What is the impact of argument n in numpy.fft.fft - python

I would like to apply fft to my time series data to extract the lowest 5 dominant frequency components for predicting the y value (bacteria count) at the end of each time series. My code is as below:
df = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/My Drive/df.csv', sep=',')
X = df.iloc[0:2,0:10000]
dft_X = np.fft.fft(X) # What should I fill in for argument n?
for i in dft_X:
m = i[np.argpartition(i,5)[:5]]
n = i[np.argpartition(i,range(5))[:5]]
In the scipy doc on numpy.fft.fft, it states that
numpy.fft.fft(a, n=None, axis=-1, norm=None)
n : int, optional
Length of the transformed axis of the output. If n is smaller than the length of the input, the input is cropped. If it is larger, the input is padded with zeros. If n is not given, the length of the input along the axis specified by axis is used.
But I am still not clear about the effect of argument n value on the output and how to decide what value to use.
I notice that when n = 10, the output is as follows:
# n= 10
# [-1.5 -1.11022302e-16j -0.46352549-1.42658477e+00j
# -1.21352549-8.81677878e-01j -1.21352549+8.81677878e-01j
# -0.46352549+1.42658477e+00j]
# [-1.5 -1.11022302e-16j -1.21352549-8.81677878e-01j
# -1.21352549+8.81677878e-01j -0.46352549-1.42658477e+00j
# -0.46352549+1.42658477e+00j]
and when n = 10000, the output is as follows:
# n= 10000
# [-4752.15448944 +4113.44846878j -5199.36419709 -1826.78753048j
# -4659.45705354-13014.97971229j -4752.15448944 -4113.44846878j
# -5199.36419709 +1826.78753048j]
# [-5199.36419709 -1826.78753048j -5199.36419709 +1826.78753048j
# -4752.15448944 -4113.44846878j -4752.15448944 +4113.44846878j
# -4659.45705354-13014.97971229j]
What determines the right n value to use? Besides, why are output values complex numbers? Any help is appreciated.
Here is the time series plot for reference:

But I am still not clear about the effect of argument n value on the output and how to decide what value to use.
For "n = size of input", the result is the plain discrete fourier transform: it represents the signal of duration (T = n dt) exactly in frequency space. The lowest frequency component is a sine/cosine of wave period 2T.
For "n > size of input", you perform the transform of a signal that is the original one with zeros appended. The lowest frequency that can be represented corresponds thus to a longer wave period 2T. The signal is thus cut abruptly to zero. Depending on the input signal this may introduce unwanted higher frequency components.
For "n < size of input", you truncate the signal. If you have a "stationary signal", it could make sense to analyze shorter samples (possibly with windowing).
What determines the right n value to use?
It depends on the application and on the sampling (very long stationary series, short measurement, ...). Unless you have some reason to use the option, you can omit n.
Besides, why are output values complex numbers?
A Fourier transform of a real signal is complex in general. It is real only for even signals.
You can play with FFTs with simple signals such as a pure sine or cosine to make sense of this.


Find plateau in Numpy array

I am looking for an efficient way to detect plateaus in otherwise very noisy data. The plateaus are always relatively broad A simple example of what this data could look like:
Note that there can be multiple plateaus (which should all be detected) which can have different values.
I've tried using scipy.signal.argrelextrema, but it doesn't seem to be doing what I want it to:
plt.vlines(peaks,ymin=0, ymax=1)
I don't need the exact interval of the plateau- a rough range estimate would be enough, as long as that estimate is bigger or equal than the actual plateau range. It should be relatively efficient however.
There is a method scipy.signal.find_peaks that you can try, here is an exmple
import numpy
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
test = numpy.random.uniform(0.9, 1.0, 100)
test[10 : 20] = 0
peaks, peak_plateaus = find_peaks(- test, plateau_size = 1)
although find_peaks only finds peaks, it can be used to find valleys if the array is negated, then you do the following
for i in range(len(peak_plateaus['plateau_sizes'])):
if peak_plateaus['plateau_sizes'][i] > 1:
print('a plateau of size %d is found' % peak_plateaus['plateau_sizes'][i])
print('its left index is %d and right index is %d' % (peak_plateaus['left_edges'][i], peak_plateaus['right_edges'][i]))
it will print
a plateau of size 10 is found
its left index is 10 and right index is 19
This is really just a "dumb" machine learning task. You'll want to code a custom function to screen for them. You have two key characteristics to a plateau:
They're consecutive occurrences of the same value (or very nearly so).
