OpenCV Thresholding adaptive to different lightning conditions - python

For a school project I am trying to write a program in Python that tracks the movement of the pupil. In order to do that I am using OpenCV.
After looking up some tutorials on the internet, I noticed that almost everyone is using thresholding to achieve this, since a binary image is necessary for almost every step further down the road (e.g. HoughCircle Transofrmation, Contours). However, from my understanding thresholding is extremly light sensitive, therefore such an approach would only return good results in optimal lightning conditions.
So here comes my question: Is there any alternative or better approach than just Thresholding the image? Or is my understanding of thresholding in OpenCV wrong in the first place?
Here is a example image:

The purpose of thresholding is to segment the desired objects from the background where you can then perform additional processing (applying morphological operations) then perform contour filtering to further isolate the desired objects. Instead of applying image processing techniques on a BGR (3-channel) image or a grayscale (1-channel) image with range [0...255], thresholding allows us to obtain a binary image where every pixel is either 0 or 1 which makes distinguishing objects easier. Depending on your situation, there are many ways obtain a binary image, here are several methods:
cv2.Canny - Canny edge detection which uses a minVal and maxVal to determine edges
cv2.threshold - Simple thresholding with user selected arbitrary global threshold value
cv2.threshold + cv2.THRESH_OTSU - Otsu's thresholding to automatically calculate the threshold value.
cv2.adaptiveThreshold - Adaptive thresholding where the image has different lighting conditions in different areas. Essentially it will automatically calculate the threshold value for different regions of the image and gives better results with images with varying illumination
cv2.inRange - Color segmentation. The idea is to use lower and upper threshold ranges to obtain a binary image. Useful when trying to isolate a single color range


Counting bacterial colonies on a Petri dish: blob and blob cluster detection on a heterogenous surface

I have a task of identifying the number of bacterial colonies on a relatively diverse set of top-down photos of a Petri dish located on a table. The basic process is the following:
detect the Petri dish on the image, crop everything outside of it;
apply binary thresholding which should result in a black background and white colonies or clusters thereof;
use simple blob detector or watershed to identify the colonies, highlight them on the source image and output their count.
Input example 1 Input example 2 Input example 3: an edge case
Problem 1
The table around the Petri dish isn't smooth and contains spots so I usually use Hough transform to detect the dish and remove everything outside of it. The problem is that there are light reflections near the edge of the Petri dish represented as rings with their radius on par with that of the dish edge, as well as other reflections that obscure the view of the colonies and affect the thresholding applied. So I need reliable code for detecting the innermost circle that has roughly the same centre as the outer border of the Petri dish and doesn't contain any further reflections, i.e. cropping at the outer border is sub-optimal.
Cropping attempt
fig. 1. Grab first detected circle with a radius within the range of [int(image.shape[1]/4),int(image.shape[1]/2)] from circle Hough Transform, use a mask and crop to [x+r:x-r,y+r:y-r]
Problem 2.1
The colonies have a colour usually close to the colour of the background (the agar) and in different areas these can overlap (e.g. colony colour in a section A has the same colour as the background in a section B). This renders the method of general thresholding useless. Different photos having different brightness is an issue as well in the context of the binary method and its rigid parameters - for some images a param of (184,255) is useful while on others only a setting as low as (120,255) results in something half-usable.
Gaussian blur, pyrmeanshift, binary threshold
fig 2.1. Gaussian blur (3,3) + pyrmeanshift (6,27) + binary threshold (205,255)
Problem 2.2
The bacterial colonies have round shapes which sometimes form clusters of overlapping circles so the simple blob detector tends to ignore those. The algorithm is supposed to detect the cluster and identify how many colonies (circles) are in it. To tackle this, I've tried Euclidean distance transform coupled with watershed as an alternative to simple blob detector but this needs to be fed a clean image not containing anything other than the colonies themselves, so a robust threshold algorithm is required for removing all the light reflections and eliminating the background's (agar's) gradient. There are also many spots on the Petri dish usually smaller in size than the colonies and not really round - these should be ignored by the detector algorithm. I've heard of adaptive thresholding used for overcoming the problem of a varied background but this tends to convert non-colony small spots on the dish into full-fledged circles which isn't very optimal.
Adaptive threshold - Gaussian method
fig 2.2. Adaptive threshold (Gaussian C)
An attempt at detecting colonies on input example 2
fig 3. A failed attempt at using watershed with distance transform, demonstrating that this algorithm requires a well cleaned-up and properly thresholded input
I'm interested to know whether this task is feasible in the context of a varied collection of photos taken in different lighting conditions as well as different colonies having different sizes and colours. If so, what ways are there to approach this?

