I have sets of Google Analytics data from a website which I plan to analyse for a project. However, due to maintenance and other factors, there are chunks of dates for which there is no data. I want to impute this data while still maintaining the integrity of the data as I plan to plot these sets and compare the curves of different sets to each-other over time.
I want to use the nearest valid datapoints to each missing datapoint to impute that value in order to maintain the underlying shape that can be seen from the image.
I've already tried to use scikit-learn's KNN-Imputer and Iterative Imputer but I'm either miss-understanding how these imputers are supposed to be used or they're not the correct for what I'm trying to do, potentially both.
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.experimental import enable_iterative_imputer
from sklearn.impute import IterativeImputer
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', names=['Day','Views'],delimiter=',',skiprows=3, usecols=[0,1], skipfooter=1, engine='python', quoting= 1)
df = df.replace(0, np.nan)
da = df.Views.rename_axis('ID').values
da = da.reshape(-1,1)
imputer = IterativeImputer(n_nearest_features = 100, max_iter = 10)
df_imputed = imputer.fit_transform(da)
df.Views = df_imputed
All of the NaN values are calculated to be the exact same number from what I have currently implemented.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The problem here was I reshaping the array. My data was just a 1D array of values so I was making it 2D by reshaping the array which was causing all the NaN values to be calculated as the same. When I added an index column and included this as an input to the imputer the values were calculated correctly.I also ended up using a KNN imputer from sklearn instead of the iterative imputer in this instance.
I am using sklearn for KNN regressor:
#importing libraries and data
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor as KNR
theta = pd.read_csv("train.csv")#pandas dataframe
#getting data wanted from theta and putting it in a new dataframe
a = theta.get("YearBuilt")
b = theta.get("YrSold")
A = a.to_frame()
B = b.to_frame()
glasses = [A,B]
x = pd.concat(glasses)
#getting target data
y = theta.get("SalePrice")
#using KNN
horses = KNR(n_neighbors = 3)
I get this error message:
ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float64').
Could someone please explain this? My data is in the hundred thousands for target and the thousands for input. And there is no blanks in the data.
Before answering the question, Let me refactor the code. You are using a dataframe so you can index single or muliple fields of the dataframe without going through the extra steps you've used:
#importing libraries and data
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor as KNR
theta = pd.read_csv("train.csv") # pandas dataframe
#getting data wanted from theta and putting it in a new dataframe
x = theta[["YearBuilt", "YrSold"]] # index multiple fields
#getting target data
y = theta["SalePrice"] # index single field
#using KNN
horses = KNR(n_neighbors = 3)
horses.fit(x,y) # fit KNN
Regarding your error, it indicates that you have some NaN, Inf, large values in your data. You can ensure these doesnt occur by filtering out the NaN and inf values using this:
theta = theta.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan)
am attempting to take a .dat file of about 90,000 data lines of two variables (wavelength and intensity) and apply a sklearn.pca filter to it.
Here is a small set of that data:
wavelength intensity
[um] [W/m**2/um/sr]
196.078431372549 1.108370393265022E-003
192.307692307692 1.163428008597600E-003
188.679245283019 1.223639983609668E-003
The code I am using to analyze the data is below
pca= PCA(n_components=2)
The error code I get is this when I try to apply 2 pca components to one of the data sets:
ValueError: Datatype coercion is not allowed
Any help resolving would be much appreciated
I think in your case, the problem is the column name, especially [W/m**2/um/sr].
Also when using PCA, do not forget to rescale the input variables into "comparable" units using StandardScaler.
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
data = pd.DataFrame({'wavelength [um]': [196.078431372549, 1.108370393265022E-003, 192.307692307692], 'intensity [W/m**2/um/sr]': [1.163428008597600E-003, 188.679245283019, 1.223639983609668E-003]})
scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean=True, with_std=True)
pca= PCA(n_components=2)
Worked well for me. Maybe you just need to specify:
data.columns = data.columns.astype(str)
I want to normalize all the numeric values in my dataset.
I have taken my whole dataset into a pandas dataframe.
My code to do this so far:
for column in numeric: #numeric=df._get_numeric_data()
But how do i verify this is correct though?
I tried plotting a histogram for one of the columns before normalizing and after adding this piece of code before and after my for loop:
x=df['Below.Primary'] #Below.Primary is one of my column names
plt.hist(x, bins=45)
The blue histogram was before the for loop and the orange, after.
My total code looked like this:
ln[21] plt.hist(df['Below.Primary'], bins=45)
ln[22] for column in numeric:
plt.hist(x, bins=45)
I don't see any reduction in scale. What have i done wrong? If not correct, can someone point out the correct way to do what i wanted to do?
Try use this:
scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
df[col] = scaler.fit_transform(df[col])
A couple general things first.
If numeric is a list of column names (looks like this is the case), the for loop is not necessary.
A Pandas series using an ndarray under the hood so you can just request the ndarray with Series.values instead of calling np.array(). See this page on the Pandas Series.
I am assuming you are using preprocessing from sklearn.
I recommend using sklearn.preprocessing.Normalizer for this.