The first and last points deviate strongly from a forward and backward moving average, respectively. (Try quantifying this based on the standard deviation if you expect additive noise, for geometric noise you'll have to take the magnitude of your signal into account too.)
A simple loop should then be sufficient to calculate a forward moving average, stdev of points in that forward moving average, reverse moving average, and stdev of points in that reverse moving average.
Read until you find a point well outside the regular noise (compare to variance). Start buffering those indices into a list.
Keep reading and buffering indices into that list while they have the same value (or nearly the same, if your plateaus can be a little rough; you'll want to use some tolerance plus the standard deviation of your plateaus, or just some tolerance if you expect them all to behave similarly).
If the variance of the points in your buffer gets too high, it's not a plateau, too rough; throw it out and start scanning again from your current position.
If the last value was very different from the previous (on the order of the change that triggered your code to start buffering indices) and in the opposite direction of the original impulse, cap your buffer here; you've got a plateau there.
Now do whatever you want with the points at those indices. Delete them, replace them with a linear interpolation between the two boundary points, whatever.
I could generate some noise and give you some sample code, but this is really something you're going to have to adapt to your application. (For example, there's a shortcoming in this method that a plateau which captures a point on the middle of the "cliff edge" may leave that point when it removes the rest of the plateau. If that's something you're worried about, you'll have to do a little more exploring after you ID the plateau.) You should be able to do this in a single pass over the data, but it might be wise to get some statistics on the whole set first to intelligently tweak your thresholds.
If you have an exact definition of what constitutes a plateau, you can make this a lot less hand-wavey and ML-looking, but so long as you're trying to identify fuzzy pattern, you're gonna have to take a statistics-based approach.
I had a similar problem, and found a simple heuristic solution shared below. I find plateaus as ranges of constant gradient of the signal. You could change the code to also check that the gradient is (close to) 0.
I apply a moving average (uniform_filter_1d) to filter out noise. Also, I calculate the first and second derivative of the signal numerically, so I'm not sure it matches the requirement of efficiency. But it worked perfectly for my signal and might be a good starting point for others.
def find_plateaus(F, min_length=200, tolerance = 0.75, smoothing=25):
Finds plateaus of signal using second derivative of F.
F : Signal.
min_length: Minimum length of plateau.
tolerance: Number between 0 and 1 indicating how tolerant
the requirement of constant slope of the plateau is.
smoothing: Size of uniform filter 1D applied to F and its derivatives.
plateaus: array of plateau left and right edges pairs
dF: (smoothed) derivative of F
d2F: (smoothed) Second Derivative of F
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.filters import uniform_filter1d
# calculate smooth gradients
smoothF = uniform_filter1d(F, size = smoothing)
dF = uniform_filter1d(np.gradient(smoothF),size = smoothing)
d2F = uniform_filter1d(np.gradient(dF),size = smoothing)
def zero_runs(x):
Helper function for finding sequences of 0s in a signal
iszero = np.concatenate(([0], np.equal(x, 0).view(np.int8), [0]))
absdiff = np.abs(np.diff(iszero))
ranges = np.where(absdiff == 1)[0].reshape(-1, 2)
return ranges
# Find ranges where second derivative is zero
# Values under eps are assumed to be zero.
eps = np.quantile(abs(d2F),tolerance)
smalld2F = (abs(d2F) <= eps)
# Find repititions in the mask "smalld2F" (i.e. ranges where d2F is constantly zero)
p = zero_runs(np.diff(smalld2F))
# np.diff(p) gives the length of each range found.
# only accept plateaus of min_length
plateaus = p[(np.diff(p) > min_length).flatten()]
return (plateaus, dF, d2F)

how can we use scipy.signal.resample to downsample the speech signal from 44100 to 8000 Hz signal?

fs, s = wav.read('wave.wav')
This signal has 44100 Hz sampleing frquency, I want to donwnsample this signal to 8Khz using
scipy.signal.resample(s,s.size/5.525) but the second element can't be float, so, how can we use this function for resmapling the speech signal?
How we can use scipy.signal.resample to downsample the speech signal from 44100 to 8000 Hz in python?
Okay then, another solution, this one with scipy for real. Just what asked for.
This is the doc string of scipy.signal.resample():
Resample `x` to `num` samples using Fourier method along the given axis.
