.findall('(?:{0})\s+?([^\s]+)'.format('|'.join(key_words)), text_string)
(?:{0}) Is getting your key_words list and creating a non-capturing group with all the words inside this list.
\s+? Add a lazy quantifier so it will get all spaces after any of the former occurrences up to the next character which isn't a space
([^\s]+) Will capture the text right after your key_words until a next space is found
Note: in case you're running this too many times, inside a loop i.e, you ought to use re.compile on the regex string before in order to improve performance.
We will use re module of Python to split your strings based on whitespaces.
Then, the idea is to go over each word, and look if that word is part of your keywords. If yes, we set take_it to True, so that next time the loop is processed, the word will be added to taken which stores all the words you're looking for.
import re
def find_next_words(text, keywords):
take_it = False
taken = []
for word in re.split(r'\s+', text):
if take_it == True:
take_it = word in keywords
return taken
print(find_next_words("happy yes_no!?. why coding without paus happy yes", ["happy", "coding"]))
results in ['yes_no!?.', 'without', 'yes']
So I have this huge list of strings in Hebrew and English, and I want to extract from them only those in Hebrew, but couldn't find a regex example that works with Hebrew.
I have tried the stupid method of comparing every character:
import string
data = []
for s in slist:
found = False
for c in string.ascii_letters:
if c in s:
found = True
if not found:
And it works, but it is of course very slow and my list is HUGE.
Instead of this, I tried comparing only the first letter of the string to string.ascii_letters which was much faster, but it only filters out those that start with an English letter, and leaves the "mixed" strings in there. I only want those that are "pure" Hebrew.
I'm sure this can be done much better... Help, anyone?
P.S: I prefer to do it within a python program, but a grep command that does the same would also help
To check if a string contains any ASCII letters (ie. non-Hebrew) use:
re.search('[' + string.ascii_letters + ']', s)
If this returns true, your string is not pure Hebrew.
This one should work:
import re
data = [s for s in slist if re.match('^[a-zA-Z ]+$', s)]
This will pick all the strings that consist of lowercase and uppercase English letters and spaces. If the strings are allowed to contain digits or punctuation marks, the allowed characters should be included into the regex.
Edit: Just noticed, it filters out the English-only strings, but you need it do do the other way round. You can try this instead:
data = [s for s in slist if not re.match('^.*[a-zA-Z].*$', s)]
This will discard any string that contains at least one English letter.
Python has extensive unicode support. It depends on what you're asking for. Is a hebrew word one that contains only hebrew characters and whitespace, or is it simply a word that contains no latin characters? Either way, you can do so directly. Just create the criteria set and test for membership.
Note that testing for membership in a set is much faster than iteration through string.ascii_letters.
Please note that I do not speak hebrew so I may have missed a letter or two of the alphabet.
def is_hebrew(word):
hebrew = set("אבגדהוזחטיכךלמנס עפצקרשתםןףץ"+string.whitespace)
for char in word:
if char not in hebrew:
return False
return True
def contains_latin(word):
return any(char in set("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") for char in word.lower())
# a generator expression like this is a terser way of expressing the
# above concept.
hebrew_words = [word for word in words if is_hebrew(word)]
non_latin words = [word for word in words if not contains_latin(word)]
Another option would be to create a dictionary of hebrew words:
hebrew_words = {...}
And then you iterate through the list of words and compare them against this dictionary ignoring case. This will work much faster than other approaches (O(n) where n is the length of your list of words).
The downside is that you need to get all or most of hebrew words somewhere. I think it's possible to find it on the web in csv or some other form. Parse it and put it into python dictionary.
However, it makes sense if you need to parse such lists of words very often and quite quickly. Another problem is that the dictionary may contain not all hebrew words which will not give a completely right answer.
Try this:
>>> import re
>>> filter(lambda x: re.match(r'^[^\w]+$',x),s)
given the string below,
sentences = "He is a student. She is a teacher. They're students, indeed. Babies sleep much. Tell me the truth. Bell--push it!"
how can i print the words in the "sentences" that contain only one "e", but no other vowels?
so, basically, i want the following:
He She Tell me the
my code below does not give me what i want:
for word in sentences.split():
if re.search(r"\b[^AEIOUaeiou]*[Ee][^AEIOUaeiou]*\b", word):
print word
any suggestions?