How would you clean up borders after adaptive thresholding (other than morphing)

I am performing adaptive thresholding on an image to find an object's borders. However, on some points of the object, the adaptive threshold has gaps and spills over into other objects (due to colour similarity in rare points on the object's border). These gaps are too large to fill in using morphological closing (dilate followed by erosion).
Is there a way to detect these and remove them, considering they don't occur very often, and are relatively small to the perimeter of the entire shape.
I've found that just increasing iterations/window sizes for closing just messes up things too much to be useful.
I want to perform houghline transform after a good adaptive threshold, but the adaptive threshold spilling out of the object of interest's boundaries add many more potential line detections into the binary image.
I thought maybe running kernels over the detected lines in those images and adding white pixels if sufficiently small breaks are detected in the adaptive threshold borders? Has anyone tried something like this?
Example gap in threshold before morph close
Example gap in threshold after morph close

Measuring Smoothness of a Grayscale image

For suppose, I have 2 images like below rough edges image and some noisy pixels all around the structure of image
I have converted the Image like this with some pre-processing and removed almost all the noisy pixels.
I would like to calculate a smoothness metric for the image. In order to prove that we have less noisy pixels inside the processed image. Any metric to calculate this. I had tried the Laplacian filter and calculating the variance(Didn't work).
Note: Noisy pixels indicate the pixels between the 0 and 255.
How about Sum of Squared Errors between the image and its black and white equivalent:
SSE = sum(sum(((I>0.5)-I).^2));
Since this noise has the characteristics of the Salt and Pepper noise, the application of the median filter reduces it even more. However, the median filter slightly alters the thinned image.
Another possible improvement could be the black and white filter itself. Although this filter completely eliminates the noise, its will also sharpen soft edges.
The following image demonstrates the effect of these filters, along with errors in their resulting images.

Edge Detection from image using python libraries and Contours Draw

Hellow everyone,
I am trying very hard to extract edges from a specific image. I have tried many many ways, including;
grayscale, blurring (laplacian,gaussian, averaging etc), gradient (sobel, prewitt, canny)
With morfological transformations
Even thresholding with different combinations
Even HSV convert and masking and then thresholding
Using Contour Methods with area thresholding
Except all of this, I have tried different combinations with all the above. BUT neither of the above, had an excellent result. Main problem is still too many edges/lines. The image is an orthomosaic 2D photo of a marble wall. I will upload the image. Anyone have any ideas?
P.S The final result should be an image that has only the "skeleton' or/ shape of the marbles.

Counting the pips on dice using OpenCV

I am doing a dice value recognition hobby project that I want to run on a Raspberry Pi. For now, I am just learning OpenCV as that seems like the hardest thing for me. I have gotten this far, where I have dilated, eroded and canny filtered out the dice. This has given me a hierarchy of contours. The image shows the bounding rectangles for the parent contours:
My question is: how would I proceed to count the pips? Is it better to do some template matching for face values, or should I mathematically test if a pip is in a valid position within the bounding box?
There could be multiple ways to do it:
Use hole filling and then morphological operator to filter circles.
Simpler approach would be using white pixel density (% of white pixels). Five dot would have higher white pixel density.
Use image moments (mathematical property which represents shape and structure of image) to train the neural network for different kinds of dice faces.
As Sivam Kalra Said, there are many valid approaches.
I would go with template matching, as it should be robust and relatively easy to implement.
using your green regions in the canny image, copy each found die face from the original grayscale image into a smaller search image. The search image should be slightly larger than a die face, and larger than your 6 pattern images.
optionally normalize the search image
use cvMatchTemplate with each of the 6 possible dice patterns (I recommend the CV_TM_SQDIFF_NORMED algorithm, but test which works best)
find and store the global minimum in the result image for each of the 6 matches
rotate the search image in ~2° steps from 0° to 90°, and repeat the template match for each step
the dice pattern with the lowest minimum over all steps is the correct one.
contour hierechy could be a good and very easy option, but you need a perpendicular vision.
so you can do it with contours but fitting circles with som threshold
(sorry about my apalling english)