The resampled signal starts at the same value as `x` but is sampled
with a spacing of ``len(x) / num * (spacing of x)``. Because a
Fourier method is used, the signal is assumed to be periodic.
x : array_like
The data to be resampled.
num : int
The number of samples in the resampled signal.
t : array_like, optional
If `t` is given, it is assumed to be the sample positions
associated with the signal data in `x`.
axis : int, optional
The axis of `x` that is resampled. Default is 0.
window : array_like, callable, string, float, or tuple, optional
Specifies the window applied to the signal in the Fourier
domain. See below for details.
resampled_x or (resampled_x, resampled_t)
Either the resampled array, or, if `t` was given, a tuple
containing the resampled array and the corresponding resampled
The argument `window` controls a Fourier-domain window that tapers
the Fourier spectrum before zero-padding to alleviate ringing in
the resampled values for sampled signals you didn't intend to be
interpreted as band-limited.
If `window` is a function, then it is called with a vector of inputs
indicating the frequency bins (i.e. fftfreq(x.shape[axis]) ).
If `window` is an array of the same length as `x.shape[axis]` it is
assumed to be the window to be applied directly in the Fourier
domain (with dc and low-frequency first).
For any other type of `window`, the function `scipy.signal.get_window`
is called to generate the window.
The first sample of the returned vector is the same as the first
sample of the input vector. The spacing between samples is changed
from dx to:
dx * len(x) / num
If `t` is not None, then it represents the old sample positions,
and the new sample positions will be returned as well as the new
As you should know, 8000 Hz means that one second of your signal contains 8000 samples, and for 44100 Hz, it means that one second contains 44100 samples.
Then, just calculate how many samples do you need for 8000 Hz and use the number as an second argument to scipy.signal.resample().
You may use the method that Nathan Whitehead used in a resample function that I coppied in other answer (with scaling),
or go through time i.e.
secs = len(X)/44100.0 # Number of seconds in signal X
samps = secs*8000 # Number of samples to downsample
Y = scipy.signal.resample(X, samps)
This I picked from SWMixer module written by Nathan Whitehead:
import numpy
def resample(smp, scale=1.0):
"""Resample a sound to be a different length
Sample must be mono. May take some time for longer sounds
sampled at 44100 Hz.
Keyword arguments:
scale - scale factor for length of sound (2.0 means double length)
# f*ing cool, numpy can do this with one command
# calculate new length of sample
n = round(len(smp) * scale)
# use linear interpolation
# endpoint keyword means than linspace doesn't go all the way to 1.0
# If it did, there are some off-by-one errors
# e.g. scale=2.0, [1,2,3] should go to [1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3]
# but with endpoint=True, we get [1,1.4,1.8,2.2,2.6,3]
# Both are OK, but since resampling will often involve
# exact ratios (i.e. for 44100 to 22050 or vice versa)
# using endpoint=False gets less noise in the resampled sound
return numpy.interp(
numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0, n, endpoint=False), # where to interpret
numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0, len(smp), endpoint=False), # known positions
smp, # known data points
So, if you are using scipy, that means that you have numpy too. If scipy is not "a MUST#, use this, it works perfectly.
this code if you want to resample all wav files in some folder:
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
from scipy.io import wavfile
from scipy.signal import resample
def scip_rs(file):
sr, wv = wavfile.read(file)
if sr==16000:
sec = len(wv)/sr
nsmp = int(sec*16000)+1
rwv = resample(wv, nsmp)
wavfile.write(file, 16000, rwv/(2**15-1))
except Exception as e:
print('Error in file : ', file)
for file in tqdm(np.array(df.filepath.tolist())):

Fastest way to get average value of frequencies within range [closed]

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I am new in python as well as in signal processing. I am trying to calculate mean value among some frequency range of a signal.
What I am trying to do is as follows:
import numpy as np
data = <my 1d signal>
lF = <lower frequency>
uF = <upper frequency>
ps = np.abs(np.fft.fft(data)) ** 2 #array of power spectrum
time_step = 1.0 / 2000.0
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(data.size, time_step) # array of frequencies
idx = np.argsort(freqs) # sorting frequencies
sum = 0
c =0
for i in idx:
if (freqs[i] >= lF) and (freqs[i] <= uF) :
sum += ps[i]
c +=1
avgValue = sum/c
print 'mean value is=',avgValue
I think calculation is fine, but it takes a lot of time like for data of more than 15GB and processing time grows exponentially. Is there any fastest way available such that I would be able to get mean value of power spectrum within some frequency range in fastest manner. Thanks in advance.