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import Normalizer
### Without the for loop (recommended)
# this version returns array
normalizer = Normalizer()
normalized_values = normalizer.fit_transform(df[numeric])
# normalized_values is a 2D array which is useful
# for many applications
# to convert back to DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(normalized_values, columns = numeric)
### with the for-loop (not recommended)
for column in numeric:
x_array = df[column].values.reshape(-1,1)
df[column] = normalizer.fit_transform(x_array)
You have to set normalized_X to the respective column while iterating.
for column in numeric:
df[column]= normalized_X #Setting normalized value in the column
plt.hist(x, bins=45)
I am taking my first steps with scikit library and found myself in need of backfilling only some columns in my data frame.
I have read carefully the documentation but I still cannot figure out how to achieve this.
To make this more specific, let's say I have:
A = [[7,2,3],[4,np.nan,6],[10,5,np.nan]]
And that I would like to fill in the second column with the mean but not the third. How can I do this with SimpleImputer (or another helper class)?
An evolution from this, and the natural follow up questions is: how can I fill the second column with the mean and the last column with a constant (only for cells that had no values to begin with, obviously)?
There is no need to use the SimpleImputer.
DataFrame.fillna() can do the work as well
For the second column, use
column.fillna(column.mean(), inplace=True)
For the third column, use
column.fillna(constant, inplace=True)
Of course, you will need to replace column with your DataFrame's column you want to change and constant with your desired constant.
Since the use of inplace is discouraged and will be deprecated, the syntax should be
column = column.fillna(column.mean())
Following Dan's advice, an example of using ColumnTransformer and SimpleImputer to backfill the columns is:
import numpy as np
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
A = [[7,2,3],[4,np.nan,6],[10,5,np.nan]]
column_trans = ColumnTransformer(
[('imp_col1', SimpleImputer(strategy='mean'), [1]),
('imp_col2', SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value=29), [2])],
print(column_trans.fit_transform(A)[:, [2,0,1]])
# [[7 2.0 3]
# [4 3.5 6]
# [10 5.0 29]]
This approach helps with constructing pipelines which are more suitable for larger applications.
This is methode I use, you can replace low_cardinality_cols by cols you want to encode. But this works also justt set value unique to max(df.columns.nunique()).
#check cardinalité des cols a encoder
low_cardinality_cols = [cname for cname in df.columns if df[cname].nunique() < 16 and
df[cname].dtype == "object"]
Why thes columns, it's recommanded, to encode only cols with cardinality near 10.
# Replace NaN, if not you'll stuck
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
imp = SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy='most_frequent') # feel free to use others strategy
df[low_cardinality_cols] = imp.fit_transform(df[low_cardinality_cols])
# Apply label encoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
label_encoder = LabelEncoder()
for col in low_cardinality_cols:
df[col] = label_encoder.fit_transform(df[col])
I am assuming you have your data as a pandas dataframe.
In this case, all you need to do to use the SimpleImputer from scikitlearn is to pick the specific column your looking to impute nan's using say using the 'most_frequent' values, convert it to a numpy array and reshape into a column vector.
An example of this is,
## Imputing the missing values, we fill the missing values using the 'most_frequent'
# We are using the california housing dataset in this example
housing = pd.read_csv('housing.csv')
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
imp = SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy='most_frequent')
#Simple imputer expects a column vector, so converting the pandas Series
housing['total_bedrooms'] = imp.fit_transform(housing['total_bedrooms'].to_numpy().reshape(-1,1))
Similarly, you can pick any column in your dataset convert into a NumPy array, reshape it and use the SimpleImputer
My question is I have so many columns in my pandas data frame and I am trying to apply the sklearn preprocessing using dataframe mapper from sklearn-pandas library such as
mapper= DataFrameMapper([
I am just wondering whether there is another more succinct way for me to preprocess many variables at one time without writing them out explicitly.
Another thing that I found a little bit annoying is when I transformed all the pandas data frame into arrays which sklearn can work with, they will lose the column name features, which makes the selection very difficult. Does anyone knows how to preserve the column names as the key when change the pandas data frames to np arrays?
Thank you so much!
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer, LabelEncoder, StandardScaler
from sklearn_pandas import DataFrameMapper
encoders = ['gradelevel', 'subject', 'districtid']
scalars = ['sbmRate', 'pRate', 'assn1', 'assn2', 'assn3', 'assn4', 'assn5', 'attd1', 'attd2', 'attd3', 'attd4', 'attd5', 'sbm1', 'sbm2', 'sbm3', 'sbm4', 'sbm5']
mapper = DataFrameMapper(
[('gender', LabelBinarizer())] +
[(encoder, LabelEncoder()) for encoder in encoders] +
[(scalar, StandardScaler()) for scalar in scalars]
If you're doing this a lot, you could even write your own function:
mapper = data_frame_mapper(binarizers=['gender'],
encoders=['gradelevel', 'subject', 'districtid'],
scalars=['sbmRate', 'pRate', 'assn1', 'assn2', 'assn3', 'assn4', 'assn5', 'attd1', 'attd2', 'attd3', 'attd4', 'attd5', 'sbm1', 'sbm2', 'sbm3', 'sbm4', 'sbm5'])