You're already splitting out the words, so use anchors (as opposed to word boundaries) in your regular expression:
>>> for word in sentences.split():
... if re.search(r"^[^AEIOUaeiou]*[Ee][^AEIOUaeiou]*$", word):
... print word
Unless you're going for a "regex-only" solution, some other options could be:
others = set('aiouAIOU')
[w for w in re.split(r"[^\w']", sentence) if w.count('e') == 1 and not others & set(w)]
which will return a list of the matching words. That led me to a more readable version below, which I'd probably prefer to run into in a maintenance situation as it's easier to see (and adjust) the different steps of breaking down the sentence and the discrete business rules:
for word in re.split(r"[^\w']", sentence):
if word.count('e') == 1 and not others & set(word):
print word
So I've been learning Python for some months now and was wondering how I would go about writing a function that will count the number of times a word occurs in a sentence. I would appreciate if someone could please give me a step-by-step method for doing this.
Quick answer:
def count_occurrences(word, sentence):
return sentence.lower().split().count(word)
'some string.split() will split the string on whitespace (spaces, tabs and linefeeds) into a list of word-ish things. Then ['some', 'string'].count(item) returns the number of times item occurs in the list.
That doesn't handle removing punctuation. You could do that using string.maketrans and str.translate.
# Make collection of chars to keep (don't translate them)
import string
keep = string.lowercase + string.digits + string.whitespace
table = string.maketrans(keep, keep)
delete = ''.join(set(string.printable) - set(keep))
def count_occurrences(word, sentence):
return sentence.lower().translate(table, delete).split().count(word)
The key here is that we've constructed the string delete so that it contains all the ascii characters except letters, numbers and spaces. Then str.translate in this case takes a translation table that doesn't change the string, but also a string of chars to strip out.
wilberforce has the quick, correct answer, and I'll give the long winded 'how to get to that conclusion' answer.
First, here are some tools to get you started, and some questions you need to ask yourself.
You need to read the section on Sequence Types, in the python docs, because it is your best friend for solving this problem. Seriously, read it. Once you have read that, you should have some ideas. For example you can take a long string and break it up using the split() function. To be explicit:
mystring = "This sentence is a simple sentence."
result = mystring.split()
print result
print "The total number of words is: " + str(len(result))
print "The word 'sentence' occurs: " + str(result.count("sentence"))
Takes the input string and splits it on any whitespace, and will give you:
["This", "sentence", "is", "a", "simple", "sentence."]
The total number of words is 6
The word 'sentence' occurs: 1
Now note here that you do have the period still at the end of the second 'sentence'. This is a problem because 'sentence' is not the same as 'sentence.'. If you are going to go over your list and count words, you need to make sure that the strings are identical. You may need to find and remove some punctuation.
A naieve approach to this might be:
no_period_string = mystring.replace(".", " ")
print no_period_string
To get me a period-less sentence:
"This sentence is a simple sentence"
You also need to decide if your input going to be just a single sentence, or maybe a paragraph of text. If you have many sentences in your input, you might want to find a way to break them up into individual sentences, and find the periods (or question marks, or exclamation marks, or other punctuation that ends a sentence). Once you find out where in the string the 'sentence terminator' is you could maybe split up the string at that point, or something like that.
You should give this a try yourself - hopefully I've peppered in enough hints to get you to look at some specific functions in the documentation.
Simplest way:
def count_occurrences(word, sentence):
return sentence.count(word)
text=input("Enter your sentence:")
print("'the' appears", text.count("the"),"times")
simplest way to do it
Problem with using count() method is that it not always gives the correct number of occurrence when there is overlapping, for example
but 'ana' occurs twice in 'banana'
To solve this issue, i used
def total_occurrence(string,word):
count = 0
tempsting = string
while(word in tempsting):
count +=1
tempsting = tempsting[tempsting.index(word)+1:]
return count
You can do it like this:
def countWord(word):
numWord = 0
for i in range(1, len(word)-1):
if word[i-1:i+3] == 'word':
numWord += 1
print 'Number of times "word" occurs is:', numWord
then calling the string:
will return: Number of times "word" occurs is: 2
def check_Search_WordCount(mySearchStr, mySentence):
len_mySentence = len(mySentence)
len_Sentence_without_Find_Word = len(mySentence.replace(mySearchStr,""))
len_Remaining_Sentence = len_mySentence - len_Sentence_without_Find_Word
count = len_Remaining_Sentence/len(mySearchStr)
return (int(count))
I assume that you just know about python string and for loop.
def count_occurences(s,word):
count = 0
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i:i+len(word)] == word:
count += 1
return count
mystring = "This sentence is a simple sentence."
myword = "sentence"
s[i:i+len(word)]: slicing the string s to extract a word having the same length with the word (argument)
count += 1 : increase the counter whenever matched.