I followed this code for calculation of power spectrum.
This doesn't answer to my question as it calculates mean over the whole array/list but I want mean over part of the array.
Solution by jez of using mask reduces time. Actually I have more than 10 channels of 1D signal and I want to treat them in a same manner i.e. average frequencies in a range of each channel separately. I think python loops are slow. Is there any alternate for that?
Like this:
for i in xrange(0,15):
data = signals[:, i]
ps = np.abs(np.fft.fft(data)) ** 2
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(data.size, time_step)
mask = np.logical_and(freqs >= lF, freqs <= uF )
avgValue = ps[mask].mean()
print 'mean value is=',avgValue
The following performs a mean over a selected region:
mask = numpy.logical_and( freqs >= lF, freqs <= uF )
avgValue = ps[ mask ].mean()
For proper scaling of power values that have been computed as abs(fft coefficients)**2, you will need to multiply by (2.0 / len(data))**2 (Parseval's theorem)
Note that it gets slightly fiddly if your frequency range includes the Nyquist frequency—for precise results, handling of that single frequency component would then need to depend on whether data.size is even or odd). So for simplicity, ensure that uF is strictly less than max(freqs). [For similar reasons you should ensure lF > 0.]
The reasons for this are tedious to explain and even more tedious to correct for, but basically: the DC component is represented once in the DFT, whereas most other frequency components are represented twice (positive frequency and negative frequency) at half-amplitude each time. The even-more-annoying exception is the Nyquist frequency which is represented once at full amplitude if the signal length is even, but twice at half amplitude if the signal length is odd. All of this would not affect you if you were averaging amplitude: in a linear system, being represented twice compensates for being at half amplitude. But you're averaging power, i.e. squaring the values before averaging, so this compensation doesn't work out.
I've pasted my code for grokking all of this. This code also shows how you can work with multiple signals stacked in one numpy array, which addresses your follow-up question about avoiding loops in the multi-channel case. Remember to supply the correct axis argument both to numpy.fft.fft() and to my fft2ap().
If you really have a signal of 15 GB size, you'll not be able to calculate the FFT in an acceptable time. You can avoid using the FFT, if it is acceptable for you to approximate your frequency range by a band pass filter. The justification is the Poisson summation formula, which states that sum of squares is not changed by a FFT (or: the power is preserved). Staying in the time domain will let the processing time rise proportionally to the signal length.
The following code designs a Butterworth band path filter, plots the filter response and filters a sample signal:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal
dd = np.random.randn(10**4) # generate sample data
T = 1./2e3 # sampling interval
n, f_s = len(dd), 1./T # number of points and sampling frequency
# design band path filter:
f_l, f_u = 50, 500 # Band from 50 Hz to 500 Hz
wp = np.array([f_l, f_u])*2/f_s # normalized pass band frequnecies
ws = np.array([0.8*f_l, 1.2*f_u])*2/f_s # normalized stop band frequencies
b, a = signal.iirdesign(wp, ws, gpass=60, gstop=80, ftype="butter",
# plot filter response:
w, h = signal.freqz(b, a, whole=False)
ff_w = w*f_s/(2*np.pi)
fg, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_title('Butterworth filter amplitude response')
ax.plot(ff_w, np.abs(h))
ax.set_ylabel('relative Amplitude')
ax.set_xlabel('Frequency in Hertz')
# do the filtering:
zi = signal.lfilter_zi(b, a)*dd[0]
dd1, _ = signal.lfilter(b, a, dd, zi=zi)
# calculate the avarage:
avg = np.mean(dd1**2)
print("RMS values is %g" % avg)
Read the documentation to Scipy's Filter design to learn how to modify the parameters of the filter.
If you want to stay with the FFT, read the docs on signal.welch and plt.psd. The Welch algorithm is a method to efficiently calculate the power spectral density of a signal (with some trade-offs).
It is much easier to work with FFT if your arrays are power of 2. When you do fft the frequencies ranges from -pi/timestep to pi/timestep (assuming that frequency is defined as w = 2*pi/t, change the values accordingly if you use f =1/t representation). Your spectrum is arranged as 0 to minfreqq--maxfreq to zero. you can now use fftshift function to swap the frequencies and your spectrum looks like minfreq -- DC -- maxfreq. now you can easily determine your desired frequency range because it is already sorted.
The frequency step dw=2*pi/(time span) or max-frequency/(N/2) where N is array size.
N/2 point is DC or 0 frequency. Nth position is max frequency now you can easily determine your range
I hope this will help

How to implement/perform DFT on a segment in python?

I am trying to write a simple program in python that will calculate and display DFT output of 1 segment.
My signal is 3 seconds long, I want to calculate DFT for every 10ms long segment. Sampling rate is 44100. So one segment is 441 samples long.
Since I am in the phase of testing this and original program is much larger(speech recognition) here is an isolated part for testing purposes that unfortunately behaves odd. Either that or my lack of knowledge on the subject.
I read somewhere that DFT input should be rounded to power of 2 so I arranged my array to 512 instead 441. Is this true?
If I am sampling at a rate of 44100, at most I can reach frequency of 22050Hz and for sample of length 512(~441) at least 100Hz ?
If 2. is true, then I can have all frequencies between 100hz and 22050hz in that 10ms segments, but the length of segment is 512(441) samples only, output of fft returns array of 256(220) values, they cannot contain all 21950 frequencies in there, can they?
My first guess is that the values in output of fft should be multiplied by 100, since 10ms is 100th of a second. Is this good reasoning?
The following program for two given frequencies 1000 and 2000 returns two spikes on graph at positions 24 and 48 in the output array and ~2071 and ~4156 on the graph. Since ratio of numbers is okay (2000:1000 = 48:24) I wonder if I should ignore some starting part of the fft output?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
t = np.arange(0, 1, 1/512.0) # We create 512 long array
# We calculate here two sinusoids together at 1000hz and 2000hz
y = np.sin(2*np.pi*1000*t) + np.sin(2*np.pi*2000*t)
n = len(y)
k = np.arange(n)
# Problematic part is around here, I am not quite sure what
# should be on the horizontal line
T = n/44100.0
frq = k/T
frq = frq[range(n/2)]
Y = fft(y)
Y = Y[range(n/2)]
# Convert from complex numbers to magnitudes
iY = []
for f in Y:
iY.append(np.sqrt(f.imag * f.imag + f.real * f.real))
plt.plot(frq, iY, 'r')
plt.xlabel('freq (HZ)')
I read somewhere that the DFT input should be rounded to power of 2 so I arranged my array to 512 instead 441. Is this true?
The DFT is defined for all sizes. However, implementations of the DFT such as the FFT are generally much more efficient for sizes which can be factored in small primes. Some library implementations have limitations and do not support sizes other than powers of 2, but that isn't the case with numpy.
If I am sampling at a rate of 44100, at most I can reach frequency of 22050Hz and for sample of length 512(~441) at least 100Hz?
The highest frequency for even sized DFT will be 44100/2 = 22050Hz as you've correctly pointed out. Note that for odd sized DFT the highest frequency bin will correspond to a frequency slightly less than the Nyquist frequency. As for the minimum frequency, it will always be 0Hz. The next non-zero frequency will be 44100.0/N where N is the DFT length in samples (which gives 100Hz if you are using a DFT length of 441 samples and ~86Hz with a DFT length of 512 samples).
If 2) is true, then I can have all frequencies between 100Hz and 22050Hz in that 10ms segments, but the length of segment is 512(441) samples only, output of fft returns array of 256(220) values, they cannot contain all 21950 frequencies in there, can they?
First there aren't 21950 frequencies between 100Hz and 22050Hz since frequencies are continuous and not limited to integer frequencies. That said, you are correct in your realization that the output of the DFT will be limited to a much smaller set of frequencies. More specifically the DFT represents the frequency spectrum at discrete frequency step: 0, 44100/N, 2*44100/N, ...
My first guess is that the values in output of FFT should be multiplied by 100, since 10ms is 100th of a second. Is this good reasoning?
There is no need to multiply the FFT output by 100. But if you meant multiples of 100Hz with a DFT of length 441 and a sampling rate of 44100Hz, then your guess would be correct.
The following program for two given frequencies 1000 and 2000 returns two spikes on graph at positions 24 and 48 in the output array and ~2071 and ~4156 on the graph. Since ratio of numbers is okay (2000:1000 = 48:24) I wonder if I should ignore some starting part of the fft output?