I have written the following code to tokenize the input paragraph that comes from the file samp.txt. Can anybody help me out to find and print the number of sentences, words and characters in the file? I have used NLTK in python for this.
>>>import nltk.data
>>>import nltk.tokenize
>>>for each_sentence in tokenized_sentences:
... words=nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(each_sentence)
... print each_sentence #prints tokenized sentences from samp.txt
>>>for each_word in tokenized_words:
... words=nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(each_word)
... print each_words #prints tokenized words from samp.txt
Try it this way (this program assumes that you are working with one text file in the directory specified by dirpath):
import nltk
folder = nltk.data.find(dirpath)
corpusReader = nltk.corpus.PlaintextCorpusReader(folder, '.*\.txt')
print "The number of sentences =", len(corpusReader.sents())
print "The number of patagraphs =", len(corpusReader.paras())
print "The number of words =", len([word for sentence in corpusReader.sents() for word in sentence])
print "The number of characters =", len([char for sentence in corpusReader.sents() for word in sentence for char in word])
Hope this helps
With nltk, you can also use FreqDist (see O'Reillys Book Ch3.1)
And in your case:
import nltk
raw = open('samp.txt').read()
raw = nltk.Text(nltk.word_tokenize(raw.decode('utf-8')))
fdist = nltk.FreqDist(raw)
print fdist.N()
For what it's worth if someone comes along here. This addresses all that the OP's question asked I think. If one uses the textstat package, counting sentences and characters is very easy. There is a certain importance for punctuation at the end of each sentence.
import textstat
your_text = "This is a sentence! This is sentence two. And this is the final sentence?"
print("Num sentences:", textstat.sentence_count(your_text))
print("Num chars:", textstat.char_count(your_text, ignore_spaces=True))
print("Num words:", len(your_text.split()))
I believe this to be the right solution because it properly counts things like "..." and "??" as a single sentence
len(re.findall(r"[^?!.][?!.]", paragraph))
Characters are easy to count.
Paragraphs are usually easy to count too. Whenever you see two consecutive newlines you probably have a paragraph. You might say that an enumeration or an unordered list is a paragraph, even though their entries can be delimited by two newlines each. A heading or a title too can be followed by two newlines, even-though they're clearly not paragraphs. Also consider the case of a single paragraph in a file, with one or no newlines following.
Sentences are tricky. You might settle for a period, exclamation-mark or question-mark followed by whitespace or end-of-file. It's tricky because sometimes colon marks an end of sentence and sometimes it doesn't. Usually when it does the next none-whitespace character would be capital, in the case of English. But sometimes not; for example if it's a digit. And sometimes an open parenthesis marks end of sentence (but that is arguable, as in this case).
Words too are tricky. Usually words are delimited by whitespace or punctuation marks. Sometimes a dash delimits a word, sometimes not. That is the case with a hyphen, for example.
For words and sentences you will probably need to clearly state your definition of a sentence and a word and program for that.
Not 100% correct but I just gave a try. I have not taken all points by #wilhelmtell in to consideration. I try them once I have time...
if __name__ == "__main__":
f = open("1.txt")
prevIsSentence = False
for x in f:
x = x.strip()
if x != "":
words = x.split()
w = w+len(words)
c = c + sum([len(word) for word in words])
prevIsSentence = True
if prevIsSentence:
s = s+1
prevIsSentence = False
if not prevIsSentence:
s = s-1
print "%d:%d:%d" % (c,w,s)
Here 1.txt is the file name.
The only way you can solve this is by creating an AI program that uses Natural Language Processing which is not very easy to do.
"This is a paragraph about the Turing machine. Dr. Allan Turing invented the Turing Machine. It solved a problem that has a .1% change of being solved."
Checkout OpenNLP
There's already a program to count words and characters-- wc.