Here the problem is more significant. As you declare the array
t = np.arange(0, 1, 1/512.0) # We create 512 long array
you are in fact representing a signal with a sampling rate of 512Hz instead of 44100Hz. As a result the tones you are generating are severely aliased (to 24Hz and 48Hz respectively). This is further compounded by the fact that you then use a sampling rate of 44100Hz for the frequency axis conversion. This is why the peaks are not appearing at the expected 1000Hz and 2000Hz frequencies.
To represent 512 samples of a signal sampled at a rate of 44100Hz, you should instead use
t = np.arange(0, 511.0/44100, 1/44100.0)
at which point the formula you used for the frequency axis would be correct (since it is based of the same 44100Hz sampling rate). You should then be able to see peaks near the expected 1000Hz and 2000Hz (the closest frequency bins of the peaks being at ~1033Hz and 1981Hz).
1) I read somewhere that DFT input should be rounded to power of 2 so
I aranged my array to 512 instead 441. Is this true?
Yes, DFT length should be a power of two. Just pad the input with zero to match 512.
2) If I am sampling at a rate of 44100, at most I can reach frequency
of 22050hz and for sample of length 512(~441) at least 100hz ?
Yes, the highest frequency you can get is half the the sampling rate, It's called the Nyquist frequency.
No, the lowest frequency bin you get (the first bin of the DFT) is called the DC component and marks the average of the signal. The next lowest frequency bin in your case is 22050 / 256 = 86Hz, and then 172Hz, 258Hz, and so on until 22050Hz.
You can get this freqs with the numpy.fftfreq() function.
3) If 2) is true, then I can have all frequencies between 100hz and
22050hz in that 10ms segments, but the length of segment is 512(441)
samples only, output of fft returns array of 256(220) values, they
cannot contain all 21950 frequencies in there, can they?
DFT doesn't lose the original signal's data, but it lacks accuracy when the DFT size is small. You may zero-pad it to make the DFT size larger, such as 1024 or 2048.
The DFT bin refers to a frequency range centered at each of the N output
points. The width of the bin is sample rate/2,
and it extends from: center frequency -(sample rate/N)/2 to center
frequency +(sample rate/N)/2. In other words, half of the bin extends
below each of the N output points, and half above it.
4) My first guess is that the values in output of fft should be
multiplied by 100, since 10ms is 100th of a second. Is this good
No, The value should not be multiplied if you want to preserve the magnitude.
The following program for two given frequencies 1000 and 2000 returns
two spikes on graph at positions 24 and 48 in the output array and
~2071 and ~4156 on the graph. Since ratio of numbers is okay
(2000:1000 = 48:24) I wonder if I should ignore some starting part of
the fft output?
The DFT result is mirrored in real input. In other words, your frequencies will be like this:
n 0 1 2 3 4 ... 255 256 257 ... 511 512
Hz DC 86 172 258 344 ... 21964 22050 21964 ... 86 0

Integration in Fourier or time domain

I'm struggling to understand a problem with numerical integration of a signal. Basically I have a signal which I would like to integrate or perform and antiderivative as a function of time (integration of pick-up coil for getting magnetic field). I've tried two different methods which in principle should be consistent but they are not. The code I'm using is the following. Beware that the signals y in the code has been previously high pass filtered using butterworth filtering (similar to what done here http://wiki.scipy.org/Cookbook/ButterworthBandpass). The signal and time basis can be downloaded here (https://www.dropbox.com/s/fi5z38sae6j5410/trial.npz?dl=0)
import scipy as sp
from scipy import integrate
from scipy import fftpack
data = np.load('trial.npz')
y = data['arr_1'] # this is the signal
t = data['arr_0']
# integration using pfft
bI = sp.fftpack.diff(y-y.mean(),order=-1)
bI2= sp.integrate.cumtrapz(y-y.mean(),x=t)
Now the two signals (besides the eventual different linear trend which can be taken out) are different, or better dynamically they are quite similar with the same time of oscillations but there is a factor approximately of 30 between the two signals, in the sense that bI2 is 30 times (approximately) lower than bI. BTW I've subtracted the mean in both the two signals to be sure that they are zero mean signals and performing integration in IDL (both with equivalent cumsumtrapz and in the fourier domain) gives values compatible with bI2. Any clue is really welcomed
It's difficult to know what scipy.fftpack.diff() is doing under the bonnet.
To try and solve your problem, I have dug up an old frequency domain integration function that I wrote a while ago. It's worth pointing out that in practice, one generally wants a bit more control of some of the parameters than scipy.fftpack.diff() gives you. For example, the f_lo and f_hi parameters of my intf() function allow you to band-limit the input to exclude very low or very high frequencies which may be noisy. Noisy low frequencies in particular can 'blow-up' during integration and overwhelm the signal. You may also want to use a window at the start and end of the time series to stop spectral leakage.
I have calculated bI2 and also a result, bI3, integrated once with intf() using the following code (I assumed an average sampling rate for simplicity):
import intf
from scipy import integrate
data = np.load(path)
y = data['arr_1']
t = data['arr_0']
bI2= sp.integrate.cumtrapz(y-y.mean(),x=t)
bI3 = intf.intf(y-y.mean(), fs=500458, f_lo=1, winlen=1e-2, times=1)
I plotted bI2 and bI3:
The two time series are of the same order of magnitude, and broadly the same shape, notwithstanding the piecewise linear trend apparent in bI2. I know this doesn't explain what's going on in the scipy function, but at least this shows it's not a problem with the frequency domain method.
The code for intf is pasted in full below.
def intf(a, fs, f_lo=0.0, f_hi=1.0e12, times=1, winlen=1, unwin=False):
Numerically integrate a time series in the frequency domain.
This function integrates a time series in the frequency domain using
'Omega Arithmetic', over a defined frequency band.
a : array_like
Input time series.
fs : int
Sampling rate (Hz) of the input time series.
f_lo : float, optional
Lower frequency bound over which integration takes place.
Defaults to 0 Hz.
f_hi : float, optional
Upper frequency bound over which integration takes place.
Defaults to the Nyquist frequency ( = fs / 2).
times : int, optional
Number of times to integrate input time series a. Can be either
0, 1 or 2. If 0 is used, function effectively applies a 'brick wall'
frequency domain filter to a.
Defaults to 1.
winlen : int, optional
Number of seconds at the beginning and end of a file to apply half a
Hanning window to. Limited to half the record length.
Defaults to 1 second.
unwin : Boolean, optional
Whether or not to remove the window applied to the input time series
from the output time series.
out : complex ndarray
The zero-, single- or double-integrated acceleration time series.
1.1 First development version.
Uses rfft to avoid complex return values.
Checks for even length time series; if not, end-pad with single zero.
1.2 Zero-means time series to avoid spurious errors when applying Hanning
a = a - a.mean() # Convert time series to zero-mean
if np.mod(a.size,2) != 0: # Check for even length time series
odd = True
a = np.append(a, 0) # If not, append zero to array
odd = False
f_hi = min(fs/2, f_hi) # Upper frequency limited to Nyquist
winlen = min(a.size/2, winlen) # Limit window to half record length
ni = a.size # No. of points in data (int)
nf = float(ni) # No. of points in data (float)
fs = float(fs) # Sampling rate (Hz)
df = fs/nf # Frequency increment in FFT
stf_i = int(f_lo/df) # Index of lower frequency bound
enf_i = int(f_hi/df) # Index of upper frequency bound
window = np.ones(ni) # Create window function
es = int(winlen*fs) # No. of samples to window from ends
edge_win = np.hanning(es) # Hanning window edge
window[:es/2] = edge_win[:es/2]
window[-es/2:] = edge_win[-es/2:]
a_w = a*window
FFTspec_a = np.fft.rfft(a_w) # Calculate complex FFT of input
FFTfreq = np.fft.fftfreq(ni, d=1/fs)[:ni/2+1]
w = (2*np.pi*FFTfreq) # Omega
iw = (0+1j)*w # i*Omega
mask = np.zeros(ni/2+1) # Half-length mask for +ve freqs
mask[stf_i:enf_i] = 1.0 # Mask = 1 for desired +ve freqs
if times == 2: # Double integration
FFTspec = -FFTspec_a*w / (w+EPS)**3
elif times == 1: # Single integration
FFTspec = FFTspec_a*iw / (iw+EPS)**2
elif times == 0: # No integration
FFTspec = FFTspec_a
print 'Error'
FFTspec *= mask # Select frequencies to use
out_w = np.fft.irfft(FFTspec) # Return to time domain
if unwin == True:
out = out_w*window/(window+EPS)**2 # Remove window from time series
out = out_w
if odd == True: # Check for even length time series
return out[:-1] # If not, remove last entry
return out
